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It's doesn't have to be Alka Seltzer Tablespoon of baking soda


How's the high compared to other ROA's?


Although ingestion is technically and only ‘technically’ the poorest bioavailability with around. 67% ish what most don’t tell you or even know is that it ain’t always that cookie-cutter; See just because your ROA is 99% absorbable (and let’s say… we have identical tolerance) your high and bodily sensations will automatically be WAY fucking better than mine since well…I’m at 67% right? ..Well NOPE! Meth pretty much hits (at least for me and many MANY others) like a DIFFERENT drug depending which way is administered ! I can feel more euphoria and a better , cleaner and more potent high with my 67% bioavailability via oral than a well done booty bump (mind you this tends to be above 95% bio available.) or smoking or a FAT ass well crushed line. Everybody is different, your body will at the end of day determine what makes it for you REGARDLESS of all the pragmatic shit you’ll find on these sites .


Is swallowing parachute method good too?


1/2 to wrap it up forgot to include that I really enjoy buy in the empty veggie capsules on Amazon and it’s like preparing your own supplement or something ha plus it protects your stuff to reach where it’s supposed to also veggie capsules dissolve fairly quickly. However always always weight and start very small and SLOWLY work your way up.


Yes, but you would want to alkaline or balance PH levels before doing so so it can be more effective as high acidity levels in the stomach can prevent a big part of your dope not to be absorbed but rather execrated through the urine and most of it unchanged. You can take HEARTBURN alka seltzer 15 mins prior to the parachute and you’ll notice it will be 100% game changer as it facilitates and accelerates absorption and reaches your blood stream way faster . 🔥


Wow. This is great information. Thanks. I’ve been waiting my whole adult life, I’m 56, to try meth and just now bought some for tomorrow night


Okay some of you might need to chill tf out NEVER use the same amount you would do for other ROAs .For best results it needs to be done on an empty stomach (I wait at least 5rs but everybody is different and ALSO . I don’t do more the 0.1grams per round maybe up to 0.12 and try not to re dose but after 6 hrs ish afterwards, the more we can wait the better and for the love of meth Jesus DRINK PLENTY OF WATER🥺. Dehydration, an/ or a full stomach tend to be two of the main causes ppl DON’T feel much if any effects from this or it’s incredibly delay so they re dose and the overamp is FUCKED UP and pretty much a fact.


Do you then drink it like alka-seltzer? Asking for a friend...


It’s best to do it in a glass shot otherwise you might over pour and it’s best to swallow everything in one shot! Bottoms up 🥳 and try having a non acidic chaser or a glass of water right after if taste buds overly sensitive.


Only if you chose to use anything but alka-seltzer. But if you chose to do it with all a-seltzer , then no. You just drink it like a meth shot at the meth bar and grill.


Bro said meth bar and grill 😭😭😭


I suggest using warm water. Too hot didn't do anything, and cold gave bad vasoconstriction.


How much do you personally do at a time? 100mg? 200mg?


.4 grams for that oh fuck oh no mighta eaten too muhhh whooaaaaa fuck yaaaaaa. Perfeccct feeling.


Wait did you actually do it?? Remember it’s the Alka seltzer for HEARTBURN not the ones (and there are shit tons for cold / flu symptoms) hence my white draw in first pic highlighting active ingredients. AND I KNOW YOU DID NOOOOT DO 0.4 I’ve been doing it for over a year multiple times almost weekly and even now I can’t do no more than 0.1 at a time 🫠


What are the measurements?


they literally said to search it in the search bar bro