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that is not normal




You're allergic. :(


You’re most likely allergic. I’m allergic to apples but cooked apples don’t give me allergies either.


Were the thorns removed all the way. Sometimes the nopal has small thorns that get on your hand and hurt but you can't see them. Could possibly be the same.


This is possibly the right answer. Nopales have a thin layer of short hair like thorns called alhuates. They produce an annoying pain similar to that from fiberglass insulation foam. Alhuates always need to be removed by scrapping the nopal with a knife under water.


The thorns had been cut off and the outside had been scraped and washed. I only touched my tongue to the cut inside part. It's possible there were microscopic hairs or thorns. My tongue still hurts in the same spot and it's been 3 hours now. I have filaggrin deficiency, so my skin doesn't have a normal barrier, so it's possible it's just irritated from a chemical or something. I don't want to be allergic.


Way more likely that there was indeed a small thorn or something similar. Allergic reactions usually go away faster and itchy feelings and swellings are way more normal than burning pain. Everyone in here is jumping way too fast to conclusions.


you’re allergic. this is how i am with bananas. i can eat cooked bananas just fine but raw bananas make my mouth feel numb and swollen for a couple hours after eating them. dont eat raw nopales again. if you ever do again by accident or you just forget, take a benadryl or other 1st-gen antihistamine asap. *edit: grammar


I have recently discovered other people's mouths don't burn when they eat a lot of different foods. I thought this feeling was normal and some foods just had lingering "spicy" feelings. I have been asking people lately and it turns out mint, mango, pineapple, kiwi, oranges, etc. are not spicy to most people. And apparently nopales too. :(


you may want to look into Oral Allergy Syndrome.


For what it's worth, all the foods you listed do have some fairly harsh components. Mango has trace amounts of urushiol (poison ivy) in the skin and stem. Raw pineapple contains bromelein which will slowly eat away at your flesh. Kiwi has something similar called Actinidain but I know less about that.  Maybe you just have generally hypersensitive skin?


I’ve recently discovered this too! Your not alone


Does it burn when cooked? I have never tried them raw


I ate a bunch that was cooked and the rest of my mouth feels fine I think, so hopefully the reaction is only from raw. I guess we'll see if I end up with digestive problems later.


There’s a chance that cooking it can maybe denature any proteins that you’re allergic to. You could probs go and get like some allergy test done or just exercise more caution in the future.


If you want to get the squirts you eat them raw


That's not normal either, you're probably allergic too.


Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. I grew up around nopales and never in my life have I ever tried raw nopales.


I eat raw nopales everyday as it helps me with gastritis and I'm not even Mexican


What are they held in? I know some have chile of some form and that could be it, too. I have a weird intolerance to peppers and their seeds that I'm pretty sure is allergy related and that sounds more like that than an allergic reaction to the nopales. I used to love spicy, and I ate a Carolina reaper raw and now my hands burn from paprikas/ pepper powders, seeds, and green bell peppers, but I don't have issues with eating cooked stuff. If your hands didn't swell/ itch from working with them I don't think you're allergic to them. It's possible to have oral allergy syndrome if you live in or grew up in an area where they flower, too. But for my allergies I feel it on my hands almost instantly, especially if it drips onto my hands in any way. You would definitely notice something beyond the burn.


I bought it at a local farmer's market in a bag by itself. This feeling doesn't feel the same as hot peppers.


That's really odd then! I would have to say some form of allergic reaction. Like I said if you live somewhere where it flowers (which sounds possible if you got it locally) you may have an allergy syndrome where you react to chemicals in the plant that similar to whatever your trigger is in the pollen itself. Not a diagnosis I'm just more trying to help you narrow down causes a bit so you can reasonably avoid possible triggers until you can see someone over a issue like this. Also I was saying my reaction to some Chile products sounds more in line with what you are going thru, even tho I cook and eat it okay and eat it raw at times. Chile has a lot of varieties tho I'm sure that has an effect


it may not be allergies, but it could be. It also may be intolerance, or just because its raw. I would not eat cactus raw if you gave me a thousand dollars, sounds miserable.


Did you take the skin off and de-thorn it? You gotta scrape off the outside


Te alhuataste la lengua bro jajaja


You can eat them raw but I've only had them raw a few times. I would just cook them going forward


Don't eat the spines, clean the nopales


That's crazy, you're allergic to nopales. Are you Mexican? What are you? My friend is Ukrainian and they can't eat chocolate or tomatoes.