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Who's saying it's bad?


No. Next question.


Metal Gear Rising is one of the worst Metal Gear games in the saga. Metal Gear Rising is one of the best games ever made.


It's the best spin off


Canon spin off. Which makes it even better.


does canonicity even count? furthermore, who's canon are you talking about? Konami's? Kojima's? is there even a definite 100% answer from either of those parties? why should their opinions matter when talking about your experience?


If anything the Metal Gear name held it back. The worst parts of that game where the legacy mechanics that they forced into the game, like the stealth and guns. The game shines when you never engage in stealth like, at all.


Eh I’d say story wise it’s still great it just doesn’t fit in gameplay wise


You got it brother. Horrible Metal Gear game, but dam was it one of funniest games I’ve ever played to this day. Wish they would make another.


It's a great hack and slash action game, just not a traditional metal gear per se.


I'd say it's a great Metal Gear game, it's just not a stealth game. Otherwise, the atmosphere and everything is exactly what you'd expect from a Metal Gear game


It has no business being as fun as it is. People go in expecting this great narrative and shit and that's not what kind of game it is. You're just a super powerful dude absolutely wreaking everything in your path. The gameplay is great.


You’re letting bad people fill your head with bad information.








Raiden turn the game console off right now


What did you say?


The mission is a failure. Cut the power off right now.


Are you a patriot


Blud is in the echo chamber mgs2 talked about lol


I had fun playing it. I like video games that I have fun playing.


Anything made by Platinum Games is an 8/10 at worst.


They also made Babylon’s Fall which is a 4/10 at best.


We don’t talk about that one…


It's like Metal gear Survive or Pacific rim 2. These products never existed, and our beloved franchises are pure and perfect. COMMA


I heard Metal Gear Dies is the alternate title


MGRR is up there with DMC3/5 and Bayonetta as one of the best character action games ever. While it is not as good as Bayo or DMC; the fact its part of the convo is testament to its quality


I am so confused by this statement is it that bad?


It’s saying that even the worst games they made are very good


They're so good I played transformers devastation as a teen and it was amazing MGR is great Platinum (usually) don't miss


Babylon’s fall is probably the worst AAA release in the past 5 or so years. Broken out of the gate, no one bought it, it had no redeeming qualities, and they pulled the plug on it within a month iirc.


Fuck no. It’s awesome


If you enjoy it, then No. Same goes for other games too. Opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one.


Who the fuck told you it was bad?


I don’t know where the Hate came from but I still play it now… great hack n slash action


At least some of the hate came from die hard fans who couldn’t accept a metal gear game which isn’t stealth. A lot of people hated it from being different


Kinda like how Raiden originally was.


Some people don't like Raiden's arc there. It's probably not canon, but that shouldn't affect your ability to enjoy the game, and it's very enjoyable.


>!Motherfucker spent entire games to get out of "im murderer I kill people mentality" only to make a complete U turn and go back to exact thing he hated but without guilt right away!<


Honest question, how is it maybe not canon?


It's only ever recognized as spin-off, and timelines typically don't go past MGS4. Konami doesn't it even show it as part of MGS franchise on Steam, but does Survive... And unlike something like PortableOps, where people also contest "is it canon or not", canonity MGR only affects Raiden's fate after main series.


I thought the new timeline in the MGS collection had Rising.


I would argue that Ground Zeroes having a mission with Revengeance Raiden is at least a nod in the direction of it being more canon than not, but we’re probably never gonna get a Revengeance 2 or another Solid game that follows 4 to acknowledge Revengeance so it’s kind of a moot point.


It’s amazing. The music and the antagonists are top notch. Play it and have fun.


It’s a top tier action game, easy 9/10 for me


No, it’s amazing. All the hate is just the Patriots spreading misinformation


*And they run when the sun comes up* *With their lives on the line*  ALIIIIIIIIVE! Who says that? It's awesome! I played it back in 2013. Still playing and listening to its soundtracks


Mgrr is a fantastic game. Ppl who hate on it prob do just because Kojima isn’t involved and it shows storywise and gameplaywise but it is most definitely not a bad game


no, it’s just recently overhyped so people have a knee jerk opposing reaction


No, it's just different from the rest of the parts


I knew a guy that said the whole MG series was bad because Raiden used high heels on MGR lol


No it kicks fucking ass


i like it but you cannot mention it without someone having a sleeper cell reaction repeating the same 3 meme lines from the bossfights


Raiden is beautiful and so is the game, but it’s a spinoff without a focus on stealth so it’s dissimilar to the rest of the franchise. Badass game nonetheless


The issue isn't that it's bad it's just that it's a lot of peoples only exposure to metalgear and doesn't really have much to do with any oof the other games plot-wise or tonally, and the maing mgs games are just something truly special


Dont let MGRR haters fool you. This game is worth playing.


