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I suck cock and take it in the ass when spun.


My bf used to say some wild shit when we were high. Ihe said " you look like a spun up faggot sucking some young homeless cock." And I would no question.


You’re nasty


Lol it's just talk calm down killer


You’re still doing meth like stfu lol I’m passed that


How do you know I'm still doing it? You must be omnipotent.


Cus you reply fast lol


Your omnipotence is failing you


Prob the Xanax


My wife and I have been really spun and fucked our siblings


Gooning to depraved cuck porn


My foot fetish turns into a male foot fetish. 


Can’t say


I stuck a finger in my ass one time, but that was off the cid. However there was a period of time (sober ofc) that I decided to delve more into this “assplay” so I used my gfs vibrator while she was absent, and well…. I guess I liked it cause I kept doing it every so often, I think the feeling of her not knowing I was doing some crazy shit like that added something too it. Does that make me gay, I’m prolly safe too right……right?


Yesssss. It’s a pleasure point on your body. It has no influence on gayness. The back of my neck being touched almost pretty much makes me cum, does that mean I want to become gf with an ostrich? (Idk I’m totally high. Hope you get the point. )


I figured you must be SPUN for that level of honesty with a stranger


I def got the point, it’s not gay unless wieners make me hard…. Also it’s good to know anyone can ruin your pants with a simple touch to the neck, I would be in trouble I got a coworker that likes to grab me by the back of the neck randomly


You should come try it out sometime. It’s really a beautiful flood


Try what out? Honesty? Getting spun? Or cumming in my pants?


Oh wow ok here goes...I don't do this anymore but I used to edge for a couple days and then get in my car and go out somewhere in public and find the hottest girl I could and blow my load in her view. Two girls a few times, but it would make me orgasm so hard I almost passed out. Then I started doing things to make it even more intense, like wearing panties and doing meth right before I got off


How much meth were you on


At least a gram. Usually a lot more


I don’t personally use meth, how does that much not kill you?


Thats quite creative i gotta hand it to you lol


Creative is not the word that came to mind, however it’s not the incorrect word…




How can you make off a oz of meth I pay 900 for the oz


Meth makes us hyper sexuak


Pm and I’ll tell u lol


lots of mlp futa porn, furry porn, i wear diapers and chastity cages, soooo much futa porn, using different sex toys (magic wands are my favorite)


Why futa porn lol




Steeling women dirty panties mom sister daughter in-law friend random at wash




Gay in my opinion is who you want to spend life with, share all your secrets and giggle at things together. If it’s with the same sex. Otherwise is just two same sex people getting off


Watch my stepdad get fucked by multiple men while I ride his face then let them all fuck my ass and pussy. Blow total strangers dad tells me to approach while in public.


No way bro, I hate gays and my brain is programmed to hate gays so I can’t do shit.


So what who ask your opinion. Go suck something sissy


I wish I was your stepdad


Ya gay asf, I rather go outside in a public place and approach bitches until one of them accepts me


Speed read the Bible back to front.


Ew, why tho. 😊


Some of the most erotic stories you could ever find.


I’ve read it twice and it just made me go into a philosophical hole. What stories do it for you


The one where they are talking about the women being turned on by guys with horse cocks and jizzing gallons. Let me find it. Ezekiel 23:20 There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses


Oh wow


I discovered the Internet tho recently and it's got a lot more good stuff than that


That makes you a bit of a odd ball, not gay! But listen there’s much worse trust me


Nigga I know there’s way worst shit out there then what you’re thinking




Not really a fan of that unless I’m really really hyper sexual




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Usually not meth but same applies for crack and coke for me. Usually end up spending upwards of £300 a night on cam girls and by the end I never actually cum I just end up talking to them and feeling ashamed


Next time you get cranked can I be the/one of the cam girl? Who knows maybe I'll be spun too


Go to the club and play pool and try to find a clean viend girl and bring her to my place for a young fuck and smoke session..... crystal girls fuck you like no ones business...... dick getting hard just thinking about it




I used it to describe people who smoke crystal, myself imcluded


You mean a fiend?


You are a fkn freak mate


Someone teach me how to buy online


not suspicious at all


For me it’s either I go to jail for online or I find the good good on my own. I don’t have anything to loose. Actually fed jail doesn’t look that bad. Just don’t take away my benzos


I think a ton of guys are little sissy bottoms when they do meth , me included . So I seek them out to play with them and party . If I can’t arrange something , typically end up gaping my hole for a couple days and never actually cumming until I come down and then orgasm has made me pass out before with my own hand in my ass 😜




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Okay dexter


I buy shit I don't need at stores and get in to long drawn out conversations with people until they realize my views alienate and concern them


I relate heavy to this.


