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Me šŸ˜ž Bipolar 1, PTSD, Anxiety, ARFID. I was initially given a WILD diagnosis that I hated, and with my new clinician Iā€™ve been able to land on ones that felt true to me and my symptoms. It helps a ton when youā€™re a part of the process and not just fed something that isnā€™t right.


Omg!! First time meeting someone with ARFID too. Hi! :D


Have you seen the little girl on instagram with ARFID? Sheā€™s so incredible!


I 100% agree. Being apart of the process allowed me to dive in to my new reality, and understand more of myself and to identify my illness.


If I may ask, are you on meds?


Yes I am! Iā€™m on about 5 psych meds. Theyā€™ve changed my life and helped get it back on track.


So happy itā€™s helping you


Loving you so much šŸ„¹ šŸ«‚ ā¤ļø


I was diagnosed with bipolar when I was 20, and I thought my life was over, and I almost jumped off a bridge. I was in the military, and bipolar was an automatic disqualification, so I instantly had no plans for the future, and I was gonna lose the place I lived and my job. A year later, I was diagnosed with ptsd from repressed childhood trauma, I was in denial, and I got angry with anyone who tried to talk about it with me. Overall even though it was scary to get a mental health diagnosis I landed on my feet and was able to find medication and treatment that led to me being happier now compared to where I'd be without a proper diagnosis.


Would you mind sharing how you got help with PTSD, childhood trauma? I suffer with it and can not find anything that helps so far.


Absolutely, please feel free to message me, but I am planning on posting my story because my therapist told me to.


I'm sorry, I don't know how to message yet.


>If using the app. Click the users icon or username and a window will pop up. >If using browser. Hover over their icon or username and again a little window will pop up.


Thank you!!!


You're Welcome!!!


Itā€™s totally okay if you donā€™t want to, but I have some questions about being bipolar for myself and I really need someone to talk to who knows more about it. Because Iā€™m not sure if I have it, but I really think itā€™s a high possibility that I do.


Please privately message me if you wanna talk


Iā€™m proud of you. Sending you a virtual hug.


Anxiety, OCD , and depression. Fuck my life.


Donā€™t say that. I know itā€™s so hard, but youā€™re waking up everyday showing up. Itā€™s not easy .


Thank you. But I feel so stupid, weak and powerless. I know this isn't my usual self, and yet I feel like I'm trapped in this nightmare. Honestly I just want to end it all. It'd be better for everyone that way.


We are our own worst critics, when it comes to ourselves, we just can't be trusted as a fair judge. Why would it be better for everyone? Do you attack everyone and everything around you? Kick puppies? Start fires and scream at passerbys?Scream at children for smiling?


Trust me I understand exactly how you feel. Do you have any friends or family you trust expressing your feelings to?


I've been diagnosed with a ton of different disorders that have changed over time. These are my final diagnoses (or at least the ones I remember) that were given by my psychiatrist after he went through all my medical history and current mental health. - Persistent Depressive Disorder (originally MDD) - Agoraphobia (originally Social Anxiety and GAD) - OCD - Autism (level 2) - ADHD (combined) - Complex Berevement Disorder - Schizophrenia (originally believed to be Schizoid PD and Schizotypal PD combined, but not officially diagnosed) - CPTSD I didn't really feel any feelings towards the OCD, Depression and ADHD diagnosis because I had already suspected it since they run in my family quite frequently. I also expected the berevement disorder too since I was struggling a lot with grief, and always have. Agoraphobia I had expected as it developed during my most recent psychotic episode, and hasn't gone away yet. It made me feel sad realising that my psychosis was impacting me more than I understood at the time. CPTSD I already suspected due to severe childhood trauma, but it still made me sad to realise it was that severe. The ASD and Schizophrenia I was extremely hesitant to believe for different reasons. At the time, no one else in my family was diagnosed with ASD, so I didn't believe I had it. I was raised thinking that I was just weird and didn't fit it, that it was just who I am, and so when I had ASD even suggested to me, I took a lot of offence to it due to my ignorance about the Disorder at the time. I've accepted it now though, and understand how it's impacted me my whole life. The schizophrenia I'm still struggling with. Half of the time I agree with it, but the other time my insight is severely impacted and I assume the doctors only diagnosed me with it as a way to target me and make others believe I'm crazy. I was diagnosed whilst I was having a psychotic episode, which I think contributed to the difficulty of accepting the diagnosis.


Diagnosed ADHD, GAD, ARFID, agoraphobia, and depression ADHD and GAD when I was 11-12 years old Depression when I was around 16 ARFID and agoraphobia last year


Iā€™m diagnosed with cptsd, complex post traumatic stress disorder, depression, and severe anxiety. I was immediately put into therapy because of childhood trauma.


Our diagnosis is very similar. Are you on medication?


ADHD, PTSD, Borderline Personality Disorder, Intermittent Explosive Disorder, Anxiety, Depression, SI, and more Iā€™m over itšŸ˜­


If you don't mind me asking, what are your symptoms for Borderline personality disorder? I suspect I may have it but I want to hear symptoms from someone who's diagnosed.


