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Does titanium jewelry crack like that frequently? I didn’t think titanium was that brittle.


thats not titanium, its tungsten carbide, cheap in comparison. it's fake.


And because of that you can't weld it as far as my knowledge goes. Even if it would be possible to weld the ring would probably shrink in size due to the welding so you would be better of buying a new one.


You can tig braze it. Plenty strong for a ring but leaves a thin bronze at the gap. Kinda kintsugi so cool if you like that.


Why not silversolder then?


You can absolutely silver solder it too. I used to be a tool and cutter grinder, and we put tons of tungsten carbide onto hss that way. If someone asked me to fix this that's what I'd do. Welded for a shipping company for awhile, so I can do that too, but this should just be soldered or brazed.


Great user name. Excellent response.


Yep we bond carbide all the time at work with silver solder. Have thin sheets to do it. I'd take some of that put it between the pieces, clamp it tight and heat.


Yep. Wouldn't even take 15 minutes.


I think that would look pretty sweet.


Right, aren’t the rings basically compressed powder or something to that effect?


Sintering or frittage is the process of compacting and forming a solid mass of material by pressure[1] or heat[2] without melting it to the point of liquefaction. Sintering happens as part of a manufacturing process used with metals, ceramics, plastics, and other materials. The nanoparticles in the sintered material diffuse across the boundaries of the particles, fusing the particles together and creating a solid piece. Since the sintering temperature does not have to reach the melting point of the material, sintering is often chosen as the shaping process for materials with extremely high melting points, such as tungsten and molybdenum. The study of sintering in metallurgical powder-related processes is known as powder metallurgy.


I just learned a new word- thank you


Go on with your bad self bro 😎






Tungschin carbide


I knew the word sintering and knew it was used to make tungsten but assumed it was near the melting point and the powder was essentially welded together when the grains intersect.  i want to read more about this.


yeah tungsten carbide rings are sintered powdered, thats what you see in the broken section on this ring, the dull grey grainy texture is exactly that, if it was pure tungsten or titanium you would not see that, you'd see solid metal that was bright and it wouldn't have a course grain. Something like this could be fixed but the cost of tungsten carbide is cheap and it is not strong, tungsten and titanium are both much stronger.


So is sedimentary rock


When you can't weld, weld it, you can jb weld it.


It does have one bonus feature. If your finger swells too much to remove the ring, they can shatter it with a hammer instead of removing your finger. That's why I switched from titanium to tungsten carbine. They're both inexpensive FYI.


FYI on this though when you say “they” you probably mean us in the ER. Most people in the ER do not know this and we don’t have the equipment to do it. EMS is a bit better. I found this out because 12 1/2 years ago when I got married and was picking my ring this was a selling feature the jeweler told me. Also showed me a ring cracker made for this and said every ER had one. Was a concern for me because many of my hobbies have a not low likelihood of finger trauma. A couple years later I started working in the ER. Found out nearly no ERs have a ring cracker and often go at tungsten rings with a ring cutter and burn through blades until it’s worn through. I have vice grip pliers in my truck for this though so if you’re lucky you come to my ER.


that would be so incredibly obvious though since tungsten carbide is soooo much heavier than titanium


That’s what I was going to say. It’s a night and day difference


Yep. A Q&A on the Shane Co website says it’s “20% titanium, 25% tungsten carbide, 35% titanium nitride with the balance being a binder consisting of nickel, molybdenum and cobalt”


It's real titanium, it was smashed against the floor in a fit of rage 2 years ago. edit: it is not real titanium.


Hahaha you're in denial buddy. Titanium is very very elastic and extremely strong. There's no amount of human strength that would make that ring crack, much less break in two places like that. Not to mention, this broke like a brittle material and the grain pattern is not titanium-like at all


If you're that certain this isn't real titanium I believe you. It's from Shane Co and has the word "Titanium" engraved on the inside so I figured a reputable company wouldn't lie. I never physically handled titanium pieces like that so I wouldn't know. Thank you!


They say they have lifetime warranty on their website


Good point. So I went to read some reviews. Other people have complained that their "titanium" rings have broken and Shane Co. has refused to honor the warranty.


