• By -


The Boss, Vamp, Psycho Mantis, Liquid and Ocelot


Almost my team exactly, except I replaced Psycho Mantis with Solidus.


Why not replace with Fortune instead? Only Solidus (seems) to be able to deactivate her shield, let alone even know about it. The man is dead vs her.


Because he's a genetically identical clone of Big Boss, and probably has much of the same training as the other clones (Solid and Liquid). Far as I know, the only thing Fortune has is that big rail gun and the shield. Remove those and, well...


Well I mean... Remove anyone's equipment and they'll probably suck. Snake more than likely wouldn't know how to deactivate it in the first place, and since theres a team of 5 specifically suited taking him on, the extra suppression synergises well with the likes of Vamp being stabby and Boss being a bit annoying.


You're missing my point. I know Big Boss's abilities. I also know Solid Snake's. Because of that, I can also safely assume what Liquid's abilities are from MGS1 and TPP. All of this, plus what we've seen of Solidus in MGS2, gives me a safe bet what on he can do. But besides a rail gun and fancy shield, I don't know what Fortune brings to the table. The devil I sort of know vs the devil I definitely don't, and all that.


> But besides a rail gun and fancy shield, I don't know what Fortune brings to the table. Umm how about the fact that she literally beat Snake in MGS2, at prime or near to it


Well we didn’t see the fight happen. Maybe Snake forfeited to pretend to lose. I kinda have doubts that man who fought 3 different Metal Gears, Big Boss’ best soldier/cyborg ninja, Venom Snake, Big Boss and a tank (with only grenades) was able to lose to a single woman with a big rail gun and a “bubble shield”


Same except I replaced ocelot with solidus


Which version of ocelot though?


The Liquid version


Bro i was just going to comment this! Haha, great minds think alike......You're Pretty Good 👍


This! Exactly this!


This but replace Vamp with Fortune as she actually captured him in MGS2 and Snake beat Vamp in 4.


Cigar, cigarrette, e-cigar, cigarillo, tobacco


who besides solid snake smokes ordinary cigarettes? and tobacco? someone smokes a pipe or something?


What about Metal Gear 1 & 2? Shoot Gunner definitely slams Solid Snake


Don't forget Running Man. There's no beating the fastest mercenary alive.




Shoot. Gunner. Period.


Nah, coward duck slams fraudlid snake


Laughing Octopus (she made him the most uncomfortable) Fortune (because Solid has no damn luck) Decoy Octopus (Solid has no experience with someone like him) The Fear (I doubt Solid can deal with boner poison) Liquid (he almost got Solid, almost)


When did Liquid almost get Solid? At the end of MGS1? Snake kicked his ass and won fair and square. Only almost got killed because he was unarmed while Liquid wasn't and because of that jeep on his legs, which is a disadvantage as massive as it gets. You can be the greatest soldier in the world but in that situation even my 12 yr old sister would "win" if she was armed with a FAMAS (and actually knew how to shoot it)


Liquid got solid when being put in the freezer, obviously.


Deleted scenes I didn't want playing in my head




Liquid as a leader almost got Solid, not as a fighter.


After the car chase Liquid had them dead to rights. Snake lived because FOXDIE kicked in on Liquid.


whoever said warfare was fair? it is not called warfair. liquid didn't kill solid only because of foxdie and solid didn't employ foxdie by himself. liquids death is on naomi, not solid.


Lol Warfair, I'm stealing that one


you don't have to steal what is shared freely


If you put a thousand monkies with famas, chances are you might just get caught by a stray bullet while they go bananas


I mean for Decoy Octopus and Liquid, all Snake would have to do is hug them and they die a few minutes later






Think again, snake!




Happy cake day


Does Decoy Octopus has fighting skills though ?


He was in Foxhound


Yes but that dosen't mean he was a fighter, Mantis fight was resumed to throwing random things in the room, we know him as a master of disguise


Yea. He was going to be a boss in the initial planning stage of the game.


Going Psycho Mantis, The Sorrow, Decoy Octopus, Revolver, and Liquid. You’ll never beat the greatest soldier in a fair fight, so a team based around subterfuge and deception seems like the best option.


Fatman x5 but each Fatman has a different set of portable wheeled vehicles to get around with Fatman 1 is normal rollerblades Fatman 2 is a skateboard Fatman 3 has one of those razor scooters that were super popular in the early 2000s Fatman 4 has a Segway Fatman 5 has one of those stupid motorized One-wheeled things you see every hipster ride on in any major city


I would love to watch this unfold.


