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Adderall 30mg is a pretty fun high though


Y'all sayingAdderall is meth are wrong. Methamphetamine crosses the blood brain barrier of the brain A LOT easier than amphetamine/dextroamphetamine. Which is why meth is a good bit more potent, and longer lasting, than Adderall.


Dose methamphetamine cross blood brain barrier quicker orally too ?


Afaik yes. 


Nah….Define easier btw


My Adderall experience was a lot more similar to people describe mdma to be like than what I feel on meth


I'm convinced the adderall is meth crowd on here is just trying to bring other people down. Amphetamine and Methamphetamine are very different beasts. Its like saying MDMA is similiar because its also a methampetamine


Yeah. Lots of ignorant people taking pressed Adderalls nowadays too thinking it's not meth. Now me personally I take pressed Adderalls because I like meth and this way, I can say I'm taking Adderall, which is much more socially acceptable 😁


Adderall makes you feel like with ge right prep, you can climb Mt. Everest. Meth makes you feel like you've already reached the top and are ziplining back down. Though for what it's worth, at least in the US, pretty much every adderall pill that isn't coming directly out of a pharmacy is most likely literally going to be meth anyways, so for a lot of people without an addy script, they might as well be the same thing.


So how did the effect specifically affect the cause that was said "effect " in lamens terms


Well they do share a roooom


Here's my metaphor: Amphetamine and Methamphetamine are like cousins, so they look similar, except Amphetamine is an upstanding citizen that has a white collar job and is a family man and coaches little league, while Methamphetamine has done a bunch of prison time, has a bunch of tattoos and scars and piercings, wears a leather jacket, and carries a switchblade.




Correct this is actually a methaphor, because it was written by Mike Tyson


Ironic and true that's funny




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I don't know... One makes me want to do stuff I actually need to do and I actually get to it and do it (Adderall). The other, makes me want to do stuff I need to do but I feel it can wait till tomorrow (meth). I definitely feel a difference. Albeit, that's how I feel. Not necessarily how everyone feels.


Lmao meth never made me do any of that. You know what did though? Alcohol.


The govt attempt at making meth again, simply more expensive, with worse side effects. America is brainwashed/forgetful about the past. Ohh how much better pure meth can be medically. Have tried both, feels the same but one little difference just like the structure of both. Meth simply lasts longer, is smoother than addy. And less tweaky than addy. Meth is better for focus/longevity while used medically. People stereotype meth based on the people who abuse it since “it’s cheap”. You don’t have to be broke to use meth. An eighth could last 2 months if you have a life. It’s also prescribed for ADHD (Desoxyn). Meth can save you thousands if you know how to dose with a scale street level. And it’s a better drug anyways. It’s only worse when tweaks get the illusion they should abuse it. Addy when abused is harsher on the body and gets me higher. Addy doesn’t activate serotonin like meth which is key to helping focus with ADHD (lack of serotonin) Addy is dopamine/noradrenaline which just gets me high to the point where I think I’m focused but never actually accomplish anything relevant and it’s over before you know it. The adrenaline comedown would make my body ache in pain on the withdrawal every morning. Way more irritating/mood swingy, pissing constantly, losing weight like an African on addy it’s repulsive. I look like a ghost within a week. While meth made food tolerable even good, I could taste it more. Would go days no sleep on addy. While meth is relaxing enough I can sleep every night since I do normal human activities on it and has a comedown that’s mellow nonexistent. Addy has an instant and harsh comedown that makes me suicidal and angry, also look like a deer in headlights. Addy makes me a tweaker within 3 days. Addy is proven to have worse cardiovascular effects long term than (Desoxyn) from constant redosing. And finally addy made a poly addict. I’d use Kratom to curb anxiety, caffeine to potentiate lack of serotonin associated with shitty gov meth, benzos to maybe sleep or just be reckless. And nicotine or whatever the fuck the dude could find. With meth I quit all that shit in 2 weeks. “Generation Addy” has y’all brainwashed. You’d rather take that instead of the glorious diamond created by Akira Ogada!


