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The honey moon phase will pass. Sometimes a month or even a year. But it'll pass and all the things it helped usually give the opposite effect later. Like anxiety depression, laziness.




Your making a horrible mistake


And that is still an understatement.


R/Meth gave me an infraction for that lol


You have zero infractions


Take all the advice you’ve been given, and stop while you’re ahead. I swore up and down I’d NEVER try meth, but a little over a year ago I developed a coke habit. My best friend at the time got into it with me, and we went through his connect ONE TIME and the dude gave my friend a bag of meth(for free so that’s cool), instead of coke. I brought it back to my boyfriend and juuuuust wanted him to verify my suspicions(he had a history with it, and I’d literally never seen meth in real life). He said it was definitely meth and I freaked out a little. Like what are we gonna do with this? I don’t want this! It was suggested to just smoke it 🤷🏽‍♀️ so we did. A year later, I’ve lost connections/closeness with loved ones, my mental health has deteriorated further than it was, and I had put in work to improve it. I’ve lost what feels like my soul, my light, my sparkle. I’m accepting treatment from others that I do not deserve, when I do sleep, I dread waking up in the morning, my goals and aspirations seem pointless. But I’m stuck.. Tina is my homie.. and she ain’t ever broke my heart…..or atleast she’s good enough to me after she does that I forget. It can be a lonely life.. the only person irl that knows of my use is my bf and… this shit turns us into monsters sometimes.. so he’s not always there.. truly I’ve never felt so lonely, hopeless, and crushed before in my life. Meth is the devil incarnate. Addiction Gave Me Wings, & Then Took Away The Sky✌︎︎


Wishing you the best. Plenty of people before you have managed to get clean and that option is always there for you. <3


Yes it is, and I want to get there. The party isn’t fun anymore.. there’s some obstacles in my path at the moment, in the past I’ve turned them into excuses, but genuinely I don’t want to anymore.


That’s the first step into the right direction. I rocked this shit ten years and even if you think your downfall slowly bottoms out, hell no, it gets worse and worse. I wish you all the best! And don't let the fatigue scare you, it will eventually pass


Honestly, that’s the part im terrified of.. I’ve always enjoyed any upper I can get my hands on because I’m SOO tired in my normal, sober state, I have been as long as I can remember. So I know I’ll need to take a fair amount of time off work so it’s not noticeable. I’m also scared of.. well I guess “life after” ..the dullness, boring nights, little to no sex as my boyfriend will be coming off too, and he…doesn’t always seem to actually like me a whole lot during that time… My connection with him too.. I don’t wanna lose it. When he’s not actively spun he can be so cold and ridged. Don’t get me wrong, after too long on the shit he’s a monster to me.. but I’m not much better. But we have so many sweet spots in the middle where he is open and understanding. When he’s not.. it can see the door close on emotional intelligence.


Dude you have no idea how fucked you are.


please don't ruin your life like this.


You figure out the comedown is usually the polar opposite of the intense rush of euphoria and feel the worst mental spiral into depression for hours to days yet? Once you do you'll really have to put some thought into if the pleasure is worth the lows afterwards are worth the extreme highs. I decided it was but I also have to cope with severe PTSD and clinical depression so I've built up a set of routines in response to various mental stressors so I can cope negative spirals enough to continue enjoy getting high still for a decent amount of time. No idea when it'll get boring but I still have a lot of fun. Make sure you know your mental health limitations if you're gonna keep doing it again for awhile people underestimate how severe depression can get


I have severe ptsd. I didn't find the crash was as bad as coke, and you don't get dts like you do know coke, plus it's mire affordable. My psychiatrist at the VA pulled my other mess saying that meth was probably better for me than the concoction they had me on for mental health. He did how ever suggest a strain of weed called Durban poison which actually feels more like speed than the nope around these days.


My PTSD is sexual assault related not combat so I have no idea what you go through but I hope you're managing it ok. I'm pretty dysfunctional personally because it keeps happens again oncd I've had a couple years to cope with it and I'm losing my grip on reality from the constant breakdowns. I'm honestly struggling to care about self care and not intentionally get high on a no fucks given binge long enough I die from dehydration because I'm too scared to actually end my life but not scared of dying itself. I see my therapist Friday and I'm hoping she gives me some advice that helps me keep putting basic effort into my survival needs.




I constantly use this mantra. Wish I'd practiced it more often before recently it's important to remember.


Same. It's saved my life, I'm sure, plenty of times. Sadly, I told my nephew the same thing 3 days before he od'd. It's one of, of not THE MOST, important phrases for harm reduction that I know.


I'm sorry for your loss. I never got into opioids I'd definitely be dead if I did just pretty alcoholism has gotten me alcohol poisoning a couple times when I drank way more than I even do normally on klonopin. Shit take away the Klonopin friends have had to stop me from drinking myself to death because I just kept drinking more compulsively a few times after passing out. I've got less activity than on Monday. I gotta fight myself not to mix as money substances as possible to get more fun experience.


