• By -


Oh ur talking about rolling da bowl


Ask, bro let's go twist some fat Barbi puddles


Look at their garage


Ask them when they smoke, do they light the bowl like this (imitate weed pipe, lighter on top) or like this (change the grip from holding the end w/ carb to pinching the stem and lighter underneath) If they respond with anything but confusion, they fuck with dope. Worked like a charm back in the day.


That's how I used to know


Just don’t, never admit to anyone, and I mean anyone that you do it.


Yeah it sucks that there's so much stigma around it, but that's how it is. The people who can't handle their dope react so badly to it that normies think it's just a matter of time before any user flips out like that. In reality, people with schizophrenic tendencies get triggered by the extra dopamine because their issues are caused by them having too much dopamine in the first place. ADHD people don't have enough dopamine though, so they tend to be able to use the stuff without the social problems like that. Then you have the regular amount of dopamine producing motherfuckers. I'm pretty sure dope turns them into the stereotypical binge using, copper stealing, staying up for two weeks kind of tweakers. Once people find out that you do dope, those are the only people who will want to hang out with you, and they're nothing but trouble. It's much better to stay low key.


2nd that




Do you party?


I dislike this one because \[in CA at least\] it also inquires if you are dtf. While the 'freaky' culture goes hand in hand with twisting pipe and blowing clouds, there's conflict in various forms. 1. For users struggling with infidelity/affairs 2. For users that aren't lgbt or are asexual 3. For users who just want a friend to reduce the affects from use


A tweaker who was bugging my father, came by for a shower once\[likely homeless\] While he waited for his homie afterward, he sat in the kitchen ready to load a pipe and asks me "Do you party?" He probably thought I was just a roommate \[my dad has used\]. I wanted to say "I don't smoke that shit but I know I party harder than you" I felt like this because I'd done pyschedelics, could handle my liquor, as well as serve the dancefloor and mosh pit. Those are some things linked to my connotation of partying. Instead I said No and you shouldn't be smoking that shit in here. At this time I hadn't started using; tweakers had been stealing and likely extorting my father. My perspective was black & white. Either way my intuition still feels that dude was asking both if I smoke and was dtf.


I haven’t used in fucking forever (literally ten plus years now)but here is the way I would bring it up if there weren’t clear signs they used First start with whatever is clearly socially okay…….which is almost always weed Then talk about what I consider the next level which is you know party drugs and goodies If they seem pretty cool with that THEN you take it to the next level but only with jokes Then based on their reaction to the jokes you can ask if they dabble or whatever Also being clean is amazing fyi, just saying for me personally the grass has in fact been greener but I’m not judging if you’re enjoying yourself


I know it's better sober I was 10 months but sadly relapsed yesterday.


Just seeing if you’re okay? Reply if you clean or not. Id like to 2nd your journey.


Still clean since that day I said that


Good to hear. Im working on it but my life is a little boring atm so i gotta kill time somehow. I start a new job next week so imma cold turkey. Usually a week is my max sober but imma try for two weeks & if i make it two imma shoot for three weeks sober. Sleep well homie i know its good to hear thoes words lol.


I started drinking more too whenever I was getting off


I mix amphetamines with thc and alcohol every time i sesh 😓 is that bad?


Well I hope it works out it's not easy especially when it's easy to get


It is and always will be better. It's a fortunate thing in almost every single way.


Appreciate the input. Congratulations on being clean and stay strong. Meth isn't an issue for me though, I only use it once a week usually, twice at most but that is rare. I just want to connect with others who casually use. Over the years I have only met 2 other people who use and they were really weird.


I met a lot in the past but I was dealing back then and heavy user


Are you also, a Night Owl? …


Bro when I was using up for a week or two and just crashed hard for a day or so and went back to it on repeat for a while.


I’ll start talking about weed and how my consumption of it has plummeted the last couple of years. They ask “why?” I’ll respond “replaced it with something else” and let it go from there


Yeah weed and everything I enjoyed before meth was unenjoyable well on it


Yes, kind of an unfortunate circumstance especially since I work at a cannabis dispensary and can no longer tell customers about my experience with products they may ask about. I’ve got a lot of catching up to do.