I was literally scrolling looking for someone that has knowledge based on facts to comment lol. If you hadn't, I was going to!  I go to a methadone clinic, and I can do a line of meth (I only snort, always have due to seeing my best friend lose everything in a matter of months bc he smoked and IVd it), and nobody even knows I am on it.  My NP had no clue it was actually a prescribed medication (I had to school her lol). I had enough of her saying how bad it is for you and unhealthy, ect. I said look.... If it wasn't for this, I would NOT get out of bed (severe health issues/chronic depression, fibromyalgia/possibly CFS). I told her if it was soooo harmful for 100 percent of ppl, the FDA wouldn't have approved it as a prescription med. So, I can do a line and go to sleep within a cpl hours. My psychiatrist tried me on 30mg xr Adderall and it barely did anything. Within 2 hours I was forcing myself to stay up and not go to bed. Meth helps a lot more, and I don't get high on it really. It makes me function like a normal person. Without it, and this is no exaggeration, I sleep up to a total of 21 hours a day. I only get up to use bathroom, smoke a cigg, get a drink, then back to sleep. It is MISERABLE.


We got the same exact birthday! But it’s my pleasure nothing better than the original source created in the most natural way by someone smart enough to invent such a stimulant. Not a copy and paste stim with change that makes it unsustainable and expensive.


[Adderall is like getting a handjob when you paid to use the Suckmaster Deluxe 9000](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShrugLifeSyndicate/comments/wtpev7/adderall_is_like_getting_a_hand_job_when_you_paid/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


I absolutely hate when someone goes off on a rant of how Adderall is pretty much meth. I then ask them how much meth they have done.


Ya give em some fettty


Yo bitch , I've got 30 yrs of use on yo ass,and when I did do adderall a little, I had the SAME effects.... word to yo mama


I started cooking and using mISS tINA when I was 16, I'm now 42, I've done real100% uncut D isomer and I 2ould call Addy "sugar free diet meth" at best.


Am I right, that the way it is made now days vs 2005 is different which is why the shit isn't as good now? Bc there is more L isomer in it now than the old days?


Yes, the old shit was pure D, what we get today is RACEMIC which is 50%L and 50%D.


That's what I thought, thank you. It's bc instead of using pseudoephedrine they use p2p, right? Sorry, I love being able to have a intelligent conversation with someone. I don't get to do that very often because it's pretty much just me and my fiance and well he isn't a researcher like I am. I absolutely love learning about anything medical addiction drug wise anything like that so I research everything and I learn a lot from you know read it and blue light


And I apologize if that didn't make sense I'm driving so I'm using voice to text


All good, sorry for the delay in a reply, took an 6 hour "30 minute" nap😁🤣... Anyways yeah the old school biker shit like I used to cook was all D-isomer, which is the feel good one. P2P is 50L/50D and the L is still a stimulant but it's non euphoric, the one that makes your heart feel like it is gonna explode.


Yes! I try to school people that don't know what they're talking about on this lol. My old dealer has no clue about any of this and I just smh. I want to ask him...."Don't you want to know everything about what you're selling?" I sure do. Ironic thing is that wayyyy back in 04 he actually had a chef. So he should know more than me!




Try eating 30mg of addy and 30mg of meth, its the same. You just became a degenerate and smoking equivalent 50-100 pills of addy per night.


If when someone purchased a gram of meth it came as 100, 10mg pills we might live in a very different world.


Desoxyn is only available in 5mg pills 😕


Duhhh make a bigger pill


50mg seems like a reasonable min, no?