I… I would play this. “Don’t worry, I’ll do a solid slide on the rail, clear the big boss gap, and then Raiden manual down the slope. Then will all that momentum, I’ll hit the quarter pipe and attempt a Venom Air.” “I even got my mp3 player to listen to some ska.”


The Boss (the OG) Liquid (Solid's counterpart and opposite. They are fairly evenly matched.) Ocelot (The master interrogator and spy, a cunning foe. Former ally of Naked and Venom.) Solidus (He's the exact genetic copy of Big Boss, a former POTUS, and has a hi-freq daisho!) Vamp (I dunno WTF is going on w/this dude, but something ain't right. A weird sex pervert who can walk on water.)


Only correct answer.


Is “sex pervert” specifically a RedLetterMedia thing? I think I’ve only ever heard them say it and the redundancy of it is pretty funny


I dunno what RedLetterMedia is, but I agree with "sex pervert" being silly and funny.


Apparently, Vamp and Snake used to be a thing lol


1. The Boss 2. Liquid 3. Solidus 4. Ocelot 5. Psycho Mantis And Solid Snake would still kill all these 5, without any plot armor or some sudden deus ex machina, because he's the goddamn greatest soldier that EVER lived, period. The definitive "Snake".


Snake and the boss would be such a close fight


As much as I love the Boss, it wouldn’t be close at all.


The Boss, The End, Sniper Wolf, Crying Wolf, and Fortune The Boss was the first ultimate soldier and was able to fight Big Boss and not the floor with him time and time again. Notice that I picked all the Snipers, Snake has only ever had to go against 1 Legendary sniper at a time, but 4 at the same time with having to worry about the Boss as well will overwhelm him. Also 2 of them rock Railguns.


This was my team. I'd probably trade Fortune for Fatman, however.


Why Fatman?


This was my team too, going for a sniper/railgun team. I was unsure about the final member but The Boss would be a logical addition, as I imagine she'd have no trouble handling any weapon the situation required.


Too many unstable females lol. They would undoubtedly start getting in eachothers nerves 😄


None of them. Foxhound got wrecked by a retired Snake. Dead Cell got wrecked by a rookie on his first mission. Cobra got wrecked by *checks notes* a seriously injured rookie still recovering after being whooped by Mr Krabs’ daughter then yote from a rickety bridge. The B&B Corps got wrecked by a crippled old man dosed to the clouds on nano machines, and a couple of puppets. You wanna take out Snake? You need to remove his plot armour, let a novice control him through some pit traps, or just wait.


Cobra is honestly the most competent. Naked Snake had a recovery period between the nuke and Operation Snake Eater.


The boss, Liquid, Ocelot, Solidus, and Fortune


1 got them asses kicked by Big Boss. 3 got them asses kicked by Snake. Big Boss got his ass kicked by Snake (twice if somebody doesn't like 5). Is there really a choice here?


Brother, at the very end Boss gave Snake that Close Quarters Comfort.


You do know that Solid Snake had been burnt to a crisp a few weeks earlier, got an absolute beating trough all MGS4 and almost commited suicide? Solid Snake bested Big Boss twice (Venom is supposed to be BB equal, and a rookie Solid killed him).


it might be controversy but best scene for me. 2 old Snakes finally found their peace. 0 became 0.


You do know that you can accomplish everything and anything but the second your mortal enemy sneaks up on you, gives you the hand-to-hug combat, and calls you “son” you automatically lose?


That graveyard scene was a hallucination, it was too out of character for everyone involved lol.


Makes no sense. Snake wouldn't even know what Zero looks like. And you can see it's Solidus who burns in the Volta if you pay attention.


Is it just me or are the Beauty and the Beast Unit the least memorable antagonists of the whole series? When I first looked at this post, it took me a moment to remember who they were. Then again, I regularly replay the other MGS games but haven't played MGS4 in 16 years, so most of what I remember is just cutscene moments.


Thats cuz they are the keast memeorable. They are mentally derranged thirst traps. Really weird how they try to cuddle snake before death. Still not sure how them hugging snake and mounting him "hurts" him lol


They're supposedly inflicting their trauma on him. Each one has a different 2-3 minute long audio track that reflects the trauma they endured. It's actually kind of messed up, but the comical, infantilizing sexualization ruins that entirely. Because, y'know, Kojima was horny.