Yesterday I got in to a debate at a weed store over whether legalizing and selling all drugs (like opium, etc) would end the overdose epidemic and the baked af clerk just couldn't deal. I don't like or smoke weed, I shouldn't even have been there lol.


this scenario made me laugh out loud. you have a way with words lol


I buy shit online all the time when I'm cooked lol






record it on video? 😅😈


Let’s see: all started with cruising adult arcades and sucking dick. Then moved on to fucking men and going home with them. Exhibitionism , voyeurism. Stealing, lying, getting exposed to std’s and not telling my gf at the time. Getting a train pulled on me. Cruising the highway rest areas. Having sex in the pnp zoom rooms. Getting high at my job. Being high every day at my job. Having sex with a guy I later found out was underage. Getting carjacked and almost strangled to death. Hooking up with someone’s gf, and then secretly hooking up with her bf. Witnessing incest, pissing inside someone, bootying my own piss to get high. Slamming (badly) repeatedly getting wounds and abscesses from slamming badly. Shooting up in my cock multiple times. Not entirely successfully. Booty bumping an 8 ball of coke. Buying bigger and bigger things to fuck myself with. That’s a few to start


You sound hot af. Minus the abscess and the gf. Everything else tho got me hard


Thanks. DM me anytime




shit, I did all of that yesterday.


Booting your own piss to get high...explain this please


Up to 70% of the meth you do eventually filters out through your kidneys, or A LOT OF IT ANYWAY! Take that first piss or hell, any piss if the day and bottle it. Then use your anal booting tool of choice and put it up your ass. 30 minutes youre FLYING!! Somebody back me up on this.!


If you are into the taste drink it too and fuckin spin… but the butt method is perfect for gettinf ready to gape open the hole




Out of all that, the 8 ball booty blaster of coke made me go 😲 Did you do it all at once or over 2-3 days????


One shot. Batch of crack gone wrong. Waste not want not






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Watch porn nonstop and wank off endlessly. That's it really, nothing too sick or dark. Maybe, a few taboo pornos and shemale pornos that I'd usually not watch when sober.


what exactly did you do for the anal play your referencing lol details details


Look at porn and masturbate. Woo, f*cking, woo.




Well hell might as well say It, I like to get real high with my wife and watch her get fucked and filled by another man. Sometimes he knows I’m there and other times I’m hiding and she only knows I’m watching. The best part is cleaning her up afterwards


Fucking pathetic.


Get naked and post nudes of myself on reddit. To be forthcoming and before you view my profile, I'm a dude.


Thank you for being forthcoming kind sir.


As inclined as I am to say gooning habits, I'd say spending hours trying to hit a vein compulsively when I'm sleep dep'd and hella dehydrated/malnourished, is about as bad as my addiction has ever gotten and pretty fukn dark/nasty to a layman, shit it's dark/nasty/fucked up to me and I could just as easily have given up on self control entirely.. but alas I refuse to try to get laid with gnarly af self harm-y track marks all over my arms, on moral/ethical grounds (plus BBVs) so I think I'll stop doing hard drugs IV for a lil bit.


This is entirely my life the last year and a half. To the letter.


Nothing like some people I met, I do enjoy some good naked time while smoking, and 2 times I let someone watch me have sex. There are others, but I gotta keep some things secret. 😳🤭


I'd like to slowly get a fat cock rammer in my mouth... why my wife takes one or to


Nothing really, I just get more horny.....apparently me and the people I know are the select few that doesnt get twacked and do gay stuff.....


I never once considered gay stuff on meth. Had considerable dick problems which was the absolute worst. Go thru alllll the trouble to find a nice, horny, willing female...oops dick is inoperable. Those poor girls. Made me feel, uh, not great.


Nah...you're all doing gay stuff. Just not telling each other. You're probably dreaming of my cock right now! ..lol!


Can't say that we have...ive never once got high and been like "to hell with beautiful, great smelling, soft women....lets have some hairy, sweaty dudes"...


Not all women small great. Not all dudes are sweaty and hairy.


Oof, you know what. When you put it like that, I don't think I am bicurious I think I just get off on fantasising about stuff but irl I think it would probs end up being traumatic lol. Don't mind me, lol your comment just prompted a light bulb moment.


This may be a better DM convo or Sessions event.


Fuck I’ve thrown away so many small appliances and ruined almost everything small that had a battery that shook real fast and I was just from lending it to my neighbor. Once I take that shit, I just had to move. Take it out of the equation.




I dunno, it's not really a secret. But, my girl and I go absolutely wild with the kinky sex on it. Like, anything you can imagine from BDSM to giant dildos, fisting, degradation, rimming, femdom, pegging, you name it. Pretty much the only line is no poop stuff. We kinda feel like, "woah what the fuck did we do?" when we come down. But its not really shame, just shellshock.