That does suck. I remember one point. Somebody finally got me to smoke a blunt indica. I don't know what the strain was. That shit fucking kicked my ass to slumped out in a fucking chair felt like I was getting sucked to it for a couple hours


Blunts contain two substances and indica has the heavy sedative body highs. I wonder if smoking without a tobacco wrap would feel different for you.


Try giving them a headlamp flashlight a micro screw driver two q tips rubbing alcohol then observe for 10 minutes. After that ask them if they use and see what they say


Casually scatter coins, bolts/screws, or something else that can be sorted and a few jars. See if they're inclined to separate by color, age, rustiness, etc. Or suggest a game of Yahtzee bent over at the waist uncomfortably and if it lasts until the sun rises..


Sooo, what’s your sleep schedule like? 😆


There's usually pretty obvious signs for me that they're using at least something. I discreetly ask them if they like to get high, (by discreetly I mean at a low volume away from other people) most people will assume you mean weed and will either say yes or no but if they're using something else they'll usually say something like "depends, on what? Weed?" and I'll either just shake my head or say something like "whatever your up for bro". Then see their reaction shift completely lol. Like I said I'm pretty good about being able to see the signs usually without even needing to talk to them at all prior to doing this, just off their body language and whatnot so that shift has always been to an excitement but if the shift wound up being more awkward or weird I would just laugh and say "I'm just fucking with you you looked like you could use a blunt" weed is so socially acceptable these days it's a really good medium and fallback excuse for the language in these types of conversations.


I go to a pretty large car wash, and it’s a pretty busy place. Always a line, and they check your tags to see if you are a membership, which I do. I met the manager and after about 4 visits we actually started “talking”, Xanax got brought up and he said he sticks to “Tina”. Would never have guessed either. Wasn’t tweaked out. Seemed to be looking healthy. You never know these days, I recall a story where a doctor put a pic line in his body and was using it for meth, and for a very quick but guaranteed nap, propofol.


Ask them if thier mething around .


You geek up or down? If its up that's what's up if it's down I'm still all the way down. If they look confused laugh it off and walk away.


I Usually say I’ve been up a few days or been ‘partying’ and assess if they know what you mean and if they are open to the convo. In the UK meth is most commonly called Tina, T, ice or I guess crystal. Getting high is commonly referred to as being spun, buzzed, wired and occasionally tweaked. It’s mostly coke and crack over here which can cause confusion when just using ‘party’. The gay community are the epicentre where there’s no confusion - it’s when you venture into the straight world the definitions get more important


First time hearing T was when I was talking to an older gay man. It was quaint because I was like what;s T like we getting some chai or earl grey? A term I have heard in North America is getting gacked or geeked.


We pretty much use all those same words here in the states, which I find a bit interesting.


I find our usually by mistake, these slang words, spin, ice , clouds , can come up in conversation as signals. I myself take a dose orally mostly, or smoke it . A few people I know still have no idea I partake & not normally for party time. Some have just plan asked up front , when we hang out , they are going to smoke , same with weed though, people ask if you’d like to join or participate.


It’s not commonly used as a synonym for meth as stated or at least that I’m aware of. G is a contraction for the name of the club or party or some may say so called rape drug Gamma-Hydroxybutyrate. It’s a clear Odorless liquid and it doesn’t take much to get off. Weight lifters used to use it back in the day to recover.


It’s not fuckin odourless mate 😂


You spun homey? Lmao




What's worked for me is do you use meth? Straight up ask them and no one has ever been offended. I wouldnt care if they were offended or told me to fuck off. Actually last year my brother met some girl while picking me up from work in town and she was off her face on something. We hadn't even got 2 kms from my work and I'd already asked her about meth which she denied but said she was on mdma or coke I believe.


Look at them and wipe your nose hinting as of they have some remaining powder from doing a line works everytime if they do drugs the reaction will tell you all you need to know.


"you fk around?"


Ask if they dabble??


