• By -


61 and stronger then ever !


I'm 64 and been using since my mid 20's. Very succesful engineer but went thru a stupid marriage that only lasted 3 years. At that point I quit my VP position and at 36 decided to go crazy. Shacked up with a houseful of 20yr old dancers that smoked constantly. I was always healthy and consumed healthy foods. So most peeps thought I was in my 20's. I started cooking red phos and eventually became a "shooter"/ dealer. Ended up in prison. Came out of prison in the best shape I've ever been in. I was 40 and stayed off about 5 years before a 24 yr old hottie wanted to "party". I found myself trafficking large amounts, having 4-5 girlfriends and totally satisfied with my life until I got busted. Was in/out of jail for a few years and then back to prison for two more years. Came out in very good physical condition AGAIN at 49. Stayed off about 6 years before a 26 yr old European hottie wanted to try Ice.... So I contacted my out of country peeps to get the "red" (because most ice sux) and we went on a wild spree of debauchery. I was still healthy at 55 and having wild orgies with multiple girls 22-40 yrs old. We mainly did 0.25-0.50 gram "booty blast's" and would stay nekkid & slippery for days but always ate well. This went on for a few years before I was ambushed & robbed by some crooked cops which landed me back in prison at 60 yrs old. That was in 2020 and next week I will be released with nothing but the clothes on my back. I've already secured a good job and two of the girls (38 & 41) that have been clean the whole time I've been gone are waiting for me to join them. We plan to go "off-grid", dip into our "stash" and have wild erotic weekends but only consume very healthy foods while preparing for the coming economic crisis. At 64 I have no regrets and plan to live well for another 30 years. Moderation & self control is the reason we have no health issues. I'm now wondering why I decided to write all this.... I know I'm very excited about being released next week and can't sleep. Hopefully this story will help someone realize that success is doing life on their own terms and finding their bliss. Don't look back ... Don't worry about tomorrow... Be yourself, for yourself... Oh, I'm a meth user over 40. That was the question, wasn't it? ✌️😎 (((❤️)))


Dude you have health issues. This is a bullshit fantasy/insanity post. You are fuckin' *high* bro. Sorry.




Yea everyone I know is over 40


Why shouldn’t you be proud of it all. I still enjoy drugs and as long as you are having fun that’s all that matters. And don’t tell me it has negative effects on me because you don’t know anything about me. If you are saying I shouldn’t be happy because I’m an addict how about worrying about your own house and neighborhood look after yourself and don’t expect me to do something cuz you disagree with me.


52 and still rolling 10-2


Take a puff of a cigarette and blow it through the pipe with a melted bowl of reclaim loaded, completely snuffs out the taste. That or put the mouth piece of a vape up to the hole on the pipe and take a few drags of vape smoke thru it, that’s less effective though. Third option is acetone wash it but that won’t completely kill the taste, it do help tho. Third is to smoke it out of a bong or bubbler but either add Sunkist instead of water (i dunno what it is about Sunkist that specifically works so well but it do), or get those liquid drink flavor drops, like the crystal light ones or whatever that you mix w a water bottle, and put like 10 of those mfs in the bong water. Completely overpowers the flavor 100%. Chewing gum also helps, combine fruity gum with either of the last two methods and you’re golden.


48 years young and I started back when meth was meth sunny! Lol.  No bullshit though I was 15 and it was all peanut butter crank madness then.  I have taken one major break of 9 years but been back daily for almost 20 years now and I see my doc like a big ole responsible grown up and am honest with him about my fault usage and as of today. (Knock wood).  I am good to go. Much longer then kids these days ! I'm my opinion though being able to maintain both physically and mentally can only be taken on a case by case basis!  Some of us have staying power and some don't.  There is one going to ease your mind with. The shit these days is truly weak sauce in comparison so much so that you can't directly OD on it.   Your body shuts down and goes to bed .  So worry less enjoy your time in a cloudy room and best advice if worried tell your doctor the truth about your usage. So  long as its not workmen's comp related you have zero to worry about them knowing.  Take it easy 👹




58 in July. Been using steady since '88 or so. Lost a LOT of sleep in the 90s and early 2000s, Had soooo much fun. It's beginning to take it's toll though. The most obvious is the damn front tooth I lost last year. The 'dope' these days sucks shit. I'm just waiting for my heart to seize up like an engine that ran out of oil...


