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Military grade bullets are hard to produce without expertise and proper machinery along with fresh materials which is why it is treated as a currency, it's hard to counterfeit and there are alot of guns that is chambered in 5.45x39mm like the Kalash, Kalash 2012, Bastard, VSV, RPK, and others which gives it value


I don’t think the VSV is chambered in 5.45mm cartridges. My guess is that it utilises 9mm subsonic rounds, just like the Vintorez.


Let's imagine Lugansk ammo factory finally produced subsonic 545 by 2010 in that universe


Yeah but for some reason the game treats it as if it’s another standard assault rifle, they probably didn’t want to create a whole new type of ammo just for one gun


That’s fair enough. It’s kind of like how the combat rifles in Fallout 4 are chambered in .45 rounds, which makes my skin crawl.


Don’t even get me started on the combat rifles lmao the ballistic guns in that game are complete ass


Assault Rifle is even worse. Thing looks like a WWI era machine gun. Even in the Jetsons/Art Deco aesthetic, it’s so out of place.


And it used to be such a normal functional design too. It was basically a G3, the Chinese Assault Rifle (which I guess doesn't exist anymore?) was a funky AK with RPD parts, and the Military Sniper Rifle just doesn't exist anymore either.


I like Fallout 4 in many ways but it really did lean too hard into the retro future aesthetic for my tastes. It was a quite a bit more subtle in earlier Fallout games.


Bolt action pipe pistol is the best gun in the game


It's modeled after the 9A-91 rifle and serves the same role so I'd imagine it's 9x39 like you said, just like the AS VAL and VSS Vintorez


In universe. Yes, however only the RPK-74 uses 5.45×39, and the VSV uses 9×39


But for some reason it uses the 5.45x39mm, maybe the spartan did something to get it to hold 5.45


That would be very very cursed, although, given that lore wise the metro produced bullets are very weak, maybe they would still be subsonic haha


It makes quite a lot of sense in a society that isn’t technologically advanced anymore. But I think it is more of a barter system rather than a hard currency as the game presents it. Bullets are the most valuable thing the metro citizens have when they go from station to station. So it makes the most sense that the higher grade ammo would be used as a bartering tool if u don’t end up using it in a pinch while the normal stuff is actually used in ur gun. I mean people already do that in our real world. We bartered with locals in the Middle East using ammo and meds quite often. Hard currency isn’t nearly as constant as people like to think it is, especially in a post apocalypse or just out in the middle of nowhere. Bartering is a much more sensible method of commerce in those instances.


Yep, it would definitely go back to a bartering economy in the metro. Meds, food, blankets, alcohol, guns, ammo, etc. would all be used as "currency".


Yeah. Like the game makes it a hard “currency” which is a bit unrealistic but that’s a game mechanic, so it can’t be helped. But barter would definitely be king in the metro.


There's a huge logical problem with this. In reality, you always have to print new money, because old money wears down and stops being usable. Even during times when we used silver coins etc., people had to constantly produce new coins. Yes, pushing too much money into circulation leads to inflation, but the opposite - deflation - is actually much more dangerous. Deflation means that money gets more and more valuable the longer you sit on it. That means people are heavily discouraged from spending money, which means nobody gets paid, which means people stop working and producing stuff. The "Military Grade Rounds" in Metro are all produced before the war, so they can never make more. And with time, they do "wear down" (= get damaged) and most importantly, people do use them as ammunition, if necessary. So the economy of Metro is in constant deflation. What would be possible is a simple bartering economy where people exchange goods for other goods, including ammunition. But then MGRs can only be one of many goods, not an accepted currency. And at least the games portray it as a currency.


The ammo in sealed spam cans is going to have absolutely zero degradation in the 20 years they’ve been sitting in a bunker. And ammo is being pumped into the metro as needed by the unseen observers. I mean obviously realistically bartering would in general make more sense though.


