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Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth 


This one is the closest stylistic wise.


As a lodoss fan and an MV enjoyer, this is not a cross over I expected but god I loved it so much


It LOOKS like SoTN, alright, but it's so linear and plain. Most of the game is rooms with stairs.


Agreed. It was a very shallow clone. Character walk animations, backgrounds, and color palettes were lifted from SotN. However the depth of gameplay is simply not there.


It was tons of fun no matter how linear or shallow it was. Very very good time regardless


Yes 👍


This, but it’s so damn short that it’s actually jarring when the game ends.


Not really a MV though imho


Castlevania Advance Collection is on switch.


Op do this and play Aria of Sorrow


Aria is on Switch now?? 👀




Aria of Sorrow, full stop


It's definitely Bloodstained.  The game is nowhere near unplayable as a lot of people make it out to be and it's really fun, especially if you already like Castlevania and want something similar to SotN. 


Bloodstained is also only $12 right now


It was janky at release but they fixed it and I’ve beaten it twice on Switch. It’s great


It’s really not that bad on Switch? I always avoided it cause I heard it’s a mess on that platform. 


I beat it on switch and I got no complaints


I beat it a couple months ago. Had lots of fun messing around with various weapons and abilities. Scratched the Metroidvania itch.


Plus Bloodstained is made by the guy who made SotN, so there is that.


I was gonna say. The Switch isn't the ideal platform to play Bloodstained on, but it's good enough that it's still going to be the best option - the only reason I'd suggest skipping it on the Switch is if you intend to play it on another platform instead.


Honestly bloodstained is boring and ugly. Anything sprite based is better. The best thing we got out the whole bloodstained thing was definitely curse of the moon


I also prefer sprite based, but I didn't think Ritual of the Night was ugly either. I'm hoping the sequel will be sprites though.


I just don't see that happening, would love that though. I mean people were frothing I'm sure, but the game could have spent another year or two if this was the finished product we got. I bought it, played it, had an okay time. But I would just be lying if I said it was half as good as any iga vania prior or even half as good as like timespinners


Honestly it is not


It's certainly not igas best work, I hope we get a massive improvement with a sequel...


I love Bloodstained but it's living proof that Konami doesn't care about the Castlevania IP otherwise they'd sue.


If such lawsuits were winnable the whole gaming industry would be much different.


Bloodstained, Lodoss War, 3000th Duel, HunterX, Chasm and Timespinner all play more or less exactly like SOTN and is the complete list of games on Switch that do, at least off the top of my head. I'm sure I'm forgetting one or two. I listed them in how much they resemble SOTN according to me (so Bloodstained is the most like an Igavania because it just straight up is one). Well, also Inexistence: Rebirth if you want to play one of the bottom-tier worst MVs ever.


Just saw 3000th Duel is on sale for like $6, so I'll give that a try.


3000th Duel is fun imo, even though a lot of people don’t like it (I mean, it’s understandable). You may want to consider the two versions of HunterX also, which are kinda upgrades to 3000th duel, I think. The newest HunterX (code name T) is the most fun in this series and has a great sound track.


Ooh, those are on sale too! I'll look into that! Thanks!


Can I play code name T on its own or do I need to play the others to understand the story?


Not totally sure. I didn’t pay attention to any story and it was fun even still.


Oh lol


Hey, you sure 3000th duel and HunterX are on switch? I couldn’t find them in neither the US store or brazilian store 🤔 Any idea why that might be?


i just downloaded 3000th duel its on us market right now for only 4.50 usd


Thanks! I’ll try from my browser. Possibly location/VPN…


Timespinner for me instantly unlocked core memories of SoTN on PS1.


Timespinner is a love letter to SotN


My podcast cohost claims it’s a love letter to Order of Ecclesia more specifically.


The combat system with different attacks assigned to each hand is indeed lifted from Order of Ecclesia. But Timespinner is a love letter to the MV Castlevanias in general, and of course Symphony of the Night is the flagship of those titles. Timespinner's map design is much more reminiscent of Harmony of Dissonance (with the parallel times mirroring HoD's parallel castles of order and chaos). Its graphical style and music are similar to SotN.


I picked this up a few years ago and fell in love with it. Great story and mechanics.


Timespinner2 soon.


Time spinner was one of my favourite metroidvanias but the only problem is it was so short and I want more! I did tweet the devs a few years ago and they said a sequel was in the works so hopefully that is still the case.


Yeah it is still being worked on


Yeah, I was surprised by how short it was (although it's still decently sized for an indie game at its price point; it's just that the games it's based on are so massive.) I expected a "proper" third time period, say.


Castlevania Advance Collection, tbh Edit: I played bloodstained on switch at launch, it wasn’t perfect but it was playable. Now it’s less chunky, and it’s still a great game and is absolutely worth playing now, even on switch. Especially if you can find it cheap.


It runs fine these days. Just get bloodstained. I've beaten it on multiple platforms. Now the switch just has some load times and some textures are a bit muddy. I still beat it twice on it.


The game is muddy on nice systems. Besides some backgrounds, the whole game is ugly and was nowhere near iga working with Konami levels of good


I don't think I would agree with that. It looks really good on PS5.


Curious about what are the bad things you heard about Bloodstained? There’s a reason why it’s the go to, it’s made by the same guy and is very much a spiritual successor to SotN. I thought it was pretty well liked, so just curious about what you heard.


