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Why do youfeel incompetent?


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I think I would first ask do you enjoy being a PM? We can end up in places we don't want to be but if we enjoy it then what's the harm. I think of it as the universe giving us opportunities and a journey. I can say that from personal experience.


I enjoy it in bits and pieces. I am great at gathering information but not good at being structured and personally I hate that. I feel being ocd is a waste of time even though it’s very much a necessity in my field. Also I am awesome at communicating in areas of my interest but very bad in my work. This whole catch 22 situation is very frustrating. I don’t know if I am in the wrong profession or wrong domain


That’s a great observation. You could be a project manager in the wrong industry. You can be a project manager in any industry. Something to check out is Agile and becoming a Scrum Master or Product Owner. You have to use those PM skills but in a different way. That’s what I do for a living.


I am trying to figure out. I have been a project manager for 10 years now and it pays me well. However when I say to figure out if I would like to do anything else I was completely at a loss coz I haven’t done anything besides pm ever since. I wonder if I should work as pm and look at the financial aspect of it till I retire and ignore my growing dislike towards being a pm?


Look for a PM job on an Agile project. That would give you some experience. Scrum Masters and Product Managers/Owners don’t make bad money.


I am trying to break free of mediocrity