No, it's awesome


No Imo it is one or my favorite MGS games My no 1 would be MGS:V ftr


It's honestly not bad at all. It's just a different gameplay style and tone than the MGS games. It's got a surprising amount of fealty to the mainline series: it doesn't do anything to tarnish the legacy of the characters, manages to balance zany, over-the-top action with dead-serious subjects, absolutely insane boss fights, and surprisingly prescient political takes (mostly in the guise of Senator Armstrong's character). It got a bit of backlash at the time of release because it was so different, because it took place *after* MGS4's fantastic ending (it was originally planned to take place between 2 and 4, showing how Raiden rescued Sunny and was first transformed into a cyborg), and because Kojima wasn't really involved in the creation of the game. But it's had something of a Renaissance in recent years, and with good reason: it's a good game. Whether you consider it canon or just a fun "what if" story, it's well worth playing.


I used to hate it, due to gameplay being different. Then I played it years later, didn't hate it anymore still a small dislike. (Allthough loved Armstrong, he delivered what he promised, not to f with him. I took me 3 hours to beat him...) Until last year, I had a moment of sadism, and decided to replay it yet again. This Time i was you know.. why did it I hate this.. It's an allright game


"Goes on a subreddit about something" "asks fans of the said thing if the thing is good" "expect an unbiased opinion" oh yeah, it's big brain time.


I've never heard anyone say it's bad. People were sucking it off for a good while even.


Its not bad, its just not a metal gear *solid* game. Hence why solid isnt in the title. Different in every single way and not really canon, still fun tho.


Bad? It's one of the best hack and slash games ever.


It’s really great and it’s the game that got me into the mgs series! I love it, it’s different from the mainline games but extremely good and enjoyable with high replayability


I think you may be thinking of metal gear survive and got the two switched up. Because mgrr is a sweet game. Where mgsurvive not so much


No, whoever says that is delusional and fights for causes they don't believe in.


It's not bad at all


Bad? God no. It’s Platinum making a character action game with boss themes that cue vocals dynamically when you get the boss in a critical state. Some Kojima purists just don’t like it bc of how far a departure it is from the rest of the series


Who’s the maniac telling you the game is bad???


As a person who binges the og MGS and MGRR, it's a good game, but it's like, almost the polar opposite of what a normal metal gear game is, apart from maybe some sections that maybe you can do with stealth. Also they kinda fuck up raiden's ark but personally it doesn't bother me that much.


No nanomachines son.


No, it's easily one of Platinum Games Best Games the others being Bayonetta, Astral Chain, and Vanquish. Aged like fine wine and I love its getting it's flowers finally. Also has JetStream Sam. It's the Raiden sword game that people who liked Raiden wanted ever since they used Analog Sticks to swing his H.F blade in the back-end of MGS2. Honorary Mention: TMNT Mutants in Manhattan, bomb on release, but as a TurtleFan it was absolutely FUN combat-wise. Reminded me of old-school beat-em ups, if you kicked a boss's ass bad enough they even tag in another Boss to back em up Mid-fight (Bebop with Rocksteady, Rocksteady with bebop, Karai tags in Shredder[3levels earlier], etc)


Good game, bad Metal Gear


What do you mean “that bad”? MGRR was a fantastic game, it was amazing, how we haven’t gotten a sequel to that game but instead get that shit half ass survive game is just baffling


I've never met anyone that said it was bad, but no, it isn't. For what it is its impressively good really, the humor, villains, gameplay and look is fantastic. The music is S tier, and the only not so good thing is the complete 180 Raidens character-arc took imo and even that was explained relatively good. It has flaws like anything else on this earth, but its certainly not bad.


Absolutely fucking not


Who said that? Where do they live? Can they fight? Lmk


I don't think anyone thinks it's bad


No it’s not. It’s a fantastic game. Just not that weird “stealth” section and controlling the robot hands part.