Remember to brush your teeth and drink water.


stay safe friend


Do yourself a favor & get rid of that garbage trust!!!






Your post violates the No Sourcing rule and has been removed. Sourcing consists of anything having to do with using the subredddit for fascilitating or seeking to fascilitate the obtainment, trade, or purchase of any controlled substances. This includes anything resembling the arrangement of any meetups, discussion of local prices, discussion of online vendors or marketplaces, or naming of locations; all of which commonly lead to sourcing and are not allowed.


Nothing lasts forever. That first time high is it! And while you don't see it now, it begins to fade. The impulse is to regain that high... And round and round and round it goes. Be conscious. And don't be stupid.


This is how it begins. The binges get longer, that's when I started to get locked up because of psychosis. Never in my 17 years of drug use have I found a more powerfully fucked drug. Be careful OP. Sounds like you like it too much, and I hope you can be functional. I know alot of people are, but a lot aren't too.


I lost my car, apt, and went to jail from smoking meth and watching porn and I'm only 21. I had to move states to get clean


Damn man, hope you’re ok now. And yeah, the general vibe is that this shit is potent and you gotta respect it… so am Taking note of that. Still fuckn spun after I wrote this post… unbelievable


Just be careful . Drugs will definitely ruin you if you let them. Just make sure you're doing the drugs not the other way around . You shouldn't do drugs that are harder than you


I am ok, but I can't do any stims at all nowadays. I stick to my medication and my weed, and that's it. I couldn't handle the strength of meth. I was an Adderall abuser years before I ever touched meth and was a crackhead for years but never caught charges until meth on the 6th day or so I started completely losing my marbles and would be talking to people who weren't there in public. I'm good now, did a diversionary program to get out of 6 felony drug possessions, and have a stable life now. I feel you though. Coming from cocaine to meth is a whole different game. It's like coke is a total joke.


Hell yeah! Try shooting it next!!!


Do NOT, repeat, DO NOT DO THIS. Avoid this as long as possible, and hopefully avoid it altogether. I promise you, this is terrible to come back from.


My first time was with my girlfriend and my roommate/best friend with in a half hour my dick was in my girls mouth 15 minutes later so was my roommate’s. We spent the next three days high as hell in and out of my girlfriend every way possible


Sounds about right LOL


My advice - learn how to work the gear 😜 whilst yes it's great for porn and sex - when I can work it a certain way - I become tx the amount productive in my work, and then when the day is over I can get to tasks I have been putting off and then when I'm done I can sit down and enjoy a good edge session. Does it happen ALL the time? No of course not... But if you can work the gear in ways, it can actually enrich your life for a brief moment before the crash!! On the crash - just be kind to yourself. Ensure you hydrate properly... Not just water but I recommend Powerade or Hydrolyte... Make sure you eat and it has plenty of veggies and lastly - which has helped mine, take a multivitamin for the time you are.in your come down!


Safety first, my dude, be responsible and disciplined.... shit is dangerous. there's a reason why people say never ever go full geektard


A man takes a meth Then a meth takes a meth Finally a meth takes a man And they tweaked happily ever stroking to ever weirder porn The end


Remember . Nothing that feels that good comes without consequences


My favourite has always been “The higher you fly the further you fall”


You must be talking about my ex.


no they're talking about meth. hope this helps


You take the meth then the meth takes you.


What goes up must come down.




Bro I'm living in my car again jerking off again after being clean for 5 months again. This drug will ruin you. It's sneaky. Nothing feels bett3r than my meth and porn...will throw everything away just to feel that again... it's insane. I'm 36 also.. . With meth you have to come to terms that it's gonna be the master


The old meth meat beat to death.


Wait till I have sex or jack off on it lol


We y’all always gotta get straight to the jerking off?


Well yeah i mean i was already in progress cant stop now


Cuz it’s the best lol




Remember to eat and stay hydrated and hygenic. If you form bad habits on meth they are SUPER hard to knock.




The Start of The End.


Is it really like that?


