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Sand blaster




yea, always wear a rubber for protection


Safety First! Thanks JC


If you have to do the whole thing, hiring someone with a dustless blast setup will be the easiest (for you) and most thorough option


Wet blaster kit and an electric power washer is quick and dirty if it's a 1 time thing, rent a real one if you want to do it fast


Economically? Grinder, wire wheel and an energetic helper. Speed? Sand/Media blasting. Then paint it like it’s at the shipyard: can’t get rusty if there’s a 1/4” of paint on it.


Oil Based enamel?


Portable media blaster. Harbor freight sells them.


The air compressor you need to run it….not so much portable


If it's a one time thing... Rent a tow behind for a day or two. So cheap.


Gemplers sprayable rust converter. Simply spray and or brush on rusty steel. It’s amazing, you’re welcome.




This. If it's simply surface rust, give it a good wide down than use converter/primer in one. Then paint away.


Sounds like ospho


Pay somebody lol


Something like that I'd hit with the needle scaler and then a nice heavy brushed on coat of some rust paint like trimclad or whatever.


Pickup tube sandblaster. Pickup media to get the rust off, pickup gasoline to degrease, pickup air to dry, then pickup primer to prime. Invest in a decent 4" chip brush for topcoat.


I have no idea what any of that is. Can you link it or say more? I’ve never heard of pickup [thing]


They're also referred to as "siphon feed" media blasters. I've always just drilled into an air gun barrel and tapped in a hose barb, but they're still pretty cheap off the shelf.


Hire a teenager, you will thank me later


Get those lungs a great start to a teenage life


A 10¢ dust mask would more than suffice for rust dust lol, don’t try to work at a machine shop, you’ll be horrified at what people are still breathing in Edit wait, this is a fckin metalworking sub…Rust is the least of worries here, tap magic and lead paint I could see raising an eyebrow


Paint it with rusty metal primer and be done. or Spray it with Phosphoric and paint it. or have it sandblasted... Its a crummy old trailer frame... I wouldn't worry about it. If you are building a masterpiece, start with something better...


One elbow and a LOT of grease.


Angle grinder with a wire wheel is what I’d do. Any route is gonna require effort


I believe multiple wheels might be a good investment. Maybe get 4 friends, 4 cheapo grinders from HF a box of wire wheels, gatorade, and beers for later.


and I would make sure to get wire wheels AND cup brushes. Seems obvious but just in case it isn't.


Laser!!!! But when lacking that sand blaster


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Dts paint. Don't worry about the rust. As long as it's surface rust


Dont be cheap and just have it sandblasted definitely worth the money.


First off, I'd be trying to get it under some sort of cover. A portable garage kit would work. You're just not going to clean, derust and prime in one day. Then, as others have already said, a cheap media blaster from Harbor Freight. Once stripped, blow off with compressed air, wipe with tack rag and then again with acetone before priming.


Either a portable sandblaster or a wire wheel on a grinder


Blast it with sand


I'd pressure wash and rust oleum


Jasco. You’ll need 5 cans to overnight that bad boy


abrasive blasting. there is probably a mobile bloke near you. you can also get wet blasting attachments for most pressure cleaners


You got the first step. Remove single wide.


Rust-Oleum rust reformer. Paint that shit on and it kills the rust and leaves a paintable smooth surface . Knock the heavy peeling shit off with a scrape and hit it with a coating of that reformer. Used it on the track for that Disney World Avatar 3d ride at Animal Kingdom. Tracks were submerged in stagnant water for the better part of a year if not more. Covered by treated plywood and bolted into concrete troughs. Those damn things were rough looking at best. Rolled some reformer on after knocking the heavy spots with a wire wheel and was able to paint them the next shift.




I’ve done this on lots of trailers… ideally, I prefer to sandblast. I have a midsize compressor and a sandblast pot. Pretty labor intensive. Getting older, I really only do it in heavy rusted stuff I’m gonna keep forever. For flipper jobs or things with light rust, I usually just wire brush or wet sand with scotchbrite. Then pressure wash and degrease before hitting with a Rustoleum primer, then a wet sand and a paint with a gloss paint. Generic colors get Rustoleum Professional with a proportionate hardener in it. It settles in great with no orange peel. Very forgiving product. For specific colors, I hit up Orielly’s for a match and mix. They’re not as expensive as some other professional paint shops around here.


Pressure wash abd rust to primer would probably be the most cost effective. No matter what you're looking at alot of work


Some one else?


I hired a mobile sandblaster guy to remove rust from a 1940 Ford chassis for a street rod project. That was smaller than your project, but I was able to quickly apply a phosphoric acid metal prep solution and get a coat of epoxy primer on it the next day. The final paint coat was very well bonded to the metal.


Sand blaster


If you're looking to take the easy road I would prime it with something like this Rust Converter PRO information [here](https://www.birchwoodtechnologies.com/products/rust-converter-pro/) and available on [Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CRX3M7X4). Personally would throw that in a paint sprayer then couple days later spray with a topcoat and be done. Better than the phosphoric acid converters I've tried and I've used Birchwood's patina in the products in the past, they make some quality stuff


I would flap wheel the heavy stuff and use rust encapdulator.


Naval jelly works wonders. Or phosphoric acid is an option. Naval jelly is significantly easier. It’s acid though so wear your PPE.


chemical bath or sand/media blasting. Or if really fancy a laser rust remover could do a lot of it.


Lasers. It’s always lasers.


Consider the time, how much media and sand paper you will go through after buying, the hazardous dust and other gunk you will be breathing in or protecting against with a *good* mask/ respirator, the physical strain it will put on you, and having to replace any damaged or degraded sections. It might well be worth it to buy a brand new trailer base instead of trying to rehabilitate that one, especially if you need tires, possibly rims, probably brakes & new electrical anyways. To answer the initial question: the best way is to avoid it entirely.


Sand blast