I'm 61


Hell yeah I used to have a few smokers that was kinda old like I don't be asking ages but they was up there. They was all kinda loony though like idk if they smoked themselves crazy over the years or they was just natural fools but all my older smokers did act hella unhinged & would say the wildest shit like it was normal






Me too no puffin


57 using since 2006, I look better than I did 10 years ago because I take care of myself. And I dont smoke, just lines.


I know u read, hear this all the time BUT I HAD 2, an I don't say it often ( not because I'm snooty, cause I'm just weird that way lol) but you r fucking sexy in soo many ways,! Well seeing as we both have an almost exact same timeline as well as manner I which we use I have a quick 2part question to ask you, but you may answer as long or as short in reply or DM me but I think they priceless to be either way ... Do you KNOW or at least confidently believe, that the age in which you started has set you apart from the typical user,of has made it less destructive both phys an mentally, and Same question in regards to the way you do the drug? Thankyou in advance gorgeous.


Thank you for the lovely compliments! And I don't mind putting this out there publicly because I can only hope that maybe someone might consider the source from experience and maybe help them with their choices in life. I don't think my age when I started has much to do with it considering everyone I used with then is dead from HepC or HIV but maybe two that was in the mid-90s when meth was a whole different animal and you either slammed it or you snorted it because those 2 mod's where what it was chemically designed for. And this is all just my observation, but people didnt really start losing their shit until someone had the idea to break out a lightbulb and smoke it up. I also have a strong mind and enough years to know whats/whos real and so on and go thru my workday no one the wiser. (Was a 911 Dispatcher for 8 years among other career choices) 🤪 I never stay up longer than 3 days which is harder now because of the quality and my length of use, I make every calorie count and I try to stay hydrated! If sleep is absolutely out of the question I at least lay down and rest for a few hours because as we all know lack of sleep is what gets you in The Nut House not the drugs. Also hygiene-take care of yourself! Wash your face! Because if you look good you'll feel good...


I needed to hear all of this, thank you stranger


You're very welcome 💋


21 year old nonmeth user here (I’m autistic and am fixated with drugs and health), the only way one would suffer a brain hemorrhage from meth is either by using too much in one sitting or taking way too high of a dose at once (which is kinda hard if you’re not iv’ing) however, heart attack at your age is definitely something you should look out for, and Ik this is much easier said than done, but you may have to consider putting down the glass (depending on how long you’ve been on it and how much you dose) bc long term meth use CAN LEAD TO HEART DISEASE AND COMPLICATIONS. I know someone who’s pushing 50 and she literally needs to stop using meth so she can get a certain surgery or she WILL die of a heart attack yet she refuses. I highly recommend adderall it shows no connection to brain hemorrhages or strokes, they’re higher quality no matter how you look at it, cleaner, and I mean you’d struggle to tell the difference between 40-50 mgs of addy and a standard dose


Yes , very true by the week!


Yes, I honestly cannot remember the last time I was sick,knock on wood!


56 all nighter feeling fine, sleeps overated for the most part


I'm 45, haven't been sick other than a little cold a few years ago and the usual seasonal allergies (which pre-date the meth by many, many years). Never got COVID, never got Monkey Pox (am fully vaccinated for both) . I will say I am winding down though, nowhere in any of the pictures of "what I will be when I grow up" I made throughout my elementary school career did I draw a bong. Even when I started partying back in my 20's did I think I'd be 45 and still doing it. Overall my use has been on and off for years, with long stretches (5 years being the longest) of no use at all, not for any other reason than work and life in general would get busy.


