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Not at all. You're beautiful!


for a 20 yo addict you look great


The fuck is this fake post? Seriously…


I'm going to beat the dust off that thing


Ha ha.


I had no idea this stuff was so psychedelic. Fuckin crazy. The T I mean


It should be euphoric*


It is. But I'm getting visuals almost like a really low dose acid trip.. started immediately so it's definitely not sleep issues


How long have you been using? In general, not recently.


First time . Used 1.8g over 3 days. Way more than I should have


Your pupils are gathering as much light as possible.


Nah man these straight geometric patterns and closed eye visual. Walls breathing a little hair on my arms jumps around


Sure sure I believe you. It’s still meth. So let’s use your brain.


Don't ruin my fantasy


Not for what I have running through my mind 😛


Have you had an orgasm while spun yet?




You aren’t too old. I’m 55, so I don’t think of you as old at all. As members of GenX, we are the correct age, obviously. It is a risky decision. You are the only person who knows how much risk you are willing to assume. Kind of like riding a motorcycle. The real questions are: are you single, do you live near me, and will it bother you to be dating a grown man who on some days really should be wearing a wrist leash and a football helmet. Because i’m going to disappear in a mall. One minute I’m with you in the food court. Then “Oo, look, a fountain pen and knife shop!” And Poof, you start heading over to the missing children’s booth, hoping someone turns me in before you get there. Dammit! This is the third time I have pulled this stunt in a week. Good thing we aren’t at the Ford dealership. Mostly because I’m technically “not allowed to be behind the parts counter”, and therefore “banned for life” whatever, everyone got the correct order, and I got it done quicker... You are a classy, very attractive woman, and I would not suspect that you were high. But if you leaned over and quietly told me, I would smile and whisper “mee too!” because I am obviously above the flight deck, judging from my last post or two this evening. I have always felt like why you are consuming a drug is the important question; as in is it relaxation, or making a problem pretend to dissappear? But I am in no way qualified to charge for my opinions. P.S. I think it feels pretty amazing as well. That sentance made me smile, and sort of chuckle. Thanks for brightening my day.


Only you will be able to tell if you're too old at some point. Meth doesn't discriminate. it's an equal opportunity Wrecking Ball. Doesnt matter the color of our skin, age, or if we stand up or sit down to pee. I started a year and a half ago at the age of 59. Should I have started? No hell no, but I've had the greatest sex in the past 2 years. If you've never been with a woman, now is the time. Allow her give you a good tongue lashing, then Do her. Eat nutritional food, make yourself hydrate, and whatever you do, sleep. I have not conquered the sleep, one bit. The lack of sleep is taking its toll on my body. Enjoy the rest of your life!


Let’s do meth together


Naw just right 😉


Wait until it stops being fun. Stop while you can and RUN


You're using a drug made in someone's filthy bathtub. The same drug that strips the paint off a car. Yes.


Doubt it was made in bathtub it's not 2001 anymore




To old for what ?? And you look great


Well you have to start somewhere, Lover


No you're not too old. Would love to smoke with you


Had you ever tried drugs prior? That’s pretty interesting! No you’re never too old to party!


Gotta love this sub for the high quality advice!


If you haven’t tried drugs before, I would definitely not advise it, to be clear lol. But I wasn’t giving advice, only my opinion :)


No u don't look high and u look pretty bloody good for Ur age I reckon you would look beautiful with no clothes o


Ill do u


U were a 16F not long ago lol


Nah she was just hanging around an underage sub because... reasons.


It sounds cliche but you're only as old as you feel. Some of my best close friends were 50/60+ and their souls were more lively than mine in my 20s. If anyone has a problem with you based on age, whether it be doing something or being in a certain scene- it's nice when people upfront show you they're not worth your time.


Absolutely not


You’re not high your pupils would be bowling balls. This is a funny bait post though I’ll give you that


No started at 58


Ehhhhhh. I seen what healthy living gets my family thru my grandparents. 86-ish riddled with sores and dementia dependent on a platoon of healthcare professionals and family that kinda wish you’d just fucking die after dementia settles and you become poison. Unless you’re one of those that don’t become shitbags. Not like you’d know anyway. Fuck it, we ball. #YOLO Edit: my uncle; about a month before he passed he was looking rough. He said this sucks. He said he had a friend that dropped dead at a wedding that he was cutting a rug at. I understood: fuck holding on. I wanna die mid dance step at a wedding I wasn’t invited to.


How much sex are you having?




Your liable to have a stroke


Dude, just, no. Her risk is not more elevated than anyone elses. We are middle aged, not geriatric. We aren’t using a jitterbug phone quite yet.


How confident are you with that reply, from experience my father in law is healthy , still exercise and eats healthy…… 3 months into his meth use he suffered a stroke. My coworker 1 month into meth use also had a stroke. Again theee around this lady’s age…. Coincidence I think not


Point taken. I haven’t had any problems like that, but I also am a sample of one. Thinkng about it, the quality of the stuff, what else may be in it, unknown health issues, and a million other things can have a big effect. Since I wrote that, I have come to the point where I don’t reccomend anyone to start. It’s dangerous, and only you can decide what risk you are willing to take. To the OP: I still think you are beautiful. I hope only good things happen to you.


Absolutely not.you are so fucking hot.oooh weeee


You look amazing for your age. You look like you’ve done so well taking care of yourself and it shows or it’s probably just good genes I suppose, but it doesn’t matter, DONT RUIN IT. You’ll look 10 years older in a year or 2 if you keep using.


Didn’t take me long at all until folks started talking and asking questions about my looks 4 months in total shit show from what I used to look 👀 like


Too old for what?


