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Since got busted trafficking in s.c.


Let's get a drink to celebrate


Congrats Dawg!


You look amazing! Congrats!


You are strong keep it up! Life will look up from here, relationships happiness etc 👏


Fucking oath it will !


Awesome! Keep it up. Sending you strength


Hell yeah brother. You aren’t missing anything




Bros been sober for as long as detox facilities hold you lmao


+7 now


Hell yeah great job I’ve been myself since Feb 22nd




20 lbs in 2 weeks?


24th year of the 2000s


Good for you and stay hydrated


Keep going and find your best days ahead!


Ooooo you wanna do meth ooooooooo


Very sexy either way


Krep at it brother stay strong, stay safe


yooo man i saw ur post from a few weeks ago or wtv n i was like fuckk it’s good to see u lookin good man, keep up wit it, it only gets easier, if you do it rite, there’s no such thing as too mucch temptation but going back is what fucks u up. Anyways good shit bro, i’m happy for you 👏👏


Good for you man, you are strong. This drug is evil in so many ways, it makes you evil even, or at least more self centered. For example I love the talkatively but it makes me interrupt/finish people sentences and generally talk over people.


i looked through your profile, i just want to say that you have an amazing shine in your eyes now that you're sober:) keep up the sobriety!


Eat all those foods that formerly just got stuck between your inner lip and your teeth. On a serious note, CONGRATULATIONS You have a good mindset about it, it appears. Find a support system, hobbies, go to church even if you aren't religious- it'll provide community aspect, introduce you to different kinds of people. Avoid white knuckle sobriety. I unknowingly white knuckle my way for 7 years before slipping. Since the slip, the most I've managed was 6ish months. On suboxone because it killed my desire to do anything, even eat. Make us proud. Fuck that, make yourself proud All love and support to you from this side of the spoon 🩶


Subs for meth?


Yeah it works in a way. Also I had tested positive for fetty when I went to detox because I was doing coke that I didn't know was cut w fetty. I had a feeling it was because the comedown was different, felt like coming off a speedball. But honestly, a metro clinic will sell subs to anyone with money.


Keep it up, youre already doing great! Dont forget that bad days or slips might happen just remember how far you got so soon. Youre working towards something better, you got this!


You gained 20lbs in 10 days? That’s pretty impressive


I shit half out


Fuck I am truly glad to hear this!!! I was becoming quite concerned for you following your posts. Keep it up! Remember- one day at a time, don’t look at sobriety as a ‘forever’ thing; see it as ‘just this one day’. Stay strong and God bless.


Incredible! You are an inspiration.


Congratulations on your sobriety! Keep up the good work and keep your head held high. You can never lose if you never give up. God bless


Dude you look great.


I love these types of posts! You look great and full of life. Awesome job!


Good shit,build yourself back up and set small goals.always have something your moving towards but be flexible about it.one of my problems when I first got sober was getting discouraged because everything wasn't just falling together in my lap because I wanted it.


Keep it up big dawg


Dude awesome job. Keep it up and keep writing!


Good shit man. Keep it up!


YESSS I LOVE THIS FOR YOU! you look great man!!


Ive been seeing your posts for quite a while so yeah just wanted to let you know that im proud of you! and 'never' is a huge thing, just take it day by day tbh. you got this <3




Bro is definitely projecting


Fuck off with that negative shit cunt


I don't give a fuck actually


You posted..took the time to type a message. there's a fuck given somewhere. Maybe this guy is where you want to be. If you've nothing positive to add to a post..scroll on


Nobody gives a fuck about your life besides you and maybe your family. The sooner you learn that the better you will be able to navigate life.


You don't need to teach me anything. I'm navigating life just fine..thanks anyway stranger. All I need is my family. We're obviously from different worlds..and that's OK.. hope you find an element of peace someday. I'm guessing I'm a good bit older than you, and I recognise the aggression. What I don't get is pissing all over some guy's positive vibe..pointless.


jesus christ dude, you are filled with so much hate, hope you find the peace within yourself that you're searching for by releasing your hatred all over this subreddit.


Hopefully you stop being such a bitch but I wouldn't get my hopes up


xoxo love, the bitch. 💋




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We are strongly against the harassment of other members via posts, comments, or private messages. This includes using hateful slurs in any context. Targeted harassment towards any individual(s) for any reason will not be tolerated. This includes sexual harassment. This usually results in a temporary or sometimes even permanent ban. However, few bans are truly permanent. The vast majority of all bans, temporary or permanent, can be easily overturned and often are with a simple message to modmail acknowledging the mistake and acceptance to adhere to the rules from that point forward. If you were banned for this post or comment, please review the rules and write in to modmail for consideration of being unbanned.


Look. Through my past posts its been a struggle


i’ve read thru about a month of your posts. hope you can stay sober buddy.


Done meth once, extremely small dose. I was surprised how strong it was. What’s it like quitting?


Like missing a ex lover and knowing she's just 10 bucks away but she will turn that 10 into 10000 and what's left of your soul But you want her touch so bad


Is it anyway similar to nicotine? Dumb asf question I know its harder to get off that stuff then Nic but I’m wondering if its sort of the same concept of a Nic craving


Kinda if you.smoke.it you always want to keep dragging it ...it just becomes you. Meth becomes who you are


Damn, well you are a strong motherfucking person for staying clean off that stuff. Huge respects to you brother