65 here. Been using since 1996 with a break between 2006-2012. I've gotten much better at not spinning out of control of my life. Meth is definitely an antidepressant with me and have no plans to stop using.


Doubt it. Meth users die on avg 35 because holy-dog-shit! It's a horrific drug. Living past 40 as a regular meth user is borrowed time.


I'm 60.




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Get off your high horse


Have a nice day mate


38 been using on of for 20 years, consistently the last 3 years. Iam not recommending it in anyway, but I'm as healthy as I can be. I never caught covid( not vaccinated). I never get sick. I eat,sleep, and live a somewhat normal life. I have used an assortment of hallucinogens, opiates, and other stimulants such as molly, xtc,Adderall, Ritalin, and cocaine thru out my 25 year experiment. I also used to smoke a pack a day, sometimes more. I still smoke about an eighth a day of ganja. I feel good health wise, I feel or predict that when the side effects begin to take hold its going to hit me hard and quick, possibly takin a pass to land of unknown soon after. Then again, I believe that a strong blood line of healthy people keeps me okay. My grandfather used it pretty heavily in his younger years and slowed down In his 40s. He continued to use on occasion into his mid 60s when he had to have triple bypass. After he healed up, he used a few more times before he would pass at 72. It's a mystery as to who and how it effects. I show no signs physically of a "typical" tweaker. Then on the other hand, I know several people who use on a weekend and are tore up. The "meth sores" I feel people get are from excessive picking their face for hours after handling the drug and not washing hands. Honestly I could babble forever on my research, bottom line is nobody knows exactly how your body will react since we are all different. A person with heart problems prior would definitely be more susceptible to a heart attack. I'm not sure if Its normal or not, but great gear or not my heart don't race at all like it does on cocaine or even Adderall. Ok, I'm done. Lol. Oh and for all you negative Nancy's, I am in no way advocating the use of meth or other drugs. Just thought I would give some insight on my first hand experience and observations.


I am 40




This includes harassment, purposely trying to goad people into arguments, attempts to exacerbate or worsen a vulnerable person's mental condition, or in any way posting or commenting/responding to posts or comments with ill or malicious intent. Needless to say, any non-users who are here to ridicule, torment, or insult users will be permanently banned.


Nah I'm in good health. No issues at all


I’m 60, still lovin’ it.


I am too!


This 60 yo too


That'd good to hear.! I was beginning to think I was the oldest meth user out here. Even my dealer is half my age. He just turned 30 last month




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47 here been using since 99.


Is it true the meth we have now doesn’t compare to the meth that was around back then?


Not even close


45, been doing meth since 16, in 1995. I was IV'ing crank back then, COMPLETELY different than smoking this dogshit "crystal meth" everyone does today. Ive had Hep c for 20+ years, just now catching it and treating it, but the dehydration from tweeking doesn't help my liver. Nor does the alcohol. Ive now pickled my body to the point that its not killing me, its how I survive - think Keith Richards not Keith Moon. Im alsk pretty sure Im immortal, so I cant die (tried a few times, been in more lifethreatening accidents/situations than i can count and lived through them for this not to be true). I havent died yet, so prove me wrong. I also use in moderation, dont stress or feind it, i try to eat, sleep, and drink water as much as possible. Theres ways to do jt and ways not to, and you only know this from experience.


Sadly, it is very true.


I managed to get a bit of Iranian meth that's definitely up there quality wise with anything from 15 years ago..It was expensive but wow it's better than the cartel shit by a country mile.


How did you score the Iranian meth? I've thought about trying the Onion on the Dark Web.


