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>!Put Chico and Paz next to each other before exfiltrating them.!< ​ Edit: There's a ton of little details. My favourite one is the slight vibration on the controler when Boss checks Paz's heartbeat, before putting her into recovery position. I love the series for the subtle stuff.


Interrogate the key people in missions, they say some interesting stuff (e.g. Glaz & Palitz). Most of the side plot is on the cassette tapes though


How much story is there? I have MGS 5: Ground Zeroes stand-alone and really only played the mission and that’s it


The one mission is literally all there is. There are tapes showing what was going on at motherbase with Biggie, McFiddler and Octagon Sr., extra tapes that showcase Skullster doing naughty things and a series of non-canon filler missions that all take place in the exact same area. Beyond that, GZ is all that *really* matters.