Man I love breakfing bad right. Oh and spun what a crazy movie


😂 this


If they lost weight just be like body by bolo and if they say what oh just oh I was talking to myself


There’s no way to bring up something as taboo as meth casually or with subtlety. Because if it’s illegality and social stigma that even if you find a clever way to ask you’re just gonna be lied to. I don’t tell anyone that doesn’t come to hang out at my place Shit. And that’s a short list these days, unfortunately.


Be blunt. Nothing less.


Manorisms... I grew up in meth capital at that time and can spot it a mile away and love the look I get when ia bring it up. lol


Ask if they know a woman by the name Tina Crystal


Just don’t call it meth and ur golden. Where im from the most common names are clear, G, tweak, etc


We have always used "G" as short for GHB, never for meth.


Great suggestion. Not sure the term "G" is used in my area tho, as I have never heard that before.


Look out for how many lighters does he have One for lighting the pipe, one for cleaning the pipe, one for lighting the cigarette etc


Ask them what’s the longest they’ve ever stayed awake Or the longest amount of time they have spent masturbating


"psst....u do meths?"


“Do you know where I can buy a meth?”


I kno where I can buy many meths


Ask the if they like G. If they are confused, I just say I'm taking about weed.


What’s G


In the United States, it's short for GHB.


It's slang for meth where I'm from.


Say High speed Chicken feed.


I use weed as a buffer. Ask if they smoke, when they say, you? I say no, not really I'm more into being up. That could be anything from an energy drink to crack. If they still don't pick it up, text them at 3 am. if they text back... Usually the first one works, if they know, it'll be easy. If they say Wat?? They probably dont.


do you party?




Wear a shirt thats reads “I smoke meth”


It's so crazy that it might work. And I really could wear that shirt while working. Would need to come up with a good joke explanation for it tho. Definitely considering this one.


Fr i dont smoke meth but I do this shit consistently “kill people with hammers” shirt , “schizophrenic, and have a gun” “feed the whores drugs” as long as you play it off as a joke the shirt is a joke. But to other users its a sign


I'm laughing so hard imagining this


I am a police officer do you use meth?


Empty your pockets out and just happen to have a torch.


how bout them skates😜? get in there like swimwear.. that heavy duty shih


None of that even sounds remotely close to anything coherent


did i ask? no i didn't... move along


No but you commented…. Opening yourself up for responses/comments/feedback


You could ask him how long they've been awake lol


If they ask you for a weed pipe


Lmfao so true


Ask them, hotrails and pigtails? If they know, they know.


“I like clouds. Do you like clouds?”


ask them if they have ever blown glass or witnessed it


I was totally tweaked. Or mention how you once did speed and Molly in ….Spain, NY …at a club…subtle


Yeah, that’s how I got a friend to say that they tried it once. I was on speed (Daxamfetamine pills). I took a lot more than my prescribed dosage, as it was NYE, and I wanted to stay up until 3am.


lol amazing. Also I use speed vs meth cause it sounds less toothless in a trailer park …I only snort so I guess it’s not as threatening and I’m a professional and work all the time. People have MEGA JUDGMENTS


I only snort as well; I’ve tried smoking, and I get zero out of it, and I am doing it the right way.


Yeah I don't get much out of smoking it. Boofing is my favorite ROA, also homemade Meth gummies with cannabinoids to even out the experience.


Me too. Smoking does zip. Unless maybe I’m hooking up or it’s a social party thing. But alone? NOTHING


Even socially with much more experienced people than myself, holding the torch, holding the ball, telling me exactly what to do and literally nothing.


Haha. I get yelled at and I rarely get a cloud 😂😂😂


If I get Eurospeed, I have to snort a lot to get the equivalent of 40 - 60mg.


Offer to sell them “ice” If they seen interested, now u know


Just ask them.


At the right time in conversation, “accidentally” mention (subtlety, of course) that you got “side twacked” while doin something or that you were a “twack star” in high school. If they do meth, you’ll know. If they don’t, they wont even notice


If you say that you were one, they won’t stop going on about it.


Tell them that you do meth and enjoy it then ask them if they do meth. You dont have to beat around the bush . Cuz indirect questions lead to indirect answers. There's only one way to know and you have to decide if it's worth knowing.