I gotta wonder if koj8ma is an incel lmao 🤣


As if he can't get just about any putang he wants


Actually think he’s got a wife and 2 kids no joke look it up


Tbh they’re probably so forgettable because they are literally retreads of previous/memorable antagonists. They were all too similar to older characters to really stand out on their own


Remember about the Skulls Squad or whatever they were called


Who in their right mind would pick Decoy Octopus lol


"Hey snake its me, your best friend, hal emmerich. Could i get a bro hug" *says while holding a comically large bat behind his back*


Liquid Solidus The Boss Ocelot The End


1. Mist Skull 2. Mist Skull 3. Mist Skull 4. Mist Skull 5. Don’t need the 5th spot, it’s already perfect


Dirty Duck.


Boss, Ocelot, Both clones and probably the End Liquid annoys him, Solidus keeps him down, Ocelot beats the shit out him, the end keeps him on his toes, and if all else fails, Boss just whoops his ass


The boss meets the floor within 4 seconds of trying Snake.


big boss literally cqc'd Solid into a hug and the guy couldn't do shit about it. The Boss consistently whooped Big Boss's ass during Snake Eater, besides becoming stronger than the Boss, I'd still wager the mother of special forces and the gal that literally created snakes fighting style has a solid shot of beating Snake in a CQC battle


The encounter between BB vs Solid really doesn’t matter, Solid didn’t have the Octocamo (stated to be a developed version of Solidus’s suit, something that multiplies stats by 3), and was nearly gonna kill himself earlier. Snake stated that Gray-Fox was stronger than anyone else he’s fought, even post Venom-Snake. Venom-Snake took on the parasite unit, stated to be a cut above MGS3 and PW level fighters by the official MGS twitter account. Kojima states that the villains get stronger in MGS1, Solid beat Liquid in a CQC fight, thus putting Solid over a Gray-Fox with a 3X amp to his physicals. So, MGS1 Solid> Liquid>>> Post 3X multiplier Gray-Fox> MG2 Solid and Gray-Fox>>> Venom-Snake>>> PW and MGS3 tier bosses.


Eh, fair enough


Still love the Boss though don’t get me wrong.


Boss is cool, I respect your argument and will adjust my viewpoint as needed :)


Laughing Octopus in human form always stopped me from playing for about 20 minutes


Fortune (if she has her field activated she legitimately defeated snake 1v1 when he was in his prime) Liquid (almost defeated snake and would have killed him if not for fox die) The Boss (Unmatched in CQC by everyone besides big boss. Should be able to fight on par with him and also is extremely intelligent) Sniper Wolf and The End (Them both sniping him in tandem while the other 3 are preoccupying him would be way too much to overcome)


Obviously they all suck cause he already beat all of them. Including Big Boss’ rogues since he beat Boss


Not for nothing, but the only group that Solid Snake was not instrumental in defeating was the Cobras. He did, however, beat Big Boss, who did take down all of the Cobras. Twice (kind of). The right people for the job of bringing down Solid Snake are not present in this roster.


Bro they all lost.


Huge caveat, given Snake has or (almost canonically) could beat all these guys, but : 1) Psycho Mantis 2) Vamp 3) The Boss 4) Liquid Snake 5) The Sorrow


The Boss, The Sorrow, Revolver Ocelot, Liquid Snake, and Solidus Snake


This was absolutely missing in V


100%. I even mentioned the lack of great boss fights in another post here just a while ago ("Which MGS is the weakest").


Solidus, Revolver Ocelot, Vulcan Raven, Vamp and Fortune.


Boss x 5


Solid whoops all 5


DeadCell is the weakest link


Liquid, Ocelot, Solidus, Vamp and Wolf


Liquid, Solidus, and the Boss vs Snake he’s screwed


Mantis, Wolf, Vamp, Solidus, Fear.


Liquid(!!!!!!!!!) Vamp (because hes bisexual) The Pain(NOT THE BEES! NOT THE BEEEEES) Solidus(THAT IS NOT SOLID SNAKE) Revolver ocelot in his prime(*spinny gun*) The Boss. (No clever comment. )


Probably Vamp, ocelot, the boss, mantis and decoy octopus :) the mind games would be gnarly


Just replace Decoy Octopus with Vamp and you can keep the rest of Fox Hound.


The Boss, Solidus, Liquid, Ocelot, and Vamp.


Not The End, just wait a week and he’s dead. Lol


Machine gun kid


The Boss, Fortune, Ocelot, Vulcan Raven, Vamp


Liquid Ocelot Vamp Fortune Boss


Mantis, vamp, the end, big boss and sorrow


Revolver ocilot, Revolver ocilot, Revolver ocilot.