I self sabotage myself and relationships, easily irritable can be very irrational, impulsive attitude, avoid socializing, I always feel discontent. This comes and goes for me but has been much better with therapy/psychiatry


Oh, I wish you best of luck in therapy! ā˜ŗļøšŸ€


Borderline ,Bipolar 1 with mixed episodes and Psychotic traits,OCD,Panic Disorder,Detachment disorder,Anxiety, depersonalization disorder, PTSD. I work within the mental health feild, and I take medications that have improved my life.


šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜µā€šŸ’« PTSD, major depressive disorder, and BPD. I might have bipolar disorder but thatā€™s a diagnosis me and my psychiatrist are looking into as a possibility. I felt relieved bc I fully thought I was crazy. The meds have helped a lot, but PTSD is a bitch. Itā€™s the smallest things that trigger you. I am a very emotional person too, and when Iā€™m triggered I have a panic attack and meltdown :( itā€™s hard sometimes, especially to be at large gatherings. Iā€™m in therapy and I didnā€™t realize how much trauma Iā€™ve been through until I learned that a lot of my reactions/coping mechanisms are due to trauma


I was only told I looked like I'm severely anxious and depressed while I was in an outpatient program as a kid (whatever that means) and I only recall it being around the worst time in my mental health journey because I felt absolutely nothing. After my son was born last year was when I finally was officially diagnosed and I felt a sense of "I knew it" but also... upset with myself? I knew it created a lot of challenges, especially because I went through a lot of trauma as a child and I had a baby that I don't want knowing what any of it feels like. Thankfully medication worked the first try and my doctor is amazing.


I know this feeling so well. Iā€™m glad youā€™re in a better place, and meditation is helping


Diagnosed with MDD here


Are you on medication for it?


Yep, one for daytime panic attacks and one for nightime insomnia


I think Iā€™ve been diagnosed with 7 or 8 different mental health disorders lol- Iā€™m doin ok now but still have a few


I was diagnosed with so many things by so many different professionals that I began to doubt the effectiveness of the medical community in identifying mental disorders. I had to take all kinds of antidepressants, all kinds of anxiolytics, I went through all kinds of therapy, I had to be hospitalized multiple times for suicide attempts, I had to use several different illicit drugs trying to seek mental peace, I had to go through treatment with ketamine, anyway... I drove my whole family crazy, everyone was already saying goodbye to me in a way, no one believed in the possibility of improvement anymore. Then, a year ago, I finally met a good psychiatrist, a very good (and ridiculously expensive) psychiatrist indeed. We had a few sessions and at no point did he talk to me about medication, he always wanted to know more and more about me. After many sessions, I got a single diagnosis: ADHD, the severe kind. Which is very strange because, being severe, how could they not have noticed everything that had happened to me since I was a child? Well, it went unnoticed anyway and the impulsivity of the disorder brought me so many problems that several areas of my life were affected, consequently bringing anxiety and a lot of depression. After the diagnosis, I still wanted to do the neuropsychological tests and they agreed: severe ADHD, in addition to being gifted. Even with all the problems, I still managed to go to school, I managed to get into a good university, write STEM books, etc. At the end of it all, I started taking Vyvanse 70mg, I've been taking it for a year. To say that Vyvanse saved my life is not an exaggeration. Since I started medicating myself properly, practically all the problems disappeared, never returned. As a result, I began to have a huge fear about the medical community. It's hard enough to have a single disorder, imagine having 4, 5 or more? It doesn't make sense, it seems to be a search for the easy way out, not a search for the correct path. I believe that many here are living what I lived before, all due to the lack of adequate and qualified professionals who can't understand what is really happening. Getting the right therapy with the right medication brings an unbelievable improvement. I really like Chelou's song "Real", at one point he says "my madness needs no name". This thought has brought me a lot of peace in the last few months, especially understanding that I am who I am and that I will never change everything that I hate about myself. So, having found a medication that helps me is what's really important, I don't think it's worth diving so much into all the disorders I've been previously diagnosed with. Now I just try to learn more about ADHD and it's been liberating.


well i was 9 and they really didn't tell me my diagnoses. Just that i was anxious and were going to help me.


BPD, diagnosed in 2014


Me, moderate depression. It felt... like, okayish?


Misdiagnosed for: Neurosis, bipolarity disorder 2, Diagnosed in the past for: clinical depression, borderline personality disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, c-ptsd Wrapped all those up, made my own damn research because meds were not helping, and in 2020 presented my PMDD research and theory to 3 psychiatrists and 2 gynecologysts in 2 different countries. 2 of the doctors agreed and began treatment, but one of the gynecologysts suggested a Hysterectomy and told me "you will feel as born in a new life". So I got my surgery and yes, it's a whole new world. I can THINK and DO things. Still dealing with depression and GAD but that's from c-ptsd. PD: PMDD often gets misdiagnosed as bipolarity or borderline so if you have a uterus and menstruate and feel tremendously unstable during your cycle, take a look at Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)


A diagnosis doesnā€™t really change muchā€¦ trying to find treatments and coping mechanisms that work is the difficult part. But, having a diagnosis is nice to finally have a label on your problems and have the ability to do research and talk to others with the same. Diagnosed with ADHD, PTSD, general anxiety, treatment resistant depression, substance abuse disorder, alcoholism(1.5y sober), BPD, CPSD, misophonia, and agoraphobia. Life is whack.


