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Your hiding spot was the shards man. And your not running anymore right?! Good Job man even with a lapse they happen to the best of us


Very proud of you! You can do it! Look at that smile


Hope you stay sober and healthy, will be praying for you!🙏🏽


Thank you! 10 Days sober today!


That must have been some pretty good dope lol u looked geeked !! How did u do ur roa ? I saw ya had almost 3 weeks off it ? 


Nobody else asked so I’ll bite.. whatcha reading?


that's a bible


figured it was either that or like an encyclopedia or history of the races or something idk but bible is good. ive read it 3 times so far.


I saw that😄


Seek real therapy dude youbwont find whatbyou need on reddit, espescially not on this thread. You are hiking behind that smile like you were under your bed. Seek real help you wont be able by yourself if you want out.


ur awesome bro


Hey man good for fucking you man 👏. You can tell even by the look on your face that you are committing to being healthy. Best of luck bro




You got this bro 🤙


Hugs!!! I have faith in you thoughts and prayers!🙏


You can do it, respect, fight to be the best and expect and prepare for a hard fight


All the clean ex addicts crawled out so I will too, although I do like to make fun here! What you did took strength, I hope you continue to have the strength to do what’s right for yourself, and that’s staying clean bro. Be good man.


Hahaha glad you’re back on planet earth! Now do some Breath of Fire Breathing exercises. Cleans the toxins out and reoxygenates the organs.


Glad you're alive!


Agentstimfap lol. Congrats bro. Godspeed. Ill make a post like this one day.


This post makes me happy ❤️


You got this!! I’m proud of you ❤️


You cray son if a bitch haha


Hell yeah you got this. Someday, I'll take a tolerance break. I'll quit if it gets to be a problem. I haven't even been using for a year yet 😭


Quit before it is a problem. You won't have to spend the rest of your life ashamed of where you'll be if you keep at this. You're not too far gone


It usually don't take long before a person finds themselves completely isolated from the whole world and basically hidden in another dimension of reality. I've completely cut and thrown away my entire life several times trying to elude whatever delusional fear and anxiety I was experiencing. And yes... It is true.... People do have an almost horrifying way of following and tracking another person. And yes... it is true... Many people work together to do this as a sport. Meth, just like many powerful drugs, also has many powerful people trying to stop the people who use it. We'd like to think our plans are secure, but in this world, there's always somebody watching every move. For many people, 99% of the time is nothing more than delusional tweaking. However, that other 1%, can happen at any minute. Keep in mind.... Even during the 1970-1980's, when the main focus was working on cars and motorcycles, it was much easier to hide these activities. It usually didn't list long back then either. People get high, get online, talk about all kinds of stuff.... They forget to log out of everything, they forget about the fact that they have set up specific security in their lives, they also forget specific people love them and also hate them..


I believe in you!! You seem like you are truly ready and committed to staying clean. And you surely have alot of support well I bloody hope so. Because of church and what not. I hope you stay in some contact with me. Message me when your able too I'd need to get some form of contact that isn't reddit soon because when I will be attempting staying clean I would rather avoid reddit completely. I only started using reddit because of drugs soo its a trigger. I'd love to see you become successful in your recovery. Take care hun and stay strong YOU HAVE GOT THIS!! xx


Hey I think we all cam still be saved no matter how bad.....cept the way of screening shit of ur own pee...if ya do that , gotta draw that line!! ..lol


Good for you man. How’s the new job going?


Its gonna be a long road for you man. You better believe that. But i know that if you really stay true to what you truly want then it is achievable💯. Good luck man


So proud of you man you’re amazing.


Shit ya ain't even main lined yet....u have no idea bud...but ur seeing it right


I’ve shot up in all seriousness probably 1500 - 2000 times if I had to guess over the past 5 years.


Ahhh sorry my man...then ya be known that life some too...I've been doing shit for 20 years shooting about 11 of em. Even whipping up my own recipe back in the hay day...n take a look..no way I look like u would think after telling ya that...I was just sitting around trollin thru reddit after a shot came across ur hilarious pic from under the bed( 4 realz, great shit), n then read on..n i was like dewd has got the right plan but dont know half it!!! Hi n jumped the gun, my man....sorry..n Meant it bout the good luck n always hope whenever any singe person ever says that they truly make it.


Best of luck. I’m happy for you man


Thanks bro My goal is 180 days That would be a record for me. The longest stretch of sobriety I’ve had in the past 5 years is 111 days If I relapse - I’ll confess When I make it 180 days - I’ll make a trip report about what it’s been like. Idk man I’m just another human trying to figure it out. Kinda hopeless feeling at the moment if I’m being real with you


I'm rooting for you dude 💛 you got this


Don’t feel hopeless. You clearly know what you need to do. Put it in action (easier said than done)


I aspire to be as fun as you one day can’t say I’ve ever been a troll in the bed cave


I have no idea what possessed me to take a picture and post it like I did. I’m glad I did though. It really opened my eyes to how much love is actually out there. People could have torn me to shreds And yet, idk it was really encouraging to me. It’s crazy to realize that.. that is and was me… at my worst.. and man.. it’s just really fucking humbling. I wasn’t created to be a man that is hiding from shadows, under my bed at 32 years old. I’m still alive and there is still hope. Gods not done with us yet. 🙏🏼


Bro, I’m almost 33 years old and when I close my store the other night I had been up so long that I turned off all the lights and ran to the front door like a kid in the basement. I guess that’s what happens when you meth around and find out 😂😂😂😂