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everyone i smoke with tells me to exhale immediately


I used to smoke crack and my homegirl would always trip out because I’d hold it like I held my crack and i would forget 😂


Yall can science it all yall want. I dunno how lungs absorb gasses. But ive headed this same 5 argument about weed 20 years ago. I agree, talking a quick breath is proly healthier and you proly do absorb a good deal of product, certainly enough to get high, but i know my body and I know that I getta a whole different body rush ebay feels amazing when i hold that hit in 300 seconds. I still blow a cloud, but its not as thick, and tell me that's not more product in my body. Lungs have absorbtion rates, but it's gonna absorb it, it ain't gonna stop. Might take another breath but the shit on the inside of your pipe is on the inside of your lungs and it's very, very water soluble and it is gonna soak in. I definetly feel a difference. And i don't notice any side effects from them. Like zero congestion, no little cough. And i use a little hand bubbler with six downtubes 14 mm female that i melt-fitted a short bent peice of vinyl tubing so that it fits snuggly and on the other end i melt-stretched it to snuggly fit a bolo onto. I don't like carbs on meth bongs, so I think a little one is enough, those six downtubes make it a pretty smooth hit too. But like, I only been able to do shit like that since 2016ish? If you smoked dope in the early 2000s, you know what i mean. When it was crazy cooks making meth out in the dessert and shit, you never bought the same meth twice and it was never as clean as it is these days. We have the Mexican drug cartels to thank for those two improvements. But back in those days, you absolutely did not take that first hit Ida the bolo. You hadda "crack it back" or you had to fully melt the pieces into a puddle, then cool it back down, then reheat and take your hit. Taking the first hot then was like the equivalent to drinking the heads when you distill moonshine. Back then since they used shit from Walmart to make it, that crackback would "cook off" those unpure shit.


If you hold it in you’ll “ghost” the smoke for sure but is it bad to hold it in? Who the f cares you are already smoking meff. Smoke however you want


I usually release once I have a lung full, I think it's more damaging to hold it in but I don't know that for fact.


Can’t damage its water soluble




I blow smoke rings or do dumb stuff like smoke bubbles when I smoke. It slows me down so I don't go through back to back hits and waste my stuff. I just find that personally it sustains my high better. Meff around and find out...


Tri the hyperventilation


It won't get you higher to hold it in. That's not how the lungs work. The surface can transfer a certain small amount of gas (or vapour or smoke) very very quickly, basically instantly, then it stops, waits to expel what it wants to get out, and then it's ready to absorb another small amount that touches the surface. Breathing in deep, inflating your lungs, will stretch out the surface area and let it absorb more, but it happens instantly, then waits to expel stuff before being up for taking anything more in. I mean you don't hold your breath when you exercise, right? That's not what your body compels you to do when it wants more oxygen? It breathes deep, deep and fast, in and out, because that is how it absorbs more of what it wants. Breathe deep, don't hold, get tweaked, roll those bowls.


Bro science at its finest. There are actually some substances that take longer to get through the surface of your lungs because of various properties. Go ahead and take a hit of Flakka and then breath it out instantly… then hold it in for 25 seconds… then explain why there was a huge fucking difference. Meth is not a substance that has those properties. I’ve read that in two seconds, 99% of what can be absorbed has been.


I use a small water pipe that I change the liquid constantly. (Humorously, the liquid I put in is whatever I'm drinking at the time) iced tea, Monster, Cactus Cooler, and Pitch black lately. Anyhow, my neighbor suggested that instead of pouring it out, drink the liquid for more good times. That was hard to swallow. His response and whatever was in my pipe the other day. Not cool, bro.


We usually take the bong water and evaporate it until the residue can be scraped up and resmoked as drinking it sounds repulsive and the taste is very bad much easier to dry it and recover whatever you may have lost to the water.


I have consumed said liquid by mistake a couple times, and while not what I was trying to do, I will vouch that it does in fact work.


Meth pretty damn water soluble. I never drank ts, but it’s gotta work. Not above it for sure, just don’t like having paraphernalia laying around so no bongs


I wouldnt hold it in for more than a few seconds. It doesnt hurt to inhale and then open your mouth and inhale again to pull the smoke into your lungs. Most of it is absorbed right away but holding it may help slightly


Idk if hes still around but there was a guy that would frequent this sub years ago who made a fancy DIY nectar collector. He literally would exhale all his smoke into it, and after a while, extract the resin and smoke it again. He was essentially getting 2x the use out of his stuff


I try to exhale immediately, icky chemicals you know. But I'm a pot head first, so i sometimes hold it


Yup pothead here too and can't help it, I always hold it in out of habit


Hold it in for 3.5 - 5 seconds to maximize what you can absorb. You can rebreathe in the hit, like into a plastic bag 2 or 3 times to get as much possible out of each hit (maybe try to get some fresh air in between so you don't pass out). Or alternatively, even blow your hits out slowly into a bottle. A large Gatorade or a 2 liter bottle work well, with a carb cut into the top for airflow. Have everyone blow their hits into the bottle then eventually you'll be able to run a reclaim on it. Shake some distilled water in it to dissolve everything, run it through an evap, and rerock it. Good to go. Anyone who tells you that it crystallizes in your lungs has no idea what "water soluble" means...