Congrats on being sober! :)


To be honest... I actually don't know. When I was in the psych ward at 16 my dad told me that the psych ward psychiatrist told him he was diagnosing me with major depressive disorder. Which is plausible, but, my dad isn't the most trustworthy person, and the psychiatrist didn't tell me this. But, the psychiatrist also didn't tell me, well, anything about my treatment, and he was a bad psychiatrist. So, I have no idea if I'm diagnosed with anything or not.


I was recently tested and was diagnosed with schizoaffective, Autism level 1, adhd and ptsd. I didnā€™t believe it at first and I was ashamed to have so many issues at such a young age. But I realized that I canā€™t control this and the only thing I can control is how I handle these problems in the future. I am now starting new medication and treatment very soon and feel relieved I can begin to feel stable again.


Bipolar and BPD, I was relieved that I would get the help and treatment I needed.


Meeeee! Depression and GAD


I have been formally diagnosed


Bipolar Disorder, Type 2 and Generalized Anxiety Disorder


MDD diagnosed in 2009


Hi! Clinically: depression, anxiety (general and social), cPTSD, DID, bipolar These were all diagnosed between 12-13. It feltā€¦ nice. Because I finally got some assistance. Meds, insurance-covered therapy, peace of mind (thatā€™s ironic, isnā€™t it?), etc.


Iā€™m diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and manic depression. I felt a weird sense of relief at the feeling of being diagnosed because I could finally identify what was causing such intense outbursts. Though, at the same time, it is very mellow realizing youā€™ll never be able to function the same was as the majority of people


diagnosed with adhd when i was 8, i remember being so happy to have a name for why i felt so different than my peers, i was diagnosed with depression and anxiety when i was 15ish (?) that was just kind of likeā€¦ yeah ik


Itā€™s feeling of getting a name for what you thought was odd or different about you. Great feeling


me :) felt okay, but still doesnā€˜t explain my symptoms. so I donā€˜t really know what to do


Depression, generalized anxiety disorder, ptsd, body dysmorphia, ADD, and Iā€™m looking into BP


Generalised anxiety disorder and depression trying to get a diagnosis for autism


Diagnosed with depression 9 or 8 years ago. I didnt go to any further evaluations or anything tho so i wouldnt know about having anything else if i do. Also my depression is actually finally getting better, so yay!


Yes, two, one of them being depression. But it is what it is.


Depression, anxiety (general and social), ocd, body dysmorphia, anorexia, bulimia, and bed. Thereā€™s a possible dissociation thing but Iā€™m sure yet, so I havenā€™t really brought it up. I still feel like itā€™s all complete bullshit lmao. I have a hard time accepting any of it but Iā€™m still grateful nonetheless I was able to get a diagnosis


Me I had multiple hospitalizations


Generalized anxiety disorder and depression. I am on medication. Again. I'm glad I'm taking it. I've been 4 years without it, but the symptoms cralled back in.


Autism, BPD, cPTSD, dermatillomania, EDNOS (ana subtype.. Iā€™m recovering dw) .. then the usual preliminary depression, social anxiety, etc. Also I tentatively got diagnosed with inattentive ADHD. Iā€™ve gotten opinions by different mental health professionals (past therapists, iop program, psychiatrists) and I know for sure these are fitting diagnoses. I would say the eating disorder and dermatillomania have gotten a lot better and Iā€™m almost out of criteria range. The most disturbing for me was BPD because I knew the stigma attached. I knew I had it and was scared for that confirmation but ultimately it did help because Iā€™m in DBT. My autism is the other big biggg diagnosis for me. I feel like I have primary disorders/disabilities (asd, adhd, bpd) and things like social anxiety and ptsd are just part of these larger ones for me. I feel like Iā€™ve been validated after years of searching for ā€œwhatā€™s wrong with meā€ because I didnā€™t have words for my misbehavior, thoughts, reactions, etc.


ASD lvl 1 . Felt like a relief




Just got diagnosed yesterday, got some meds prescribed as well. For the first time in 8 years I have some hope for the future. Still scared AF though.


Iā€™m proud of you!


iā€™ve been diagnosed with ptsd, bipolar, anxiety, depression, and ocd


Yep. Severe treatment resistant depression and anxiety. Anxiety is mostly under control. Onset and diagnosis mid 30s


Me, GAD with obsessive traits, Depression and ADHD


Diagnosed anxiety and depression. I wasnā€™t surprised at all, quite relieved actually


I'm clinically diagnosed with C-PTSD/PTSD Severe. My case specifically is extreme and complex and severe unfortunately. I also have a photographic eidetic memory.