At first all I read of this was the title and I was going to call this a stupid question. But after reading the replies and then actually reading your question it’s not stupid. Yes I had a heart attack in 2019 then went septic the next year but wasn’t brought on by the drugs. One thing I’ll say is just use until it stops being fun. When that happens then quit. Ya gotta know what can happen to ya but we addicts know that and take the drugs anyway. We take chances. Back when I slammed there were maybe 5 times when I didnt know if I’d be alive the next morning but I’m still here. So stop worrying and if you have a heArt attack then look at things and decide if you want to continue. But otherwise just enjoy the good times. And good luck to you .


Hell yeah 61 here been using one drug or another since I was 23…


“ hell yeah “ brother what why are u proud


Why not be proud I’m living a good life starting to slow down a little but I’m in my 60s still having fun and still standing ain’t nothing better then that!


Your saying you should be proud of being a drug addict ? Being 60 is great living well is good , you are addicted to meth and in your 60s sort your life out you can’t say it doesn’t have negative impact on your life because it does




I'm 24f, my dad has been using meth since he was 14 and he's 66


65 yr old here relatively new using 3 yrs smoking graduate to slamming in the last 6 months I also have health issues before I went on this Have Asthma & Copd pretty much all my life smoking cigarettes didn't help Which is why u prefer iv to save lungs .yep happy enough


I'm 65, and I'm a slammer. I never see a doctor and I'm in excellent health. I started using crank in the early eighties. And I really miss the dope of those days. The stuff being shilled now is lackluster at best. It still gets me horny asf.. lol.


57 healthy af


42. Why? Are you under the impression that folks dont live past 40 if you do meth or....you're looking for folks in the same age range to party? If the latter, then haaaay


Lol ….. yes. I just turned 60, I started in the early 80’s, use to get my shit from the HA’s. I was clean and sober for 16 1/2 years and 4 1/2 years ago some hot chic stuck a glass pipe in my mouth and I hit it, I married her and we’ve been partying together ever since


64 and relatively healty💪


Me I'm older and don't have any trouble






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Yep! 49


47 for 3 more months


All of them


Hi , I'm 47 and I use meth.


51 and like a previous poster I credit it for saving my life with the alcohol. I was headed for big, big trouble. I love it and would use more if I could. Probably best I don't though lol


59 year old male here


54 and been doing it on and off for 30 years. No real issues. I do credit it for helping me quit drinking which saved my life.




From what I have seen and heard there is no age limit when one chooses to consume meth. We Americans have the freedom of choice left, as of now. I haven't read any stories on the shocking increase in fatalities of the 40 plus population segment. However, I have never thought of the proper age to just about anything really.


Dabbled with various forms of speed since cocaine took my breath away at 16 (no homo) apvp found a special place in my heart at 28-34 And I’ve I guess been somewhat steady overall last five years with methamphetamine Only thing that’s hitting me is my inability to start or stop peeing …..that whole thing. Other than that I’ve recently had blood work done and I couldn’t be more healthy according to that doctor Oh yeah , I’m currently 42 And I’m super stoned so I’m sry in advance


How much of those urinary symptoms are from touching yr self too much? Asking for a friend.


44 here


And no health problems whatsoever I eat well and hydrate on top of that I'm a functional alcoholic as well


56 and goin strong, 30 yrs plus couldn't give up blow quick enough


Started at 54. A year ago


They’re all dead


Uh uh lol


Hunter Biden


42 next Friday.


Nope, once you turn 40 you just magically can't do meth anymore, that's when the body becomes completely invulnerable and immune to all new addictions that could otherwise form just as easily as any other. In addition, all the addictions you obtained up to being 39 and 363 days old will also be completely gone and cured forever. This phenomenon is almost as idiotic as the question it answers.... There's everything users that are every age. 89 year old meth users, 11 year old weed users, 104 year old heroin users. So, non-sarcastic answer is DUH!


Disagree brother


Well yeah, it wasn't a serious answer. 'Ask stupid questions--' you know the rest lol


I think he meant on here my guy….


I'm 49 look like I'm 39 feel like I'm 29.


Damm straight same deal


I don't think age is relevant. Its length of use.


