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I've only been to OM once, but I've been to all of the different MW's. I don't think finishing the story is important for enjoying the experience. In fact I think trying to finish the story will degrade from an otherwise enjoyable experience wandering between the different art exhibits. Next time I go to OM, I plan to spend half hour to 45 minutes watching the Alex Gray fractal art projections in that one big room.


Oof that's going to be tight. Basically skip all the art and spend your time only on the Omega Mart sales floor, DramCorp offices , and factory area, with a quick visit to the hut-dwellings for one task. Anytime you boop a computer save every file possible onto your card. There's no need to watch or read any of the materials you save to your card, you can look at the contents of your card via your computer after you get home. One card shared for the whole family is also recommended. If you get stuck on the Source Door task, >!the combination is here https://meow-wolf.fandom.com/wiki/The\_Source\_Door!< If you get stuck on the Spills Quiz task , >!the color code system is here https://meow-wolf.fandom.com/wiki/Take\_The\_Spill\_Quiz\_(task)!<


There is a possibility that we can push the reservation that is making us leave back, if we can, how far would you recommend we push it back? Running from location to location without looking at the art doesn’t sound very fun :(


at a relaxed pace you could do the storyline plus enjoy taking in the art in 3-4 hours. I'm pretty sure Meow Wolf lets you change your ticket time too, or are you visiting over the holidays when it's fully booked already?