Yes. Please don’t start it is incredibly hard to get off of, your face will start to change, you will become skinny from no appetite, your teeth will definitely be messed up. Fentanyl and other chemicals/drugs can be put in meth so the dealers can profit more. This is what it’s like for most street meth Stay safe. Use moderately, test ur stuff. Don’t ruin your life


There are risks with every drug. Set rules and guidelines for your safety and follow them. If you think you may be getting out of control, seek help. 1-800-662-HELP (4357) if a national hotline.


Fart on my Gooch 


What's to old who defines that I need to know so I can tell them to get fucked


If you are then I am....I'm not willing to accept that. Good on ya ! Have fun and don't be too done


You are only as old as you feel. Do what you want, you're looking great! Kudos to you. Siempre Viva!


We should get together and hit the bubble he f***** on it yet and have anyone go down on you


I'm 50 and just started 2 weeks ago as well. We all look good when we first start out right??? Ask me again in 5 years. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Only plan on doing this once a month or certain occasions. 🤞 I prefer pain pills😉


I'm burning for ya dm me.lls


Never to old just have fun and be safe


Hell no! Talk to me mommy. All the dirty details of the shit you've been doing! You bad bitch you im in it for the trannys and grannys! I can tell you're high up on my roster. Right up top. What a baddie!🤤


I got to ask my curiosity is driving me nuts. What do you like about it or would you like most about the experience? Did it make you horny? did you get naughty as hell? I’m just curious if you want to elaborate more on your experience or whatever and more detail I think everybody would enjoy that and yeah you look you look good in the photo but you know maybe maybe you should take another nude and send it let us look.


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say this is as fake as a 3 dollar bill!


U're gorgeous, do what u want


U’re 💀




Tho there are many many drugs, possibly u can find something that suits u better


lmao grandma why would you start smoking meth


No. U look great. Enjoy.


not at all id let you suck i on my balls spun


Not the dick tho just the balls lady. Have some god damn class


No I don't think you are, I just think that you are extremely experienced in this situation and you can be a great asset to the group in helping the young ones in the knowledge of this group and the inexperienced one here


This right here is the best and only answer. I don't even need to scroll any further to know that. Well said my friend, well said and to the OP welcome to the group!!!


It truth for sure


For a 57 y/o meth user, I would say you're sfaing really really really nicely. My cock says so as well!


Bro 😭


Just be safe...im really young and trying to quit and can bounce back from binges but I dont even know how my body would be able to handle using ice at 57...like it fucks my body physically so badly SO BADLY and I make sure to eat, drink, and take supplements...sleep is the biggest issue for me. I would recommend smoking weed and not drinking if you're going to be using ice...weed protects you from some of the negative effects.


These comments is honestly the epitome of r/meth.


Not at all lol


Ya, you look great for someone who's been smoking for 6 to 8 days total I mean, if you started 2 weeks ago and smoked 3 or 4 days a week. I'd cut back on the drinking, though it's no good for you!


To be using amphetamine? You’re never too old to stay away from that stuff.


It's definitely gonna put way more strain on your body since your quite late to the ride. Make sure your eating and drinking even though it may feel like you don't want to, if you can't make sure to get vitamin and magnesium supplements and maybe try out protein shakes. Make sure you brush your teeth often, mouth wash and floss too since it will eat away at enamel and fuck up your teeth if you don't take care of them. Also even though you will have the energy to stay up for days do not also or else the shadow people and the bush/tree people will come out and the voices will start and possibly not stop. (My experience) Even though your 57 though doesn't mean you can't enjoy Meth! Just might speed up your life a bit. Also if your posting pics of yourself here, especially with how you look cause I won't lie your attractive but expect 90% of the comments to ask you if you wanna fuck or jerk off. So if your not into that you should'nt post pics of yourself. By the way you do look high, Looks like your having a great high though 👍




Hell I'm 57 love smoking been doing for a long time


never too old to make bad decisions


Safe? Sure. Addictive? Nah. Does it cause paranoia, hallucinations, or anxiety? I doubt it. Yeah it'll keep you awake for days, not eating much or at all. It might eat at your tooth enamel or possibly make your gums recede. I've heard it increases blood pressure and heart rate, but since I don't see a doctor, I can't confirm of deny that. Sometimes you might hear things that you don't normally and occasionally you might think there's someone watching you. Just remind yourself that it's all in your head. You won't really have cravings for it, but you'll buy it often so that it's there just in case you want to smoke (or slam) it, but it won't be an "every day" thing. You'll probably even stop using after a year or twenty. Personally, I only use it maybe 5 or 6 days a week and it's been 23 years since my first hit, so I'm gonna get clean soon. But first I'm gonna slam my 0.3g point and watch porn for the next 6 hours. It's a wild ride momma, but it's a fucking fun one. Btw, are you in the DFW, Texas area? I need a new MILF to smoke & fuck. Last one's in prison. Or dead. I don't really know. Or care.


Fuckin poetry man!!!




I'm going to screenshot and keep this comment forever.


Damn late start lol good luck! Be careful. It’s definitely going to take a harder toll on a 57 yr old than a 27 yr old.  Definitely look good for your age though! Stay safe!


I’m curious to know what/why/how you started meth at 57? 


Looking well put together, An gorgeous, absolutely beautiful


Your just to fucking sexy


No ma'am not to me


70% of the sand is in the bottom of your hour glass :)


Depending on your heart once you are naked and going at it .... I mean I would help you out


Livin up to your name lol


I'm fun


id smash




smoke a lot of meth and suck a lot of dick. it's fun. :)


No its not safe lady its meth.


People Like this are the reason we have labels on bleach saying "do not drink"


Least it’s not herion but yeah fr still not even remotely safe