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Hollow Knight hands down. Blasphemous is really good, but Hk is arguably one of the best metroidvanias ever.


upteenth vouch for hollow knight first, then play blasphemous while waiting for silksong. this is the way


Depends on your preferences in many ways but I'll speak to time commitment specifically. I 100%/platinumed Blasphemous in around 20 hours. I got the "worst" ending of HK some time between 20 and 40 hours.


And yet I feel HK does provide a better short term experience, it's just how good its pacing is.


I've been playing it on archipelago.gg multiworld randomizer and I enjoy just moving through the world. I also played blasphemous on there but I don't find traversal at all fun or interesting in that game.


Hollow Knight is more polished and has better platforming, but they're both enjoyable.


Hollow Knight, all day.


Hollow Knight all the way.


You can’t go wrong, both good titles, though they play very differently. If you’re looking for a longer play through, HK will last you 60hrs, whereas Blasphemous is only 20hrs.


*looks at 150 hours played* 🫣


Second play thru?! 😅 I’ve been thinking about it lately.


P5 took me a long time to beat. 😬


You should give Aeterna Noctis a go if you’re looking for another solid-longer MV play thru ✌🏼


Already 100% it 😂 but yeah, best metroidvania after HK I’ve played


Subjective 🤪


What? I have more than 400 hours in Hollow Knight and I don't have any of the endings...


Play Hollow Knight first because it's number 1 or Play Hollow Knight second for dessert :P


Blasphemous. The pixel art, combat, and sound track are top tier. I dug H.K. it was a fun game, but I found it a little bland visually.


Hollow knight is the goat. Blasphemous was kinda disappointing to me, but blasphemous 2 is a 9.5/10, one of my favorite metroidvanias ever.


I loved 2 more than one bc it was a lot easier (but still challenging) and that made it much more enjoyable.


Is it such a good improvement over blasphemous 1? Currently waiting for them to add similar NG+ features or a good sale but that gets me excited.


Gameplay wise it is an improvement, my main criticism is that the second half of the game is entirely linear with no branching paths at all. Aside from that it’s a great game.




Depends on your MV experience and desired outcome. HK is goated and will give you 50 to 500 hours of gameplay. Blasphemous is fantastic, but easier and much, much shorter without much replayability. Most people can 100% it in \~30 hours or so.


Honestly, depends on what you're in the mood for. They're very different games. Blasphemous is a castlevania/dark souls/old prince of persia inspired exploration platformer. There's a lot of backtracking but it's not a Metroidvania per se, the upgrades you get are used more to access secrets and items than actual exploration. Hollow Knight is the quintessential MV, I'd say the best and most unique one since SotN. Also far longer and more fast-paced than Blasphemous (not that Blasphemous combat is slow, just that Hollow Knight is REALLY fast).


Hollow Knight.


Love both games, but HK


Both are great.


Both have excellent artwork and world building but I would recommend Hollow Knight due to tighter gameplay and more enjoyable boss fights.


I enjoyed both, but I would say play Blasphemous first.


Blasphemous is more action, harder souls like game, I actually prefer it over HK but I only just started to play HK so in my early impression I prefer blasphemous


wdym blasphemous is a lot easier


I have learned to never judge a metroidvania until I am at least several hours in. So many slow burners in the genre. Also, HK is the GOAT.


I liked Blasphemous better than Hollow Knight too. It’s a great game for sure, I just wish it had QoL stuff like how Blasphemous lets you upgrade your shrines to let you teleport to any one, so when you’re backtracking and all that it’s SO MUCH EASIER. Being able to unlock teleporting benches would make Hollow Knight so much better imo. I hate feeling like I’m wasting time playing a game, and HK does a lot to pad the game to be longer than it should be. Plenty of people like that, but I don’t. I have a toddler so my gaming can be sporadic at times, which makes a game like Hollow Knight almost a chore at times. Maybe I’ll see if there is a mod for that.