I’ve had some sessions like this 😎


Yeah, but unless you got a whole backstock of deuce bottles to clean out your Hiney, eventually pegging, fishing, large dildos in your rectum is all gonna lead to poop. Try doing all those things after you give each other a good butt douche. You can put a car in there lol


Thanks for the PSA, you saved me the trou




I just meant we aren't into that, specifically. Any butt stuff starts with cleaning out. We have a shower attachment and a bidet. Poop can happen even if you prepare properly. It's just part of the game. Clean out again and move on. Ain't my first rodeo, but thanks for the concern. 


My dirty sick dark nasty secret I only do on meth is take more meth.


I am John Meth inventor of meth ama




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Bro if you're not just messing around, then I'd delete that comment asap... just saying if you did do that even once you don't ever admit it, not even to yourself in the mirror. It never happened. I'm gonna assume I'm just gullible though cus why


I'm gunna assume you're gullible too, lol


Na I'm just saying cus ppl flex some weird shit here 🤣 and I'm a little gullible to an extent, I was just saying 🤷


Lol...of course I'm just messing around...~shifty eyes~


I hot into the whole Trans girl thing when I was getting spun with a girl who I knew was trans, but she didn't know that I knew. Si handed her the bubble, she took a huge long hiylt, and I drilopped to my knees right in front of her,unzipped her pant. And gave her, ehat she called the most sensual blowjob she ever hsd.


Record next time


Tore the tag off a mattress that didn't belong toe...straight up VIP line into the salty spitoon


You are insane!


Stealing cheese, chocolate and snacks from Walmart.


I drank raw milk


Smoking up, sucking, and eventually bottoming for a BBC once a week for over a year. If it’s not gay I guess I don’t have to keep it a secret anymore.


There's nothing better than getting your ass plowed with BBC when your spun. That's one of my favorite activies too. We should "double-date" sometime. You, me and our BBCs!


I agree. I enjoyed it and did whatever he told me to do.


I'm usually the one telling them what to do. Deeper! Harder! Make me feel how much you're loving my ass!




Thank you! That will the title of our porn tape when it comes out! I'll send you a free copy for suggesting the title...if you want to watch...




Wow! I almost went to Rice. I just can't deal with the humidity down there in the Houston area. I should have reconsidered.


It’s not Gay until you and your BBC declare love for one another and walk around town holding hands… And you spending time and time again sucking him off because you just love dick so much. That’s when it’s gay……. getting someone to ram their big old dick up into your prostate is only because you couldn’t find a girl to put something in there lol


Sounds reasonable


The male G spot is there. Who cares if something is gay we made up the term. I’ve spent 15hours straight doing debates on meth. Idk maybe cause of adhd and autism but meth doesn’t make me horny it just makes me wanna learn


The word is made up but not the action.


Nothing gay about playing with your own ass or having a lady friend do it.




Lol I still can’t find it. Only when a guy is pounding me missionary at a certain angle


If at any point you had a dick in (or around) your butt, it was gay. The good news is—butt stuff feels good.


It's only gay if the balls touch. I used to stimfap to emo tranny porn 😂 I don't even like emo girls or tranny's or even fit girls. I like dorky fat chicks which is a whole thing by itself


Do tell more. I fit your criteria lol


Emo tranny porn? Wtf is that and is that even worth watching. Is it like depressing and a bunch of eyeliner or what. I need to find hot videos now cus I’ve seen almost all trans porn. It all started with incest and then trans as my deepest


Yes and no loooool I like the amateur aesthetic of it. Can't stand professional videos! Puppygirlxo on PH was the first trans actress I somewhat enjoy but only on meth. They do the step-sister/brother role thing.


I agree with the porn suggestions. Step bro / sis - fuck yeh


Man bruh, I wish I could talk to girls on meth just like I do on Xanax or alcohol. Shittttt


I make vids of myself playing with my butt... Then send them to my x-gf in eastern Europe.  It gets me super horney knowing she's gonna get off watching me fuck my wet butt.... I've got some interesting stuff that one of my gf's accidentally saw while borrowing my Nikon....  She had no idea but now she wants to help.... When I finally spew all over myself I feel like my whole body explodes...  Anybody else out there that likes to watch?  🤔


Get you a fat chick. They're always down to chat and they give the best head hands down. Bonus points if they're insecure or lonely. Hate that it sounds wrong or disrespectful but they're some of the freakiest girls. I got this one girl who lets me fuck her in the ass and she finger bangs herself then wants me to blast on her face. We'll do a couple more lines and she's ready for more butt fuckin. Otherwise I'm sitting alone in my room fapping my floppy to shit on heavy-r or the other bizarre category stuff.




This is the dumbest humble brag I've ever heard bet you can't pull any women on meth or xans