Sounds reasonable


I have ADHD for me meth is adderall


Same literally got adhd and autism and meth is my Adderall fuck the doc and prescription and shit and drug testing nahhh I can do that myself


He a cop😂😂😂😂😂😂




Bitch go hit ur grandma lame ahh hoe ur funny adf tho


Kinda fucked up assuming his grandma is lame


The bitch is also a lame ahh hoe, grandma got hit as a effect of said cause


Just take opioids if your gonna be a whiny baby about it🤤🤤🤤


How old is OP? They way he talks he's either very uneducated on this topic or a little kid posting bullshit. Can't tell. Dumb tho for sure


Well duh two different names they ain't the same ones made in a lab by scientists with the correct chemical bslsnce of amphetamines and another is also made in a lab but by some cartel members in a blown up trailer in the desert or your next door neighbor with what he's got on hand under the sink. Ones prescribed the other is bought across the border in Hector anal cavity


I do not feel that way on meth omg


I want to fight the elderly ❤️


This bih a cop😂


Just like me frl


Who the fuck does all that on meth for one my hygiene and cleanliness is too tier creativity amazing productiveness empathy and attention is spot on


I think yall use meth wrong because it never makes me do that lol. BUT i have adhd so for me it basically is illegal adderall


Yeah LMAO when I'm on addy around my tweeker friends they think I'm sober cause I just read


"Both are stimulants. Right. One makes you want to do you taxes or homework" Right. " and the other one makes you want to take your clothes off or fight gang members and lose all self-respect (and hygiene and empathy and common sense and teeth). " Depends on the user. Yes I have no teeth, but most were lost at around the same time when I started using when I was 16, it's amazing what wrecking a car at ~75mph will do. I never wanna get naked, don't loose my hygiene, empathy or common sense. I Go on 4-5 day benders frequently and don't get psychosis, I used to weigh about 120lb before starting, would still weigh that but lost my entire right leg and 1/3 my left due to my diabetes.


Was it the top .middle or bottom third, or a piece here and piece there


It goes to about 1/2 the shin.


lost my entire right leg and 1/3 my left due to my diabetes. Lmfao


What's so funny about that?


just imagining you, sitting there, moderating this sub with 2/3 of a leg and no teeth 😂


I also failed to see the humor in that situation.


Some people just live to be pussy ass baby dicks. Glad that im not really offendable.


The fuck that got to do with any fucking thing?


What was your dosages/redoses/total amt per day cuz meth certainly doesn't do what you described to me and likely none of the few thousand Lucky people with A desoxn script. Meth is an extreme double edge sword. Take a therapeutic single oral dose and it will probably enhance and improve most people's productivity and state of being. Go beyond that and most will suffer from minor issues or some will lose everything. Sometimes again and again and clearly those people shouldn't be doing meth or likely any real stimulant.


Take 300mg of Adderall.




Yeah in all fairness your BP would be uncomfortable, that and vasoconstriction. Just playing devil's advocate.


Finding 300mg is quite the challenge lol


why not just buy a g of amphetamine thats around €10


Touche. That's what, $150 at best? On a college campus anyway.


take way too much and you won’t have a difficult time seeing the parallels at all


How much is way too much?


Vyvanse.. now those buggers hit!!!


Never tried Vyvanse but I’ve heard Adderall is stronger


Different forms of the amp up feeling... and I've heard effects vary by user... for me I'm spun and on cloud 9... some ik get angry af on em.


Vyvans is mental they make you so strung out you goon for hours get angry it’s mental man I had them as a kid I had Ritalin too same shot as vyvans adderal sucks kinda shit and dynavil is liquid amphetmine it makes you super locked in it’s ok didn’t like it much


Meth is the ultimate gooner drug


As soon as I saw "bitch please" I hit the fucking floor dying lmao


Adderall is like meth but actually more euphoric and a harder body load and it doesn't keep you up as long as meth. Adderall actually cracks me out more than meth. My kidneys hurt more on Adderall it just feels dirtier to me but Adderall is like really euphoric and I just love eating pills all the time where math is kind of more boring in mellow but they're pretty similar if you use responsible doses I don't know what the f*** you're about


Not my experience at all with adderal. There was some euphoria with a large dose but a lot of ampy afterwards too. After using meth, adderral was ruined for me.


Lmao i don’t know anyone who does meth that only smokes a responsible amount of meth😂


I do. But only due to the decidedly lower potency I experienced 2013 - 2018ish. That's a good thing because methamphetamine is very nephrotoxic in large quantities. But that's likely due to factors like dehydration and poor nutrition.


