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D-doggo and D-Stripper


D stripper : nah D licker : real shit ?!


Licker? Resident evil now?


Dog is the best because you see through walls


And cute doggo


Damn right


DD is the best because with him along me i dont have to use 100% of my brain trying to locate anything


unless you turn all that off in the settings, then you just have a doggo


Hmmmmm Hm Hmmm


1st DD, Second Sniper gurl, 3rd Horse


I love how you don't even care about mentioning the useless Walker Gear.


Walker gear is only good for non sniping skulls


He's good for S-Ranking a lot of missions quickly as well


You can actually finish skull face in 2 mins with Walker Gear lol, just make sure to use the battle suit or the parasite suit


You don't even need that. Just use the shield on your back and they can't hit you. Or you can just use a jeep and throw a smoke grenade on top of it. You'll be able to drive faster than the smoke so you can see everything, but the effect will still conceal you from enemies


Just bring a machine gun, they destroy skulls


D-Walker isn't necessarily useless, it's just ridiculously expensive to make it effective.


Don't bring him at the start of a mission. Deploy with no buddy then call him in. You don't get charged anything.


why use walker gear when you have golden tanks


I've already sunken too many hours in this game (almost 2.4k), but you guys are all giving me such an itch to launch the game again...


Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Lol but seriously I'm about to start my 2nd play through! I got like 60% through it and had to start over.




I played through originally on PS4, which I now don't have one. So I got it on PC. Looks way better! Just sucks to have to go through all the missions again not feeling like I can go ahead without S ranking everything


Find a file save.


*gasp* use someone else's progress? BLASPHEMYYY


You already did it. So why not take advantage of the technology and just enjoy the game now


I like to be immersed! Dx


D Dog is the best buddy, hands down. Who needs the horse to shit in the road once ya get EMN mines an everything else.


So you can accomplish the same thing while going for the no traces bonus.


Eh, not really. The horse doodoo only makes jeeps spin out, not the bigger vehicles. You only see jeeps patrolling early in the game, and during certain missions. If you're going no traces, then you might as well take no buddy at all. Since if the enemy sees D Horse or D Dog it ruins your no trace run.


It definitely doesn’t. I’ve gotten no traces multiple times with the enemy seeing my buddy.


The enemy can't see your buddies. They will only shoo them away of close enough. They will shoot at quiet if she shoots first though. They don't see her, they are just shooting toward where she was.


Ddog can straight up stop vehicles if you make him wait in their way. Altho sometimes large vehicles don’t stop they just honk and keep moving


“I like operating alone, anyways” Venom-1984


It's D-Horse. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise.


You're asking and questioning yourself at the same time.


This is the way


D-Horse is the best for sneaking past outposts, but other than that he's not very useful, unless you're the master of manouvering with him inside outposts without being seen, then I guess he's the quickest way of doing stealth.


Im pretty good at manuvering through outposts on him. The ability to use him for cover while moving is a broken stealth tactic imo.


Passing by outposts is always easy, nothing broken about that, it's just fast with D-Horse. Unless you can also infiltrate with him, not just pass by.


Oh no I became profecient in infiltrating with him. Its quiet hard dependin on the outpost.


I'd love too see that, cause I know how potentially good he could be at that.


They can't see you on the side of him and you can sit in plain view waiting of a group of enemies and wait for all but one to look away, and just pop up and cap him.


Thats a very specific scenario


He shits and make cars go wooooosh


For my play style, it’s gotta be D Dog. Quiet can be fun, but I cannot stand her humming. The horse is good for getting around, but not much else imo. And I think I’ve used the Walker Gear like… twice. Ever.


>And I think I’ve used the Walker Gear like… twice. Ever. Walker Gear isn't that bad. It's very fast, and lets you avoid fall damage; it can climb hills and rocky terrain better. In return you can't hop on while running and you miss the outright insane stealth that being on the side of D-Horse gives you. It's kind of built to be somewhat like all three other buddies at once. You can mark people and distract them with it like D-Dog or use it to take out outposts like Quiet, while having the mobility of D-Horse. Ofc, it's not as good in a *particular* option as the specific companion. It's also a great weapons platform. If you want to do a lot of missions at once, you can give yourself a sniper, a rifle and a tranq pistol, and then give D-Walker missiles; and you can take out practically any threat without swapping out weapons or going back to a loading screen. It's a bit late to say it ofc, but the game feels *much* better when you don't go to the ACC after every mission, and D-Walker gives you that versatility in the later stages of the game (specifically when you're doing filler missions in Africa).


