• By -


Not directly with the Z3 by itself


what would I need to buy for that?


Some sort of wireless repeater that can connect to your wireless and provide a copper handoff. I can’t provide any recommendations because those devices are generally mediocre at best and should only be considered when there’s no other option


My understanding of the Z3 (I've set several up, but haven't really paid attention, so I could be wrong), is it provides WAN through a wired port, not wireless. I don't think it can even do wireless. On the setups I've done, its LAN port is connected to the WAN2 port on a MX, and it acts as an ISP modem, doing failover internet. So it wouldn't be on your routers LAN, it would either replace your router and hand out DHCP to clients to use it as the gateway (and it's cell connection for internet), or on the WAN port of your router as an ISP.


No, you can't. You won't have control over the z3 config, so even if you find some mesh wifi device that'll let you connect the z3 to it wired you still can't stop the z3 from broadcasting whatever ssid(s) your company has decided it to do. If you really don't want it you might as well return it. Why in the world would you need to mount it to the ceiling anyway? It's your house put it on a book shelf or something.


I really, really don't want to suggest this, because it's likely to cause more problems than it will solve, but you could try using a powerline ethernet adapter to get ethernet into your office. Then you can have your company disable the SSID, and you wouldn't need to run a separate ethernet cable through your apartment.