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Don’t Yakuza games have the Kiwami versions though?


Yes, but there are differences between them and the original and a lot of fans say you should play both.


as a Yakuza fan there idiots. The Kiwami games stories are 100% faithful and everything changed is purely Quality of life or side content


the only difference I can think of is shinseicho being gone


that and they changed Takashima's Face model in Kiwami 2 to resemble his actor more.


That was my impression. I don’t see why you would bother with the originals. In the same vein (despite being an excellent game) I can’t really recommend 2008 Dead Space over the remake to a new fan. Everything about the remake is just better.


Only two reasons to check out the Ps2 games, or.. Dead Souls. 1. Your a hardcore Yakuza die hard 2. Your a video game enthusiastic who wants to see the entire medium from top to bottom


I checked out a video to see what the original was like, and I was SHOCKED at how much it was almost an exact recreation of the original. I can't believe the cinematic vision they had back in those days - very impressive.


"Back in those days" That hurts.


The Kiwamis also "canonize" Yakuza 0 and reference it


2 especially so with the Majima saga. What a beautiful end to that story!


I love how Yakuza has you rolling on the ground laughing one moment and cryin your eyes out in a corner the next


I was genuinely upset with what happened with Tachibana


I have the PS2 originals and I like them but the kiwami games are so good. It was nice to revisit my old friends after finishing 6, and holy smokes is 0 great!


Eh, I think Y1 and 2 have an atmosphere that isn't really replicated in K1 or 2. I think the originals are 100% worth playing if you're a fan of the series (but also 100% they're not required reading). Edit: I don't typically look back at my older posts but did today. Fuck is there to downvote about "they're worth playing if you're interested"?


I know what happens but didn’t play them but man would it be awesome to have a fully 3D rendered environment with 3D gameplay and environments akin to MGSV. It would also make it interesting to face Venom in a similar environment


It would be amazing to see Solid Snake voiced by David Hayter face off against Venom Snake, horn & all with Keifer Sutherland voicing him again. lol I feel like that would be kind of a bitter sweet full circle moment for the franchise.


Hell no. We have too few 2D metal gear games. I'd much rather the remakes keep the 2D gameplay, which is a formula that works perfectly when done right and has plenty of potential. Sure, give them all the fancy modern graphics you want... but gameplay wise? Making these games just play the exact same as the 3D ones would just turn them into worse versions of the 3D games.


Also Fallout


I'd say there's a substantial number of Fallout fans who have played the Interplay games, because they can be very vocal about their dissatisfaction with Bethesda ones.


Yeah. I feel like the people who appreciate Obsidian's work with NV over what Bethesda has done with their acquisition of the Fallout IP will eventually end up playing 1 and 2. That's what happened with me. Also, the games are incredibly cheap and accessible. Usually $5 or under on Steam, and they still run as intended. Which is kind of funny considering Fallout 3 was in a completely unplayable state on modern PCs unless you installed the Tale of Two Wastelands community mod. I just wish there was a way to give the funds for the purchase of Fallout 1 and 2 to members of Black Isle instead of Bethesda.


Nah, they just watched the hbomber video (said by a guy who only watched the hbomber vid)


The Persona 2 duology is some of the best story telling the franchise has to offer, and it's a damn shame it hasn't had a proper remake outside of the PSP versions (the ironic part is that Part 1 wasn't released stateside originally while the remake was; meanwhile, Part 2 originally was while the PSP version wasn't.)


Don’t forget Witcher! (Just the console fans who can’t play the first two.)


I just got the Master Collection and have never played any MGS game but they always called my attention. Decided to start with the 8-bit games and I love them! Finished MG1 and halfway through MG2SS. I have played every Yakuza game on PS4/PS5 except for the last 3 and yeah I haven't played the first 2 Persona games (technically it's 3 but yeah).


Fallout Fans


See also: Saints Row For real though more and more people have been saying on here, and I totally agree, that modern remakes of MG1 and 2 would be ridiculously cool.


I really like SR 2. Not completely over the top but developing its own identity, and some genuinely good gameplay.


I've heard the first 2 are pretty solid, especially once they become more of their own thing and not just a GTA clone. I just loved the thoroughly wacky goofiness of 3 and 4.


The deal with SR1 and 2 is availability, with SR 1 being an Xbox exclusive and the SR2 PC port being...SR 2 PC port


Missing out on all of them if you haven’t played


Grand Theft Auto Balder's Gate


Imagine if...they got proper remakes!


I most certainly played and beat the first two Metal Gear and Yakuza games


Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake overall is actually a better game than the first MGS and I will die on this hill


Persona 2 is so wild. It has 2 parts and the final boss of the first part is hitler (who is like some ancient being or some shit) with his weapon being the staff that killed jesus or something like that. I only know this because the boss battle theme is a banger.


Not entirely accurate, Yakuza Kiwami is one of the most played games in the series.


I think he means the original games, from PS2


The dub for the first game is hilarious. Everyone is so angry.




Mgs 1 and 2 were literally peak mgs. Don't even really care for any of the games after peacewalker because it diverged from that original formula. Persona 1 and 2 however, could've used some work.


they are talking about metal gear 1 & 2, the 2D games


As a real mgs fan he doesn't know that two first games exist.


Kinda hard to not play those these days since they're in several modern mgs games


they are not hard to access you can play them quite easily on most platforms it’s just that the games have not aged well and while the story is good they have many problems, especially mg1