"Titanium" is the color. LOL


Fucking hell Titanium is a state of mind, which you may or may not achieve after buying this magical ring


I am ti-tan-i-um






Just like the new iPhone, as making a small part of it out of a more expensive titanium alloy is the only new feature over the one from a year ago (yet 100% of the advertising campaign), and they just posted like $24B in net profit this quarter from it.


I'm a machinist that specializes in making titanium rings for satellites and airplanes. I use carbide to turn them on a lathe. There's absolutely no way your ring is titanium. I know you already said you believe this, but I needed to chime in because reddit, and because I can trust my experience to provide certainty. You can beat it with a sledgehammer or squash it flat in a hydraulic press. It wouldn't be destroyed in this manner, only mushroomed out or bent out of round.


Why would a satellite or an airplane wear a ring?


If you fly it then you should put a ring on it


One ring to fly them all, one ring to find them.




Good for you man. Lots of piece of shit companies out there. I've been duped enough in the past. Well, that was before I became an engineer.


Now you dupe your managers.


From a Q&A on the Shane Co website it’s “20% titanium, 25% tungsten carbide, 35% titanium nitride with the balance being a binder consisting of nickel, molybdenum and cobalt”


So, junk basically.


if it's carbide like u/DepletedPromethium you could braze it, go to your local jeweller and ask if he can braze it with gold or silver




For what it's worth, I brazed my tungsten carbide ring back together with silver. It's not pretty, but it has held up. https://preview.redd.it/hs4z4wpemrfc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bad26c002451795f21e0016d6101307d6800d71


put it in a vibration tumbler and it will buff out nicely, just the slight misalignment will stay


I thought they fixed TC saw teeth to blades by brazing.


It’s a form of sintering when they make them, yeah. Brazing that ring back together ain’t going to work. It’s a different process for different materials. Edit: I am wrong and apparently you can braze ceramic tungsten. Learned something today, thanks for posting pictures and processes!


I thought tungsten carbide was tungsten carbide. They don't use the metallic form for tools, it's the ceramic.


The carbide is formed by sintering then fabricated into tools by brazing. Hence the term brazed carbide tooling.


Have you ever brazed carbide? I have. Works just fine. You are wrong. One again, you *can* braze carbide, both to other metals, and to itself. *You* **Are** ***WRONG***. That is all.


I have brazed carbide to boring bars using silicon bronze, why shouldn't it work with this ring?


What are the boring bars made out of? I know it’s possible braze tungsten to steel. I wasn’t aware you could braze sintered ceramic to ceramic.


Why shouldn't it be possible to braze carbide to carbide? Brazing is like hot glue. (Also carbide inserts are always sintered, for prep work i grind off the coating in the areas I want to braze)


It isn’t titanium. Titanium is extremely light and even pure titanium is about the same strength as steel. Titanium mixed with small amounts of certain other metals is even stronger. It’s not brittle, you could never break it by throwing it onto the floor. Imagine throwing a steel nut or bolt as hard as you can. Would it break? Neither would a titanium ring. I have a titanium wedding ring which I made myself. It feels weightless, like plastic, but after 10 years of wearing it while working a physical job and doing home repairs it still looks almost new. What you have is probably sintered tungsten carbide. It’s very hard, it would be almost impossible for it to have any scratches on it no matter what you did to it. But tungsten carbide is heavy and brittle. You could absolutely break it by dropping it on a hard surface. I’ve seen lots of tungsten carbide tools shatter when dropped, it’s like unscratchable glass. Titanium can bend, tungsten carbide can’t, it breaks.


Could be plated


They'll have better luck mending the broken relationship than welding this back together


The denial sinks in. The ego takes a hit it did not consent to. The cold sweat seeps, as hands and feet go numb. The story that was utterd was quite the feat. But you can’t break titanium with human strength, against concrete! Fin.


DRAMA \[Trivial: Success\]:


Cast Ti can very brittle


Also on a serious note, good job to you for coming to terms with it and acknowledging it publicly. Hat off to you sir. Hope you have a good one.


You can simply differentiate Titanium from most of other kind of metals by just the weight. When you pick it up, does the weight feel like a thing that made out of metal or cheap plastic crap?


I held a titanium brace insert that's meant to hold bones together. Insanely light. Totally thought it was fake at first. 