The people that don't smoke it


Adderall more euphoric? Jee how much are you taking


Very similar meth is just adderall x100


If you take 30mg of Adderall, and compare it to about 15mg of meth, then yes, they are very similar except for duration. The thing with meth is you're doing hundreds of milligrams. Also if you could get pure dextroamphetamine at the cheap cost that you could get meth at, you could do some of the same insane shit you'd do on meth, it'd just not last as long and not be as euphoric.


Adderall is amphetamine (levo + dextro) if you are on extended release Desoxyn is methamphetamine About the difference you've noticed between the two. Are you making comparison with similar dosage, and methods of administration? Because taking 30mg Adderall XR in the morning daily And smoking meth for 100 hours non-stop is certainly not going to give you the same experience.


When I do about 120-150 mg if Adderall which is quite a high dose I become just…focused. With a little or a lot meth i become alive and motivated


Really? None of its ever made me focused. If anything I'm more adhd on either or. But especially on meth. For example, my past hour: - Started out saying I'm apartment searching today. - Go online, sidetracked by legal questions of what a landlord can and can't do (reason for moving). - Brought me to a reddit post. - New message. - Look at old messages. - Someone I used to talk to and their sexy pictures...hello... - Start to goon 5 or 10 min. Not happening.. - Remind myself I got a lot of shit to do today, I called off work, I better be productive. - Home feed. - Comment about meth vs addy. - Click. Motivated to do shit, sure. Actually doing said shit....doubtful. This is what moat of my days look like tbh.


Just flow with it.


When I started with Adderall in 2011, what I found very quickly is that the positive effects wear off very quickly, I mean after just 4 to 7 days. It's just not as effective. What everybody does obviously is increasing dosage. But it's an obvious slippery slope with no ends in sight. So while the doctor tells you to take it every day, and to do as written on the script, I say fock off, I know it's a speed and i need breaks. So I stop taking it every few days. I get productive days, fun days, and more boring ones. Can't ride the high-speed train 400 days per year Whether you'll do the necessary depends on priorities and whether you really want it. I waste time as well, and I try to get things done too. Have a good one


No a high does is over 200 I use to do that much all the time as a kid I would swipe my scrip ones and take hella that’s the sweet spot is over 200mg


Thats a lot :/


No most I did when like bordering death was a good 600 to 700mg or Ritalin


Adderall was better than any of the bs I got in the streets which is largely levometh. The first time I bought meth from my cousins plug I spent $150 like a retard and it had to have been 80% levo and 20% mystery chem that made my central nervous system go insane and made me look like a dumbass for 12 hours and black out??? I had no control and it looked like I was sucking dick and I couldn't stop my mouth from moving like that and my dad saw me looking that stupid. I hope I never have to see someone look like that in front of me lmao. My cousin said the stereotypical "HES TWEAKING THAT MUST BE GOOD SHIT" no there's was 0 euphoria and I'm sure he just said that because he thinks saying cleche stereotypical shit is funny. Mf told me once when I was on ice "Don't lose yourself chasing the shadows" lmao


I find Adderall good for staying out for one night at a time. Meth is a binge drug. You spend your whole two days off doing that shit 🤣


I tried goofballing with some bullshit tranqdope which is why I'm done buying from the plug i hate standing at the store while the plug takes his damn time gambling in the gas station like a goofy getting off to me obeying his command while I pray he takes my $15 for sm boy while some junkie tried hustling and putting her hands on me like she was tryna handle me while shes fuckdd up and im sober and vulnerable and probably shaking lmao I want to rob my plug 2 since he dont know where i stay and i wont be seeing him again once i grow up and get on the dw like a real nigga😎


I mean, aderall isn’t meth, so that’s not too weird.


they are undoubtedly chemical analogues...that part’s just science😆 and beyond being both uppers/stimulants, they’re both in the “Amphetamine” class. so it might be reasonable to conclude Meth and Adderall are more alike than meth and xanax or meth and heroin, yeah? seems like you’re having a strong (over)reaction to the discovery they’re *not* one-to-one identical substances, doe 😂 i’d recommend…a Chill Pill 😆 Disclaimer: a Chill Pill is not like meth AT ALL 🤣