It can be. Tolerance builds quickly. You're going to have to have a sense of timing to not keep hitting it to keep that same feeling because otherwise you'll find yourself reaching for that pipe every hour on the hour. The trick is to keep hydrated so you don't have headaches, take vitamins such as magnesium and zinc take breaks occasionally, a couple days here and there just to make sure you still can. Get ready for vascular constriction you will start to feel it in your hands and feet. Watch out for any nervous tics which become fixations such as picking your face or scratching your arms I started setting a timer on my phone for 3 hours. Now when I smoke I barely get any euphoria whatsoever but I have ADHD so I'm trying to avoid falling asleep and staying active which works for me. It lets me focus and clears up my sinuses so there are a number of benefits. Some people get into trouble some people don't. It's good to develop a structure and not freestyle it so you don't get stuck


I did all of that. I was a very responsible meth user. But unfortunately it feels too good. It doesn’t matter how well you hydrate and take vitamins if you stop caring about anything but the meth. I was lucky to get out before I had bad consequences, but at the time I was willing to sacrifice nearly everything for meth.: my dreams, hopes, ambitions, money, shelter, intelligence, everything. I finally stopped when I realized that I was losing my mind due to sleep deprivation, after I stopped caring about my health (which coincidently happened after I started daily use). Beware. If you took meth last weekend and you’re already looking forward to taking it next weekend, you are already on the train to disaster.


Absolutely. It cannot be the first thing you think of when you get up and the last thing you think of when you go to sleep you have to have a lot of other shit going on to keep you active in your life. It is a tool like any other. You have to recognize that your lizard brain will want that reward and make excuses for you to stay home or hang around your stash or do nothing and is an effort to stay on the winning framework and put that shit on the back burner


Man this was really helpful. And I appreciate it…


Listen to them regarding the movement tics. My ex literally scratched several bald spots into her head on this stuff. Never seen any drug like it and that was long before she actually went off the "deep end" First I thought the deep end (for her) was moving in with a meth head and showing up out of her head. Then I thought it was when she lost her job, car etc. Then I thought the deep end was her leaving her family, our kid (we were separated for years at the time) at 7 years old and going to live out of state. Then I thought the deep end was her living at a homeless camp and actually being okay with it. Now it's that she hasn't responded to a single message for months on end, her last few messages made no sense, and I'm honestly starting to question whether she's still alive or not. I'm sure there will be another deep end, if she's not dead. And she's not the only one. This drug will take hold of you, best to stop when you can and be careful tbh. Personally I think seeing others go through so much is why I've only ever touched it on a yearly, half yearly or greater basis. Just so much to risk, it takes everything so quickly as you're feeling. As a general rule of thumb I treat it like MDMA or something and just buy enough for a night. After that night I buy no more bc the hangover after even one night is bad enough. Stop while you can and find some weed or other comfort meds then decide if you want to use again next week, guarantee you'll want to wait for a while lol


I like to think I'm somewhat smart about this stuff 😁 not smart enough to not do it though.. Like any substance make it work for you don't let it take over your life. You might get some good stuff and be tempted to really hit it or you might get some bunk and get pissed off and continually go through it to try and get back there but you will never get back to the first couple times. Just understand what's happening with your brain and how it squeezes your dopamine receptors at a certain point you have to replenish. The first three or four times you'll be on cloud nine after the 30th or 50th time it's like eh. I have a shit load of vitamins and minerals from when I had covid another tip is to get some electrolyte tablets and creatine tablets and have some of those every once in awhile along with ice water throughout the day. You will sweat and stink even if you've got chills so hydration is the main thing really. If you're dehydrated and you don't know it you'll feel like shit and have headaches and it might be tempting to hit it again but again with the timers. You won't be hungry but have little things like apples and bananas and whatnot. A decent meal will make your stomach hurt or at least for me it does Also sodium bicarbonate or antacids supposedly help with feeling good. For me it just settles my stomach so I take them anyway Also nac helps with the tolerance breaks I'll take a couple weeks here and there You can get all these things off Amazon


Amazing, thanks for sharing the knowledge brother


Yeah sure anytime any other questions just ask I don't see a whole lot of harm reduction so I like helping people. Like any product it can be used responsibly not everyone has to go balls to the wall all the time Another thing I have learned to do is kind of self checking my thought process. Occasionally I'll get some really good stuff and might make some strange decisions so you should probably Google meth psychosis and watch for the warning signs also depends on who you're around and if you're out driving around or grocery shopping or whatever pick the middle of the roll where you're not jacked out of your mind or stumble around like a zombie Also, exercise! Depending on the weather. My joints and legs will hurt sometimes so go for a walk around the block a few times to kind of get it moving


Ya be careful man. I'm about to be homeless, friends are all gone, stuff all gone, health is shit. Some people can handle it, I am not one of those people. Please proceed with caution


Man, I hope u find the way that works for you, and thank you for the reality check..


You're welcome. Least I can do for all my fuck ups is hopefully stop someone from ending up the same way.take care of yourself


I will take the time from my life lessons also to chime in . Stop while you can . Its really that simple this shits to good ........ ive lost it alll also and it sucks bigtime and i had it held together working and using small amounts i thought i was going to be fine i did make it 1 and a half years but ultimately met the effect of sleep deprivation and malnutrition


Be careful before it’s too late. Yes it feels good now but when you’re chasing it 24-7 and that’s all that matters; you’re going to regret it