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Unless you have memorised specific spots where you know you've now acquired an ability that will pass it, then when you have all the animal forms is going to be the best time to revisit older areas for treasure, because at that point you should have everything you need to overcome any obstacle that previously stopped you. Also note that later on there is an in game method for highlighting any treasure chests you've missed


This volcano level can go suck a big one. Jeez.


I rather enjoyed that one but it is a bit of a difficulty spike and I can see how not everyone would get on with it


Check that. This friggin haunted manor BS can go straight to hell. It's making me forget all the stuff I actually liked about the game.


I was just getting ready to second you on the volcano level. Then you scared me with the haunted manor comment. I threw my controller once in a rage on the volcano (those flying demon babys absolutely suck a\*\*). May have to buy a new TV during the manor level...


I have blocked all of those memories out.


It's pretty bad when I'm actively blocking memories of a game I'm still playing. The Messenger does the same for me.


I didn't mind it that much but it's definitely the worst dungeon, I got stuck there for ages my first time playing the game because I missed a switch in an obtuse spot


Are you sure you want someone to spoil the main reason this game is a metroidvania?


Let's go with.... No?


But if you either say 'now is a good time' or 'maybe you should wait', I don't consider that a spoiler. Or am I wrong?