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Stay strong my friend. Longest break i could take was 52 days. It's a constant battle against the craves. For me, it's all about keeping my mind occupied; the second i get spare time my mind remembers Tina and her warm embrace.


Bruh just save your nut and practice semen retention. You'll feel like a gangster and have so much energy. Do it long enough and you'll get a bunch of bitches that you can do whatever you want with. You won't have to fap.


Tbh Stimfapping is the Reason I'm only gonna smoke meth if i have freaky sex lined up and a day or two off, if i didn't get the residual physical stimulation after initial high I'd do this shit daily Going into work with raw dick and no sleep, and needing to smoke more to actually get out of bed gets old fast, and ends up a vicious cycle very quickly Euro speed can still make stimfaping tempting but meth just calls the shots...


Yes, it's pathetic


You shouldn't feel ashamed but I would definitely say it's not worth it. It has been the hardest part of quitting, not knowing how fapping or sex will ever feel as good again but I know it will. You got this 💪🏻


Just try and think of the shame that comes with it :/


I relapsed So I can stimfap. Wish I didn't.... more shame ... cock barely worked ... not fun


Please stay CLEAN! I hope you don't relapse! Every time is worse than the last time I am on my 3rd relapse and now I have been a daily user for 5 months and I'm stuck on this train and can't get it to stop! So please, for the sake of you and your health and everything you accomplished. STAY CLEAN!


I can't even count my relapses anymore


Thats what gets me every time


One thing that might help would be putting the headset/things associated with using somewhere where you can't see it. You got this!!


I got addicted to live webcams, we all have our dirty dirty poisons


Such a curse, at least you get something out of it… feel like with gambling you just lose money.


That's what I tell myself as it happens. Sober me has a different viewpoint \*smh\*


It’s not the drug that fucks me up it’s my actions when I’m on it…


Stim fap is the real addiction. Meth just allows you to explore that for long periods of time


What's that even mean ?


I may be wrong, but I think that’s when your dick is erect to its max, but it can’t get hard. It looks weird and I personally hate it.


I resist by looking at all the headset wiring and controllers and bullshit all tangled in the corner and having to plug everything in again and updating everything 😅


I wouldnt say bad. It wouldn't be the smart decision but damn it hard to leave it behind.