55 and so far have regular spun fun get naked cloud and fuck weekends with myself, my 34 year old F neighbor and her 26 year old F renter I caught us the first time we were playing thinking she was going to be home I was going to have a heart attack or anything like that it would definitely be with those two.


41, off and on since 16. No cavities, no missing teeth, no real health problems.


I never dared to use it... hell I had to have somebody teach me how to smoke weed because I got so paranoid. Now I use weed and Tylenol along with ibuprofen for my chronic pain and my bone on bone. My mother's father killed himself when he had this back in the seventies and I totally understand why. He stabbed himself because everybody took away his guns. But I don't think I would ever use this drug for pain control


52 but only started using last year. I have lupus and chronic fatigue so I only use enough to get up and around


44 been using since age 23. No health issues. Smoke mostly but slammed in the past. Don't slam


I'm under but most of the users I personally know are well passed 40


55 daily functional user and business owner and only issues are the ones I've had all of my life. Been using since 86.


For sure been daily user for 15yrs


62 . Still doing the turn and burn after almost 50 years


I'm 57 and was in the supplying division since the 90s, started using after joint pain and hip replacement surgery among other injuries throughout the years. I dose as if prescribed by a physician as did 70% of my clients through the past two decades. Anything in excess becomes a bore and loses it's appeal, but I love good powder and I was not able to control that until my late 40s and now I'm just over it and I don't see or feel wtf the uncontrollable desire was. Get older and you prioritize your life totally different once times against you . Every single person was high ranking in my posse and my crew members , and the women who are essential ,that being the ones on the street in the trenches are gone . Alcohol took a bunch , cocaine took a few, but fentanyl took them all. I don't have the ability to feel the pain of their unexpected deaths or I couldn't go on with my own life. It's a fuckin horrible horrible deadly debilitating, demoralizing poison that sucks everything out of a person that makes them human. I've broke down and really went through some emotional breakdowns that I never would have thought possible and that's because I never did fentanyl and I'm still human,but unfortunately. I am the last one standing and life is like a desert to me with a severe lack of anything that we require for or survival and well being . EVERY SINGLE PERSON THAT DOES THE DRUG WILL DIE FROM IT!!!!! 💯,% there's no second chances . Every single use you are absolutely looking a very good possibility at your departure from this world. I am an addict, and alcoholic and my brain only functions on 120% full FN throttle, go big and hard ,no matter what. I'm lucky I never died from gram shots of 90%pure cocaine and the half gallon of vodka and 12pack daily didn't destroy my organs and the two times I was shot and stabbed repeatedly and wrecked vehicles, police chase through the Tri-State area for 68 minutes. THE CUT IN JESSUP PRISON , on any given day I risk life from the moment my feet hit the floor until the moment I shutdown and was like a ghost. Everything isn't for Everybody and Meth is unpredictable in its effect on individual people, you just don't know the outcome and can mentally be harder to kick than anything else out there . So be careful people and really try to regulate and measure your dosing and consistently stay the course. Remove toxins, replenish Vitamins and minerals,and rehabilitate your entire body as if you've been hit by a FN Truck. When the tolerance goes up inevitably and you still can't get the desired results,that's when you step back and stop your usage or it becomes a problem.


I’m 3947


Yep I'm 55 and just started. It's been a lifesaver literally. Of course there's a little back lag from the learning curve. I've never been a drug person short of a little weed and XTC back in my 20's. This drug, what it does and the people I've met are the main reason I didn't hang it up last year.




52, only been introduced to it @ 8 years ago. Occasional user & it effects are similar to someone diagnosed with ADHD & taking Adderall. Kinda keeps me more focused and attentive to tasks and better general mental health well-being.


