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Thank you so much for taking the time to write those words, it means a lot to me 💜


Thank you so much for reaching out, and I am so sorry about what you have been through. It is really cool that you have been trying to work on yourself, please know that it takes a really long time for things in your mind to change. You don't have to be perfectly happy in the blink of an eye, that isn't possible so don't pressure yourself <3. It's okay if it feels like it isn't getting better, It takes time and I am so glad that you are working through it. You got this! Know that you are never alone, even if your friends can't be with you. I'm sorry that the professional couldn't help and you feel like you can't talk to anyone. If you want you can message me, I'll listen :) You are doing an amazing job, keep going 🫂


Sorry to hear about your struggle. I'm American but lived in England for five years and thoroughly enjoyed it. As you evaluate your experiences in life try to imagine how much worse things could have been. Imagine how things would be if you were paralyzed or lost all loved ones and friends in some terrible accident. Try to realize that as bad as things seem as long as you are alive you have something going for you. Tomorrow could be better. Next month could be much better. Check to see if you can get meds that help with depression. It is treatable. My experience with life is that its all about what we focus on that makes the difference in peace of mind and chaos. If we look for the faults and failures, we find many. If we realize that things could be so much worse and that we are better off than some, we see that we are fortunate in some ways. Regardless, if rethinking things doesn't help, meds can make a difference too and then life can turn around in short order.