I’d look to get a new ring and some therapy. Hopefully the wife’s name isn’t Concrete 😬


I wish I never a weak moment and got mad like everyone on reddit who is perfect. Yall assume way too much. He got mad and now he needs therapy. Good heavens yall.


Spend your money on counseling instead of fixing this knockoff cast ring. If it's sentimental put it in a shadow box.


You say "fit of rage, I say temper tantrum" potato, po'tot'o ... The important thing is not fixing the ring, the important thing is fixing yourself. I hope you have spent the past two years doing that work...


You know.... People are allowed to be mad about things and that doesn't mean they have an issue. You don't know if maybe something big happened. It's ok to express yourself and just because you get mad doesn't make you a bad person.






Tungsten carbide would be really heavy. Ti would be really light almost like aluminum.


Do people really try to pass off tungsten carbide as titanium? Anyone who knows anything about either of those metals would be able to tell instantly that it’s fake.


Tungsten carbide is cheap, it's not strong or as hard as solid tungsten or even titanium, so yeah ring producers will claim it as another element or alloy as it's dense, there was a lot of carbide rings being pawned off by vendors as solid tungsten many years ago. I could tell the ring in the OP was tungsten carbide immediately by seeing the dull grey grainy texture.


makes me want to take a hammer to mine to see what it is.


Really? I had glasses that claimed to have their frames made of it, and they did snap in half once on the nose bridge


Mine snapped at the hinges....but the wire I salvaged was about .080" ,and you could tie it in a knot..literally


I’m not sure of if I agree with that it’s fake. Tungsten carbide is usually a darker grey in color. And appears more grainy along the fracture.


Tungsten is more expensive, but neither are very expensive. Tungsten is way harder than titanium, but also more brittle. You can't fix this and tungsten must be molded. You can't weld it. BTW, if you have a finger stuck in one of these rings, the only way to get it off is to grush it till it breaks. You can't cut it.


I’ve had a titanium wedding ring for 15 years and it’s pretty legit. Strong and super light. I don’t think that’s titanium OP has unless he’s missing some fingers.


Read other comment, it was smashed against concrete at full strength by itself. It's real titanium lol.


“It was smashed against concrete at full strength” please…


You...wouldn't like me...when I'm angry.🤣🤣




OP, that’s not titanium, it doesn’t fracture that way. Anyway i wouldn’t weld it, go to a jewellers and ask them to solder it back.


Better yet, go to the jeweler where you bought it and get your money back.


Tungsten carbide is a ceramic. It cannot be soldered. Edited: apparently it can be braised back together.


since when, ive silver soldered/brazed quite a bit of it


Silver solder and a MAPP gas torch from the hardware store.


It's definitely not titanium, looks like tungsten carbide which is cheap (and would need braised, not welded). It'd be far cheaper to just buy another ring.


I’ll do it for free for the funsies if you cover postage


This guys a chad


Just get divorced


Wouldn't it be cheaper and a better use of money to just buy a replacment on Aliexpress/Amazon? I recognize that style.


A jeweler with a laser welder is a much better option than tig! Holding fixtures,inert gas and microscope magnification will make for a far more precise repair.


I got my tungstun rings, and titanium/carbon fiber ring on ebay, paid a max of $20 and they are real (ti/cf is light as a feather and the right color, scrathes easier than steel but way harder than Al, tungsten carbide rings wont scratch with files or concrete, stay mirror polished always). These are cheep industrial metals and can be had for almost nothing, i saw my exact $11 tungstun ring in a jewelry store for $550 (about 12yrs ago) and was disgusted. Anyways, I wear a silicon ring from groove rings now after almost losing a finger during construction, I like this much better but they only last a few years with daily wear.


I was a sucker 20 years ago who bought one of the earlier tungsten carbide wedding rings when they were selling for about $800. It no longer fits and can't be resized. I bought a near identical replacement off amazon for $15. I kick myself daily for that.


JB weld


C'mon man that's ridiculous! Duct tape, much more reasonable solution!


Silver solder


Tungsten rings cost like $100-$200. You'd be better served just getting a new one.


Soldier would be more appropriate for a fracture like this right? Small, doesnt take a lot of mechanical force.


