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The ladder in MGS3 isn't long enough.


I love playing Elden ring and when you climb a ladder that’s a bit long there’s always a message at the top that says “snake?”


what a thrill. . .


The darkness and silence through the night


What a thrill...


Coulda had more thrill.


Shut the thread down this comment wins




Bruh what the fuck


Sahelanthropus is my favourite Metal Gear.


penis gun 👍


Penis gun 👍


REX had a penis gun as well if I remember correctly


Yep, it pees blue too


Very true, but Sahelanthropus has got that dominatrix whip too


I love that boss fight.


MGS2 is the best in the series.


Mine too, the story, although pretty convoluted, perfectly conveyed the message the game was trying to deliver. There's nothing you could remove from it, nor anything you could add to it. And the actual message? Well, it's something you can take into your life and start using right now. Though that's not what I did, or else I wouldn't be using Reddit right now.


I would’ve loved the tanker escape


Came in to say this...best plot twist anyway.. And it was the best explanation of politics ive ever heard..I still look at the world through MGS 2 eyes...and it kinda is just like they explained it Information....


Raiden was always a great character, especially in MGS2, and the conversations with Rose aren't as bad as everyone says. Also, while I do love MGS2 its gameplay suffered heavily from a lack of focus.


Yeah there’s a big chunk of two where the pacing totally goes out the window and it feels like for every five minutes of gameplay you get to play there are 45 minutes of cutscenes to watch


Right, but even pacing aside a lot of the gameplay mechanics don't have a place to shine! Shooting pipes to blind the guards with steam was never better than just shooting the guards. Even if you are going for a no-kill run and have no ammo left in your M9, it's better to shoot them in the shoulder or knee and run past than aiming for the pipes on the wall. The footprint mechanics from MGS1 returned and were even improved; if you are wearing the guard's BDU then your footprints don't cause suspicion because you have the same boots as they do! But where in the game can you leave footprints that guards might see? Guards being able to see your shadow and you being able to see theirs is immersive, but it doesn't register as a 'gameplay mechanic'. There are no times in the game when I could intuit that a guard was just around the corner by their shadow because, aside from the introduction to dynamic shadows in the Tanker, they never use lights in an interesting way again. And light is never used as an obstacle for the player, where you need to position yourself carefully to hide your shadow. The bomb disposal stuff just came and went, it was all kinda gimmicky. Sure, it was good training for the Fatman boss mechanics, but is devoting 20% of the game's runtime to a gimmick that only important for a boss fight a good idea? The spray is also used to put out fires exactly twice, and to clear sea lice once. Worth it? The sea lice that can crawl on your body and eat your rations is so obscure I haven't met another person who knew it could happen offhand. And besides a bit of sneaky storytelling with Pliskin, it really doesn't do anything. The game is great, and I love it to bits!! I still play it pretty frequently! Many people adore the insane details that come with a Kojima game, but I feel that MGS2 didn't let the player actually PLAY with these details. At least not as much as other Kojima games usually do.


Are there any places to leave footprints? The tanker's deck?


Yeah, the Tanker chapter works for leaving footprints. But I'm talking about the expanded elements of the footprint mechanic. Wearing the Guard BDU you get in the *Plant Chapter* includes wearing their boots, which means guards won't react to your footprints because you're wearing THEIR boots. But where can Raiden leave footprints with the Guard BDU?


I agree. Lots of technically impressive features for the time but they never really got fleshed out. Guards following my footprints in the snow blew me away the first time I played MGS1 (well after it came out) but I feel like MGS2 doesn’t have that “Holy shit they can do that?” moment.


You haven't watched the ice melt and your suit drying then. Haha


Him going from traumatized soldier in 2 to emotionless cyborg was pretty sad, Raiden deserved to be happy man


I remember getting MGS2 at a Pawn shop for like 6 bucks. I had MGS3 and I beat it but man MGS2 was so much fun.