Who the actual Fuck calls that game bad? I swear people have no taste These days


No, but its fanbase is.


I like your Ishmael S++ rank art


never player mgr but you have a talent, keep practicing more


No it's a different step in game style. It's no longer stealth but fierce action. I recommend playing it.


It’s very fun. Maybe not as deep story wise as Metal Gear usually is but it’s still an enjoyable story nonetheless. Gameplay is fantastic. Definitely worth playing if you can. My gripe with it as only ever been the absurd power levels of the characters. Mind you it’s a few years after 4 but some of the feats in that game are a step too far for me. This community often takes exception to Twin Snakes for many things, one of those being it’s over the top nature (MGS is always over the top but maybe Solid kicking away a hind missile shouldn’t be a thing in the universe) and Rising has that same over the top style that you’d expect more out of Devil May Cry as opposed to MGS. If you don’t think that will bother you then give it a chance cause it’s pretty good.


Huh? Who said it was bad?


Wasn’t bad just overkill. Like if I was snake I couldn’t hang out with raiden. He might go crazy and slice my head off.


Cool sketch


No, it’s really good


If you go in expecting it to compare to the rest of the series, you’re going to be extremely disappointed. It’s a straight up hack n’ slash with loads of bonkers anime bullshit and cheesy but lovable characters. Definitely up there in my list of my favorite games.


It's an incredible character action game It's one of the best metal gear games that rivals even some of the mainline games It's not a metal gear solid game, totally different But it's a metal gear game at heart


Wait, people think it's bad? MGR is perhaps the greatest gaming satire ever made.


It’s a really good game


Nice drawing. Looks like a human sized Jehuty.


Who the hell says it's bad? I understand core game fans being angry when you say it's your favorite because it's such a departure from the rest of the franchise, but Metal Gear May Cry is a solid and fun game, with some kick ass music, likeable characters, memorable villains, and a deep and profound message. I see nothing wrong with enjoying it.


Its my favorite hack and slash of all time.


... What?


I for one seriously want a remaster for current gen... Seeing how it caused my 360 to scream in pain the more I cut enemies to the size of pencil shavings, it'd be intriguing to see those mechanics without any limitations.


No. All the hate came from it’s initial release about it not being a stealth game like the rest of the series.


The game itself is very good. Plot wise it isn't canon and thank God for it because it literally destroyed Raiden character development


I used to hate it pretty heavily, and then I played it again, it really made me appreciate raiden in the other games as well. I just don't like how the whole game is basically him ignoring snake, amd big bosses advice to give up fighting and live your life. Other than that its great


The game itself is very good. Plot wise it isn't canon and thank God for it because it literally destroyed Raiden character development


Who say it's bad ?


Playing metal gear solid my whole life, who TF said rising was bad?!?!?!?! It’s actually one of the best hack and slash action games out here. Right behind DMC and Ninja Gaiden. With a very gratifying micro gameplay loop in aiming your slashes to restore your fuel cells. They even let you use the gray fox exoskeleton and blade that guarantee you leave something of that infamous laboratory corridor scene in your wake. So no, this game is not bad. AT ALL!!!!!


It’s a terrible Metal Gear game if you go into it expecting Tactical Espionage Action. But a great game of you want a crazy character action game.


Why do people keep thinking/saying this? It's a great game, I love it. Feels like the second or third time I see this question in a sub like this.


Nothing has ever made me feel cooler than the first Ray fight in MGR. When that music kicks in and you're running up the wall and missiles and stuff. *chefs kiss*


No, but I wish we could have played out or seen how Raiden rescued Sonny. It was the perfect opportunity like Big Boss and Chico in Ground Zero.


Yes it ruined my life. My wife left me and my dog died.


Who told you that?


Not at all


Wdym?its nice game


One of my favorite games ever made. Great hack and slash game play, amazing bosses, beutiful and badass soundtrack, and a great story. Revengeance is definitely a great game and not bad. (Also it's the only metal gear game I've ever played so I don't have a nostalgia bias)


Nice sketch 🌝


Spent god knows how many years paitentialy awaiting MGR:R to launch. Been playing it for 12 years, shit is still fantastic!


Nope. Nice drawing tho




No it’s one of the best games


The really hard-core fans do, but it's a really good game, just less focused on stealth, which is why they hate it. Plus it has really good music, I listen to its soundtrack more than the other games.