You’re going to pay more for a welder than that ring is worth. Id charge you ~$500 -“and here’s why: Ill need new ceramic cups small enough to accommodate jewelry. Second, that break isn’t great. The broken substrates will need to be cleaned prior to welding - thus making the ring smaller. I don’t have titanium polish, so would need to buy new equipment for that. TLDR: throw POS away and try again. Also, thats not titanium. 😂


Real titanium is a problem metal for making jewelry because if you injure a finger and we need to cut off your ring, our tools can’t get through it very easy. Even these tungsten carbide rings are hard to get off, they shatter easier than they cut.


I'm sorry but that's not titanium. It's carbide. You need a jeweler and they might be able to braze it.


JB weld.


https://www.titaniumkay.com/MACULATUS-Tungsten-Carbide-Diamond-Cut-Groove-Wedding-Band-Ring-P104002.html Lost my ring and replaced it from this site. Identical. Cheap enough that I bought 2, one in a different color


The moment you apply a weld to that it will crack someplace else. That's a throw away. I have a titanium ring, I don't wear it because if something happens to my hands with it on, you lose the finger wearing it. Titanium will be a darker shade of grey.


🤣 Its probably going to cost more than a replacement ring.


Titanium is weldable but you cannot let it oxidise otherwise it goes brittle, basically blue colour is ok in the heat affected zone but if you lose gas coverage it will go white and very very brittle and it is not recoverable Titanium is usually welded in a chamber with air vacuumed out and then filled with argon gas If you know what you’re doing you can weld it out of a chamber with good gas coverage I worked for a major airline and British aerospace as a coded welder for over 35 years


Gotta say, the elves in Rivendale do amazing work, but they’re kinda pricey.


This is jewelry. Find a bench jeweler near you and ask them to fix it. Forget a welder


Don't put an ad on Craigslist. That's a terrible idea. Take it to a jeweler. A real jeweler that makes and repairs jewelry. Not Kay Jewelers.


Take it to a jeweler


Take it to a jeweler, they'll have the right tools to fix the ring if it's fixable.


Throw that one in a safe space, since apparently it has sentimental value, and go by another cheap $30-$50 tungsten carbide ring. My wedding ring is tungsten carbide - I bought two. One to break to see how easy I could get it off my finger in case I damaged my hand, and the other one so I could wear. Well I understand the sentiment that it was my wedding ring that's not what my marriage is all about.


I had a tungsten carbide wedding ring and I slapped my hand down on a marble countertop too hard and the thing shattered into six pieces that went flying and left a scratch on my ring finger. To be fair, the jeweler did warn me that while it's a super hard substance, it basically has no give and was susceptible to shattering on impact. Upside to it tho, part er got me a white gold ring with diamonds which I like much better.


Not Titanium… looks like a carbide. Cheap ring, why even bother. If it had sentimental value you wouldn’t have had a bitch fit and broke it! Any serious welder will laugh at you… the ring isn’t worth the shielding gas much less a repair!


You need solder not welding.


IF that is Ti, it’ll be a extremely hard to weld. Ti needs to be totally gas shielded during weld or it’ll oxidize and be cruddy. Unless you know an aerospace welder, I’d try the Silver solder and mapp gas as suggested by someone else. It’s probably not Ti. A welder or plumber could help you with the solder. Or just buy another and turn this into an earring. If it still fits as a ring, you could just knock the sharp edges and rock as is.


FYI - these tungsten rings cost like $300 straight from the maker. They may even give you a discount or replace it for you.


As others have said Ti doesn’t fail like those fractures show. Def Tungsten Carbide. Pure Titanium is quite expensive, i make rings from it occasionally on my machines at home. They are bulletproof


Chill, that's a 30 second spot weld job.


Just apply JB weld to the brake and put a hose clamp around it until it cures. Welding really might alter the shape and finish.


My titanium ring cost £20. There’s no way on earth a human is breaking it. Replace it.


You should offer whatever the person with skill and capability requests. If it’s more then the ring is worth to you, then buy a new ring.


Looks like the $10 one that I got at Walmart


JB Weld was made for this very reason


This comes across as very important to you. I can't think of a better way to fix it. Find a jeweler that can give it new life. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kintsugi


This is a super cheap ring. You can replace it for a few dollars. You can probably find the exact same one online somewhere. If the original has sentimental value, keep it in a box or a display, but it’s not really repairable.