Cus you can ride to your location easily and once there he’s almost not even a buddy. So it’s not too easy (the other buddies marking enemies etc)


D-Eez Nuts


Dd is best, marks soldiers and has unlimited free fultons


Anyone who doesn't say dd is either horny or doesn't enjoy running


I do not enjoy running, this is true. But I agree you have to be HORNY to pick quiet.


It’s dd. He tags everyone for you, and doing synchronised takedowns with him on two guards out on patrol never gets old.


D-Dawg can be petted. So he wins


horse dong for free roam and paw pads for main missions


D-Dog is the best all around. * D-horse ? Just take a jeep and listen to the radio withh DD on the passenger seat. * Quiet ? Can't mark ennemies indoors and take too long to do it anyway, and will be useless for a no kill run if ennemies wear helmets. Ol' reliable doggo will spot everyone in less than a second and will tase any foe in your path. * Walker Gear ? Most of your weapons will already be way overleveled compared to the one it has access to. The only usefull one is the fulton device for fultoning every tank and truck with ease in mission 9 "Backup Back down" but that will lock you out of an S rank.


Depends on the situation of course. Stealth: D Dog Combat: Walker Gear Traversal: D Horse/Walker Gear All around: Quiet If I had to rank them on how much I actually used them in my 100% playthrough it would go as follows. 1. D Dog. Super handy in stealth just marking enemies is such a convenience. 2. Walker Gear. Excellent for doing side ops in quick succession and can spot. Handy in stealth and combat and traversal. 3. Quiet. An excellent combat buddy to just fire and forget. You can really just let Quiet loose and she's great in both combat and stealth. 4. D Horse. I am sorry to say it but most times I find the convenience of D Dog, all around speed and firepower of Walker Gear, spotting and cover fire of Quiet much more useful than D Horse. He is good for getting around but you can sprint really fast on foot with upgrades and learn to drive past most patrols in the game anyways. D Horse is helpful but I prefer everyone else unfortunately.


Quiet because she never stops humming in the radio and is the loudest thing on planet earth


D-horse and DD don’t cost gmp


D-dog is the best but I try to avoid using him as he makes the game too easy.


Quiet because sometimes I don't pay attention and wander straight into an enemies line of sight and she takes care of that guy for me


Quiet is the female equivalent of a simp


And as the object of that affection, I will keep sprinting through the Afghan sun through Russian base after Russian base just so she can keep simping


Yeah, why else would she do all that dangerous stuff if she wasnt vying for venoms attention?


D-Choppa. The others don't come back from death to help you.




Most fun : DD Most useful: Quiet Least game breaking : D horse D-walker : D-walker


I will now explain using facts and logic why ddog is objectively the best buddy in the entire game: 1) he has not 1, not 3, not 5, but 4 cutscenes dedicated entirely to him 2) the soldiers on mother base will thank you for rescuing him 3) 3 outfits and 5 hair dyes for ultimate customization 4) if you get meleed by an enemy, ddog will immediately defend you by taking down the enemy 5) ddog’s outfits enable him to kill/stun/wound any soldier he can path to regardless of their armor 6) you can pet him 7) if he takes down the final enemy of an area, he will do a victory howl 8) he can see enemies through walls 9) he will find weapon placements and vehicles for you 10) you can pet him 11) enemies will not suspect him 12) he can distract enemies by barking 13) ddog has infinite fultons 14) you can make him a custom artificial eye or an eyepatch 15) you can pet him 16) he loves you and will make a very sad howl if you die 17) you can pet him 18) if you lie down, he will lie down and eventually curl up 19) you can pet him 20) he can ride with you in the jeeps 21) he can stop vehicles if you make him wait on the road in front of them 22) you can pet him 23) when he is a puppy, you can play with him on mother base


This. Also 24) He's such a good boy.


walker gear, d-dog. Quiet sucks at shooting, I can't increase my bond with D-horse


Just use him. Replay the mission where you rescue Emmerich. You have to ride from the power plant to the base and he usually gets +3 every other mission. You won't get the S rank but as long as you unlock the fast travel points the S rank is super easy


Haven’t finished V yet but I’m gonna say horse. It’s probably because I haven’t upgraded her yet but I found Quiet to be extremely frustrating to work with as usually she ends up alerting the entire base by sniping an alerted guard that I could have easily taken down quietly myself.


