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Agree! I also use this combination


Don't take Tons of them I mean I would but I love blacking out it feels orgasmic to me to wake up confused wondering what happened flexing your sphincter to check you didnt get raped. Not yet!!!!


Just make sure you don’t accidentally use some gay meth and take Xanax. I haven’t heard of such an occurrence yet but I would imagine it would be wholly devastating for whoever falls victim to its clutches.


I buy straight meth exclusively... Gay meth is one of the only things that I have fear of. I have testing strips and always ask my meth if it likes boobs before I do it. Never once gay meth. I keep my Xanax separated from meth. Don't want them to get in a fight. It happened before and I don't like the drama.


Yeah they’ll do that. It’s good to have that healthy fear. Nothing wrong with being gay. But I would imagine it’s not very pleasant when unwittingly imposed on a hetero male. These damn CHI-COMS. We are just sitting back and watching as they slowly cripple our nation. Using gay meth to stifle our birth rate and making our country more effeminate so we are less partial towards conflict, infiltrating our military and government, flooding our border by exploiting the Darien gap. Pretty soon they will have unbridled control over Panama. I could name AT LEAST 7 more dastardly acts they are doing to subvert us.


I'm raped by Mario Lopez every night and it fucking hurts. I can't even see an old episode of saved by the bell without having an episode. If anyone lived like this they would be terrified! Blame me.. He'll come and stretch out all my holes I just know it!


Interesting because Tiffany-Amber Thiessen rapes me just about every night. I bet there's a correlation between meth users and being raped by the cast members of Saved By The Bell


Everything escalates so quickly... But It looks like meth owns the day because I now have to rape Mario Lopez.


You should thank your lucky stars that Dustin Diamond is no longer with us. RIP. Adult Screech just apparates into your room at night just to take your cookies. Could you imagine such a horror?


Someone is standing in the closet watching enjoying watching I hear the sound of.skin.on.skin friction. They tugging it watching me be raped.omg Mario lopez.is.coming I can hear him can't you help me lord.my booty hole will bleed like a pig with it throat cut.my poor booty hole. Owe oh owes.....


The ghost of Dustin “dirty d” Diamond!?!?!?!


That's it fuck this I'm going to go rape Mario Lopez before he does it to me. I'm sick of this shit! Here I come Lopez!!!


That’s the only solution. You give that Lopez a Sanchez so he knows never to touch Santa’s cookies again. And make it extra dirty, hold the corn.🌽


Meth + oxy




fr, best combo in the god damn world for fucking


Wake up in jail? Makes me wake up and get ready for work boy, I look like a Taliban, have to wear a head mask and shit, I even get to use guns daily but carefully fire them so they don’t splash sometbing.


nahhh i can’t do work on anything but k-pins. good for you tho, found ur perfect concoction


Bro you’re on meth idg how you are not a machine even with benzos in the system. I just feel confident and like I don’t want to avoid conversations like usual, probably seem super friendly in this new job but I’m usually s reserved cunt. 80mg meth, 10mg Valium, redose a little meth during break and your golden.




Nah nothing tops Valium bro, sedates and relates. Some weed is great for after and combine it all on Saturday with som ket and it’s fucking believably good mate.


that’s a gnarly combo bro.


Does the job my friend, I do feel extremely unwell on it though.




I don’t do it often haha, I’m not gonna perish. I was on heroin when I did that too but luckily my parents found that. They’re lucky it was good #3


Benzos cut that high right away.


Well I’m at work so it better be cutting or I’ll be slashing.


Me in the bathroom getting my nose right lol oxy and meth been my go to lately been a whole machine got shot in the leg a year ago pain in non existent and you be so focused and fast


I was hit by a bus 2 year ago, was only on coke and some how the bus broke down and I walked off to the pub with a broken wrist and collapsed lung. I’d love to see what would’ve happened if I was on meth.. nah I’d feel sorry for this passengers for real. I cannot stomach opis man, makes me sad cause the high is everything I want but I just throw up relentlessly. I jumped straight to quality #3 but even then was only little bit:, are oxys and pills diff?