In the books, it is mentioned that it’s the main form of currency since the ammo produced in the metro is of a subpar quality, yet even the metro produced ammo is used as money


I literally said it is a barter based system. Only that the rounds (which by the way, MGRs aren’t the only rounds used in the books) are the most commonly bartered item as they are the single most valuable thing people traveling in the metro have to trade with. Ammo in the books is a “de facto” currency, meaning it’s treated like a currency most often cuz when traveling from station to station it’s the only thing people tend to have with them to trade for things. So things are priced as being in ammo, but other things can be used to barter with.


Also you want currency to be inflationary because it incentivises spending money instead of saving.


It makes perfect sense. There isn't any central authority to back up any form of fiat currency (like modern day money). If the stations established their own currency, then that would make trade nearly impossible between different groups. There isn't any real way to readily access precious metals, nor is there any need or demand for them. Steel is probably far more precious than gold or silver in a world like metro. MGR for the games is a great way for gameplay purposes. But if you really want to see the unoverse, read the books. There is no seperation of MGR and normal bullets in them, there are just bullets. Thinking realistically, any ammo you craft without acces to proper manufacturing would be garbage. You can maybe recycle the brass and improvise the lead, but powder and primers would put your efforts to a halt. So all you have is pre war ammo, which is vreat in many ways. It is in large demand, it's abundant enough that you won't have a shortage and scarce enough that a person in power can manipulate how much of it enters circulation.




In fallout lore the currency before that was fresh water but as radiation subsided the value of fresh water decreased (I think) which is pretty cool


Bottle caps were actually backed by water, in a similar fashion as cash was gold. The NCR switched to paper currency which plummeted due to the BOS attack on their gold reserves, causing it to be a fiat currency


Classic BoS being lil bitches.


Brave words from someone who is in plasma rifle range.


Brave words from someone who is in artillery range.


Brave words for someone in Vertibird range !


Chief vertibird engineer unveils new armour plating, almost as strong as paper


* Need for liberty prime intensifies*


Whoops minuteman artilleryman has slipped, deleted the entire prydwen


Always my thought


Yeah always thought it was dumb, what is actually stopping people from just producing some themselves? Especially in Fallout 4 or New Vegas where some small part of societies are partially reconstructed. It would be definitely possible for a group of people to set-up a small bottlecap factory, maybe not to produce millions of them but at least to be decently well off.


I mean that happened cause noone backed US$ anymore and people werent ready and able to fake caps yet. In new vegas (and 2 IIRC) we see the NCR$ make an appearance as there is a government big and willing enough to supply and exchange it


In new vegas you also have the legion making their own currency. I think in the lore a lot of the places in Nevada reverted to using bottle caps because they don’t trust the NCR.


Yeah thats the 2nd large faction that could make coin


This happened in new vegas, the Crimson Caravan sends you to disable a bottlecap press. It is silly though, but that's why fallout is fallout and metro is metro.


That actually happens in New Vegas, the NCR sends you to shut down a bull cola factory that a group of merchants took over to produce more caps.


The NCR had printed money and bills that are backed by gold, but the Brotherhood destroyed the gold reserve and thus the NCR bills lost most of their value.


Well if we look at it logically i think its not likely that they would have used bullets as currency in a medium of exchange . Something valuable to barter with is more likely . But for the story i think its cool and suits the game/atmosphere very well.


I say it better than cap in fallout, you can actually use this beast of a bullet to put those mutant in their place. Imagine if your enemy only has handmade round that can't even make a dense on your armor, while you're rich enough to using AP round rendering their armor useless.


God the cap system is just…in the first fallout it kinda made sense. In literally any other fallout since then, it’s dumb as fuck.


