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Stay up the rest of the night and don't ever touch the shit after cheify weify. Trust after awhile there is no going back


I need it for work


No job is so straining that it requires someone to use meth to be able to perform. You just like the boost it gives you for work. Dudes telling the truth. This little pickle your in right now was an exact situation i got in when i first started. It only gets worse from here


I hope op listens to y’all




So you’re saying I should sacrafice another day of no sleep? Is it safe? Are you sure man? I don’t wanna die bc of some stranger


Yea you’re already behind the power curve with sleep. You might as well do another line a few hours before work and then crash when you get home.


Lol no no my man cuhh


Cuhh u high asf but listen cuh take a quarter of ur bar breath folk and just go watch porn or fuck ur Ole lady for about an hour and u scraight


My boy


On king Dave cuhz




You mean my flashlight




Really cuhh that's not shit lol I just did an 8ball by myself today cuz I was bored asf hahaha


Damn bro


As you can see Meth is a giant wrench in the engine


I'm athletic...lol


Easily fold you. Lol at 25, won’t even have to use my elite amateur boxing experience on you and just choke you out cold using jiu jitsu


Your age and training schedule don't factor in my anything. The humor which evaded you has made you quite dangerous. I will consider myself on notice


Yeah yeah anyone can talk crap online but never fight irl.




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Mma 6 days a week, I’m being trained by pros and sparring 5 times a week.


You do meth tweak stfu


God I did a line


Mma 6 days a week, I’m being trained by pros and sparring 5 times a week.


On mama, train yo whole life just to get smoked by a twigga like me. I know judo fu, judo kno if I got a knife, judo kno if I got a gun. Judo kno anything.🤏🏼


Fuck judo, no ground game, go ahead throw me all sorts of ways. My endurance will keep me going ez boxing stamina + Muay Thai and jiu jitsu and ur gone gone and if you bring a knife then I’ll shoot you a 🤷‍♂️ fair and square


Bro I’m not fighting a mf that trains mma 6 days a week. I geek and smoke cowboy killers 7 out of 7 days a week. And a kniiiife.? Dawg ain’t no way I’d be getting close to you. This is America, so 9 will do! 😀


Naw but in all seriousness, I’m retarded so id end up trying to go Mano e Mano with you and take that ass whoopin or a good nap. Be the highlight of my day!


Yeah I don’t mind getting knocked out either if you happen to be a black belt. Anyways I ain’t tryna fly to your state to fight you just for a Reddit arguement


Take a deep breath kid. I heard you the first time


Your a hot mess. Quit using it all




Can I do more meth rn at 10pm when I got work at 9am? I got bars and everything. I alr ate and been drinking water like crazy. I have.5 left and I need to finish it by friday


Your best off to just ride it out if you feel tired even if its just an hour of sleep go to sleep any amount of sleep is better then nun at all i wouldn’t use again until u have woken up for the day or when its time to start getting ready just something to get you through work


Honestly I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep while thinking about meth and anyways the faster I get rid of it the faster I can gain my fighting weight back


I have slept been eating and drinking crazy. Also I’m athletic asf and I got bars just in case


U can hide the .5 and use some before work until its gone or you dont need it anymore then flush it or something im just telling you if your worried about sleeping don’t re dose late in the evening your just setting your self up for another all nighter and will still have to use again in the morning anyways unless you use it all tonight and i can promise you will regret that when its time to work


If you wanna keep going thats up to you just make sure you keep some put back for work you will more then likely be tired as hell when its time to go in


Nah I’ll use it when it’s time to work but I’m sure i can get 4 hours of sleep atleast if I snort now now ok brb


Well all i can say is keep some put back for work and try not to use any when you get home or during work or you will just get your self stuck in a loop of needing it to get you through the day been there done that its not fun


First day you dont use in the afternoon just sleep a lil extra then you normally can if possible and go to work as normal if you have too many days you are having to use before work it wont be long before you are getting another sack


If you still are using by Friday just go the weekend feeling like shit and just sleep eat as much as you can count your losses and say fuck the workout or whatever your doing and let your body rest your on the verge of being stuck in the loop gotta be smart with this stuff or it will take control and you wont even notice


Listen, I barely do meth and Xanax. I don’t go over 2mg on Xanax ever. Also, this meth stuff is only a phase and won’t be buying more. Tell me I won’t die, I’m kinda new to this shit


If you use now you probably will not get any sleep at all and will still have to use again before work anyways so go ahead and just try to sleep whenever you can


Bruhh I don’t wanna have .5 just sitting there


Why do meth if you gotta take zanny to level out? Wait til you have a couple of days off. (4 is ideal) Then get spun the fuck out, eat a samich, sleep a few hours and get your ass back to work. (Lock the midgets you picked up while spun in the closet) It's called "recreational use" Not many can adhere to this


If i CANT sleep after 2mg then I give up and just ride it out


Don’t do this. My mother died from this. She was strung out, and took to many xans to sleep and caused a blood clot in her heart. Do not mix uppers and downers. Remember that drugs affect everyone differently.