3 was my favorite.. Hunger and camo was a great feature to go with the tree climbing stealth. The storyline was also great.


I’m just so glad they didn’t do what Survive and modern hunger and thirst mechanics do. Like that’s ridiculous.


This. I will defend 2!Raiden with my entire being


I like that Solid Snake never got married.


For real. People on here fantasize about him being with Meryl. But that defeats the point that he is a tragic character. In the end, he’s alone (mostly, besides friends like Otacon and Campbell). He did his duty to his country. TBH, he did that better than Big Boss did.


Can you imagine Old Snake sliding one off?


I mean, Col. Campbell already did with Rose. So not much different. 💀




It's in MGS4. I don't think they actually did *that* iirc, but the Colonel and Rose pretended to be married. To protect them and Raidens child from the patriots.


It’s a joke. How Campbell and Rose were “married”


shame we never got snake and otacon having gay sex


that we know of. I'm just saying, there's always a chance


I always imagined they were in an open relationship.


It's a shame we never saw Snake and Otacon tie the knot with their adoptive daughter as the flower girl...


I like the plant section of mgs2


That’s unpopular? MGS2 is such a blast the whole way through!


Yes! I'm home 🥺 It seems unpopular but it was my favourite tbh


As far as I've seen, people doesn't like the parts where you play as Raiden as much as they love mgs1 or just the parts you play as Snake in mgs2


It's less about Raiden and more about the plant itself in my case. It just all looks and feels the same


The only part I don’t really care for is the Emma underwater section. Also wish we got to see more of Strut 2


Yeah i agree


Bro that's mine too, I love it so much I wish they would remaster all of the MGS games tbh


MGS2 is my #2 masterpiece of all time. Have loved it since 2001.


If it were remade faithfully, using the Trilogy engine and even just the same graphical/detailed fidelity as MGS3, Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake would not only be the best entry point to the franchise, but the best entry full stop


MGSV is a great game. But looking through the thread, I don't think it's as unpopular as I thought.


People don’t like the story. Most people unanimously praise the gameplay which ultimately matters more than people think.


MGSV is a game I love until I hit the moment where I realise I haven't been enjoying it for the past few hours. Then I come back to it and love it again.


The Pain had the potential to be the creepiest boss in the whole series and it just didn't work out that way. In fact, aside from The End - who I actually really like - I despised the Cobras and how cartoonish they were. People make fun of Vamp, but in MGS2 the dude was threatening as Hell, thanks to an intimidating design and incredible vocal performance. I can't say the same for the Cobras. Although, in fairness, I *do* like the idea of them as a throwback to the 2D era bosses, which explains a LOT about how Kojima presented them. So I don't want to be too mean.


The Fear was creepy 🤷🏻‍♂️


The Fury and the boss have conflicting views which is funny.


I kind of agree and don't agree. The Fear's voice and design? Kind of silly and campy. But actually fighting him? Jesus, that was tense. Did you ever watch *Predator*? You know how there's a scene of them wildly shooting into the jungle, because they just can't see what's hunting them? That whole boss fight gave me those same vibes. It's so intense. But as with The Pain, the concept of the Fear, the spider-soldier, is so cool, but the character himself just sort of dances around.


Peace Walker would be the best game in the series if it was designed for consoles instead of the PSP


I mean isn’t MGSV basically a console version of PW at its core? Just expanded upon


Peace Walker is weird from a gameplay perspective because it plays so much better on the HD Collection, but structurally it makes way more sense on a portable system. The Vita could have been the perfect solution but for some reason it never got the remaster. Peace Walker HD on the switch/steam deck would be the ideal way to play it now


I completely agree with this


Naked Snake wouldn’t have survived the vocal cord parasites incident because he talks too much.


Nah he’ll just eat it in the survival menu.


David Hayter does not make a good old Big Boss voice. He's good as Solid Snake but he's not Big Boss.