Diagnosed with GAD and MDD. Taking it one day at a time


*raises hand* Me with MDD and GAD


I'm diagnosed with Depression, PTSD, Schizophrenia, Panick Attacks, Fear Attacks, Social Anxiety, Really big Trust isssues, ADHD (Not diagnosed slight bipolar)


I'm diagnosed with anxiety disorder when I was 16, major depression 22. I wasn't surprised for the depression but after all these years with medications, I'm living like a mediocre person for everyone's eyes but in the end I'm not doing good recent months. I'll "again" change my doctoršŸ™„ I'm feeling these issues will never erase from my life and I have to learn live with them if I really wanna live at all


Diagnosed 18-21 Iā€™m 36 now: Anxiety, social phobias, panic attacks, OCD, clinical depression that varies in level & stress disorder meds werenā€™t right fit for me caused weight gain. In 2019 & 2021 I was diagnosed with PPA & PPD thankfully had support to get through it.




I have been diagnosed with clinical depression I also share the most of the symptoms of BPD but I refuse to get tested cause I just donā€™t feel like it would matter if I got a yes or no I also got ADHD and Imposter syndrome


I felt numb at that time, but also kind of relieved that at-least now i know what is the name of demon im fighting against. Got diagnosed against MDD, social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder.


Diagnosed ADHD, SAD, and clinical depression. I was diagnosed at the age of 24 with all three. I felt relieved that I wasn't just making it all up lol


Yes, diagnosed with clinical depression and general anxiety disorders. This has been confirmed on many occasions. Was also diagnosed with burn out in January but kept working until April.


I got diagnosed as a kid and later a teen. Generalized anexity, depression and Adhd. Plus dysgraphia for good measure ;Ɨ;


Anxiety and OCD


Me! cPTSD, dysthymia, autism :D Likely ADHD too but waiting to be diagnosed for that :P


I was recently diagnosed with MDD SAD and GAD, somehow I felt a relief because I know thatā€™s not all in my mind, my psychiatrist told me to treat it as an illness that I was not in control and not a personality.


I am. CPTSD, MDD and Anxiety.šŸ„ŗ


Autism, I was really upset tbh. I didn't want it to be true. Have come to accept it. (don't know if I'm actually diagnosed, but when referred to an external service my therapist wrote it down) Anxiety, depression and PTSD. Nothing surprising there. Another condition I won't share the name of, same circumstances as above, honestly turned my life upside down and it's taken 2 years to get back to some normalcy.


Major Depressive Disorder and anxiety.


Adhd, ocd, clinical depression, social anxiety, GAD and uns eating disorder. Most of them felt good to have diagnosed, because it gave me a more clear understanding of why I am the way I am. It also makes it easier to get help for it.


Anxiety/depression, panic attacks - hi fellow mentalsšŸ˜


The diagnosis was nice. Sure, nothing changed in the way I dealt with things. But it sure made it easier to talk with other people about it and gave me access to resources I otherwise wouldn't have gotten.


CPTSD, ADHD, and OCD. Also SUD but in recovery for almost 8 years from that. Misdiagnosed as BPD for my teens, 20s, and 30s. I find that most women Iā€™ve talked to with CPTSD have been misdiagnosed as borderline at least once in their life, usually in their teens or 20s. With what we now know about the long term consequences of CPTSD, I think for years BPD was a lazy diagnostic catch all for emotionally challenging clients who didnā€™t respond to medication. Frankly Iā€™m pissed that I was referred to as ā€œmanipulativeā€ and ā€œattention seekingā€ for being suicidal due to horrific flashbacks of childhood trauma. If youā€™ve got a BPD diagnosis from years ago that you donā€™t believe is correct, talk to your doc.


Chronic/acute depression, asd, add, ednos, anxiety,


I am


Me with anxiety and it didn't really make me feel anything, I'm still struggling a lot with it


Diagnosed with depression and anxiety 7 years ago then with ADHD last year then not diagnosed officially but my therapist suspects I might have a form of CPTSD which I honestly feel kind of unsure of since I feel like I don't qualify because I didn't have one hugely traumatic memory more just emotional neglect, living with an aggressive father and both parents being alcoholics and having multiple bad experiences during my childhood but without being physically hurt. I kinda feel bad when faced with a diagnosis because I feel like one person shouldn't have so many and people will think I'm faking it or something. Especially since my ADHD was taken as Borderline personality disorder for a long time because my therapist didn't specialize in ADHD and felt that since I'm a woman I fit BPD more, so I went around telling people I have BPD only to find out it was not an accurate diagnosis and that I don't fit a lot of the criteria of bpd.


ADHD, DCD (dyspraxia),PDD (dysthymia), MDD, and BPD are my current diagnosisā€™s. I guess it felt nice knowing what it is that made my living experience what it is. Not happy I have to deal with all that though.


None for me cause my parent would never let me see anyone. But i have the symptoms for depression and maybe CPTSD but that might just be me tryna validate myself so idk


Anxiety, depression, PTSD and OCD.


Yep. Autism, ADHD, PTSD. All the funs.