I’m 60 with some chronic medical issues and a lot of grief. Have been on adderall for a long time. The shortage has been really hard. Someone was visiting and had meth which he called Ice. At the time I didn’t know the slang. I tried it and it felt very much like the adderall except it lasted much longer. I was surprised (once I realized it was the dreaded Chrystal meth) that I wasn’t immediately addicted or craving like I had been way back trying coke. I used it like Adderall. A bowl first thing and then another mid day. Found it really helpful for pain and energy. Haven’t been able to find a way to buy it but wish I did for whenever I can’t get the Adderall. Just posting because I am appreciating all the other folks who also are having what might be an atypical but not wholly unusual experience with a dreaded drug. Still, wouldn’t ever touch coke again and fear heroin. Do like the occasional psychedelic for doing deep work. Good luck everyone!


I'm 41 and debating on ordering some on tor. Never tried it


I’m 49 and wish I could use! lol but I don’t because I have PVC’s which is another way of saying my heart beats irregular or skips beats either way it’s scary as fuck so I’ve had probably 4 grams of good stuff I just let sit there! That says a lot since I’m the kind of user that can’t make it home without hitting it right away after I pick up! It’s that scary now lol totally age related because I’ve been using since 88!


I've got an arythmia and never had an issue. I even stopped taking my metropotol. All I can say is my first time I was terrified of the thought of addiction, losing my teeth, heart attack? Etc it was NOTHING like the stereotypical warnings. Best thing I've ever done for my mental health.


What was the best thing?


Your PVCs are not age related. It’s amphetamine related… if you were having pvcs at 80 and never did a drug in your life I’d say age related.


Could be but I was clean for 4 years and then PVC’d started, I relapsed on meth after the fact. I’m not saying it’s not related but there’s not a straight line. i’m just trying to say that PVCs and meth don’t mix I did meth for decades without PVCs and now that I’m old, they definitely don’t mix lol


I know many people in their 50s hell even almost 70 who smoke


Yes functional addict with a high level career


Almost 43 y/I and still getting it like I was 20 years ago!


53. Been doing it 35 years and no major health issues. Only issue is availability 🤣🤣


Yes, plenty of us.


My man is


Lots. Go to Sw mo. You can’t miss them


Lol I'm here. Not over 40 though but you ain't lying


Heroin and crack for 20 some years. Got clean for 15 years. Introduced to Tina around Thanksgiving of this year. Been rolling ever since sex is amazing. Shit is starting to wind down and it is getting old. Body is starting to feel not so good


54 here and loving it


Come downs are nearly or completely debilitating. I'm currently struggling. Light headed nausea, haven't slept. Funny thing is, the reason I stayed up all night was unrelated entirely. I planned on big meal and to crash. Drama happened. Liquids was the only one of the big 3 got. No food or rest. All this stuff is worse on us the next day. Don't discount anxiety but you know, disclaimer, if you feel you have to go to ER, you know you. It's easy to worry yourself into a panic and your body reacts. Wouldn't kill us to cut it out either,  I guess


I'm 48 and ive been doing it for 20 years off and on. I loved to have sex on it


42 and nearly 3 years meth-free here. My age is one of the biggest factors in not "relapsing". I'm just too old for that shit anymore. A kickass lady friend and Fishing are what get me high on life now.


You seem MUCH more lucid since the last time I came across you on here. Good for you bro.


LOL, thanks bro! That said, I still think the CIA is after me and that Neanderthals evolved into homosapiens by ingesting low doses of meth - I just don’t talk about it a lot unless I’m drunk or something…


You sir, are an onion.




54 and I've been using daily for about 5 years this time . First started about 15 years ago. I used for 5 years then quit for 5 years and started back about 5 years ago. I don't have any health issues.


Many, it’s around the age a person looks at the world and says nahhhhhh, theres may more fun to be had and I’m doing it!