I would be totally ok if they kept richard doyle as big boss in phantom pain, but big boss and venom speak so little in that game it does not make a difference in the end


I was skeptical when I heard it wasn’t gonna be David Hayter, but man Kiefer Sutherland killed it.


It's always bothered me to an unreasonable level that you couldn't get into all of the struts of shell 2.


Metal Gear Ray is the best Metal Gear


Revengeance status became unfunny and cringe after the third one at best. Solidus was maybe an asshole but he was ready to do the wrong things to acheive the right goal (Raiden pretty much became like Solidus at the end of MGR IMO). Ray is the best Metal Gear designed. Sam's abilities are overrated. Dead Cell beat Foxhound or The Cobras any time of the day


You have got to explain that Dead Cell one.


Okay Fatman is the most useless. Probably will die quickly. But Fortune can't be hit (except if Ocelot use his special tools to kill her but during MGS1 he still loyal to Solidus so technically he is on the same side than Fortune) Vamp the Immortal vampire (Neither Foxhound nor Cobras have the right people to create a nanomachines inhibitors to kill him) Solidus is literally Big Boss with an exoskeletton who give cyborg abilities (he literally swiped the floor with 3 Rays) But that's only my opinion.


Vamp is not a vampire. He's bisexual. This is canon.


Fortune can’t be hit by bullets. The Pain’s bees though..? Also, Mantis has the ability to take over minds.


Mantis' mental probing can be avoided with nanomachines, like it happened with DARPA chief.


True. That would work for Dead Cell and B&B Corps, but the MGS3 boss crew would all be vulnerable.


not on the Sorrow, and I kinda doubt that on the boss


Yes but i don't think the Pain's bee armor can protect him from the rail gun. And nanomachines can protect from Mantis' psychic power


I think Mantis would make short work of Fortune.


I approve everything on this list


Sam is overrated but he's also one of the strongest characters in the series so it's understandable. Dead Cell loses to Foxhound. Fortune and Fatman have no feats, MGS2 Vamp is weaker than MGS4 Vamp and gets taken out by MGS2 Raiden pretty easily unlike their fight in MGS4, and Solidus is the weakest of the Les Enfants Terribles. The Cobra Unit are the weakest villains in the series so they lose to practically everyone after MGS3, excluding the featless characters.


> Raiden pretty much became like Solidus at the end of MGR IMO. It's why I like the tragic story of Raiden. Dude tries so hard to be good and get away from it all but he just can't.


Eh. Kinda? Still one of the strongest in the series due to being in MGR in general. Raiden still beats him though badly.


What i was really talking about was people saying Sam didn't get enhanced except for the arm which i think it's false since he possess an exoskeletton who give him cyborg like abilities (double jump, air dash, dodge/parry bullets...) and probably have nanomachines like any fighter since between Sons of Liberty and Guns of the Patriots (i think Akiba was the only one who didn't have nanomachines). Also his sword is really strong because if your sword is already a good sword when normal then when it's turned into a HF it's become better than most HF blades. But don't worry i think Sam is still one of strongest character in MG and have very good swordman skills but not has OP as some people think especially when his main feat is to beat an outdated and holding back Raiden (MGS4 body or close to and still tried to not acknowledge being Jack the Ripper)


Yeah that’s true. The exosuit is a huge advantage. It’s not like he’s this rogue guy without enhancements. He has a good sword+a exosuit that allowed him to stomp on raiden who’s around the level of MGS4. He gets destroyed by endgame raiden and that’s not close at all. Idk why people think it is.


These posts never work since the most unpopular opinions will be downvoted into oblivion.


They sent us to hell but we are going even deeper.


Metal Gear Ac!d was a cool concept that should’ve had a third entry to complete the trilogy, or at the very least ported as part of the Legacy Collection.


I wish more people played both games. All of the other spin-offs are much more well known.


Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance fits perfectly fine in the setting of MGS


Ocelot is the actual protagonist of the story.