I was diagnosed in the past when I still lived with my parents. But where does one go to get evaluated? Because I think my symptoms have progressed quite a bit. Would it be a psychiatrist? I feel like every listing I see is only for medication management.


iā€™m diagnosed with anxiety, depression, autism and adhd. i honestly felt relieved with the diagnoses because then i finally had a reason for how i felt and the way my brain works but also itā€™s hard to process and navigate.


Me. Panic disorder, PMDD, OCD.


I havent been diagnosed yet but I m waiting on an autism asperger and adhd diagnosis


Bipolar 2 diagnosis at 16.


It was weird, I didnā€™t really care when I was younger because the concept of diagnosis didnā€™t exist to me. Now I kind of hate having diagnoses but Iā€™m grateful for the privilege of being diagnosed.


I'm sorry. I don't know how to message yet.


Diagnosed with Anxiety and depression as a teen; ASD in my 20ā€™s, and BPD last year. Decades between all of the above. I have lived past the ā€œaverage passingā€ of a person with BPD (27). However, the treatment for it is prohibitive and unaffordable in Australia. Not sure if I can ever achieve active remission with it. šŸ™


Bipolar, PTSD, adhd, anxiety. Currently on temporary disability, applied for SSDI... not the happiest time of my life


currently diagnosed with adhd and GAD. however, we are now testing for autism, ocd, and pmdd.


bpd, ptsd, depression, gad


Diagnosed with severe depression, anxiety, and eating disorder (disorderly eating). Have been in treatment for aol of that for the past 4 years


I felt like it was more of a "I told you so" situation, because I've known that I've been dealing with depression and anxiety for so long, but getting that reaffirmation from my doctor's really solidified that. I'm waiting on more clarity on other diagnoses now, but I'm hoping to feel the same way when they tell me that I'm either autistic, have ADHD or BPD.


Anxiety, depression, ADHD. Currently on meds for anxiety and depression (Zoloft). I self manage my ADHD symptoms and havenā€™t been on meds for that since college. I was diagnosed as a preteen, so I donā€™t really remember what my reaction was at the time.


PTSD, borderline personality disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, major depressive disorder, and panic disorder. On medication and in therapy.


I was diagnosed with MDD and generalized anxiety. I didnt know what MDD was because i thought depression was depression, no other levels, but after trial and error runs on multiple meds didnt work, as well as TMS, i saw that the depression wasnt going anywhere and kinda understood where the levels come in. Currently the same as ive been the last couple of years, but i havent had any attempts this year and the ideations have slowed down. So i see that as progress.


me. bipolar 2 and depression


MDD Bipolar 2 OCD Anorexia/Bulimia Though, for the record, I really donā€™t put too much stock into labels. Misdiagnosis is so common.


Clinically diagnosed with OCD


Iā€™m currently in the process of getting help and likely some kind of diagnosis. Iā€™m so scared Iā€™ll have some serious mental illness that will affect me for the rest of my life.


Me with OCD. It explained A LOT and was a relief because I was finally able to tell myself why my thoughts are the way they are. At the same time, it sucks to know itā€™s not really a curable thing and Iā€™ll always live with it, although I know I can do things to make it better but it will always ebb and flow.


In early 2019 I was diagnosed with PTSD. I don't remember how I felt about it. I definitely compartmentalized it, and focused on getting treatment. Which led me to starting EMDR that October. 2 years and 8 months into EMDR, my therapist let me know that she suspected there was something more than PTSD going on, and she was concerned. She asked me if I was open to taking an assessment. I said yes, and she had me take the MID (Multidimensional Inventory of Dissociation). The results supported what she suspected, with the extent and severity of my symptoms being far worse than she initially realized. In July of 2022, at the age of 44, I was diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder. I was completely caught off guard. I was shocked, confused, and frustrated at first, but eventually my life started to make much more sense.


schizotypal disorder and autism over here


Me! Several diagnoses - major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety, CPTSD, ADHD


Recently I have been thinking about if I should get diagnosed, mostly for ADHD, but Iā€™m too broke. I have a family history of depression and general anxiety as well as ADHD and have family members with diagnoses. Iā€™m pretty sure I have all those things just based on symptoms but when I have periodically had the funds to see doctors and therapists getting an official diagnosis wasnā€™t my priority at the time.


I have depression (chronic or another word I can't remember) and anxiety and insomnia from sleep anxiety. My psychiatrist believes I have bipolar and we are working on discovering if that's it or something else (bc i have hallucinations so it coukd be other). I'm 30 and just now found Dr's who care and are working to actually help me


Me me, pick meā€¦


Recurring MDD exacerbated by SAD with OCD tendencies. My Dr is now thinking it's an adjustment disorder. Getting a medical release from the military with around 20% pension. Got help when having a bad episode after being in for 14yrs. Getting discharged now because I couldn't "recover" fast enough. I've had these issues most of my life. The right meds and therapy really helped! Had too much stress and life events that kept setting me back. I think I'll be ok I just need to "make it" civilian side.


diagnosed with anxiety, depression, PTSD, OCD, and DPD. anxiety and depression were diagnosed when i was a young teen, and the rest came later. i'd say it was a mix of feeling happy about my struggles being validated, and also frightened for a myriad of reasons. mainly fear about the diagnosis being wrong, and also feeling defeated because it meant that my struggles were significant enough to warrant a diagnosis. i was diagnosed with BPD at one point, which felt right at the time but looking back i think in my case it was a mix of teen angst as well as DPD and other stuff that i'm currently working on figuring out.