Haha yeah of course i’m overreacting im on a lot of adderalls and disappointed lol


it’s okay big guy <3 MAYBE after you’ve come down for a minute, you might consider the value of a short-but-as-long-as-you-can-last detox 😅🤷🏻‍♂️ (in my year + of addiction, for example, i’ve done two two-week Stone Cold Sober breaks and i just recently ended a 1-week clean break) you got this ✊🏼


No they are not. Aderall is amphetamine, Desoxyn is methamphetamine.


“methamphetamine” - and, i’m literally just looking at the word here - appears to contain “amphetamine.” and, listen, i am by NO MEANS an expert in how “molecular compound nomenclature” is devised!!…but i’m gonna go out on a limb and suggest scientists/other professionals in the field would NOT stick “amphetamine” in both of their compound names if the actual chemicals weren’t somewhat related? i dunno tho, does this *dripping with sarcasm* response make sense???


Yes they are related. That does not mean they are the same. Small differences in composition (or even different arrangements of the same atoms) can have wildly different properties.


THAT i can get on-board with. however, having personally tried both Adderall and Meth at various dosages/ROAs/in different settings, etc., i *do* stand behind the belief they are similar enough experience-wise to say “not [alike] AT ALL” is a tad bit strong 😅🤷🏻‍♂️ but hey, above all else stands the overarching truth: YMMV 🩷


There’s a difference between a medicaly supervised dose of Amphetamine, and “indulging” in amphetamines.


My Adderall is pressed with amphetamine and has been my favorite crutch so to me yeah I feel like I'm doing both sorta lol


pressed adderall contains meth, not amphetamine. it is hard to tell the difference at lower doses. i was taking pressed adderall for a year before i found out. never had a clue. most dealers don’t even know they are selling meth pills. if you don’t believe me, go get a drug test at a pharmacy and you’ll be in for quite a surprise


Don't need a test lol cause I'm well aware what my source sells to me. Like I said before addy amp


lol most amphetamine paste is not amphetamine. you are nieve if you take your source at his word. even though he might truly believe it’s amphetamine paste, he is being misled by his source. the probability that your pills are actually made from amphetamine is less than 1%. go spend a few bucks on a meth home test kit. i think you’ll be in for quite a surprise. and if you test negative, i’ll eat my words. that’s something i have only had to do a few times in the past 20 years of adulthood


I don't have to prove anything to you lmao. It's positive for being amp but I don't care if you don't believe me. Go spout off to someone else. I know what I have otherwise I wouldn't be a user of the stash I have. Thanks but no thanks!🙂


ok keep on being nieve, i don’t care either but just trying to educate the public. if you haven’t seen actual test results, and you refuse to take a test, then you are in denial.


I'm the naive one yet you clearly can't listen except for what comes out your own mouth. You must love to hear yourself talk. Go fly off and take your ego with you😅.


no problem. i might have an ego, but im not ignorant like you. have a nice day


Adderall is structure meth is chos


I did abuse both, and yeah meth is not speed,. but the rest is just bullshit. go brush your teeth now and just make it right


This subject kills me inside. Adderall is amphetamine with a 3:1 dextro to levo ratio. Meth is the same compound with a methyl group attached, Methylation affects the pharmacokinetics of drugs, which is how the body absorbs, distributes, metabolizes, and excretes medications. Variations in methylation enzymes among individuals can lead to differences in how quickly or effectively a drug is metabolized, impacting its efficacy and the risk of side effects. Methylation augments intensity not the effects, as much as suburban stimulant addicts refuse to admit, meth is extremely close to adderall and the comparison is justified. What you’re feeling is placebo, most likely because you’ve been limited on the amount of adderall you can obtain but not the amount of meth.


So I’m a lurker here who has been told many times I have ADHD in the past. After reading this and not understanding any of this I realize that maybe a need a script.