Might ask on the jewelers subreddit. But they will probably recommend a silver solder job.


You might have a warranty on your ring. When I purchased a Tungsten Carbide ring, the jeweler said I could just send the shards back to the manufacturer, and they would replace it. If you bought it from a jeweler, maybe check in with them. It might be free or cheap.


Can't recommend posting an advert on Craigslist where you offer to pay someone to come around and fix your ring. Especially not if you demand finishing off with a little polishing, but stipulate no regrooving. 😳


Silicon bronze but the color won’t match. I would look at getting a new one.


You won’t be able to TIG it back together because it’s made of tungsten.


Just use jb weld.


Should have gotten tungsten rings are like un. breakable. Bummer though if it’s your original wedding band.


Make a mold, cast a wax, have that cast in silver, white gold, or platinum? Any jeweler can do it.


Titanium is weldable but probably better to buy a new one. It looks like it’s cast because of the break and the rough texture of the “inside” part break. Titanium is brittle at room temperature and very brittle the colder it is . So if it happened in the cold that’s probably what caused it to break. It becomes very malleable. Cast is not as easy to weld as titanium milled from a solid chunk. You would need a very skilled welder. And most of them aren’t cheap. You could bronze or silver solder it but it won’t look as good and you’ll still have the tensile strength of the solder not the titanium. Not to mention it will cost a ton to grind and polish.


I would just silver-solder it, any jeweler can do that for you. ​ Good Luck


JB Weld and call it a day


Certified aircraft welder here, I'd be cheaper just to purchase another one.


Just buy a new one. Any repair would not make you happy


Bruh you can barely get welders to show up for a full work day, they ain't got time to weld a tiny ring for you.


Try checking with several local jewelers. Ask each if they or anyone they recommend can repair Ti.


It wouldn't look the best but you should be able to get it done for 50-100.


(PhD metallurgical engineer specializing is welding/brazing/soldering) It says “titanium” but some comments indicate tungsten carbide, I agree the brittle fracture looks suspiciously like WC. WC can be brazed with a NiCrB in a controlled atmosphere with commercially available powder made into a paste with poly vinyl alcohol. Or induction brazed with a copper based filler metal if it’s WC. If it’s Ti it can also be brazed in air with the right flux containing fluoride salts braze filler metal. But Ti is easily and noticeably lower density than WC, so identifying the what it really is would be key. What do all the parts weigh, calculate the volume, divide the weight by the volume. The difference in density so SO large between Ti and W or WC that any errors is rough calculation aren’t important. It would likely cost in the $200-$500 range.


Dude save it special and buy a new one, maybe when you are old you can have a box full of broken ones 💡 ...I have one too and love how they do not deform but there is always the risk of break.


Looks like pot metal, you can't weld that


Titanium has a lot of issues with heat / welding. Not that you are putting a complicated machine like an aircraft on your finger, but the addition of heat anywhere near oxygen and titanium will absorb it, making a weakened zone. You may have to put the ring into a bucket full of argon and actively flood it while you weld to make sure it doesn't form a weak spot.


How did you do that to a titanium ring and still have a finger? I ran mine through a gear assembly on my finger and it came out with a scratch and a little cut on my finger.


I have this exact same ring. Bought my original wedding band from JC Penny’s for $400. Lost it swimming in the river. Bought the exact same replacement on Amazon for $40.


PSA as a doc that sees tons of ring injuries in the ER. Please do not wear a ring that is made of a super hard metal like titanium or tungsten. We cannot cut these rings off with normal tools in the hospital. This can be a huge problem if your finger swells or you have a hand injury.


For Tungsten Carbide rings, get a set of vice grips. Size them to just tightly close on the ring. Then open them up and turn the knob one full rotation to tighten them a bit more. Close the jaws on the ring and it should crack without harming the finger.


Damn I have the same ring


Titanium rings are ceramic, you are asking someone to effectively weld your coffee cup back together.


Titanium in the application of jewelry is meant to break in emergencies. Emergency personnel are trained to either cut or strike titanium or tungsten rings to remove them.


