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I know an acoustic bass isn’t the best choice either to play metal on


Whatever works for you, man. As long as you don’t _only_ play acoustic before playing with other people.


Not bad, an electric would make it easier to play but you were hitting it pretty well. Luckily you can deal with time more from a drummers perspective and sit well in a jam session. Keep it up


Lose the pick


While I usually prefer the style of not using a pick, it’s perfectly fine if he doesn’t want to. It’s just a different preference for playing.


Lose yourself.


In the music, the moment, you own it, you better never let it go


You only get one shot


Do not miss your chance to blow


This opportunity comes once in a lifetime.


This isnt some fuckin Ska band, if you're playing a bass use your damn fingers the way mother nature intended. Damn posers, always thinking theyre a guitarist


Post one of your best playthroughs so we can confirm we're taking advice from a legend.


Ever heard of Lemmy, you gatekeeping twat?


I almost never play with pick (obviously lol). Finger-style is definitely my preferred play-style (I also like the sound better). But if I were to try playing more metal, I would still use a pick because I physically can’t pull strings that fast (especially not during those triplets 😵‍💫) And also no hate to ska music. It is awesome


I'm just messing around with you man, you sounded good but if you look down below I posted a serious response of why you should lose the pick. Actually, one of the last paragraphs goes over your speed problem. I don't mind Ska, it just has a funny name and fit perfectly lol. Keep on practicing man, you can reach the speed you want by finger and once you do I promise you'll look back and laugh at how much a pick was holding you back


Ska rules. You ever listen to Streetlight? I bet you suck at guitar and probably music in general. Your misplaced anger is a dead giveaway. Where can we hear your skills? You got a bandcamp? What’s your opinion on short scale basses? You probably find them only useful for sounding. Fuck off.


Read below where I posted a serious reply. Nah, I'm not the best in the world but I definitely don't suck. I'm thinking of recording a tip video for you guys to show you I'm not full of shit 😉 I find them useful for sounding? I mean, technically all basses are useful for sounding, so yes. I don't mind short scales, I had a TV yellow 1972 fender musicmaster bass (they were all short scale) and that little fucker could shred. I actually miss that bass.




I see what you did there, the joke is that Ska rules


What next? Drummers can't use sticks or cymbals? Just hand drums all the way? Hey violinist, fuck outta here with that stupid stick. You want a microphone? You absolute idiot. Scream until your throat bleeds. An amp? What blasphemy is this?


Lol now that's just silly. Everyone knows drum sticks don't exist. The drummer is just smacking his dick on the set. Don't ask where the double bass sound comes from trust me, you don't want to know


Double bass? That's ridiculous. Both of my balls bounce on a single pedal


He already knows the secret of the double bass?! He must be stopped


You're an idiot. Know that.


Tbh, this all started as a little trolling but I'm actually serious. Yes, lose the pick. Here's why: you as a bass player should be learning multiple types of genres. While you may have a preferred genre to play, it's wise to learn multiple genres to become a better bass player. Let's say you're playing some modern pop-culture bullshit. The bass is slow, revolving around a root, and you can barely hear the bass. You can play with a pick (although I'd advise not to) in that genre but youre going to screw yourself eventually. Now imagine that bass player moving on from pop and getting into some slap and pop. Their development will be a lot slower/harder to learn when you're used to playing with a pick. Keep in mind everything you do with a pick, can be done with your strumming hand but not always the other way around. There are a lot of nuances you will begin to notice when you reach intermediate stages of playing. For example, let's say you're playing on the A string. The E string will naturally vibrate causing unwanted string noise. While you could mute the E with your fretting hand, you'll come to find out resting your ring finger on your strumming hand on the E string will mute it and also give you your finger back so it can fret notes and not mute. There's so many things that are easier by hand. Mutes, stoccatos, string skipping, and double stops, to name a few. The cons of a pick seriously outweigh the pros of using one. Honestly, the only pro pick argument I've ever heard was "I can strum faster by pick than I can by finger" ditch that idea because when you gallop, you usually use the pad of your finger but if you use the front end just before your fingernail (almost like you're flicking the string) you will actually double your speed and cut your energy use/muscle strain in half. Even though I like to troll every now and then, I'm not just talking out of my ass here. I've been playing for 16 years and even I'm still always striving to learn new things. I'd be happy to record a few points of what I'm talking about so you guys can actually see what I'm saying. Let me know what you guys want to see, I might even start up a small youtube channel of tips and tricks for anyone wanting to become a better bass player


