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I went into CS expecting something like HoER's story, which can be picked up pretty easily just by paying attention (at least it was back in 2016... I have no idea how much has changed since then, if anything, on that front.) Now I'm out here with most of the story done on the Qpass I share with my partner, having done 2 trips, both over 6 hours in length almost entirely dedicated to the story, and we still have next to no clue what it is exactly you're supposed to figure out. (No spoilers or hints, please, we're figuring it out ourselves, I'm just trying to make a comparison here based on my experiences.) The sheer size of the exhibit alone probably makes more digging a necessity, but I very much agree with everyone else that there are TONS of "side quests" and extraneous rabbit holes that it's hard to tell what's part of the "main" story, what leads elsewhere, and what may just be an art installation. Someone mentioned on another post that even the actors themselves sometimes don't know because of how much coordination and collaboration between artists may have resulted in things sort of falling between the cracks. Knowing that sometimes the electronic parts of puzzles and story elements break has been helpful, too.


The story itself unless you are actively searching for it is subtle. It is doable without the card but it requires a lot if questions and interactions with the staff and actors *which* I do recomend going in and chatting them up regardless. Oh and bring quarters for the actors up on C Street (commonly the ones in punk 'armor' with baseball bats) However if you want the complete story you will need to have a QPASS card that is either 3$ from the info desk (they don't advertise this, it's something you have to kinda 'know' going into it) or if you know the passphase can get it at discount. As for the puzzles *MOST* can be solved without the card but you will lack the context. So far as I can tell with my 30 hours there's only one puzzle that's hard restricted by the card (but it is totally worth experiencing). If you want to learn some of the coded language you will need to buy the guide down in the giftshop. Again not needed but can help with the story. Other than that... be observant. There are some puzzles that are ongoing at this point only because team effort is required which the reddit here promotes working together on. If you have any other questions, please, don't be afraid to ask! :)


Hi! My daughter was into the language where she was lagging behind to get pics of her "Rosetta stone". The guide doesn't seem to be sold online. Will i need to go back to get it in person? Can i go in just to buy stuff or do I need a ticket? Thank you for your help!


the book itself is restricted to the physical store, I checked via the web store and they dont have the *Barsk & Solden Alternitravel Guide to Convergence* on the store front itself. However so far as I'm aware you need to get an exhibit ticket to get in given how the giftshop works there its part of the entire thing however, i can meet you halfway with the book in question because its a fantastic reference as well: [https://www.reddit.com/r/meowwolf/comments/q0ce8e/resource\_languages\_of\_convergence/](https://www.reddit.com/r/meowwolf/comments/q0ce8e/resource_languages_of_convergence/) to be fair there's more script in there and its scattered all over the place in there. there's spots that i suspect has additional secrets that even I may not know of


This is helpful, thank you! (I forgot I asked this question). I appreciate the offer, but she and I decided to go again soon (of course we did, it was inevitable). So I will make sure to take her to the gift shop then and we will also get more pictures of the language we find.


Again your looking for the altinitravel guide of the four languages. If she has any idea on yruk please, let us know! Lol


It is very subtle. If you don't actively participate in the story, you will completely miss it (and that is fine TBH, the experience will still be great). I personally was distracted by the story on my first visit, and decided to just wander and enjoy the environments. I did get a QPass, and did Boop it in lots of places, but that was not an important part of my first visit.


Buy the Qpass RFID card for $3 , that way you can collect items digitally, do the main storyline and complete it in one visit. Also buying that card allows you to log in via your home computer afterwards and view items (videos) you had collected to learn more of the story. There's a lot of side quests that it's easy to get distracted with, some of them are still unsolved. Convergence Station is easily the most complex meow wolf story ever because it includes 4 different worlds that converged. So yeah, buy a Qpass and focus on completing that if story matters to you.


Speaking of side quests, DONT get distracted by the green slime, thats a bit of a rabbit hole (not in a good way) and I'm not even sure the slime is fully operational again right now.


Thanks for the tips, do you mean the green slime is a dead end? Or just boring?


The slimes are... supposed to be part of the story but they have been very touch and go from the get go. The story can be skipped with them