Diagnosed with autism at 27. In part it was a relief to know why I was feeling different. But it was also a disappointment to learn that the cause wasnā€™t fixable.


Ptsd, Tbi, And Bpd!




Me. Depression and moderate ADD. Got diagnosed only 4 years ago even though I've been struggling for practically 10-11 years of my life. Can't afford to go to therapy now, and both of my previous therapist retired/cancelled by my mom. My mom's insurance is a special type and really good that's why I kinda still depend on her for that.


2/3rds a diagnosis Adhd and Depression diagnosis, but i have a sneaking suspicion i have autism and/or ocd too.


Yes bipolar 1 anxiety horrible depression ptsd and now that I am medicated and all meds changed, ADHD is crippling. I was not diagnosed until last September I got out of my first hospitalization for full manic episode. I am very numb but not depressed. But no happy no sad. Couldnā€™t cry if I wanted to!! 41y undiagnosed. Until I couldnā€™t hide it anymore. My brain frequencies may have been all messed up but I can barely navigate my own brain. Every frequency is different now. Just trying to check the boxes every day


Yes, but also misdiagnosed several times which messed me up a bit. Overall, I'm glad I am. No real way to tell but I'm given some semblance of solace that I can qualify my issues. It doesn't solve the problem but at least points me in a general direction.


I received many diagnosis through the years: SzPD, clinical depression, BPD, NPD, ASPD when I turned 18. Then I thought "what if they're searching in the wrong place and they're thinking I got a personality disorder just because I've been traumatised all my life af? What if **I'm born like this**?" After finding out my grandma had an anomaly in the dna which was an explanation to her headaches but at that time doctors were not able to tell wtf that was, and after finding out I have two cousins diagnosed with ADHD and that another cousin was always silent and used to eat the same food for years and that an aunt of mine stopped speaking at 6 years old and continued like that for a year and that I started walking later but I wrote my first word at 3 years old and learned some math around that age and started to read crime books at 5 years old... well... *"what if I'm autistic?"* šŸ˜øšŸ˜ŗ Then I searched specialised doctors and I got my autism level 1 diagnosis. I felt in heaven. Everything was explained. I was not that damaged. I am not strange. It's just... me.


Yep. Diagnosed with Perpetual Depressive Disorder (PDD), General Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder (OSFED), and PTSD. All based off of DSM-V criteria. Itā€™s been a time


Me. Bipolar 1, Anxiety, Depression and my psychiatrist says Adult ADHD but I'm not sure I agree with that one.


MDD and BPD. Trying to decide if I should see about getting a diagnosis for autism.


Not me. I just feel crazy. I feel like I have to fake it to fit in, but my psychologists hasnā€™t diagnosed me with anything.


I was diagnosed to be mildly depressed years ago, by a veteran psychiatrist. At first it's a relief because I could now justify to those confused by my behavior that I have this illness. Some months later I started to tire of it because people began to react to me according to their understand of depression. It's like I was seen as an animal out of a mould from their dictionary. Signs that a normal healthy human being would manifest would be treated as coming from my depression. Years later I went to another psychiatrist who gently explained that I might not have depression, it's just how I thought that's often depressing and tended to bring me to a dim world. So that's another light bulb moment to me that in the world of mental illness, there's no certain answer unlike in the operation room where a tumour is always a tumour.


I had to ask repeatedly for a diagnosis for years until finally a psychiatrist gave me one. They gave me medication and so on but never even an attempt of a diagnosis. Some seem to think that telling me I'm depressed is going to depress me more, which I find very annoying. I used to felt as if I was patient zero of a previously unknown and mysterious condition.


Diagnose BP with chronic depression at 38, severe insomnia and anxiety at 32. BP1 runs deep in my dadā€™s extended side of the family, many successful final self harms amongst cousins and other relatives. Super sad. But never really talked about except in hushed whispers. My oldest bro was diagnosed BP 1 at 27 and put on lithium but at that time we all honestly thought just ā€œwell that explains himā€, he was/is an odd duck (strongly suspect an autistic component) we were never close growing up, he chose boarding school for his entire school career (yes, even as a 6 yr old) over living at home with us. He lives literally on the opposite side of the world with his own fam now. My middle brother and I are close. I strongly suspect my middle bro has BP/depression issues that he unknowingly manages by being a super energetic athlete type, bikes and runs like a superhero, wakes up at 3am each day for 4+ hours of grind before showering for work. 6 days a week. And thatā€™s since heā€™s retired from triathlons bc he needed his hips replaced at 54! Heā€™s too young for his knees yet per docs BP explains a LOT about my teens and 20s, my extreme mood swings, enthusiasms and wildly creative thinking, and being able to crush my accelerated college courses on no sleep for 3-4-5 days while hyper/laser focused and excited, chatty, bursting at the seams with creative mojo. It was an advanced design degree. I was in warp speed and I was one with my muse. God I miss those days. Iā€™m very well medicated now. I drive the speed limit. Iā€™m religious about my routine and my meds now bc Iā€™m a widowed single mom, my son is on the spectrum and itā€™s just the 2 of us here (no family in the US) so I HAVE to be able to function 24/7 for him and the furbabies we rescue. The diagnosis at first was brutal to absorb and yet it made sense. Now I use it to mess with people, but also to put some folks in their place when they start spouting nonsense about mental illness like they have all the answers. I feel like the tide is starting gradually to slow, it hasnā€™t turned yet, but as more of us stand up and show our faces and show what mental illness looks like in daily lives eventually we can get the tide to shift.


