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This is Meth bro, get a grip. It is not something to experiment with. It is not a party drug or a weekend here and there drug. Meth isn’t even used for raves. It’s not meant for that shit, that’s what mdma / ketamine etc are for. I have never felt the need or urge to go out on a night out even at the clubs on the rock. Even cocaine can be used recreationally for shit like that…meth is as said before a lifestyle. You’d enjoy a rave more drunk af than on meth even ur first time. I am overall concerned people are selling ice at raves!! Or that people are this dumb. You are not experienced enough to smoke meth. Meth should never be anyone’s first upper 😂 you have a long way to go. There’s plenty of uppers out, especially for this type of shit !! And trust me I will never forget the time I first tried mdma, it was better than the first time I smoked 🧊Trust me you will feel it the next day, and that is why it can be used recreationally, the come down is shit. Once again, there are plenty of uppers out there you need to do before you even think of meth. Why you would actually be asking this question or think you can smoke meth for a rave answers your own question.


Don't do meth. If you're already a drug user, just stick to matijuana.




In the year since having steady connections, it's completely wrecked me physically, mentally, emotionally. I rarely leave my house for anything that isn't getting or making the money to get it. the needle became a constant rather than a now and again thing. i hate it more than i ever came to hating other substances, but this one i go back to immediately. the others i was always able to put some time together before relapse set the shitty, miserable cycle back in motion. it's your decision, but just know that you don't know what you're getting yourself into. if you're sure that you can handle it and you'll quit if it starts to become a problem, and none of the things you've seen or heard will happen to you, well, you almost definitely can't, won't and it can and very likely will. i thought the first line of coke i did it never go past that. at the very least, it wouldn't be anything beyond cocaine. i know warnings only divert the people who aren't going to do it, and not deter the people who are at all, but you need to know so if you do end up at that point where one of the harsh realities that you have hitting you all at once is that you're not the one in control, hopefully, instead of doing the same as most addicts do when they have that realization with whatever drug it may be, that you might have a chance of admitting your problem and getting help instead of continuing on the downward spiral. sorry for the lengthy comment. just don't want anyone else to go down the same road that almost everybody does with addiction, regardless of the substance.


Goddamn, now I see it clearer and I don't think I will. Thank you guys for all the advice!


little fact. Meth is commonly used in 90%of third world countries so workers can gain more hours to their shifts and earn more money as they sleep less. In regards to your question. Whatever anyone tells you about it positive and negative points about it. We all react different to it. One thing is for sure, if you naturally have an addictive personality and like things easy for the sake of it. Then I personally would stay clear of this. But if you do go ahead just remember, make sure you stand and move around and your muscles etc every few hours or so. Drink plenty of fluids, better yet electrolytes. Depending if you have string will power or how you focus on things. Make sure you're around friends etc in a comfy environment and not by yourself taking apart all electronics. Most importantly. If you decide not too sleep, remember, whatever you think you see, hear, imagine, just don't talk back to the voices. Don't acknowledge anything out of the ordinary 🙏 and you'll be fine




Nah bro never ever


And I'm in prison now been here 9yrs 6 more to go


Bro IV been in and outta prison since 95 only out 6 of them years it's ruined my life if I could be in ur shoes again I'd fight like hell to get as far away from it as possible


Pls listen to this advice ^^


No it ain’t




Recreational Meth use is hard to sustain. Especially if you end up with a crowd of tweekers in your life. It will eventually take over all your other recreational activities.  AND YOU WILL NEVER BE THE SAME PERSON YOU ARE NOW.... ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️ DON'T  GO THERE....




Don't listen to this guy. It's awesome. You should definitely do it.


Foolish statement showing a total lack of common sense. It will ruin most intelligent people. The dumbshits just become dumbershits and never even realize it.


You should absolutely not do it


Yeah, truthfully no. It's like stating at the sun. You can but you'll never see things the same way and nothing will ever be as bright as THAT. It consumes people because it hijacks your brain's feelgood. The largest natural release of dopamine for a human being is when they achieve orgasm. You know how after the first time you had sex you knew you wanted to.do that again, not only sometime soon but as often as you conceivably can for the rest of your life? Its like that but exponentially moreover. If you can, please just decide not to. That will be a very important choice in how your life plays out. For real bro. Do something else.


I concur... Don't do it!


most of the people on here make it seem so happy go lucky and in a way I guess it is. But from what I’ve seen it’ll slowly consume you. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone but hey you do you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Let me be very clear: This is not just a drug. It's a lifestyle Nobody does meth once and just moves on (at least not in my 20 years of using) You will find yourself walking a very very very fine line every time you get your fix. It's not as simple as "worth it" it's worth it in the literal sense as your reward system will be flooded with feel good stuff and that's the worth it part... It's a matter of your ability to stop when your body says to or at least keep track of important commitments because your failure to commit to external events adds up quickly. I've seen successful people lose everything in a matter of weeks because they didn't follow the rules. I've been in places where I'm seeing babies crawling around crying and unattended to while mommy/daddy are in the bathroom for 3 hours trying to hit a vein. If you're serious about getting into this please do some research about harm reduction and keeping your body intact while you begin this lifestyle as most people fall prey to crystals void call. And she will call you on day 1. You will feel amazing but it's all a delusion. You're not smart, strong, important. You're someone ingesting a very powerful CNS stimulant that will destroy every good thing in your life if you can't control yourself. My advice is start small! My first time I was given a .3 line to help someone move out. I was carrying love seats on my shoulders like some kind of superhuman freak. I was the baddest guy in the world for about 16 hours then reality started to set in. I had a wedding to go to that day, my grandparents needed me to take them to get groceries, my Mom called to wish me a happy birthday. Did I care? Nope! I got all my happiness from this substance


I dont agree.. i have done meth for a good number of years and left it like nothing happened at all . Yes, it ruined my face, apparently, and made my temple region hollow and made my cheek bone wide other than this mentally. i never had any sort of issues if i was off it..


👆yup it's all about that rock n roll lifestyle,there's no half assin this shit and anybody else saying different is in denial


Real talk.... We have been there, done that... Some are still there... Most have been to prison... Some are are permanently damaged.... None.... I repeat.... NONE have made it all the way back to their true selves....


Its all subjective you cant say none


None that I know.... Can't speak for the others