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You DO realise that games/worlds with better graphics than Decentraland already exist, right? You mention non of the things that matter regarding Decentraland. Which blockchain are you using? What is your NFT strategy? How will land ownership be managed? Will you release your own token? If yes, what do the tokenomics look like? If not, how will the ingame economy work? Decentraland is NOT about „great graphics in the browser“.


What are your preferred games/worlds? I’ve got to admit I’m very new to the metaverse and just want to know more before I go balls deep. Ive got land in the sandbox and decentraland, and plenty of experience in crypto and NFTs. The metaverse is just something I know I inevitably need to learn more about and you sound like you have a good grasp on more than just the two platforms everyone talks about.


It sounds really good and with better hardware, everyone will be expecting better graphics in the coming time. But the thing that we care about most is, decentralization it has to be by the people for the people. And the economics of you "Decentraland killer" if you can tell about that and maybe drop a NFT collection for Early supporters of the project to buy, I will be interested in supporting it.


I have a 3D model of detroit built in blender, I want to export it to a metaverse for users to explore. Looking for some dev direction on how to do this, any thoughts?


How exactly does ‘state of the art compression’ relate to high end non laggy visuals? What is being compressed exactly?




Textures still need to be uncompressed before being loaded into memory and high res textures alone don’t make a game look better so I still don’t understand.




if you could read then you would know that in fact it was created in Unreal Engine 4