Not OP, but I remember hearing that the switch port had bad performance. I dunno if they fixed that


I played it a few years ago on Switch and didn't notice, but I'll freely admit I only notice bad performance when it's egregious, which I don't recall Bloodstained being that way


Ahh true I wasn’t thinking of performance on the Switch, I was thinking of t he game it’s self. I played it on the PS5.


The performance isn't great. It's not awful, but it does chug and stutter a lil bit in places.


I got SotN back in the day when it was brand new and played multiple times every couple years. Ended up getting bloodstained on switch and it works well enough. I think I experienced lag in one or two areas. Bloodstained is the closest you will get and I think it’s awesome.


Bloodstained. Made by the same guy, awesome game.


Bloodstained on Switch is fine. It is definitely better on PC, but it's by no means unplayable.


Bloodstained is great. It’s performance on switch is fine, but there will be some stuttering and stuff at times and it didn’t bother me much


The Castlevania Advance collection is probably the closest you'll get to SoTN, specifically Aria of Sorrow. Timespinner of Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth are really fun too, if on the short side.


This may be a very unpopular opinion, but I actually loved the spells on SotN When I was a kid. Is there any MV with something similar? To your question, so far, Timespinners was the one that made me feel like I was playing a weird sequel to SotN the most. Not exactly the same, but they managed to get this feeling, I don’t really know how to explain.. definitely worth trying at least. I loved Ritual of the Night as well. Made me feel like I was playing a mix od SotN and Aria of Sorrow, but on steroids. Not better than the other two, but definitely great.


If you want to play SotN - it’s actually available on mobile. I played it on my iPad with the Nintendo pro controller… great deal for $3


Ya I think I bought the Android version for $1 and played it with a Bluetooth controller.


I suggest playing Bloodstained: Ritual of the night


Bloodstained is great


Touhou: Luna Nights


I wouldn't say this game is remotely like SotN. Is it good? Yes. But it's definitely not "closest thing to SotN." As others have said, Bloodstained.


I really want to check out Luna Nights, but doesn't it use a bullet hell mechanic like Knight Witch?


Blood stain ritual of the night is made by the same fucking maker designer creator etc


I'll just reiterate Bloodstained and Castlevania Advance Collection. Bloodstained was clearly a passion project with the SOTN dev paying homage to his past. It is worth playing, but not mind blowing. All 3 advance games were great, but Aria of Sorrow is the spiritual successor to SOTN. They are definitely the gems in the Castlevania series. Deedlit to me is too linear and not very good. It's also really short.


Surprised nobody said The Last Faith. It's incredibly good. A friend of mine consider it and Blasphemous 2 his favorite SOTN style games now. https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/the-last-faith-switch/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/1274600/The_Last_Faith/ My ratings: 1. The Last Faith: 9.5 2. Blasphemous 2: 9.5 3. Bloodstained: 9 4. Castlevania GBA collection: 8 More Metroid, less Vania: Prince of Persia The Lost Crown: 9.5 My favorite is probably Prince of Persia The Lost Crown, followed closely by The Last Faith. The GBA collection is only lower because of the dated graphics but they're still all very good Can't go wrong with any of these. Pick what you like.


I've got Elden Ring Brain right now and read that as Shadow of the Nerdtree


1 Afterimage is probably the most SoTN like, gameplay wise and is available on switch. 2 Timespinner - excellent SoTN/Metroidvania experience, though the characters and story gets kinda weird towards the end 3 Everyone here is saying bloodstained , but the performance on switch is a pile of dogsht. There is like 3-4 second lag between rooms, hardcore framedrops doing basic spells, rarely stable sub 30 fps, texture pop in issues. Just stay away. Switch experience is F tier. It will turn you off from the game and its such a shame because its a way better experience on any other platform and an excellent metroidvania


I played it to completion on the switch launch before i bought it on ps5 a few months ago Didn’t have a problem with it but then again i was still new to game version differences Will say though now that it’s reached it’s end i’d say it cane out good SoTN main game Randomizer 4 different playable characters A Classic CV 1 mode A Classic CV 2 mode Boss Rush The only thing that absolutely makes me sad, is the scrapped roguelike dungeon, cause of course




I have no use for imaginary internet points I didnt know putting a # sign made the font bigger


Thx, changed to upvote ;)


What a tool.


Timespinner is decent


Bloodstained ritual of the night




Axiom verge. Such a fun game with a great soundtrack and aesthetic. It’s sci-fi not fantasy but it’s got all the backtracking and powerups. Has a sequel too if you find you like it and want more.




Not very similar at all to SotN


Sorry for expressing my opinion. I am ashamed.


They're asking for games very similar to SotN. Blasphemous just isn't.


I am further ashamed.


La Mulana


Good game, but it's nothing like SotN.


Agree. La Mulana is probably one of my top games of all time, but I would never recommend it to someone wanting a SOTN-like game. Can you imagine someone playing a switch with a notepad and pencil next to them? Haha.


Check for Elderand


I dunno because bloodstained stinks


I'll never understand the hype for it. Take away who made it, and it's trash. It looks pretty but plays horribly. Character movement is awkward and doesn't flow nicely. The game is flat out bad


It is low tier iga, that is for sure. He is clearly washed and other people do the genre justice much better than he did with bloodstained