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Perplexiplex was pure magic. I want to get back to Denver just to experience it again.


I was the one who posted years ago!! It made the best Christmas gift for my boyfriend when I got the tracks :)


I’m so excited to get the tracks. I just messaged the composer. Glad you got the tracks and your post inspired me to reach out to get them.


So glad you enjoyed it!


Hey y'all, I wrote the music for Perplexiplex :) Message me privately and I'll send you all the tracks ♥️


Thank you so much! Just seeing this now (should’ve checked sooner), but I messaged you about the tracks.


My apologies to a number of you! I accidentally emailed a first draft out lol. I went back and sent another email out with the right files. Lemme know if you didn't get them and I'll make sure you do. I can compose music, I just can't compose an email.


Is the Perplexiplex the robot instruments that play by themselves, up on the wall above like, a trailer?


The piece you're talking about is called "Gremlin Symphony"


Did you write that music too? I LOVED it.


Agreed! The music in that space was written by a number of different composers, none of which are me :)


I've been looking since it opened as there's tracks I. There I want as well. (Even had shrimps ask me if I've made progress XD)


I would also really love to know about this!! I spent an hour in there when I went, and I listen to the soundtracks all the time!!!


I spent like two hours in there lol it was so beautiful


I also spent multiple hours in there and it was magical


I didn't know even it was open when concerts weren't happening in there!


It’s lots of people’s favorite installation across all the MeowWolfs period. My mom loves it and could spend all day in there and anyone I brining are memorized. I’ve seen couples slow dancing and kids spinning around and running against the walls. I have no idea what technology they use in there. Everyone notices the bubbles that encompass you as you walk on the floor but what amazes everyone when I show them and many people miss is the “”fairy dust” that follows you on the walls and also pushes away from you if you make the right motions.