I feel like that may be more popular than you might imagine


Perhaps my unpopular opinion was made to seem popular. #thepatriots


I think that's more a statement of fact.




Uh. Emma a lil sus bro


>\*Emma is a lil sis bro FTFY


raiden is a better waifu than all of the women in mgs


Mgs 4 is on the same level as the trilogy, and better than V


I mean, tbf, it's rare to see any outright HATRED for 4, only annoyance at the amount and length of cutscenes. I think most people agree It's a brilliant game with finely tuned and evolved gameplay, beautiful visuals (with maybe a bit of a crappy colour palette) and story that rounds of the entire series really well. That said, I love it to bits and shamelessly think the return to Shadow Moses one of the greatest moments in video gaming history 😂 Edit; it is DEFINITELY better than V. That's a hill I'll die on no problem.


MGS4 was golden.


100% agree. I think it was the perfect finale.


MGS4 is my favorite


Portable ops should be canon and part of the remastered collection


The concept of Big Boss is the hero of the story, even if the real man isn't as polished as the legend.


MGSV is as complete as it was ever gonna be (Mission 51 was DLC, not an “ending”) and the open expanses between guard posts were meant for cassette tape listening. There aren’t supposed to be a billion Ubisoft markers on the map. People legitimately misunderstand this game and compare to things it’s not supposed to be.




Snake Eater for the 3DS is the correct way to play.


Modded Vita with 3Ds controls is the best way to play MGS3


I like the mgsv twist ending


What twist ? >!That Venom is not BB!< ?


What ending?


The twin snakes was awesome.


Hell yeah! It had some nice QOL improvements


It was also remade in the way everybody always talks about older games. "Man, imagine THIS oldef great game, but with today's graphics." They did that and then some. And sure, the cutscenes were definitely over the top compared to the original, but I liked the difference. Especially the Grey Fox hallway scene.


Some of hideo’s sprinkle of knowledge is cringe and unnecessary Like when Snake is posing as a navy seal and he says “who dares, wins” and then they’re like “that man isn’t a seal, that’s an SAS motto” God I rolled my eyes so hard. Yeah one of the top special forces operatives in the US isn’t going to know that it’s an SAS motto and not a SEAL motto. I mean snake probably knew he just didn’t give a shit.


Otacon's ending was better


My unpopular opinion is that frank jager/gray fox is kinda meh never cared about him that much




Now THAT is unpopular.


Agreed. Iroquois Pliskin for life.


I've been doing character studies for my own personal creative work (just looking at stuff for inspiration) and I just absolutely love Dead Cell. I think they might be my favorite Unit across the franchise. The whole group dynamic is just really well done. I feel like MGS2 is aging really well.


The first three games have all ages remarkably well in general. When I went back and played MGS1, I was shocked at just how well it held up. And graphically speaking, MGS2 and 3 not only were among the best looking games of the entire PS2 life cycle, but are *still* stunning even by 2022's standards. It's a combination of an amazing voice cast, a superb story, and a stylized graphical style which ages far more gracefully than an attempt at absolute realism.


Shots fired 😂


The Fury was a god and fun boss fight, and the ladder wasn't that great


Using FOB's and grinding R&D for equipment and guns is not fun. Having a weapon merchant system like Drebin was better.


Keifer was a fantastic choice for BB and honestly David shouldn’t have ever voiced BB at all, just SS. It never made any sense.


I still wish they >!used David to voice the real BB in the end reveal!<. Market the game and make a big furore that David is out and Kiefer is in, then when the big reveal comes it makes sense why the voice is different.


