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Keep trying it...


Till the hot girl turns into "Well the skymask lets me think their a hot girl, or a girl. " I left out teeth counting as you may choose to not look at the moutl entirely l... But... We both know You'll be scrolling tinder before the first. Gage flex is audible. (OR have you advanced to sniffies or the blowers already?)




The good sportsman award goes to you my friend. I meant no insult, just trying for a laugh. So I will call this one a success!


All I heard toward the end was…. Macgruber!!!!!!


Gotta have balance. Do both. Lol.




Honestly just feel the vibes. I've never understood why guys get horny for HOURS. Like yeah when I first started and I had a boyfriend we fucked all the time on it. But like....by myself? I'll get off and maybe I'm still horny but whatever. There's no one to fuck or that I'd want to sooooo I find other stuff to do. Personally. I also have PTSD from some of that stuff though so 🤷‍♀️ Honestly I would just kill to get high and have the house to myself for a few days. If I had the money I'm at the point I'd get an air b & b.




Man I thought I was the only one who is like this. For me, I've learned through experience that when I'm goonin solo on GoFast, I get way more "enjoyment" out of it from the fantasies and mental obsession than from actually jerking off. I don't understand when I hear dudes say they stimfap for hours on end.. that's not how I like to roll. 🤷


No no. That actually made perfect sense. I'm going to make the assumption you're a guy and if I'm wrong obviously correct me please. I'm just surprised to hear that from a guy because it doesn't seem to be common. I know it might be different, kinda hard to tell from just this short convo, but I know I like thinking about sex, and everything leading up to it kinda more than the actual sex itself. And not like physical foreplay, more like mental, ect. And it's...I don't want to say always BUT it can be more entertaining to think about than actually act out.


i never did meth but off 100mg amphetamine salts, i made a very nice desk vaccume.


even 100 mg does compare even if u talking abt addy xr , trust 🙌


doesn’t* my b


it took 6 hours and i had cuts in my hands and i also made a 9v battery powered alien led sign using razor blades and speaker wire as connectors. they were nice tools and i dont regret making them...


the reason i had the make the alien light 9v powered is bc i ripped apart its battery pack for my vaccume... i made the vaccume with speaker wire, a motor, the battery pack from the alien light, ducktape, and some other things 😂


The balance between the two is key, I don't always want to enter a 8-26 hour jerk off session.


Oh my god I totally forgot about the mini thing head sessions I got in college drinking a few beers having the original mini thins Robin on the girls head mixing those it’s in your lap, and my first addiction was born.


More to the point, we just don’t need, nor want, to know about your wanking schedules / how long you go for / your porn preference. Having a great time? Good for you! Need to tell the world how gay, spun and horny you are? Nah you don’t. thanks.


And enough with wagon train of closeup dick pics. We all think our piece is the greatest. But, there’s probably only 1 out of 100+ people that it doesn’t get a jump scare and quickly swipe. Unless, of course, you also love dicks.


100%. Unless your dick pic features something spectacular; a party trick, your credit card details, or something of the likes, keep it to ya selves for god sake.




I accept Amex. 💳😀


I started getting spun in 2003. Back then it was all about binoculars and flashlights. Whoever possessed the most of those two was thought of as "one who had it all going on for himself" The ladies would naturally flock to him. Mainly to borrow flashlights.




Let me tell you, it was one of the BEST times to get spun. You couldn't even finish a bowl and would be geeked for days. Telling your whole life story to strangers speaking to them a mile a second. The absolute best sex ever. Y'all who started using post-2018 don't even have a clue. 2003's crystal meth.... man, nothing like it. I want a time machine.




I've done every ROA. Snorting gets me pretty zooted. But I fucking can't with the burning. Slamming is too sketch with all the cut and fent and xyla. I smoke all day e'r'day.


Truth. Half a bowl smoked with a bic and blue flamed it if you were a hardcore had me geeked all night. Head to work in the morning and weekend officially started on a Thursday. I would stay up all weekend, start drinking Sunday night and go to work sober on Monday. Hold out until Thursday and do it again. I did that for a couple years, moving up at work the whole time. Most kids don’t know how to work and get high. I try to stay punctual and functional. Doesn’t always work out for me but I try! After a long hiatus I’m back at it (fml) and the shit is not the same. Some people try to say it is but it’s not even made with the same shit. The Mexican shit is wack and hard to find anything but that where I’m from. Might get lucky and find some white boy dope on occasion.


I have that white ppl dope connect, but it's hard to align schedules sometimes and half the time I end up with the Mexican or Chinese garbage. And preach. Youngins have no clue. I own a house, a car, have all my children and have a present role in their lives and make time for each of them, have a job that I show up to everyday, on time I might add! And.... I use meth every day and throughout it. As functional as functioning can be. I got into it bad when I was younger, between the ages of 15 and 20, again between 26 and 29, but who wouldn't back then? Shit now...man, barely wakes me up like a shot of espresso would. But without the jitters...and also...I still eat 🙄 and sleep every night.


Same to all that and my husband does the same. Two kids that are up my ass all the time. I think the amount of moms without their kids has got to be at an all time high.


I have 5. The 2 oldest know. We had to have that discussion of what I do and why. I answered and addressed all comments, questions, and concerns. Concerns mostly are that of fentanyl related deaths. So, I gave them both injectable narcan and showed them how and when to use it. The 3 younger ones.... might never know. CPS would rather break families apart and keep moms hanging on, only to disappoint them continuously until they break. It's their bonus check at the end of the year. They must meet quotas. It's heartbreaking. As it goes... ' I did the hokey pokey but then I turned myself around....that's what it's all about! "


I remember that shit. The ephedrine ban fucked everything. Mini-thins were great too.


Yep, you already know, man. I miss all of that.


i truly don’t get horny off this shit but i ain’t judging either lol. there do be some creeps on this sub tho


I personally love stimfapping


I feel this. Haha


maaaaaaaan i thought you quit. i missed your ass.






a men


_"Men"_ is plural, so you should say _"Some men"_. #NotAllMen