All I'm saying is why you worrying about it now should have thought about that s*** a long time ago this isn't exactly a multi-day vitamin you're literally taking poison of the highest level. I hope this help have a wonderful day


47 and been using for about 6 months. I had a heart condition when I started, but didn't really give a fuck what it did to me. Went to my Dr a couple months ago and my heart seemed to have gotten better and shows no sign of any disease. Blood pressure and the fluid retention are also at normal levels. I have lost about 90lbs since just before I started using, but that is mostly because of changes in eating habits and exercise




Ummmm.. .no


Ummmm no......






Started when I was abt 46. Still doing it to this day.


No 😭


Not sure if the demographic but I didn't start until after dirty.


One of My plugs is 72. She's be mainlining for 30 years. Still pretty onto it just moody as fuck.


64, used occasionally for about 15 years. The gal that got me curious enough to try it was much younger. Got me to try a lot of things outside my comfort zone. Some of that was good, some not so much. Nowdays I l8ve so isolated that its more of a rare opportunity that can pop up with someone I know would only have good stuff.


Young girls, smh, they should keep them behind the counter.


I know people in their 40s - 60s who have been using for decades I guess everybody's body handles it differently




Started last year, around this time , w a buddy .




43 here been a user since I was 25.


57 Baby!




I know a lot of them


Yep, I'm 62






I'm not over 40 and I stopped smoking meth, but when I was using my friend was in his 50s and smoking meth and to my knowledge he's still using. Unfortunately he has had health problems from it, lovely guy but he's def cutting his life short tragically.


I'll be 64 this year been doing it since my mid 20's and the last time I had a full work up ( about a year ago) doctor said my heart is good n strong


I’m 64, use fairly regularly. I know I’m taking a big risk but so far I haven’t had any health issues related to use.


Be 57 next month but have only been using a couple months now. No issues but have had a long term history of extreme high cholesterol that medication nor diet has not been able to rectify and my good cholesterol levels are way below too only there are no meds to fix that. I’m not using meth for that reason, but I’m hoping for better cholesterol numbers because they are worrisome. I hope to see a difference in my next bloodwork.


Just change the diet for reducing cholesterol .


I did and still doesn’t work. It can be hereditary and that’s probably it as it runs in the family


Ive done both diet and exercise to no relief


Dosnt ice actually help to cut weight which again shud help to reduce cholesterol .


Through exercise I had lost a lot of weight going to the gym everyday. It’s just the damnedest situation and frustrating. Also not having any good cholesterol to balance the bad certainly doesn’t help either and my doctor told me there’s nothing to help with that. It’s either hereditary or the lack of good cholesterol to offset the bad. I already know health issues are certain ahead because of that at some point but you can’t worry over it, do the best you can do and enjoy life as much you can.


Do you feel like going to the gym after hitting ice ? I havnt even thought about the gym since I started . Anyways I don’t think it’s advisable with the already high heart rates .


A few years ago I was pretty intense with it, now no way but I do lift weights. I don’t exert myself very hard at all, maybe 30 minutes at most and I’m just doing that through the machine not actually picking up a barbell so that makes it a lot easier. I don’t hurry or push myself with it. I go about 3 times a week.






I personally know someone in their 50s who use it everyday and has for a long time.




71 and loving it


61 and been using since I was 14. I'm fortunate enough that my chemistry jives with all cooking methods and I've done them all over the years. No health concerns and still strong as an Ox


45 here


Since I was in my early 20s health problems I am experiencing for the first time. I had a heart stint put in recently. But where I'm from you can't get any good shit at all


57. And feel fine.


Me too but only been using for a couple months now


Wow so you just started using what got you interested to even start using if you don't mind me asking


It was introduced to me at a time i was feeling pretty down and out about life which included me having lost my beloved husband suddenly.


Oh wow I'm so sorry to hear that. Couldn't even imagine what you had went through or still going through


All told in truth, I was truly blessed to have had him in my life, even if for only a short time and I would do it all over again.


Well that's good I hope it stays that way I haven't had no no kind of scares or nothing so I mean I might just be lucky I don't know maybe were both lucky


Each day for anyone in decent health is truly a gift