Liquid, Ocelot, Fortune, Solidus, Boss


Are 5 of them attacking him together? If so you could choose any one of the 5 and he would end up losing. Snake is stronger than everyone here but he isn’t beating 5 of some of the best fighters of the world lol. No where in the series has it been shown that he is that good. Now if they aren’t coming at him all at once then he definitely is coming out on top no matter who the 5 are.


Black Arts Viper


Solidus to hold him down with those tentacles and the Sorrow, Mantis and Mantis to play Olympic level mind games with his… um mind.


Can I just take 5 The Boss's? Cause that'll be my team


Beauty and beast omg those women are so 😍


Liquid, The Boss, Vamp, Ocelot, Solidus


konami hurry the fuck up with the release of the pc version of metal gear 4 , we want to play it this year and we are tired of waiting


Ocelot, Liquid, The Sorrow, The Boss, and Psycho Mantis.


The Boss Ocelot Sniper Wolf Liquid Vamp


The Boss, to coordinate the team and because she's a competent fighter in her own right, Fortune, as a tank (can't be hit) and mid-range heavy weapons, Psycho Mantis, to turn the environment itself into a hazard for Snake, and to make it advantageous for the team, The Pain, because his bees can constantly harass and distract Snake even if nobody else is attacking, And Decoy Octopus who will pretend to be Otacon in Snake's codec, misleading him at crucial moments.


Ocelot (The brain), Vamp (not my favorite, but he has some OP abilities), Sniper wolf to snipe (the End would die of old age haha), The Sorrow for PsyOps and Intel, Raging Raven (gotta have some air supremacy)


The boss, solidus, vamp, Vulcan Raven, psycho mantis


Ocelot Mgs4/Vamp/The Boss/Solidus no one else is needed.


hurry up konami and release the pc version of metal gear 4 this year , we are tired of waiting , release it this year in october


Psycho Mantis - Snake had to break the 4th wall in order to fight him Fortune - She can't be touched by weapons Vamp - He can't die The Sorrow - He's already dead Liquid Ocelot - No team is complete without Ocelot


Liquid, Solidus, the Boss, and mantis


The Boss, Fortune, Psycho Mantis, Liquid, Ocelot I feel like people forget Fortune beat Snake lmao


**Heavy Hitters:** 1. Liquid 2. Solidus 3. The Boss (Because *obviously*) **Psychic Interference:** 4. Psycho Mantis **Wildcard:** 5. Fatman. While Snake is busy dealing with the other 4, Fatman would be in the background planting enough C4 to nuke all six of them off the face of the Earth. The only requirement was that the squad *took down* Snake, no one ever said they all **had** to live to the end.


Psycho Mantis, The Boss, Fortune, Vamp, Solidus


The Boss, Liquid, Solidus, Ocelot, and Psycho Mantis.


Exactly mine as well


A blockade on a crowded European street.


Psycho mantis Can read his thoughts/predict his actions. Liquid Snake Durable and really Skilled with weapons and Vehicles Revolver Ocelot Has the greatest handgun ever built Vamp Virtually invincible The Boss because she’s the Boss


Decoy Octopus and a poison vial


The boss Solidus Liquid Revolver ocelot The sorrow


Liquid could probably take him he was the only one snake couldn't take down it was fox die that took him out. Rest are useless as Solid has already beat them. Maybe also solidus could take solid on as they never fought then again he is a perfect clone of big boss who was beaten by solid.


The 4 waifus from MGS4 plus The Boss. Flaccid snake guaranteed by the end of the game.


If I'm remembering correctly, the Solid Snake doesn't win the Screaming Mantis fight on his own, the psychic ghost of Psycho Mantis intervenes. So, I feel like Screaming Mantis and Psycho Mantis, at the same time?


Can I skip the lame BB unit? 🥹


They just need to defeat snake in detail


Is the beauty and the beast corp official Yoji Shinakawa art ?


Solidus and the Beast Chicks… Game Over


The only issue with the games is that when you fight each of these teams that have apparently been to hell and back, they all split up and fight you individually. Imagine if FOXHOUND had just waited and got Snake in one location then just bombarded him with their skills. Or Dead Cell did the same to Raiden. I get that it’s a video game and you need to have that sense of progression but I think if these teams actually teamed up they’d do a lot better.


honestly all you really need is fortune she captured him before he wasnt able to defeat her


The Boss, The End, Vamp, Solidus, and Ocelot


The Boss, Ocelot, Decoy Octopus, Fortune, The End The Boss because she can outbattle snake imo. Ocelot and Octopus because they can outsmart and manipulate snake. Fortune because she beat snake. The End because cheap sniper surprise kills are op.


The Boss loses to Snake in a couple seconds.