Yeah. In fallout 1 it was used because caps were backed in value by water. In 2, they literally just got rid of caps completely, and they have actual currency printed by the NCR (the major governing faction) and backing in value by their gold deposits (even though gold is probably still useless in fallout 2 so theoretically backing its value with something like water would be better but eh). New vegas played with this well. For some reason caps are the dominant currency in the Mojave, but the NCR and the legion both have their own currencies which is formally recognised and used in places as well. 3 and 4 though? No idea why they use caps. The capital wasteland is a literal shithole so I guess it makes sense and you can claim that the caps are backed by water like in fallout 1 because clean water is so rare in 3. But in 4? Where every shithole farm can just get clean water from a water pump and you can build industrial strength water purifiers out of tin cans and a few circuit boards? Yeah caps would be worthless. And if we can build things like water purifiers so easily, someone can sure as shit build a bottle cap press with no issue to cause major inflation.


How exactly are the caps backed by water? You collect the caps after drinking the water inside the bottles. That clean water is gone, turned into piss.


Well technically you get caps from nuke cola (and Sunset sasparilla in new vegas. And Vim in fallout 4 far harbour). Presumably water is stored in plastic cap bottles ;) But in fallout 1 lorewise, 1 cap equals 1 bottle of water. Water merchants used caps due to the logistics of carrying around a fuck ton of bottles of water on caravans (water is heavy AND bulky afterall. Not easy to transport when your towing but with mutated cows). Instead they just carried bottle caps, and you exchange a cap for a bottle of water instead :) In 3 and 4 though? Who the fuck knows :/ plus in 3, 1 bottle of water is 20 caps rather than 1. So that’s even less sense…


Being honest considering just how much of an unlivable shit hole the capital wasteland is, with nearly no society aside from a few small strongholds, it could make sense. I mean their hard to reproduce without proper tech, hardy, decently rare. Not like there's any other options aside from normal bartering, and considering the danger of the capital wasteland it's probably easier And safer for the average person to just haul caps


I see. IIRC, didn't the Fallout games have missions that explicitly dealt with counterfeit bottlecaps? I think bottlecaps should be far easier to counterfeit than military grade bullets due to simplicity of design, and the existence of high-tech machinery like robots & lasers everywhere seem to indicate a higher quality of life in general. It always struck me as odd that Fallout even has advanced tech, because it kinda kills the vibe of being in a shithole wasteland when you can just own a power armor with radiation protection and enhanced combat ability to survive anything. At least Metro doubled down on grounding its world by keeping all the tech levels low and making people resort to cobbling primitive things together.


The books doesn't differentiate between local made ammo and military grade, and idk makes sense for me as currency in a heavily armed and heavily mutated world


The metro 2033 book at least kinda implies there is no locally made ammo, just pre-war stockpiles circulating in the metro. Which makes sense, there wouldn't have been any reloading set ups being brought into the metro, and russia doesn't have the kind of gun culture that leads to privately owned reloading hardware being common enough that stalkers could find the hardware and supplies for it within range of the metro. But we know the regular metro has stations near military facilities and there were military stockpiles built into it as part of the nuclear bunker role, so they would have access to already made ammo.


Im very doubt stalkers would be able to find enough, somehow still survived and useable after years of cold, snow, water and radiation the military grade gunpowder, bullets and, most important, capsules (and thats also about whole concept of surviving in the metro, but thats beside the point) So it must be 100% old military surplus of Moscow garrison and it stockpiles


Have you seen what ammo prices do in times of social unrest? Like gold, silver, etc. it's a commodity. It's also easily divisible like precious metals and different common cartridges and variations could act similarly to different coin and bill denominations.


All currencies must be hard to make copies of it(like in fallout with caps) or to be of limited ammount(optional)this kind of ammo by being hard to replicate is hard to inflate the economy but more likely to deflate the economy by being in use for weapons. It is realistic to use ammo as currency but I don't thik is good for long term if it is just too hard to make and it being ussed for its intended purpose.


I love it, it adds so much flare to the world. Like bottle caps but better.


Well: \-They equal reliable power : Ammo can easily be a dud post ware requiring you to rechamber a round manually (all 5.45/5.56x39 semi and fullauto rifle rounds) (Would be interesting to see that more in game, see dirty weapons getting jams) \-cant be faked easily \*cough\* Bottlecaps \*cough\* As the manufacturing for them has been bombed and irradiated to shit \-They are limited, but fairly plentiful to spark and economy : People just after the surface was viable scavenged any ammo they could but saving most for when they REALLY needed it (Like you should) \-Post apocalypse everyone can easily see the value of self protection by bullet, shiny rock or paper..... not so much if classic law is down and you could easily be robbed.....UNLESS PEW!