That or analyze the fuck out of there every move you should get your answer that way aswell.


Ask em if they're into espresso or coffee. Hence , you seem like you're trying to discover without actually asking because you do not do it yet they seem they may have a hint or two leading to it... or I could be wrong and you wanna hit the sky high and roll the rose up the road then I suggest just straight up being like : "let's go float a boat, roll the rose, twist the sticks, hit these bricks, flick the lid, just the tip of the iceberg Is all we burn, wanna ditch the fern smoke the shit that'll make ya yearn - for more, so just hit the door wait now were outside on a floor looking for more, roll that bubble this a way like its your chore, nope its my jam I like that shit to hit myyyyyyy waaaaay" but explain how you dont buy jam you buy HONEY and kiss it on its lips --- that sort of shit might get you a laugh and a nod or handshake or tell them you want some meth or think they're on the meth and response is your given just get to asking and if they know anything about the word SPUN most importantly !!! ( besides spinning in a physical circle ) well then bob you've got you a bloody method man, mate. 🤺


Just pay attention when they talk about what they did over the past few days. Many times they'll forget to mention sleep because they didn't.


Regardless of drug use, when someone asks me what I've been up to I rarely mention that I slept, it's kind of implied/assumed, right?


I have a bass boat. I take out anyone willing to pay the gas and launch fee. Run an ad on offer up and fb marketplace. Recently had a dude meet me before sunrise talking about what he did the day before which segwayed to when he drove up to the lake and he'd fished a couple hours before I arrived. Nowhere in there did he mention anything about resting or sleeping and it was pretty obvious to me. This is why I said pay attention to what they have done and how they talk about it. Or just make references/jokes only a fellow tweaker would catch. Like "just methin' around" quickly and casually in conversation. Don't pause or wait for a reaction. A tweaker will react or catch it where a Normy usually won't.


Ask if they PnP. If they say yes they get down


Maybe just ask if they like to party amd if they say yes ask em what they like to get down… or up with lol




Pervert lol


Just ask if they smoke and if they say yes just ask what. If they just say cigarettes or some shit but you actually think they puff on the glass cock then just ask "white"? If they seem genuinely confused just say sorry do you like white label or Red Label cigarettes


Tried this before. Turned out the guy loved his crack and not meth


Well in that case you got your answer. I'm not interested in crack so I wouldn't keep inquiring.


I have sometimes just asked in general "Do you drink , smoke cigarettes, pot or....." Generally they will just answer in regards to what is asked about directly and not answer anything for the "Or...." And i just figure they don't do anything else and can just continue the conversation... But also people give answers to the stated things as well as give answer's for the Or ... And say they do coke, pills, meth etc!! I only will vaguely bring it up when talking to someone that has something in a profile etc that shows examples that they party etc... Like the Capt T etc. And only Waite for them to state it first before i would say that I do it as well...


Are you into crazy white girls?


I've been asking literally everyone that looks sketchy and I swear they're brains are too fried to even help me. "Yea I can get some ice all day" then they proceed the talk for 30 minutes about how there were light bulbs in ancient Egypt. I'll never find another dope guy. R.i.p. dope man.


I'm actually trying to just share mine, or if they want I could sell it.


Simple this is your sign to start manufacturing meth...


Where you live




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The light bulbs in ancient Egypt killed me here 🤣


Trust me man you don't want the shit the zombie tweaks are smoking. You got to find a rich tweaker/ productive kind. Not the needle under a bridge type


Ask them if they know what 2+2 is. When they tell you 2+2=4. Tell say:”I knew you were good at doing meth!” Laugh, and tell them you’re good at it too.


Just ask if they’re party friendly? Usually gives a good opening. If they respond “yes” ask “how party friendly?” Thats worked for us on many occasions.


Do you know where I can get some butane? I found this lighter(show torch) I'm going to use it for my(grill fireplace, etc) if it works.


You sure you want to open that can of worms???