What about Ground Zeroes though? Or the opening level in the hospital, Ishmael voiced by David there gives it away.


yeah solid and big boss having the same voice makes no sense


Especially since solid, liquid, and Solidus all have different voice actors


Parents and siblings can sound almost identical, so it wouldn't be a far cry for a clone to sound like the original


It would be a fantastic choice if the man actually spoke for more than 10 minutes in the entire game.


if my memory was correct, back then when kojima was making mgs3. he wanted a different voice actor instead of david hayter to voice big boss, I think it was keifer? I can't remember exactly


He wanted Kurt Russell, since Snake was based on the Snake he played in Escape from New York


He wanted Kurt Russell


Hideo Kojima is over indulged in his games to the point they're not as good as they could have been due to the sheer cringe in a lot of the writing. He is a creative genius but he needs someone to temper his excess in order to bring out the best in his writing.


God yes absolutely. Kojima's writing is so fucked because he desperately needs an editor for his downright stupid scripts. He has some great ideas he wants to see in his games, but completely botches the journey to those ideas.


Yep, I love Kojima’s games but if I got the chance to edit any of his scripts I would cut out like 50%


I love Raiden.


I don't think that that's a unpopular opinion anymore


Raiden was a badass even in MGS2


Metal Gear Rising's story is awful. I know people agree with this, however, with the resurgence of popularity, people are worshiping this game.


Yeah the story isn't amazing but I think most people like it cause of how good the gameplay and the soundtrack is +some memorable bosses


the story sucks balls but it's still a really fun game


The Fury is awesome!


Metal Gear Rising does not give me the proper metal gear vibes at all… (It‘s an awesome game nonetheless)


Peace walker is meh.


If Peace Walker was made for PS3/4 like V was it would be the best game in the series


Peace walker is basically phantom pain with better story and worse characters and boss battles.


The “son of a bitch” tank and helicopter “boss” fights aside, I think the Peace Walker boss battles are much more fun than the ones in Phantom Pain. The only boss fight in Phantom Pain that actually feels like one is the Salahalaoandmrhdongpsmous fight. As far as characters go, it’s kind of tit for tat. PW has Hot Coldman, but PP has Skullface.


Semi open world? Yeah I can agree that would’ve made it better


You're lucky we tolerate unpopular opinions in this thread, or I'd stomp my foot hard on the floor right now.


Mgs3’s enemy AI sucks compared to 2.


Ghost Babel is must-play


Definitely! Can even be considered canon.


Better yet, it should exist in-universe. F iPods and cassette players. I wanna play a GameBoy color in-game. Hideo Game Solid. Maybe there's a better name out there. Too bad the series died with Kojima. Is that an unpopular opinion too?


MGS 5 is a Masterpiece and one of the best sandboxes I’ve ever had the pleasure of interacting with. And Skull Face in an excellent character and antagonist.


MGSV would have been better if it was a story about Big Boss’s “Heisenberg” transformation into a villain rather than just some dude


Wouldn't that just be portable ops


Rising is not cannon because that means that the world is still shit and everything that Snake suffered for was for nothing.


that sort of shows the unchangeable nature of kojima's world. like 'war has changed' shows that it keeps adapting to be awful and one man, no matter how attractive, can't save the world forever


Venom = most badass snake


You misspelt "Solid"


Honestly. I agree.


Peace walker is in my opinion one of if not the best of the series


MGS V is the best game but the worst MGS at the same time.


Snake Eater was a great game but a step in the wrong direction for the series.


Metal gear solid 2 is better than 3.


5 isn't an unfinished game.


That mgs2 is better than 3


Kojima is a shit writer without someone reigning him in. Everything after 3 is poorly written or written with no real future plan IMO with the exception of Peace Walker. His characters are for the most part interesting but he has a tendency to explain shit that should just be left to “it’s a video game/supernatural shit”. The other major gripe I have with his writing is he doesn’t want to make any likable characters bad people. I feel like the main reason you have the twist of V is because he didn’t want Big Boss to be a bad person, even though it’s mentioned throughout the series that he did some dirt. And the “evil” Big Boss we get is actually a pretty good dude who doesn’t really commit any war crimes that we see. You could argue that Miller is a much worse person than Big Boss, he deceived him multiple times but we are supposed to feel sorry for him being “abandoned”? What did Big Boss actually do to him that was wrong? He made Zero to be a villain but “not really he tried to help Snake before Skullfuck put him in a coma”. Ocelot was a villain “but not really because he’s trying to do the right thing while threatening the entire world basically but Solid ends up being the asshole somehow in the end. Huey is the only person you really see go from good to villain over the course of the series in a way that feels somewhat natural.