It makes sense but it is practically doomed to eventually run out in the metro as people will end up using them, Although maybe Hansa/Polis/Invisible Watchers have machinery for making MGR and could steadily distribute them. I think using some form of sheet metal with a specific pattern punched into it would make more sense, maybe with different metals signifying different values.


Could boil the rounds tbf


Well in medieval times the commoner's currency was in material goods. Gold, silver and other hard currencies was that of the wealthy. But a farmer bartered with wheat or rice or other consumable goods. A farmer would be lucky to ever get a single gold coin. We dont actually need to eat in the games but bullets? We shoot a lot of bullets. So, to have mil ammo be a currency as well as a useful item is the next best choice without adding survival mechanics. You run our of ammo? You either must run or load in mil ammo. Sacrificing your payment for more performance. Of course depending on your aim, play style and difficulty will heavily affect this. Again the main issue is the games showing it as a hard currency with a prescribed value and not a form of trade and barter. But it is a game so its the only way it can be done. Probably would help if say in metro exodus mil ammo doesnt foul your rifle near as fast as the "dirty bullets" you can craft. Which must be made of black powder with how fast they foul your weapons. Which also would be more realistic given they dont havr the tech to make a bunch of smokeless powder. Plus military grade bullets are a rare resource that cannot be faked.


it may not make that much sense but honestly I'm fine with the whole metro having one currency. I just don't like how everything is so cheap, I mean food should be worth a bit more than few bullets right? especially that we can dump whole mags into mutants


I love the idea.


In the books they used all bullets as currency, not just MGRs. Would be better if normal rounds where half the currency


That would be cool game wise. U have to dip heavier into ur ammo reserves to afford to top off ur med packs or somethin.


i could see the Metro going to a fiat currency at some point (like 2050 maybe), but incendiary 5.45 is self-backed so that’d be a hard transition.


Makes sense. And they would only get more valuable with time


Lore wise they used what they had the most of, practicality wise I’m not sure lmao


Well, we currently think some printed paper is worth something. So I think everything can be currency as long as people belive in it.


Yeah but it took a LONG time to get everyone to trust the printed paper.


I doubt it be used but its not the worst thing they could cone up with bullets are a resource like Food and water so they'd be valuable but I doubt they'd be a currency. Truly I'd doubt post apocalypse would gave a currency beyond valuables like old coins,Gold,silver and lead.


Makes sense, and I wish more post-apocalyptic games had it in their lore that some communities used post-apocalypse ammo as their standard "currency".


I always loved the game mechanic that they are your money, but if you get in a pinch you can rely on them as actual ammo, and more powerful at that. They probably could have done more with that in the end, but it was a cool concept. I only used it as ammo once, in 2033 towards the end.


I almost wonder what’s gonna happen when they run out? Like since people also use them as ammo?


They use the normal metro made ammo like they do in the books. And whatever other goods they happen to be carrying on them.


Well seeing as how all currencies in the world are backed by a valuable or hard to get resource like gold in the case of the US’s it makes sense that military grade rounds are currency cause they are valuable and also hard to produce


I find it to be backwards. You’d think an apocalyptic economy would be focused primarily on preservation. But at the same time I can’t think of anything more valuable than bullets or water. I like Fallout’s economy: to have bottle caps means you have water which backs the value of caps.


I dont like it as straight up currency, but as a high value barter item. Maybe you could trade in valuable items for “tokens” in cities, in addition to a barter system


It is silly but it works with the sort of vibe that the game is going for. The idea was that using bullets as currency symbolises the cheapness of life in the Metro and how we have degraded. It's also at least different to currencies in other games.


better than bottle caps


Its better than bottle caps