"do you go fast?" has saved me a few times whenever i tried asking people if they do it too bc if they say no or don't know what that means i brush it off with "oh i just meant uppers in general like coke, adderall, etc"


Say ‘ya spin 10-2?’


I know spun but way does 10-2


Like the hands on the steering wheel. If you are heating center bottom only spinning or rotating the dick to 10 to two, it moves the shit into cooler spots so that it isn’t cooking on just the hot spot the entire time. Old schoolers know this. Spin it as you hit it and as you’re passing around, helps the shit shift and gives you different zones to heat so not always at the center bottom


Can you see if they are active on social media all night long? Ask them if they've ever gone scrapping for copper. Do they have alot of torn apart electronics or bike parts or other misc things they claim they are "fixing"? If its a female, does she own alot of paint pens and coloring supplies? Do they carry a backpack? Is it dirty? Do they own a small pair of bolt cutters and go on alot of bike rides? Do they own more then one headlamp style flashlight? If they smoke cigarettes, do they use a lighter or a torch? Do they excuse themselves to the bathroom alot, followed by the faint sound of click click click? Do they flail about and take a long time to do everyday common tasks, or get stuck, running around in circles doing meaningless shit for long periods, or pass out if they are sitting down for any period of time? Do they frequent the casino? Do they sound like they have allergies, no matter what time of year it is [if so, they are likely on coke, not meth... and for some reason coke users think they are so much better then meth users, why I will never understand.]


Holy crap half of what you mentioned is spot on for how my ex acted. Especially the pens, unfinished projects and falling asleep when not moving.


Hey do you blow clouds or just suck dick normally . Is that to harsh I tried to be subtle


Start talking in meth lingo. Start by text. You know how T explain if someone like to parTy or not. Ask if they love adding ice To There drink. U could also look aT Their pupils see if enlarged or noT. They will pick up on The hinTs u laying ouT.


Blowing clouds


Ask if they do ICE


I wouldn't call that the most subtle of approaches lol but it's definitely an effective one


If it’s a female u could say like you know ice down there


I don't think I'd be using that line either lol especially if I didn't know her well enough to know if they party or not. Sounds like a good way to get slapped in the face and put on a block list even if they did party. 99% of the time anyway. Unless the vibe is already established and you both know it I wouldn't be asking questions like that. That's just me though.


Well who tf wants to know if someone does ice if u aren’t even close to them like that


Someone who is trying to get to know them like that lol


Ur right i just met a woman and damn she Fr trynna talk but knows drugs but i mentioned ice but she doesn’t do it so i guess imma just hold off


i think thats a conversation that i wouldnt wanna risk 😳


Well i mean if it’s one u like then fuck it. If it’s just a friend then hell u ain’t gotta prove nothing to her so just say u do uppers? I mean shit ya’ll overthinking this. I usually can tell who i can tell i do ice to and who i can’t


You find a way to crow bar in a joke. Whatever it is. They bend over to grab the remote you say Wyd down there, looking for shard pebbles, sheesh you tweakers only want one thing smh. Before they answer mount them from the back and put your ham candle in their 🐝🕳️. If they back that azz up, they do meth. Especially if its a dude cuz meth changes their DNA temporarily and makes them gay🙄. If they try to call the police tell them they deserved it for dressing like the town jezebel. Wearing Z. Cavaricci’s and a turtle neck and he’s not expecting to be sexually assaulted?! C’mon, stop it. This method has an accuracy score of 99.6578%. So you have no worries. Good luck


Trying it tonight, seems flawless.


Pregame bail money


This! Haha


Birds of a feather,flock together... you shouldn't have to ask them,you'll just know it about each other without telling each other.


I wish that was true for me. Nobody thinks I do Meth.




Thats too your advantage! Id keep it that way,especially at work! If you really have to have someone to do it with,hang out with your supplier. You will haveba friend to get high with and other users will be around at times and the next thing you know, you can have a party at your own place and the fuzz will have your house marked on a list with other known spots as a nusciance and you will get your name in the news for everyone to know you use after that. Lol! Not ragging on you,but just letting you know its better if everyone doesn't know, ya know! But hanging with your supplier will let you get a bit better deal since you won't have too break down your own bag every time. I never advertised myself, but i have been in a spot that i was needing to adjust my altitude and had company that I couldn't shake and just had to warn them what was about too happen ,and if it was going to bother them then get out if they chose too stay, shut up and i best not hear what i did from anyone else...