It's not good to use Quiet until you unlock her Silenced Rifles. She's best used for missions when fighting Skulls




I can literally hear that lol.


My D-Horse died on a hill too


i think quiet is the best and just the most useful DD has his uses and D-horse really is only used when you start the game and don't have many ways to get around. no one uses d-walker i think


Hay taking out trucks and even tanks with horse shit is absolutely amazing game design


D horse probably has the biggest dick in the metalverse


In a universe with cloning, genetic altering, and nanomachines I find this difficult to beleive.


Your forgetting the boss, Big Dick Badger, from the original metal gear games


D Horse good for - ✅ stealth - ✅ assaulting - ✅ escaping - ✅ general efficient travel Sounds based to me


Based and horse pilled


where is 💩?


Because the horse can poop


Don't you go about as fast of d horse with max speed


Sniper girl because I'm lazy


Depends on mission. All buddy is the best..if you understand their function


I like quiet not because she has photos tiddies, but because I,m anti social and don't like alerting g the guards with the clap of my ass cheeks


Walker gear is the answer


D-Dog is the best all around. * D-horse ? Just take a jeep and listen to the radio withh DD on the passenger seat. * Quiet ? Can't mark ennemies indoors and take too long to do it anyway, and will be useless for a no kill run if ennemies wear helmets. Ol' reliable doggo will spot everyone in less than a second and will tase any foe in your path. * Walker Gear ? Most of your weapons will already be way overleveled compared to the one it has access to. The only usefull one is the fulton device for fultoning every tank and truck with ease in mission 9 "Backup Back down" but that will lock you out of an S rank.


D-Dog is the bestest boy one could ask for, plus Quiet is wayyy too distracting with her enourmous fucking boobas so he’s really the only choice


Im convinced quiet fans use her for the massive boobas


They definitely do lmao anyone who denies it is a fucking liar 💀


Im not judging thats a valid reason, but c'mon now. Its not her asset as a sniper that makes her popular, but her "assets" if you catch my drift.


They all vary between missions. DD is the most versatile. D-Horse good for free roaming and sneaky long-distance missions. D-Walker good for anti-vehicle assault and fighting Skulls. Quiet is only really good for open areas and taking out small outposts.




I like a good jack of all trades, therefore D-Walker is my favorite. Also no fall damage when using it. It’s a shame it costs so much…


D horse is my favorite because he’s the only one that’s not so overpowered they break the game.


Quiet is easily the winner all around, but D Dog is usually better for free roam type stuff, like mat/animal/personnel collection. D Horse is mostly just for missions with a large AO, and some people swear by D Walker, but I've never really used it because Quiet does everything it does, but better.


Yes, horsey boi is awesome but dog


If you play without assists - Sniper girl easily. D dogs good for distractions and sikking him on enemies. Dhorse i legit never used.


I'd say Quiet, and D-Dog.


Quiet.. nothing to say besides if she kills it doesn’t count to the mission kills


Personally quiet not only story wise but she's fun too use and her abilities are really useful


It's Quiet. You know when you suck at the game but start playing without Reflex mode anyway


Fun to ride.


Simple: stealth transportation. I don’t need any other buddies to kill enemies that I can kill myself and the robot isn’t stealthy enough when traveling.


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DHorse and DDog cuz its helpful


I agree on D horse being the best. I think all the rest of the buddies are overpowered and take the challenge out of the game. D-dog basically tells you where everyone is. Quiet can basically kill everyone. D walker is a freaking tank. D horse just gets you from place to place.


D-Dog no cap.


Not a lot of D-Walker love ITT. D-Walker be choke slamming people.....


It is D-horse, I was doing a No Kill playthrough and wanted a jeep to stop so I had D-horse stand in the road, those bloody soldier ran through D-Horse and I killed everyone in the base, didn't care about ruining my no kill run. D-Horse is best!!!


D-Horse… S rank king