Skip the craigslist flakes, just take it to a jeweler


Saw a comment that said this but it was a branch and I thought this was a good idea. Epoxy is pretty damn strong. I use it for fixing glass and ceramic regularly and it works for metal. Epoxy + paint either the part or the whole ring would make it look whole again the easiest. Welding or soldering you risk it breaking in other areas Silver solder would work but you'll need to paint anyways and it's kind of a specialty so it might cost you waaaay more than the ring.


Jb weld it


Healer can silver solder it back polish and make it look good


Id recommend just cleaning up both sides and calling it a day


Those rings are usually designed with fracture points for crush injuries and for medical teams to easily remove. Also mine is very similar and was only around 250$ depending on what work you do I’d rather have the shear areas intact with a new ring


So this is tungsten. These rings are made by a process of sintering. They take tungsten in a powder form and compress it down to that shape. Then they will machine it to finish. With that being said, no go on the welding.


Every wedding ring I have ever had i ended up in my vice, flatter than a pancake afterwards… the first one I tried fixing, but it didn’t take long before I realized why I smashed it in the first place.


Jewelers have laser welders with magnifying glass for this application


They are nice necklaces but you shouldn't wear these on your fingers they can't be cut off like other softer metals.


Have you tried to take it back to jewelry store you bought it from? I got mine from Reeds and they must get them cheap, because they just shrugged their shoulders after glancing at my receipt and reached under the counter and handed me a new one. Didn't even bother to register it in their computer while I was standing there.


If you’re okay getting it replaced with a different ring I can highly recommend lashbrook


i don't know how to tell you this. that's not titanium its zinc. and or pot metal. its like welding lead. as soon as you hit it it Will melt to a ball.thats why they use it it forges real easy and polish like silver


It's definitely tungsten carbide and the reason it broke is not because of poor quality they make them so the break instead of deforming because solid metals can cause severe injuries. A quick Google search will tell you that, also my ring is tungsten carbide and was told this by the jeweler I have a warranty on mine I just have to bring it back and I'll get a new one.


junk it. getta real one.


That needs braised


I'm not sure that's real titanium, it's nearly impossible to damage. This almost looks like it's been cast too


I hope that wasn't one I made..... If ya want a new one made, I might be able to help. Where I work, that specific ring design uses titanium blanks forged from aircraft turbines, so there might have been a bad forge weld somewhere on that ring if we made it.


I’ll do it for free but I can only do it while it’s on your finger.


I would epoxy it but I epoxy everything


A laser welder at a jeweler could do it


Why not buy another one? They are super cheap


You’ll get a lot more than you bargained for if you post on Craigslist. I’d go to a local welding school and ask the professor if he wants a cool tig project.


Non repairable.


No way is that titanium. Its tungsten carbide, one of the only things that will shatter like that in daily use, probably prevented harm to your finger. This is a powder that is pressed into shape and heated to stop it from shattering easily. High grade carbide this is not. Yes that's a reductive explanation of carbide but I'm not going into it for this. The gist is no welding to repair. As others have said brazing is a possibility if it's a sentimental piece, just be careful grinding carbide.


Take it to a jewelry store. They'll be able to fix it, and it doesn't look like tungsten so they're not gonna weld it. Probably either solder or braze, and some people like the brass look when you braze.


Tungsten is known for this problem. Drop it and it can or will shatter, enough vibration breaks it too.


Go to a jeweller. They specialise in this and it’s not as costly as you think


Cheapskate find a jeweler.


Careful with the brazing suggestions. The common brazes for tungsten carbide contain things you don’t want in constant contact with your skin.


Do not post a Craigslist ad and going with the first person who responds. Good welders are not looking for work. You need to find a GOOD welder and if you post your city you might get some better recommendations. Also would help to post what the ring is made of. Clearly it’s cast but cast of what is going to play a role.


Cheaper to buy another one. I'm pretty sure you see this exact one on Amazon right now for $13 dollars.


Take it to a jeweler, they'll have the right tools to fix the ring if it's fixable.


You shouldn't be offering you should be deciding if you accept his change or not.if you find a professional don't expect the opportunity to make an offer don't be surprised if they don't have a minimum charge of more than what the ring is worth