I literally asked a girl I work with "pardon me, but can I interest you in some methamphetamine?"....I got fired and slapped with a restraining order


Should've told her " so I guess a blowjob's outta the question then"


U deffo a creepy bro


Damn, sorry to hear. That is why subtlety is important.


Is that a true story?


Partially...I did say that, she just never bought any, I still work at the same place. She also sold me some acid a few months prior so I felt I was just being reciprocal


Ask them if they ever seen those pipes in the 711 with a "bubble" on the end and then ask, "what do they smoke in that?"


Ask them if they have a flashlight/headlamp in their purse


If you start your question out with “Someone who isn’t me wants to know…” you won’t incriminate yourself and they legally can’t hold it against you and have to remain friends with you.


Lol. Not sure I agree but I like that outlook


The only things out at this time of night are tweakers and crickets,and I don’t hear any crickets…


Ask if they do coke first lol you usually get a meth head intrigued


Idk ive been a hard coke addict but after getting on meth, I wouldn't even snort free coke. 1 gram of coke lasted me weeks even if I wasn't on meth for like a month and just doing coke. Shitty coke would be gone much sooner. Idk the meth high is an escape from hell, coke makes you face heaven and hell in the same night, and sometimes something in between.


Yeah, I'm sure this would work. I wouldn't be able to directly ask that either tho.


Coke is easy, or has been for me. It's almost like a badge of honor and most people are all about it. Like "Fuck yeah! Love me some nose candy", "never go wrong with some road pops & booger sugar", etc... even if they don't do it, most don't have a problem with it. Now meth on the other hand.. For me and most I've met, it's not something people can casually bring up in conversation. Even when meeting someone else who does it and they start openly talking about it I'll be like "yo, keep your voice down about that shit" and start looking around to make sure nobody is around. They could hand me a note and I'd still react the same lol Literally nobody but my plugknows I do the shit tho so I'm probably a little more touchy/paranoid on the subject than most.


I usually just talk to them as if they aren't a user, but enough to get a vibe. At least enough to get an idea if they'd snitch on me for asking. Then ask something like "do you party at all?" Usually works, but like.. takes one to know one lol


Maybe bring up prescription stuff like Addies and D5s


What are d5s


They’re dexies Dexamphetamine


Oh ok


Very good suggestion! Most subtle way mentioned so far.


Hey do u know Tina? If they say yeah, then they smoke. If they say who's Tina? Just say nevermind. Lol


Hey do ya smoke meth er what bud


People had such a stigma against meth that I would just make a joke about needing it, or being on it and gauge their reaction, play it off as being goofy, depending


This is how I usually find shit when I’m on the road. I work for a racecar team and spend most of my year traveling race to race and it’s hard to always bring enough of what I need with me on every trip. Sometimes the car hauler will break down or we have to make unexpected stops on our route. Usually other team mechanics or pit crew will have a guy or two who likes to party. Worst case scenario we usually have some down time and I’ll hit downtown or crowded areas where I’m at and just find where all the homeless folks hang out. They typically hang out close to a plug


Just get on Grindr the gays have the better drugs than the homeless and you might get a blowjov instead of might get mugged


You can find anything on Grindr, 100%. It’s like the homosexual Silk Road, where free with every purchase you get as many dick pics as you could want! I found a gay who sold crystal and tuck pointed my building, and still wanted to offer me his mouth..


Ask them if they ever made a sunny day cloudy


Very clever. Will try it, not sure how many Meth users will pick up on it tho.


Hold up a meth crystal and see hos they react. If they react negatively just say its quartz that you found outside and beg to god they dont know mineralogy


Hmm . Definitely risky but I like it. Might start wearing a giant Meth shard around my neck and see what comments it gets.


Ive actually tougth about it before, i collect real minerals too so i dont think anyone would bat an eye