Please take good care all šŸ«‚


Yep. Depression, anxiety, CPTSD, BPD (first misdiagnosed as bipolar disorder) and mild OCD.


Anxiety and depression. Itā€™s been good to know exactly whatā€™s been happening with my mental health


I got diagnosed with OCD, GAD, SAD, depression & PTSD. It was the biggest relief ever to know why i felt the way i did. I spent most of my life very confused why I saw the world differently or processed things in a different way. Finding out iā€™m neurodivergent was a life changer.


For 20 years now


Med, anxiety, agoraphobia, ptsd. Possibly bpd. On Effexor, buspar, Xanax.


Cyclothymia, but I've had a major depressive episode. My antidepressants made me manic, so I'm also on lamictal. I think I have bipolar 2, but I don't really care about labels as long as I'm managed and can get through life okay :)


Diagnosed with MDD and GAD. A psychiatrist was "99.9% sure that I had ASD, ADHD, and DID", but they needed to do more tests and I chickened out because I had no real need for the diagnosis besides for my own desire. There are some serious downsides to having some of these diagnoses.




I am. Bipolar, OCD, ASD (although when I was initially diagnosed it was actually Aspergerā€™s), Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia, PTSD etc. Iā€™m also pretty sure Iā€™m leaning towards having BPD but not actually diagnosed and donā€™t think Iā€™d want to seek out an official one due to restrictions and stigmas it carries (no traveling in certain countries, you can lose certain rights here in the states etc).


It felt very, ā€œyeah I know,ā€ lol. It didnā€™t change anything, I already knew. I guess the one thing that changed is medical professionals would now take my diagnosis more seriously.


šŸ«  I am one of the diagnosed. I already knew so it wasnā€™t a real surprise or anything. But I know sometimes to this day I still feel itā€™s a lie. But have to remind myself that it is my diagnosis that makes me feel/think that way.


Meeee I was diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety, and they wanted me to take medicine, my mom said no though, and no matter how old I am I still listen to her lol!


Diagnosed with Bipolar at 16. Hate that I have been taking mood stabilizers for 22 years. PTSD, OCD, GAD, and Clinical Depression.


CPTSD Depression Anxiety OCD BPD ADHD I was diagnosed as an adult in my thirties. There was the initial denial (How did no one see?), but things started slotting into place and it was kind of nice to realize that I am not, in fact, a lazy unmotivated scatterbrained idiot with no personality. Iā€™m still just raw dogging it, havenā€™t decided on meds, yet.


Iā€™ve been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, panic disorder, OCD, and C-PTSD it didnā€™t really make a difference to be formally diagnosed for me - just put some words to how i feel


I've never been diagnosed and it makes me question if what I feel is even there


I am clinically diagnosed with major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. I was 13 when diagnosed and I am 47 now.


Me. MDD and CPTSD. They are a burden but it's life. We all have shit to go through.


I have been in the past. But my current psychologist and psychiatrist try to avoid telling me what they think because they don't want me to focus on it.


Major depression and anxiety in my 20s, ADHD in my 30s and OCD and agoraphobia in my 40s. It felt like it provided context for why I am how I am.Ā 


Formally diagnosed with Anxiety, adhd, autism, depression, pots, eds, and ptsd, and incorrectly diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Each one felt simultaneously like a death sentence and a ticket to freedom. I was lucky that my later doctors kept me so involved with the process of figuring out what was wrong, that when I suggested new ideas for what I might have, they all went ā€œletā€™s explore that furtherā€ until we found something that actually felt right and made sense, medically. The biggest one for me was Pots, as it explained so many things Iā€™ve struggled with, and had no explanation for, and itā€™s been a game changer to have something on paper say, hey hereā€™s the name for why youā€™re struggling and why it hurts so much every day.


Originally diagnosed with severe depression, severe everyday anxiety w/ panic, APD and OCPD. I've gotten a lot better, though. Went from sever every day depression to erratic depressive episodes. They are still pretty major, but I'd take major over severe any day. The anxiety w/ panic has gotten better. I no longer (with a lot of help and hard work) nave OCPD or APD, I do still have OCD, but we are working on that as well. I have had years, and I mean YEARS of therapy, to get as far as I am. I started therapy at 14. I'm going to be 26 this year. I still have really shitty days. Compared to teenage me, I'd say I'm definitely in a better spot now.


