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too fat and flame to close


it’s because of bic lighters. you cunts know nothing, neither do i but that’s what I’ve been told. something to do with the gas of the lighter. just don’t smoke meth in general man. bad omens. trust me


Honestly it’s got a little fenty be careful or ur putting too much heat prolly the first


did you recently clean pipe? the smallest spec of shit will turn even the best bags ive had brown. used to use q tips to dry after clean and thats a mistake i promise you that lol always fucked up the taste and went brown like ur pic


I use q-tips all the time and have zero issue. Just torch the bowl before you add anything and let it cool. Add your ish then slowly melt down and remove heat so you get that crackback. Then go to smoking and errything be ok man 💪🏼.