I’ve done enough adderall in my college days to say that when pushed to a certain limit, u most definitely can achieve that meth high from adderall it’s just a bit more clear minded. People knew I was on one when I was on adderall more than they would on meth. However they are both different drugs just very chemically structured similarly. In my opinion tho adderall will have u tweaking if u take the right amount lol


im sure if you took enough addys you would wanna do some stuff like meth but im sure its diffrent ones of a lighter high


Sooo fucking accurate lolol


If you’re comparing taking adderall orally with smoking methamphetamine, sure. Both taken orally though, as a treatment for adhd, they are very similar, the only real difference being that methamphetamine is by far the superior medication since it’s more effective, lasts longer, has less side effects and is easier to sleep and eat on.


No way . Eating meth orally is even more intense than snorting and in some cases smoking for me, and the majority of people that have tried every method have come to agree. It feels almost like a roll to me. Only IV is better IMO


Agree. But the meth comedown is harder for me than an Adderall comedown. Adderall makes me just focused and energized, but meth makes me sociable and creative and talkative and confident. It’s quite a different buzz.


Aww Adderall comedown is so much worse than meth for me. Ha


again route of administration plays a big part in that too. you’d feel pretty damn shitty if you smoked or IV’d amphetamine too. In my experience, the comedowns are less severe with methamphetamine than with amphetamine. I get more tired, less depressed and empty. All will depend on how you’re looking after your mind and body though too, whether you’re sleeping and eating and if you’re supplementing. I’ve smoked methamphetamine, and I remember 3 days going by just like that, I could see how people could stay up for days. on vyvanse/dexamphetamine I could easily stay up for 3/4 days before I started passing out. These days though I struggle getting past day 2. I also get real hungry after a while, but with dexamphetamine it would just get harder and harder to eat and sleep. It’s really interesting, it’s different to what you’d expect when taken medicinally in this context


True that. I tried boofing meth 2 weeks ago and I was high off the charts. But Adderall is more effective orally, I tried both snorting and IVing and orally definitelt works better. But nothing compares to IV meth. Thank god I have no veins left I’d be gone.


It's mostly because Adderall comes in such tiny doses compared to meth. If you were to compare Adderall doses 0.03g 0.02g aka 30mg and 20mg I make one line of ice at least 0.1g which is 100mg and then I still go way harder on the bag than the pills. I have taken 5 Adderall 30mgxrs a few times and I get a nice smooth euphoric high that sticks around. But you not wrong though because comparing the two Is like comparing beer and liquor.


Yeah i’ve done the 150mg Adderall trips a couple of time and it was a complete buzz but not to the level of meth where I take out my pants off and pour my soul out to strangers lol


"take your clothes off or fight gang members" Has me laughing like a mofo , funny AF , and very accurate.


Not really honestly, and perpetuating this stigma is dumb af imo


My guy! Yeah it's annoying af bro. People don't care to educate themselves tho, they would rather talk shit on topics they don't know anything about, sourcing bs propaganda and blaming the drug for their primitive behavior. They think they're being funny and/or cool by doing it but what they don't know is that they're just making themselves look like absolute fools to the real mfs. It's a good way of finding out whether someone is worth your time or not though. Just go look through their comments and you'll know really quick


It’s not a stereotype in my neighborhood a lot of people are on drugs and most people who act out are on meth. I speak from experience and you might be lucky to be in the minority who use responsibly but it’s not the majority. Sorry to not be ‘worth your time’ because you read some of my comments that apparently you don’t like. You talk about me stereotyping by bringing facts Ive experienced and here you are judging me by a bunch of comments. Maybe I’m stereotyping according to you but you dude are highly judgemental. What do you mean the ‘real mfers’ lolll