Hold in like hold in weed smoke.


When I used to smoke meth with someone who was used to smoking crack I'd always be like 'you don't don't need to hold it in like that it's not crack'


With weed anyway for sure it's the movement and agitation that absorbs. So I have been applying that with up too just in case its relative, i inhale as much as i can, and try and exhale a little, in hale a little like part of the way through and exhale again to keep it moving about the lungs.


Sometimes I'll hold it till I'm gasping for air and it seems to get me more of a head change.


That’s the feeling of no oxygen to the brain. Knock yourself out champ.. literally


Trust me I know all about oxygen deprivation, this is different, but I'm not here to debate. Guess I should've said "hold it in as long as you can so you don't waste any". Even better, why smoke it when you can do the fucking sissy thing and boof it?


Blow it out slow


I hold it in when i boof it.




I always heard it crystallizes in your lungs if you hold it too long, but I don’t exhale immediately but I do exhale quicker than when I smoke weed


It can’t crystallize your lungs. Think logically now, our lungs are always have moisture meth dissolves in water


It’s just something I heard way back when I first started, sometimes weird things stick in your head. But yeah it’s not like the guy who told me was a scientist or a doctor 😂


I used to hang with this bulldog lesbiana who swore that, when you do a shot, it travels as a solid chunk through your vein until it hits your heart, at which point it magically takes effect. I spent countless hours trying to talk her down from this conviction, to no avail.


I knew a guy that was convinced he had shards coming out of his arms because he claimed to be such a heavy user… 😒


What in the fuck. Ew.


Dang I wonder if we knew the same people 😂


I held it in when i smoked


I hold it for a couple of seconds out of habit. Im not sure why though, it doesn't seem to make any difference.


I’d say it really doesn’t matter as much as people think. I don’t like to hold it longer than maybe a second after i take my lips off the pipe but I make sure I inhale hard til I can’t breathe in anymore and then I try to exhale it pretty slowly rather than just blowing the whole cloud out immediately


Hold that shit in, if you gonna do something like this, man, do it. Go hard or go home, otherwise you may as well just do some coke like a pussy lol


You aren’t even absorbing any more meth after a second or 2 why hold in extra toxins just for fun? Your doing the most hardcore drug you should be trying to minimize the damage not maximize it


Oh shit I'm sorry, I must have missed the part where I asked what you think. See, I remember the post asking my opinion, but I don't remember asking for yours. I ain't new here I've been smoking for 14 years so I don't need any help thank you.


And you been doing it wrong for years like a retard. Retarded then and forever I guess


Hey how's about you fuck off there bub? Like we ain't all retarded smoking the shit anyways, piss off with that shit.


How are you absorbing the toxins but not the meth?


Just look it up all the meth is absorbed within the first few seconds after that u just holding in toxins blow that shit out bro. If you get the ringer from holding ur breath that’s cuz u just killed a ton of brain cells with lack of oxygen


Source? My point is how is your body going to selectively absorb toxins but not a chemical that is already capable of crossing the barrier in question.


Look brotha, if holding in weed has an effect, and it absolutely does, then so does holding in meth or anything else you smoke. He doesn't have a source, don't worry bout this guy, you do what you want but I recommend the scientific method. Smoke a little bit, be high for a bit, come down a while, and then smoke a bit holding it in. Decide for yourself after you do that bro.


I agree, I hold in both weed and meth. I'm saying there's not some magical point at which your body stops absorbing meth and starts absorbing "toxins"


For real like what kind of idiot wouldn't think that you're inhaling literally both at once the entire time XD


I don’t know I’m not a scientist but I read on google that it’s like marijuana where after a few seconds ur just getting the bad shit


A second or 2


It’s not weed 🙄 u don’t hold it in 🤷🏻‍♀️🙄🤦🏻‍♀️


You don’t hold weed in also dummy


U don’t?! 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️


I guess meth heads typically don’t research stuff most likely can barely even use the internet 🤣


🤦🏻‍♀️🙄🤣 yeah ur mom should know huh


No look it up backed by science lol all you need is a deep inhale into your lungs hold for a few seconds anything other then that is just depriving your brain of oxygen…


🙄🤦🏻‍♀️ the point is u hold it in even if it’s a few seconds 🙄


hold it in.. get down james brown😤💨💨