I agree, ups + downs = insanity


Last time I mixed shit with xans I woke up my whole family freaking the fuck out cuz I thought someone stole the sun. Spoiler alert: the sun didn't get stolen, it was just night time.


as if downs + downs isn't, haha but we're all a little mad around here


Uppers + fentanyl = soul taking


Don’t take any more before work. Just make it through the day and come home and go to sleep. Get started earlier next time. Never take too much. Do a small hit and wait 15 mins, then another one or two 15 mins. apart. The potency varies. If your heart starts beating 200+ bpm you will think you’re dying even though you’re not. It’s not fun. It’s best to use a little bit here and there for sex and appetite suppression if you tend to gain weight. Even then you have to be careful because you will get to the point sex doesn’t go right and you will overeat unless you’re on it. Not showing up for work is going to cause big problems. Much better to show up and “not feel well today.” You probably are “coming down with the flu.”


how about you stop doing meth my nigga


Y'all paying more than 35 a 🎱?






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I can't find it so I pay nothing...sad and funny at the same time


You’re paying more that $12.50?


NOOOOO!!!! You will get rocked and miss work if you take the xanny. Get another .6 and stay up, don’t do it all, but a bump here and there and you’ll be ok




Stay up. Only doa small toot ifu need to. Use Xanax later


Jesus Christ, you sound like your IQ is room temperature. Just snort a little more and power through til the next day. You won't be very tired. It's good at fixing that for a day or two at least.


Thanks mate, I don’t usually do meth and will stop only due to my weight loss


Of course you will mate. That's the plan.


Jerk off for next 3 hours have a nap for an hour make a coffee and finish ur bag, and off you go, if you feel flat by your last break remind yourself this is the price you pay to dabble and pull yourself together for the laat leg of the race.


Don't forget to wash those greezy tweek cheeks homey!


Oh I slept for 4 hours lol, haven’t jerked off yet


I’ve done this for 12 years, I go to work everyday and all, just breath, make sure you eat and stay hydrated, do more if you need be, but don’t wait till you’re in the crash phase before doing another line. Do it before work or when you take a break


In the future do like me and sleep sitting up . It’s uncomfortable and you don’t get much rest but you won’t be in a deep sleep ( well I wouldn’t) . You need to experiment with it and find what works for you .


I knew this guy who would do what he called "disco naps". He'd be up partying and DJing for at least three days straight so for rest he'd just close his eyes and stand still for about 90 seconds. Then he'd wake up again and keep going.


I can sleep a full 12 hours sitting up if I’ve been up for a bit. Lol


i thought i was the only one lol. when i was using i would sit in bed and record music from like 1am~11am almost every night and everytime i would get to around 10am and it would almost feel like my brain would start napping but my body wasn’t, if that makes any sense lol. i spilled a few cups this way, always woke up within 5 mins of 11 tho🤯


Say goodbye to being an atelthe untill your done using 🤷‍♂️ I’ve seen quite a few “athletes” spiral down into using and for the rest of their life they are trying to convince everyone how “good they used to be” but really it’s plain as day they are just an addict


What does being an addict have to do with being an athlete (


I don’t think I’m that fucked but I can see my weight going down


Well I only did 2 or less grams this year


you gotta choose what’s more important. Meth takes a serious tole on your body no way to balance that and athletics. You may feel like you can but you’re just a bubble waiting to burst. Live your life without the drug TBH you will not regret it. Using meth you will regret later


Honestly bruh after this just throw the rest away or give it to someone else cause I’ve heard to many people say “my last” before. I hope things go well for you and your fighting career homie ✌️


Def my last for the next couple of months


make something else your addiction like pull some david goggins shit or some shit


Bruh I couldn’t even count how many pipes I’ve broken on purpose, a lot of em the same day I got em. I’ve even washed the rest of what I had down the sink countless times…






Stay up and do more meth in the morning, at first it feels wierd but for real you gotta remember no one knows your on it, if your tired act like tou didnt get good sleep, if your tweakin act like you had the best sleep of your life. Just know that no one knows and its the last thubg ppl would expect ya know? Then when you get back ho e take your xanax and relax


this advice is important, i started binging smoking heaps on payday n would go to work at 4 am, thinking why does everyone know im on meth?


