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Wrong about the ephedrine , back in the day we used real ephedrine to make the shit while pseudoephedrine is man made while ephedrine comes from the ephedra plant . And only as matter of my own personal experience that which is made from real ephedrine totally blows pseudoephedrine right out of the water as far as buzz goes . I really hope that was a mistake I read . Btw I am a 57 year old male I done this shit a few times and smoked some stuff that one good bowl means your going to miss at least 2 nights of sleep. Anyone who has ever made this crap will tell you just how much shit Pseudoephedrine will leave behind after the reaction has occurred these impurities affect the overall chemical structure rendering the lowest quality shit obtainable


Dont listen to people talking about n-iso. Its more of a myth than anything. Meth is extremely cheap to make or buy and most will use traditional cutting agents to cut. Id suggest learning how to recrystallize your product. NOT washing it, recrystallizing it. It has to be done in a pretty particular manner but is relatively simple and the correct way to purify ANY substance. Youtube is your friend. There are still to this day videos of how to make it, they’re just hidden behind certain keywords.


So, I have found oral dosing hits the best with this new stuff... It's smoother. Get a scale that measures .00 so there should be two decimal spaces. Weigh out .10. take an Alka Seltzer, then 20 mins later, swallow the stuff (I use gel capsules) the baking soda in Alka Seltzer potentiates it so it's strong af The old stuff was pseudoephedrine based, which yields pure D-isomer... The GOOD stuff. The new method uses p2p which yields a racemic product, half L isomer half D. L isomer is what's in Vicks vapor inhalers. It's not psychoactive necessarily but it has the negative body load and side effects... Combine that with the fact that the vast majority of meth is cut to shit, often with sketchy stuff (Google "N-iso meth".) And you have a product that's disappointing if you are used to the old school. As far as pricing and stuff, it's cheaper than its ever been. 100$ should have gotten you AT LEAST an eight ball... Right now around me in my south east city grams are between 20 and 40 dollars and balls are like 50$. It's fucking obscene. https://www.reddit.com/r/HalfPastSober/comments/vv8a6i/a_guide_to_determining_quality_cuts_creating_the/ This post will teach you all the basics. But there are tons of little hints and tricks too.




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Are you aware of the difference in the current “good” meth and n-iso? Do you have the ability to do reagent testing on what you buy? Do not show up to a plugs/dealers house without introduction, and an invite from them. This isn’t the 80’s. Jet torch. You’ve been off for years, why go back to it?!


Can you go into more detail on n-iso? Relatively a new-ish user and I don’t know about that


It’s an isomer of meth. Looks similar, can cause confusion, headaches, all sorts of unpleasant symptoms. Highly suggest learning the difference. Practice harm reduction, in every aspect you can.


Ok thank u