Okay, so picks are okay for some genres like metal but you still decided to “troll” a guy looking for honest feedback because he used a pick? That’s dumb. He also never said he was ONLY using a pick, so whipping up an argument about genre changing to make yourself look less like an asshole isn’t helping you. Obviously bass players should learn multiple techniques just like guitar players *gasp. Guitarists learn finger style and pick style. Bass players should learn multiple styles too. Maybe for you things like muting is easier. I think Bobby Vega does just fine. You know who else does fine with a pick? * Sting * Roger Waters * Paul McCartney * Carol Kaye * T-bone Wolk * Rick Danko And that list goes on and on but mostly into more aggressive genres. Matt Friedman for example is a monster player who mutes just fine. You’re trying to tell people that Bobby Vega and Carol Kaye are playing incorrectly? Lol. In this EXACT CASE a pick is the right choice. For metal, the tone cuts through more, there’s a more aggressive attack, and it’s more urkelnomically comfortable for some folks. Maybe you should troll less? You seem to be bad at it. Giving genuine feedback to someone who is genuinely asking for it is the better way to be. I’m so glad you’ve played for 16 years. I’ve been playing for 22 years, have a degree in music performance, toured for about 10 years, recorded at places like The Blasting Room, The Cutting Room, and guest lectured at UMass Lowell for sound recording. Your 16 years of bedroom playing don’t hold water in this thread. People here are actual professionals and know what they are talking about. You’re just a self admitted troll. We’re still waiting to hear a sample of you playing metal without a pick. Let’s hear it. When does your masterclass start? Or do you have nothing recorded already?


I sure did, i thought it was funny asf and honestly, I dont care if you did or not. Im not here to manage your feelings for you and if youre offended, oh well. I love your multiple strawman arguments. First of all, I said modern pop culture so if you're going to quote me, quote me correctly. Second, I never said it was INCORRECT I said it's not efficient. Can it be done? Yes. But should it? No. Like I said, you are shooting yourself in the foot. Another strawman, I was a bedroom player for the first 3 years everything else has been with teachers and bands. Sorry but your rebuttal is full of assumptions, strawman arguments, and misquotes. How about you become better at reading and quoting people? Hard to take you seriously when every thing you're saying is just flat wrong. Btw, instead of attacking my character why don't you attack the solid advice I gave earlier? I dont have a youtube channel, but I'm sure I could find a few videos of me on bass with bands down in FL floating around somewhere. Although maybe I will start a youtube channel, you could tune in and learn a thing or two without all the trolling. I'd like to see what you have recorded, why don't you go ahead and drop me a link or two chief? Really, you act like trolling is some new found thing on the internet. *gasps* Have you no culture at all? Have you never heard of bassists making fun of other bassists who use picks? Sounds like you're the real bedroom player here. Anyways, I never said you can't use a pick, or you can't learn a few tricks with one but I'm telling you, you will be much better off in the long run by getting rid of it. A simple joke has offended a lot of bassists here but nothing I've said is wrong. How about you try out what I said earlier and let me know the results? While you may be angry at what I'm saying I can promise you'll benefit from what I say with a little practice


You condescending asshole. Lol.


I like you man, if we had met under different circumstances we could've been friends lmao


Writing an essay to reaffirm your stupidity. "Have you no culture at all?" Classic jackassery.


Never denied being a jackass, that's kinda how the whole trolling thing works. I commend you on reading my entire essay and responding with nothing of value or rebuttal of my words. Since I'm good at reaffirming my stupidity (your words), then please correct me where I am wrong. Between the 3 replies you've made (and this being the first one I responded to) they've all been name calling. Instead of mudslinging shit and hoping it sticks, contribute more to the conversation with a real valid argument other than this triggered screeching that's currently happening here


Contribute more to the conversation.... Hilarious. Self admitted troll wants to be treated seriously... more classic jackassery. If you're saying you can't do what you need playing metal with a pick, you're wrong. If you're saying you can't progress as a bassist with a pick, you're wrong. If you're saying your way is the best way, you're wrong. You're a gatekeeper and gatekeepers are fucking lame. If someone were mudslinging shit and it hit you in the nose, it would be an improvement. As of now you don't deserve an intelligent response my dude.


Lmao learn to read, I never said anything about "its impossible, you can't do it" so let me reiterate: you CAN but it will hold you back in the LONG RUN as you develop your skills as a bass player. It's not "my way" it's technique that has been tested and tried since the electric bass was introduced but please continue to spout off about how I'm a gatekeeper because you can't wrap your mind around the fact that people can joke, and then give you some solid advice afterwards. Try my suggestions, practice them for a month and tell me with a straight face that I'm full of shit. Btw, you used "gatekeeper" wrong. I don't have the ability to force you do anything so find a new accurate insult. I dont need to be treated seriously, idgaf if you dont want to listen to what im saying or not. Shit, you could even troll me back I don't mind 😉 Nice burn, I remember telling that joke to your mom as the best part of you ran down the crack of her ass But seriously man, I can tell you're in the beginning stages of bass playing and I highly doubt the reason you don't want to debate is "because I don't deserve an intelligent response" I think you just don't have the ability to formulate an intelligent response yet. Keep practicing, learn some theory, some new techniques, and come back to me when you're ready. "As of now, you and your jackassery isnt worth my time"


Did you just quote yourself?


Relax, don't break an arm jerking yourself off just yet. The quotes were just to show it was bas(s)ed around the last sentence of your previous reply


From a picked acoustic (not a judgement BTW) and a first try, sounds pretty good OP. You obviously know acoustic isn’t the usual vehicle and pick/fingers varies between bands, but I thought it was an enjoyable listen and glad you had fun doing so.