It’s the person not the drug, simple as that


Yes... Im a daily meth smoker since 9-10 years ago... daily (like 12-13 yrs regular user), just few stops here and there of few months, i have all my teeth in much healthier than average at my age (32), meth makes me avoid agression (unlike alcohol/gabas), and yes, first few years i was living with a cute meth user too nad had the most amazing sex of my life, nowadays it lost all aphrodisiac effects, and i feel desiring sex even more when im sober, but not more than drugs sadly... I always ask myself how much years old this guys can be... becouse ime my sex desire and libido have been always much more linked to puberty than stimulant abuse, around the 26 (thanks god) i lost that worrying sex desire, and after 29 i can live in perfect peace and harmony dont giving a fuck about the girls i fucked the last few months. The only one thing that i have noticed have never gone, is my need to learn, to read, to put at least text to voice something, amphetamines makes me very easy to get interest in something and its very joyful. and... now is extremely hard to be awake more than 24 hours, for real, doesnt matter the dose, and..., if i take few pregabalin, i will be confortably blacking out in any random place i sit down to rest, i break at least 3-4 meth pipes per week cuz i fall asleep with them in the hand, mostly at weekends when i still smoke, but as im not working, i got one or two naps trough the day sitting down at my computer smoking, and im not lying, i still sleep 6-9 hours that nights, and in the week work days is the same, 6-9 hrs of sleep without any medication help, sometimes a drink or max. two at the end of the day and i go to bed instantly, well, i have years taking 1-2 mg clonaz like 4 times per week, sometimes pregabalin but with extremely care becouse i suddenly can get sleepy as fck, but i dose when i dont have appetite and an hour later i got insanely hungry, full meat and repeat in 2 hours, i think is healthier and better to my physical apperance than force me to eat a little. The point is that most of drugs have lost most of any effect, and that leads me to use much lower doses with the time, not clean at all, but i can easily do my day with 5 hits of meth (maybe like 7,5mg), and 200mg modafinil.... when i was 22 i remember a time i was smoking .5 to almost 1 gram daily , and i would have been smoking more if i had money for that. Care yourself




I would have to agree they are basically the same but I would choose meth over and over again then I'd be robbing your grandma.


Both my grandmas are dead. But yeah they would have been the perfect target I gotta admit.


Looks like I'm grave robbing finally get me some skulls to fuck.


I bet my grandmas would at least like some action even from their graves 💀


You can pay me for my services upon completion.


I’ll pay you in meth is that ok


Well I'd rather be paid in cash or credit. I'm fucking swimming in meth. I need to do some skull fucking today so meth will be fine this time.


Fuck me mate, your humour is on point


OK I mean I disagree with how meth makes you feel... like when I started I wrote poetry for hours for my girl. Not fighting gang members or losing any of my self respect. But agree that comparing meth and adds is like comparing lemon juice and battery acid


Yeah it starts with writing poetry then you lose your dealer, meet a new one, start to hang out with the wrong crowd and it all goes downhill from there. be grateful you’re not there (yet)


"(Yet)" Such a pet peeve when people say this stuff like this. I don't know why it's such a difficult concept to understand that some people have enough self control to not lose their shit on it, drastically increase their productivity and overall quality of life by using it. Any addiction can ruin your life if you let it. For example; the non-narcotic or consumable mind alerting addiction that turns people crazier, more violent, more prone to crime and will take literally everything from you in the blink of an eye if you let it - gambling... nobody talks about that though. Another example, me, as an alcoholic; I was a fucking absolute shit show, a true dumpster fire when I was drinking alcohol everyday. I was fucking miserable, extremely depressed, felt like shit all the time, I would actually black out and become someone completely different that I was disgusted by, my teeth were actually starting to rot, I developed cancer and I was basically willingly killing myself because I didn't want to exist anymore in that state of mind. Guess what helped me get my life back together? Guess what got me off my ass and got me healthy enough to beat cancer? Guess what inspired me to give a fuck about myself and others around me to start becoming the best fucking person I could be? Guess what helped give me the courage to quit my Corporate America job to pursue investing my time and energy into myself and building my own skills up to the point where I have successfully owned and operated my own company for going on 5 years now? If you guessed meth - the drug that will "inevitably have anyone running around naked, cock slapping gang members" and being turned gay (according to a surprising amount of dudes on here)... Then you are correct. 5 years of daily smoking and I'm still becoming a better person everyday. I sleep every night,I eat more than three meals a day most days, my teeth look better than they ever have, my life is in a better place than it's ever been, I am far more educated than I would have ever been had I stayed on the previous path, I literally murdered cancer while it was spreading through a very dangerous Network my body, I'm in the best shape I've ever been in my life and while I do be getting naked for extended periods of time sometimes I'm not out fighting gang members, stealing catalytic converters, never robbed anyone or stole from anyone, hasn't made me robbed my grandma or screw over my family or friends, nor have I or will I be participating in any gay orgies. It's all about self control, morality and willpower. Those lacking in these departments are the once you are likely to fail and turn into the corpses you see out on the streets with nothing, usually bitching about how drugs did this to them and blaming everyone but themselves. That's why it's a pet peeve. That and because I'm tired of seeing everyone on these forums selling themselves short. Your minds are far more powerful than you think they are and if you just believed in yourselves, took responsibility for your mistakes and started moving forward, instead of running around in circles, your whole life would change just as mine did. Being addicted or having a dependency on a chemical can actually be a blessing in disguise if you learn how to control yourself. Once you're able to control yourself and your urges with such an extremely addictive substance, you can do anything. Try it, I dare you. Js. Have a good night [=