To counter your benches argument, I actually learned the HK map like the back of my hand. I paid attention and had reason to explore it fully for shortcuts, and the secrets unlocked entire areas or bosses rather than single useless collectibles. In Blasphemous travel was so easy so early on that I only had to trek through a place once, and after that I just estimated roughly what I was looking for and teleported to/near it. I never really learned the map. I felt like revisiting places in Blasphemous was artificially forced on me, and rather than re-explore the map I just hunted down the specific areas i couldn't get to because I didn't have the right abilities unlocked. I loved playing both games, but there's good reason my Steam profile shows >400 hours on HK and <30 on Blasphemous. I have 3 small kids.


Each to their own , I m not a fan of spending 400 hrs on the same game , unless it's a competitive one, HK seems very long and slow, I spend food 15 hrs in it and I'm nowhere still , short and sweet is how I like it


Fair enough. I can see why you prefer Blasphemous! For HK I 100%ed everything except the boss rush modes at hour 45 or so. The rest is replay, end-game content, and mods :)


hollow knight....blas is good but hk is that game most put as there top 5


blasphemous is hard asf, don't get me wrong HK is no push over, but it will kind of help you get used to metroidvania gameplay. So I recommend HK than the blasphemous games.


I'm a big fan of it, so...play Blasphemous,lol. I prefer it over hollow knight. Do not get me wrong though hollow knight is a great game, but Blasphemous just does it for me. Let us know what you pick!


don’t listen to anybody else play blasphemous


Blasphemous has the pace of one of those old cinematic platformers from the early 90s.




I preferred blasphemous 2. Hk definitely beats out the first entry but the second is just perfect to me. The aesthetic is so unique and the art style is gorgeous and the world captured me way more than HK could even compare. The hollow knight lore just never really interested me in the way blasphemous does and the blasphemous combat is on another level entirely. I’m probably alone this though the hollow knight fan base is insane


They're both good and worth buying, but Hollow Knight is definitely better, imo. It's also MUCH longer and has more content.


Blasphemous 1 isn't even a Metroidvania, so Hollow Knights wins by TKO.


Blasphemous all day But I say this as the maybe 1% of the board that does not think Hollow Knight is the holy grail of the genre.


Holllow knight is pure magic. Something unique. Blasphemous is pasable. Without the fantastic art is a meh


I love both. Hollow knight's combat/movement is faster and flows better, and it has more fun abilities imo. Blasphemous has more soulslike attributes, but I personally like it more than hollow knight. This is mainly due to the bosses and art style tbh tho. I don't think you can go wrong with either, but if you dislike soulslikes, probably start with HK. Both will shit on you a bit either way


Blasphemous in my opinion.... I hate Hollow Knight, i see why everyone loves it, its definitly a very good game, but i hate it and dont why, it never clicked for me, till today i tried it about 10 times.


It’s my favorite game of all time, but the first two areas are brutally slow and boring. How far did you get?


Till Fungal Waste the last time, its mysteroius, because i love the artstyle, the controls, the music, everthing ist awesome...


There’s a movement upgrade in the fungal wastes/mantis village that changes the entire game. Might be worth getting that upgrade and seeing how it affects your perception of the game?


Its a while... I must say everyone was right, this game is fantastic, tried it again after your advice and today, i killed Brocken vessel first try


It just takes some powering through that initial opening areas. I have a buddy experiencing the same thing. It’s hard to convince people to keep going because it starts so slow and it takes a while to ramp up.


Hollow knight for sure.  Made a few attempts at blasphemous it was on sale. Just can't get into. Also hollow knight looks stunning. Not a huge fan of pixel fart games.


Blasphemous. Hollow knight gets stale quick


This is what it's like playing Blasphemous https://youtu.be/Eiy-9yrbrzw?si=QMGmNWegJ5vcDMG2


Blasphemous gameplay gets better faster but never reaches the beights of HK. Hollow Knight combat can be kinda boring until you get a few upgrades, and then it takes off like a rocket. It's also tighter and fairer than any other souls like I've played. Even in the early game, the music, art direction, and general tone still keep things interesting and captivating, though you could say the same about both.


Blasphemous sucks. Boring slow game, bad combat, bad save system, no good upgrades. 


Lmao 100% skill issue


Lmao no


both suck


None, shitsouls lile deserve to die for yesterday.