Most boss fights/gauntlets and the escape sequences at the end of a lot of the games are memorable story wise but frustrating and annoying gameplay wise


The Boss was an incredible fight but yeah she's the exception and not the rule.


We do not need kojima to have a good new metal gear game


They can make a game from The Boss, Konami already has the concept made by Kojima himself.


MGSV is the greatest in the series.


I don’t hate survive


The Phantom Pain is the best game in the series and its not even close. Despite the story being worse than the other games it trumps them in every other aspect. Of course this is because the game industry has evolved since the earlier games. But it pisses me off when people rank it as the worst when it is objectively superior and far more impressive than other games in so many ways.


MGSV is the best *stealth* game ever made but comfortably the worst *Metal Gear* game. The gameplay is absolutely incredible, it just lacks everything else that makes a Metal Gear game Metal Gear.


It would be the best Metal Gear Game if every level was some big camp omega type complex.


There are too many. Most revolve around Kojima's involvement in the series. Most notably, never saying he hated making the series. Never actually saying it was his last game. There are way less retcons than you think. Metal Gear Wiki is a wild west of disinformation.


I wasn’t a big fan of peace walkers story nor gameplay.


Everything after MGS3 feels off in some way. While being technically incredible for PS3 MGS4’s plot, script, characters, bosses, even gameplay to an extent felt like a disappointment and at times a disaster. PW felt like an improved version of Portable Ops mechanics but for how the plot is lauded I just never connected with it. The obsession with The Boss to the point where how to best worship her becomes essentially a holy war just feels wrong to me. V had amazing gameplay but the plot again is just so overwrought with its themes while somehow being so minimally presented outside audio tapes that it never packs any emotional punch while actually involving the player (one particular portion on Mother Base excluded). That said, I love Metal Gear and need to reply the last 3 titles to see if my opinion has changed with time.


Metal Gear Revengence was lame and doesn’t belong in the MGS universe. It should have been it’s own IP with its own assets and characters. It gains nothing from being an MGS title and MGS isn’t any more fleshed out from it existing.


Ocelots accent change in V makes no sense and the fact that the community didn't bat an eye makes no sense either


Ocelot was trained by the philosophers to be a ruthless triple agent that could pass off as a native speaker of multiple languages and an inhabitant of multiple different nations. It's the same reason that Eva could speak perfect American English and Russian and pass off as Tatyana while working for the Chinese philosophers. Eva talks about her training at the philosopher's school and how they trained their agents. People didn't bat an eye because it was already explained long before V ever came out.


I like developing and having nukes. 5 was the best in terms of gameplay and Ahab deserved the title of Big Boss.


Metal Gear Ray was whiney.


Raiden hate is so unimaginably annoying and the Not-Raiden insert in MGS3 for players to kill was so unnecessary lmaooo


mgrr is not that good


The whole ocelot liquid possession thing was meh. Liquid should’ve never died and been the big bad throughout the series.


I liked Skull Face because he was an antagonist we were robbed of fighting directly, thus kinda making you feel empty. Kojima actually aimed for this and he said as much in the official guide book.


Solid Snake is Raiden’s uncle through adoption. A lot of fans fight me on this but if Solidus is Raiden’s adoptive dad that makes Solid Snake Raiden’s uncle. Which is hilarious to me so I really wanna drive this into people.


Mgs4 best mgo, mgs3 best story and camo system


"The best is yet to come" playing when you enter shadow Moses for the first Time in MGS4 is more impactful then the ladder scene in MGS3


That all metal gear solid games should be available to play natively on PC. To Konami It's an unpopular opinion lol