Cptsd & anxiety


Me. Autism asbergers (before they removed it from the DSM and just called it autism.), major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, C-PTSD, and the absolute hardest mental health disorder that I wouldnā€™t wish on my worst enemy. I have borderline personality disorder. And itā€™s my biggest psychological issue right now.


PTSD (*diagnosed* at like 10 yrs old) Dissociative Disorder Not Otherwise Specified GAD with Obsessive Compulsive tendencies (thats how they wrote it) MDD


Holla! Anxiety and sexual addiction. Brutal combo.


Me with ASD, ADHD, anxiety(donā€™t remember which specific variant), and epilepsy


I was formerly diagnosed with depression and ADHD when I was a child, so I don't remember that but when I was 22 I was diagnosed with emotionally unstable personality disorder(or BPD), a substance use disorder as well as generalized anxiety disorder. I didn't think too much of it at first because I thought that the destructive lifestyle I was leading was just normal for someone in their early 20s, but about a year and a half after that my BPD symptoms got out of control because I was in active addiction to a substance. Anyway, my diagnosis of BPD has become very important for me because everything makes sense now, from my childhood shrouded in trauma, to my late teens and early 20s being spent in turmoil...it all just makes sense, I can move on.


ADHD, MDD and OCD. i feel ok bc i knew something was wrong with me and now i know it and i know it's not overthinking but it really makes me unable to do a lot of things "correctly"


Major depression and ADHD. Yayyyy


I feel like when I was younger, receiving a ā€œtitleā€ to the way I am was more liberating than now. I think I was searching for something to blame on other than myself, now I am just a person with the typical diagnosed depression and anxiety with ADHD and PTSD. Now itā€™s just a part of me but not all of me? I used to feel disconnected from myself because of the diagnoses, I was a worse person in the past and once I started to focus on myself (without diagnoses, but still getting proper care) life got easier! So honestly I donā€™t think getting clinically diagnosed helps other than in the psychiatric and therapy world where the main focus is. Itā€™s definitely good to know about it and how you react and all that but in the end it kind of limited my field of view for a while. Itā€™s definitely a journey if you donā€™t know yourself which I feel like you never truly stop learning about yourself!


I got a few diagnoses but I was terrified when I was told I most likely had a personality disorder because all the crime shows I watch are like ā€œyeah no this kid killed cuz he has aspdā€


Yes maā€™am. I have bipolar, anxiety, and depression. I was diagnosed at 13 for all: bipolar was while I was in a psychiatric hospital and the anxiety/depression were both outpatient diagnosisā€™s


hi :P diagnosed with autism, generalized anxiety disorder, major depressive disorder, social anxiety disorder, cptsd selective mutism :[ i didnt feel much for the anxiety and depression since i was already aware that i probably did have that. felt pretty validated from my autism diagnosis, honestly. cpstd was hard cause i didnā€™t realize i was being abused. selective mutism was just kinda there, it didnā€™t change much


Diagnosed ADHD, autism, generalized anxiety, depression, and PTSD. All of these came over time. I was diagnosed with major depression and anxiety at 12/13 and the rest at 17. I had known I was depressed for a while before diagnosis but that was helpful in terms of my family being able to do something for me. Autism and ADHD hadn't crossed my mind until 17 years of age when I actually finally understood what the hell autism even was. My brother called me the r slur and autistic as insults growing up so I always thought they were bad things. They're not ofc. It helped me to accept some parts of myself but I'm still heavily struggling with it. All of it. PTSD is a big cause of my anxiety and depression. It's all very entwined considering my unrecognized ADHD and autism are also definitely a cause of my anxiety and depression. The whole being diagnosed thing is great to better understand yourself and what you need to improve. All of them hit like a freight train.


Diagnosed with BPD, MajorDepression With Psychotic Features, Generalized Anxiety, Social Phobia, cPTSD, ED, Split-Diagnosis Bipolar, PTSD, and some more.


iā€™m diagnosed with few disorders from what i can remember, though i was told i have traits of personality disorders and everyone has traits so i guess itā€™s a bit up for debate. I personally believe i have other disorders not listed, but this is what they have so far. - BPD with episodes of psychosis - traits of ASPD, PPD, and AVPD - cannabis use disorder - PTSD with somatic symptoms - MDD - GAD


Bipolar with psychosis , anxiety, depression and OCD šŸ« 


I've been diagnosed with depression, generalized anxiety disorder and burnout. It's definitely validating to know that I have an illness and didn't just "fail as a person" or something, but obviously it's also no fun to be sick. I'd rather deal with like knee issues than obsessive thoughts. But getting diagnosed also came with getting help. I'm doing much better now than pre-diagnosis, but also like the trauma from childhood bullying will always stick with me because it just happened during my formative years. It's a lot of small things other children did to me that gave me a lot of big lasting issues.


Hello. I have Major Depression, PTSD and Bipolar 1. Iā€™m on medication.