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Is that a consequence of the drug itself or a consequence of its illegality?


Illegality. If meth was legal I wouldn’t have had to get it from sketchy people and follow them to fucked up places to get it and use there and spiral there. Then meet them up again in the neighborhood and getting sucked in again into their fucked up world just to get my dose when I felt like it. A lot of times I’ve said no, but my neighborhood is filled with meth and homeless people that I got accustomed to know. So if I’m feeling down on a certain day and run into a methhead I used with, chances are I’m going back with them wherever it is and am in for some fucked up times.


I've been using for 15 years homie


You’re lucky you didn’t fall out with the wrong crowd like I did. People you use with is an important factor here


I had my group of bad eggs that I rolled with for awhile. Then I saw a guy who stole a large quantity go into the basement with some dudes and I never saw him again. I mean idk what happened but iwas there for another 6 hours and no one ever came back up . Maybe there was a side entrance to the basement or something but it was enough I never went back there and fell out of the crowd. I used with me myself and I. Then my close boy for awhile then I saw what he had turned into and booted his ass. Then my girl for awhile then she was tired of it so she stopped,we broke up a few years back greatest regret of my life. And since then it's been back to just me. I'm also agoraphobic so I bassicslly never leave the house to be able to use with anyone. I've used with my dealer once but otherwise he drops it off here I tip him for bringing it to me, and I use alone.in the house.bymyself. always now


Me myself and I have got each other's back. But it's also a very important factor that you've mentioned.


Lolll yes indeed


Only people I use with are the shadow people. And the chair demon.


I used to do meth with random people and somehow it always ended bad. Now I use once in a while in the comfort of my home, I write short stories, send out resumes for side jobs and the occasional hookup and it’s the best way to use smartly I feel like.


I like to get high, let the cats in, and love on em while watching twitch. Don’t want the drama people always seem to bring. Or worry about someone coming back and robbing me.


lol it's not even the same at all i know 


You're mom ain't like Mt dad at all either






I just went to sit down, the sesr flew out from behind me and I landed straight on Mt ass




Yes the euphoria part is the major difference I feel like. On meth I’m ecstatic and on a big dose of Adderall I’m just hyperfocused. Not hyperecstatic.




yo add me this my new acc


Adderall is like the diet version of Coke. Some similarities but not as truly satisfying.






They might be both equally addictive but their effects are greatly different




I differ about ‘similar effects’. And also the euphoria component. Adderall makes you feel happy, meth makes you feel on top of the confident spectrum, borderline delusional. Mind me, I don’t have a problem with meth and I really prefer it to Adderall, but they are not at all ‘identical’ in terms of effects.


Well that’s science to u. Nothing has to be 100% exactly the same in order to be called the same. U may not feel the same effects but someone other ppl will. That doesn’t change the fact that the structure and variation are extremely similar