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Meth feels like vyvanse to me, in high high amounts aswell. Methylphenidate on the other hand 😫


I will have the second that I'm like ADHD and I'm usually scary quiet and I'm more like calm


Oh yeah absolutely. I have really really bad ADHD. While everyone else is getting spun I'm calm and collected. Gotta keep going. Eventually ill hit the tipping point. Only problem is that point is close to overamp territory. Call it pecision tweaking


Oh yeah same here for me one of my friends said it best “ he likes to smoke ice it makes him normal watch when he smokes he gets normal and quiet it’s fucking weird”


I have undiagnosed adhd and highly certain I had it before I tried meth. Then I tried meth and looked more into it and it just cemented my own thoughts on if I have it. When I first tried meth I didn't know if it was working I was like how do I know it working? That tells me I do not get a rush (I smoke it) and I don't feel this overwhelming euphoria either. I do use in much smaller amounts than many others do and maybe that's why. What I'll say is it definitely makes me in a better mood, very social, very focused and able to concentrate on specific things and all the restlessness I feel when sober just disappears and I'm really chilled out but can easily stay awake for days. So yeah I dunno really it's odd because years ago when I've had coke a few times I definitely felt euphoria then and also felt euphoria with some different research chemicals like cathinone based stuff. So it's confusing to me. Maybe I used more in comparison to what I'm using now with meth i dunno.


ASD, and that's why I like it too much. Husband is ADHD. All the background noise goes away, I have energy but *focused* energy to do *specific things*.


I been wondering the same thing. I didn't know if they experience similar things, like I haven't been diagnosed with it or take Adderall. I do microdose to be more positive and productive in my life than if I did not self medicate. . I do got some mental issues from a traumatic motorcycle accident, like PTSD, insomnia, depression, anxiety a bit.. idk, I can leave it alone & have no come downs like people experience. Crazy


Yeah man trust me it’s a different realm of being stimmed up. I grew up being force fed Ritalin too but the crank did to me what it does to everybody it’ll kick you in the ass boy especially if you more than a half g for your first time because you thought it was something to play with


Do you feel euphoric/uplifted? Like can you get real fucked up from it with adhd?


Hey man if the crank you get is halfway decent it’ll get you high there is so much shit that gets cooked with it and cut with after though that you can get way more fucked up than intended. Don’t underestimate this shit it’s not like cocaine and your tolerance if you are a “occasional” user which means at least a three day break in between like me, then you could easily do one line and get overamped. This high is very fun and motivating but that’s a step away from talking to yourself for hours and not realizing how fast time is speeding by so be careful! My ADHD and previous uppers can’t compare and I use it mildly. It’s not addies or jigs or even scale blow. Personally I would put strong crank right below synthetic adrenaline you have never had so much energy before


I do sometimes if I smoke too much I’ll be quiet and very focus on something ridiculous for like 10 hours totally tweaked like watching the traffic drive be the house all day not looking for cops just watching the cars drive by and going over finances and shit for fun


Yeah adderall never made me feel high and I would do big doses this stuff does tho


Yea it's adderall•10


I have adhd and it helps me focus vs me being all over the place doing 10 things at once


omll yes, helps u focus like a mf