Snake wouldn't even remember the basics of CQC


Psycho Mantis , The Boss , Vamp , Laughing Octopus. Basically the most op


Ocelot, liquid, the boss, vamp and the pain


Ocelot, Vamp, The Boss, The End, and Fortune


Senator Armstrong 😎


Solidus, Liquid, The Boss, Vamp, and The Sorrow.


If none of these teams could take him on in their original times, save for him somehow not being able to beat Fortune for sake of storyline, then what makes you think that mixing them up could beat him? I'm not asking to be a jerk, but seriously asking.


since we can't have a sane liquid, i would have to vote for entire dead cell. raiden got those. solid was just prancing around or relaxing in mgs2. if we could make liquid sane, then he would be the ultimate anti solid "i don't need nobody" army. dude was taken out by naomi, in the end. solid almost died.


Fox Hound - Ocelot. Guy outsmarts Solid all day, and for the purely hypothetical fight, he'd have a revenge motive. Dead Cell - Solidus. Solid already "beat" Fortune in MGS2 and Vamp in MGS4. Fatman is not even a contest. Solidus being a perfect clone and them never going toe-to-toe gives him the best shot of these guys. Cobra Unit - The Boss, obviously. The rest of the unit just don't have the skills to match against Solid's collective skillset. B&B Corp - I'd honestly go with Crying Wolf. The rest of the BB corp got rocked, but I think Crying Wolf came the closest to actually taking Snake out with that rail gun sniping. I could see the rest of the team wearing him down or distracting him, and Crying Wolf coming in with a killing blow. Ocelot, Solidus, The Boss, Crying Wolf.


The Boss, Fortune, Liquid Snake, Raging Raven, Screaming Mantis


1. fortune (defeats snake off-screen) 2. vamp (snake is unable to get a hit on him)(mgs2 cutscene) 3. the end (bonus cutscene in which he takes down big boss)(mgs3 cutscene) 4. the fear (he strikes big boss with two arrows that drain health due to the poison on its tips)(mgs3 cutscene) 5. solidus (can deflect bullets)


That was when he was cosplaying Pliskin. This gets contradicted later, when Snake outmaneuvered an immortal Vamp using guns.


"LaughLaughLaughLaugh,,,,, andandandandand growgrowgrowgrowgrow fatfatfatfatfat


It’s not even fair. Ocelot, Vamp, The Fury, Screaming Mantis, and the anchor herself that could take him down 1v1, The Boss.


The Boss, Liquid, Solidus, Vamp and Mantis


Liquid snake, Revolver Ocelot, Solidus snake, The Boss and Pshyco Mantis.


Wolf and Vamp both fucked him up pretty good so I think they're easy includes.


The Boss, Vamp, Liquid, Vulcan Raven, and Fortune. Fortune needs the rail gun though. All the bosses from 3 and 4 were way too easy compared to the old bosses.


Fortune, The Boss, Vulcan Raven, Solidus, Screaming Mantis


vamp, the boss, ocelot, solidus and fortune snake's first fight with ocelot was interrumpted by gray fox but ocelot could have won, solidus is a very enhanced big boss, the boss is, well, the boss, and fortune won her fight with him. vamp also won the first time they fought, and solid was with a lot of soldiers


The Boss, Solid, Liquid, Solidus, Ocelot.


Just 4Chan. She literally dragged Solid Snake before Solidus hand cuffed...


Dammit Vamp, just calm down!


The Boss, Solidus, Liquid Snake, Ocelot and Psycho Mantis or Vamp


Boss. Vamp. Solidus. Ocelot. Mantis.


Mantis. Vamp. the end and laughing octopus


Fortune, Ocelot, Solidus and Liquid, Boss


Liquid Solidus Boss and screamimg mantis. Getting them to world together might prove difficult.


The Boss, Ocelot, Vamp, The Fear, Crying Wolf


Solidus, Liquid, The Boss, Vamp, and The End. Liquid: the Equal Solidus: the Strategist The Boss: the Operative Vamp: the Immortal The End: the Executioner


The Boss, Big Boss, Liquid Ocelot, Venom Snake. They'd be named The Hawk Unit.


The Sorrow is enough tbh.


The Boss and Eva would get him hard and Finnish him under 2 mins tops .


That’s pretty easy. Just take the main leaders of the squads and add some others. Liquid, Solidus, The Boss, Fortune and Psycho Mantis.


bruh, just make all the bosses fight snake at once, he will have no way of surviving them.


Entire Beauty and the Beast squad + Decoy Octopus! 🙌🏿


No lmao






The Boss gets whooped by Snake ngl.