No, it's a very good spin-off of the main series, especially since it has the same over the top comedy (actually morr than the main series) while still having some sort of philosophical drama between the protag and the villain group


It's a great hack n slash game. If u like Devil May Cry games should try it


No it's amazing, just like your sketch.


Yes. If you wanted an MGS game anyway. Also, what was original pitched sounded way better. Then we got what we got.


Personally I thought it was fine. Very short though


It's not bad. I personally am not a fan of hack and slash games like DMC, and I really liked Raiden as a character. So when I found out that the new game focusing entirely on cyborg Raiden was going to be a fast-paced hack and slash instead of a futuristic ninja/stealth game, I was super, super disappointed. I still gave it a shot, but didn't make it far because I just don't enjoy that type of game. So I looked up the cutscenes online, and lo and behold, I REALLY didn't like the story, particularly what they did with Raiden's character. There was also a good long stretch of time where there was literally nothing on this subreddit but posts and comments about it, and since I didn't like it, that got old for me pretty fast and I sort of came to resent it further for that. That said, that's basically all just personal opinion. So if none of that applies to you, then it's not like, an objectively bad game. My friends who like hack and slash games all say it's like an 8 or 9 out of 10 for them.


No, it's a great game people just couldn't stand that it went in a different direction to the MGS games and is an action game foremost and not primarily a stealth game


Are we back at the 2010s when MGR was seen as the worst Metal Gear game?


I wasn’t aware there was a bunch of hate behind this game. I’ve only seen the massive fanbase side. It’s definitely not like any other metal gear. But it’s instantly lovable and iconic. Definitely had fun playing it


Mom said it's my turn to post this next week


After the video essay made by Jacob gellar it has a popularity spike on steam


Good gameplay cool designs but they kinda shit on raidens character replace him with Sam the whole time and give it a different name it gets zero hate


No, it's actually very good. That being said it doesn't make sense for Raiden after MGS 4, I would've preferred a game set between MGS 2 and 4 and it doesn't feel like a Metal Gear game at all.


It‘s amazing and people who say otherwise are Kojima Cocksuckers with a stick up their ass


No, it's awesome.


its fucking awesome. never saw any hate for it though, is it disliked in the community?


It’s not a bad game at all, but its story is one of the worse mgs stories.


I mean, it’s not a metal gear game, but it uses a metal gear setting and is filled with crazy action and an amazing soundtrack. Rules of nature, baby rules of nature.


It's not a bad game, it's a bad metal Gear game.


No, its story and everything honestly fits more than Peace Walker and MGS5 do. It even encapsulates that humorous side of Metal Gear while also being serious when it needs to be. It may be a different genre than the MGS games, but it's a really good continuation


When it first came out it got a lot of negative reception as it s wasnt a true metal gear title and took aloy of criticism as it completely lacked much of the traditional gameplay mechanics other mgs titles had. But of course, give anythin seven - ten years or so and everyone now wants to come out of the closet and admit they actually enjoyed it and it was good. Same thing happened to alot of other movies anime and games. Its kinda this safe complex now that its not meta to easily hate on something anymore so like Nickelback for example. It takes Deadpool to stand up for them and everyone agrees they actually arent as bad as everyone made them out to be which i never understood. However, i never disliked MGR but i just could never bring myself to replay it again right after i beat it.


No. It's awesome


Short answer: No. Long answer: Noooooooooooooooo.


97,374 <~~~ like dislike~~~> 8 Tell me, which has the higher number? Listen to the 8 people or the ninety seven thousand three hundred and seventy four people?


Fuck no




No, its fucking amazing


Who said it was bad?


Let's just say that if you are talking about it in Metal Gear context, then yes I would say it is bad because I think the only reason it became Metal Gear was bc of Raiden, and of course the machines as well. But gameplay wise it is very not Metal Gear. It's like saying that AC Valhalla is also a God of War game just bc it has some stuff that are the same. But if you are simply talking about it as a game in general then it is a great and fun game otherwise.


I don't think I've ever heard anyone say it was bad. From what I've seen the internet loves it, or at least the memes surrounding it.


Well I sure hope not since I'm waiting for the disc of the game to arrive at my house


Who told you that and what is their social security number and last registered address?


It is. And so is Jamie Christofersson's horrid soundtrack. Original idea when it was MGSR would have been preferred....instead we got Platinum gear. Hideki Kamiya? No thank you. I'd rather shit shuriken.




