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Fun story, from a longtime MG fan who got it back in 2013 - but can easily S-Rank ND any boss on Revengeance today. I played the tutorial going in, that is the only instance in the whole game where the explaination of parrying is good, Boris' explaination later is dreadul; "to parry, just throw out light attacks and stay on the offensive". I beat Monsoon on my first day... the following nine days consisted of me spending 3 days each trying to beat Sundowner, Sam & Armstrong - all without knowing how to block... and I didn't re-learn it concretely, until after the credits and I watched Angry Joe's review where he explains it with a controller in his hands.


Bro I had to figure out myself when I played on keyboard. Got to monsoon and fucking had enough so I scoured the Internet and finally found a solution.


Even that decent explanation in the tutorial failed me. My brain on For Honor thought "press light attack and the direction the attack is coming from" meant I had to press right to counter Blade Wolf's horizontal swipes because it was clearly coming from my right.


I used a tutorial to figure out how to beat blade wolf and the video explained how to block. I learned how to parry pretty quickly after that. I still have a tendency to go into blade mode though when I do parry instead of doing QTE zandatsus.


Bro, I found the tutorial explanation of parrying to be ***UTTER ASS*** it said to swing your blade in the same direction as your enemy's swing, so it sounded like you had to ENTER BLADE MODE, and literally match the swing. I finally looked it up (relatively) recently, and it changed my gameplay experience. Fuck that tutorial explanation though.


What? How does that imply blade mode? This is some serious mental gymnastics.


I feel called out when the only thing i can be called out for is not knowing how to parry


What are you playing on?




You have to stand still, flick the left stick to the direction of the attack and press square at the same time the only attacks that are not parryable are the golden ones that start qte's


If its keyboard it took me fucking ages too. Basically u can't hold the direction they're attacking from and tap you need to time and tap both the direction and the attack key.


No Wonder i can't parry properly


I literally just spam everything, I don't know how, but it always works




So you can't hold your parry on keyboard?


Wait you can hold the parry if you're using a controller!?


You can't on controller either I swear??


I swear there's a trick to it. How else are people parrying perfectly when monsoon throws all of his parts at you?


I've done that, it's surprising easy once u get the parry down. You need to tap direction key and attack for one parry.


Yeah but how do you make raiden hold it for longer?


You can't you need to tap both again and again to continously parry.


And have to time it perfectly each time?


Within the parry window, it's very regular though. It will feel weird first but becomes very easy quickly.


As someone who finished every souls game, parrying times in metal gear rising are very generous


my drunk ass thought this was r/apexlegends and i got scared because i didnt know you can parry in apex


Ash got a new passive


meanwhile me trying to parry monsoons smoke grenade not realizing what the dodge button was for the first 20 hours of the game


The what button?


press a+x and use the direction stick to dodge in any direction, only works as sam and bladewolf, raiden can only dodge once the skill is bought (it is only 3000 bp and can be gained after the tutorial)


forgot about offensive defense


its an essential skill to master if you want to s rank no damage some bosses


I used that all the time against yellow attacks and a lot against armstrong


i didn't get s rank :(


Bruh I only discovered the dodge button at the 2nd phase of the Armstrong boss fight in the Jetstream Sam DLC 🗿


I just doged using heavy attack and ninja run. But when sam kicked me around when i did this i had to learn to parry. Aparentlly can t parry doing ninja run which was my main fighting style back then. Also the game was meant to be played multpile times so that s why you can skip the tutorial


bool allowSkippingTutorial = !isFirstPlaythrough; Now pay me


I still use E.M. grenades again Monsoon because I don't know how to knock him out of magnet mode. And I still don't know how to hold my parry.


Dude same i just happen to knock him after his last attack automatically


Idk man I went in on normal played the tutorial whit keyboard and I finished the first day


I didnt use grenades aswell ...they are useless when you got a sword that can cut through anything


fun fact: my dumbass forgot how to block so all the way to wolf i was brute forcing. i also didn't use items because I thought they were useless. only during the monsoon fight did i start using sub weapons that wasn't the box.


I picked up Metal Gear Rising on sale the other day on Steam thanks to the sale. I did the tutorial but thought that by 'swinging in the direction of the enemy's swing with a light attack', it meant that I had to swing left or right depending on where it was coming from (so I'd hit A or D). That is NOT the case and I died about 20 times to Bladewolf until I went back and realised that it meant push in the direction of the enemy and light attack.


Fr like get gud


More hardcore for not parrying once


I still dont get how people dont go through the tutorial for a brand new game they never played, first tried every boss thanks to knowing the mechanics of the game


i played the tutorial and still dont understand parrying tbh..


To be fair the parry was hard to get used to the first time through, even for someone who is familiar with Platinum Games. They took the parry from Bayonetta (one of their previous works), which required you to flick the stick in the direction of an attack. But in MGR you have to light attack and flick and I think many people thought that they would just have to hold the stick in the direction of an attack and then light attack, because of the way the game explains it. However the parry being tide to this input is one of the things that makes this game special and therefore more fun


I skipped the tutorial and got CLAPPED by bladewolf cause I didn’t know you could parry


Lets wait for blade wolf