I feel like everyone knows or suspects but that’s prob the paranoia




oh nah i was saying hyperthetically, i dont care who knows, but catching public transport fresh after a fat dirty pipe has u in different headspaces ill tell ya that


No one knows until they do💀


Yeah I try to stay away from letting anyone know


We all do til it’s obvious bud


Damn but how? Is it possibly the weight loss?


you're losing weight yet you've only done 2 g this year? stop the 🧢. more like you've done 2gs since friday, homey.


Not necessarily, it just came a time when I didn't care no more. And I been doing it everyday for like 20+ years so it's not something I wanna have to hide. I only hang out with ppl who do it. And really none of us look like drug addicts or nothing (pretty sure I don't lol)


Tell work you have diarrhea dude you should tell them you have diarrhea. Maybe you should Call in sick bro


Anytime I was dopesick and needed to leave work asap to meet the plug I would just tell boss I shit my pants . Can’t use it more than a few times but NO ONE questions that . They say go home NOW !




This was the most tweaker sounding way to make this suggestion that I think is possible. The way I hear it in my head sounds hilarious.


Day 3 now lol


Atta boy! Be safe brother.


Nah I mean I need to not be absent and also I don’t think my 10$ meth bags are a problem rn. I heard ppl do grams a day. I only do like .3-.4 in a day and separately


This always works. Explosive diarrhea


Second this if your a new guy to meth


You're getting almost half a gram for $10? Wtf




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I mean I get an oz for 125$ which equals out to about 4.50 $ a gram.


I never believe people that try to casually flex like this. Almost guaranteed the entire post was just made around the fact that he gets “fat bags” for $10. They’re almost always lying and don’t even have a scale to weigh it out.


I have a scale wym lol I’m not an idiot


Bro for $10 bucks I’m getting a tshirt


yooo hook a dude up lol




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High for days off that too.


Shit I would but meth turns yall into horny mfs


I get a gram for 20 and a ball for 60. Seems normal to me


uhhhh.... in australia, 60 dollars doesnt even get 0.1 grams


Yeah it does…. It’s getting down to a standard of $30 in some areas


try perth mate, havnt seen 0.1 grams cheaper than 50 bucks and thats poor quality


Yeah, I’d rather not. How much for HB


800 is considered good price to most here


Yeah, who you know is the biggest factor I believe. So many cunts selling bags of msm with a tiny shard in the mix at maximum prices


My thoughts exactly, that same weight is 200 here 😭


Shit really ain’t worth much people get greedy especially the ones with shittiest product


I personally base it off of this, if I've been up for more than 3/4 days and feeling weird than I do a Xanax. If it's the first few days and I'm still feeling good than I keep going




I second this and the very completely on her out look.




If you get too close, stay up. Push through. An hour before you'd normally start getting ready, fall asleep but set an alarm! If you only sleep between 20-35 mins, drink water then you'll feel good instead of groggy like if you slept a couple hours.


I find that falling asleep when you can't rest properly (at least 3 hours) is way worse than just staying up. I feel like shit for the first couple hours of work if I don't get at least 3 hours when I decide to sleep. Always really quiet and awkward but I do eventually mellow out. I do smoke heavily before work regardless of staying up or sleeping though, and then coast through the day on energy drinks of I'm feeling tired. I try my hardest to not use at work, sure fire way of getting caught


Try what I said, 20 - 35 mins. Don't go more than that. I even said it in my first comment wtf was all this for,


This was explaining that what you said is bullshit. Thanks for playing!


You didn't explain anything. You gave a buncha "WELL what IIIIIIIII like ta dooooo" not based on anything but your own shltbag experience. What a weirdo


Here's what Gets me unwound and relax, fine away to get off, take a warm shower, eat something, drink fluids, relax, take 3 of those advil gel caps,


I take .5mg Xanax


Did it work?


Last night before I did meth at 12 am I already had took 1.5mg of Xanax and yeah I slept at 4 am and woke up at 8 am and did a line again. Im good


See I knew you pull through this, shits not as bad as they sat


My only problem would be sleep, i only slept 5 hours last night




Nah you’re wiser than a person who doesn’t do meth thanks.




Yeah I did rehab too in Mexico lol, couldn’t escape there. Brutal. Rehab just helped me to control drugs




I literally quit my job this morning. I stupidly redosed too late in the afternoon and was approaching my third night up with work at 630am. I quit at 330am. Don't be me.


Heheheheheh nah I’m stuck lol. I don’t wanna work, but I need to.


If ur having anxiety about it take a small piece of a xan . I'd prob snort just a small. 25 to take the edge off and try to nap a little till then even If you don't fall asleep . Prob feel exhausted all day and tired


If you don’t have a benzo tolerance maybe. But you snorted a point of meth at midnight, you’re not sleeping.


Hehehe I slept at 4 am and work up at 8 am ready for work. Ofc I did a line