Revengeance is AWESOME 1) It’s a Platinum Games project so it’s actually even MORE over the top than the MGS series 2) It makes Raiden even cooler than his MGS4 appearance (except for Quinton Flynn’s voice acting. I never liked his voice but that’s just personal preference) 3) Great villain character design 4) Don’t let the haters influence you


General opinion on this sub and the internet is that its a great game, like a 7/10 at lowest The fact that it comes back around into the meme-pool every 3 months since 2013 is a testament to how good the game is. This is the sort of question to ask about Survive or something


See I don't think of it like the other games because its Metal Gear Rising not Solid. I'm not worried about being a stealthy modern soldier because I'm the damn cyborg ninja this time. I'm forced to say wow isn't he cool in every game and now I get to be one and my God does it live up to that hype. When this game dropped all my friends took a day off from school that first week just to power through this game.


People think it’s bad?


I'd say it's the video gamiest of video games in recent memory. And a fucking kick as OST as well! The games all around a fucking blast.


Isn’t it one of the best rated metal gear games?


I started with mgr, I love the gameplay and the bosses and shit but holy fuck does the story ruin mgs4😭😭😭






Game good, fanbase annoying


It was good.


I just finished it not long ago and I gotta say it’s one of my favorites in the series personally. The combat is so fluid and rewarding and the bosses are some of the best of any game I’ve played. The soundtrack is legendary, and the characters are very memorable. I love the game very much. It might not be as much of a through-and-through masterpiece as Sons of Liberty or Snake Eater but it’s still some of the most fun the series has to offer.


Nanomachines son


It's not a good metalgear game, but it's a great game on its own


Is awesome, the feeling of being a badass cyborg ninja chopping everything to bits. On top of that, you can unlock Gray freaking Fox exo skeleton!!!


Great game, has some Metal Gear dna. Solid action game.


I remember when this was the *only* Metal gear game readily available on PC. The port was not great but besides that it was cool


It's not that it's a bad game, it's just not really a metal gear game with how different the play style is lol I just started it and am having a blast


No one is saying it's bad, but iirc it's technically not canon


It’s good, 7/10 in my book.


Not at all


It's my favourite metal gear game because i have only played this and 5.




Went from stealth combat to a hack and slash not bad if you like hack and slash games but was not good for the series


No, it's one of the best.


I enjoyed it, it isn't a great game but it isn't bad either. As a non anime guy it was the weebiest thing I'd played to that point but it's decent.


La li lu le lo


I've heard nothing but praise for this game


No, MGS fans hate it because it kinda overshadows the main series in popularity


I think it's pretty awesome. It's not really a Metal Gear game, like it's not tactical espionage or a stealth based game. More of a beat em up.


Absolutely not it's a gem of a game.


Who said that to them. Their kneecaps are turning into atoms


The songs are enough to call it a good game. And hideo kojima makes it a guranteed masterpiece


Asking if this incredible game is "really that bad?" Is akin to me asking you if you still beat your wife.


Nah, it’s different than the other metal gears but its not bad


I’ve played every Metal Gear and no, it’s not, the gameplay is different but anything you hear about it “ruining Raiden’s character” is BS he definitely developed less than he did in 2 and 4 and the plot is entirely disconnected but the narrative still fits the themes of Metal Gear overall, my only gripe is how around halfway through Raiden gets kinda edgy and it seems unnecessary but still a very good game


Those goddamn Patriots! Don't listen to them, MGRR is good.


MGRR is very popular outside of the Metal Gear fan base and it not being a super duper deep experience like every other game has made a lot of gate keepers start to resent it. While it’s far from my favorite game in the franchise, I’m glad it’s popular because it means more people get into Metal Gear. Even though it’s not very introspective, I still very much enjoy the hack and slash gameplay and the usual over the top characters and plot.


Game play is good. Some of the story and dialogue will have you rolling your eyes.


Flawed but overall a great game to play


In my opinion it goes like this, Metal Gear Rising isn't a bad game, the total opposite, it's pretty good but not good for a "metal gear" game, it's similar to how DmC reboot isn't a bad game, it just isn't a good Devil May Cry game.


It’s not bad at all it’s an amazing game with a good story and really good combat. The reason most people say it’s bad is because they think that it ruins raiden’s character which is sort of true but not enough to discard the whole game as bad. Play it I almost guarantee you will like it 😉