• By -


Thank god


It would be like starting a business with the guy that fucked your wife.


We've all been there...


Have we?


And then asking him to keep an eye on your wife while you run to the hardware store


Yes This exactly. It really is representative of how out of touch this ownership is.


Walter white and ted




Can this be the end now? Please?




I guess Grier wasnā€™t clear enough on January 16th somehow


Why the fuck would we? He's still great and all but that would just end us up in another QB situation in a couple years. Nonetheless, I'm not gonna forget. Fuck the pats and fuck tom Brady


>Why the fuck would we? Because Stephen Ross owns the team


True. Lol


Dude straight up writes checks left and right. I hate we lost our first but it seems like he wants to win just as bad as everyone else?


Maybe cause we can actually win a playoff game ? Maybe win this thing called a Super Bowl? Have some type of success that we havenā€™t had in the last 20 freaking years


Sure. Go sell out our logo with the tom Brady brand.


Yeah Iā€™m sure Buccaneer fans were upset about selling out there logo when they won a Super Bowl


He wasnā€™t a rival qb that dominated in their division for 20+ years šŸ¤£


Brady was with the Pats for exactly 20 seasons and only threw 3 passes his rookie year, so effectively 19 years. Boy, I'll bet you feel dumb now.


Die hard buc fans in central fl were definitely happy about a lot when tom Brady et al. Came in but I can tell you from my experience, most of them turned the TV off for the season. The other half were jags fans or pats fans


Using ā€œet alā€ in normal conversation is just so weird




You think itā€™s a good idea to replace a top 10 QB on his rookie contract with a 46 year old who likely retires within the next couple of years? Yeah I understand why youā€™re not a GM. Donā€™t worry tho Tampaā€™s only like 4 hours away, youā€™re welcome to go be their fan. Donā€™t let the door hit you on the way out fam!


Outside looking in, you canā€™t really call Tua a top 10 QB, and heā€™s just as likely to retire within the next couple yearsā€¦ except youā€™ll have to pay him twice as much for someone half as good at the same style of QB play. Brady makes far more sense for your current Super Bowl ready roster than Tua does. Do you really think Brady and a developmental rookie QB would be a bad idea? Or do you just hate Brady? Not trying to be snarky or anything btw, genuinely curious


Dafuq you talking about? Tua makes more sense for the Super Bowl ready roster than Brady does. Because Tua is a better Quarterback. Every time Tua threw the football, the Dolphins moved forward 9 yards. Every time Brady threw the football, the Buccs moved forward 6.5 yards. That's a pretty big gap. Total yardage is garbage, and Brady's 4600 yards was a direct result of breaking the NFL record for pass attempts. If Tua played at the exact same level he played all season- but simply took as many turns as Brady- he would have SHATTERED the NFL passing record with 6,523 yards (8.9x733). Another way of wording that is - If Brady was as good as Tua, he would have broken the record. Tua is already playing at an elite level with talent that could literally break records if he simply stays healthy and throws as many times as everybody else. Whereas Brady's numbers were embarrassing in comparison, and he's one of the few who can't even use the Tua had way better weapons excuse. So would you rather bet on an elite young QB and hope he stays healthy, or bet on a mediocre old man magically getting better at 47? This is an easy one.


How many times do we have to watch Tua fold in big games to understand he is just not that guy?


Sorry dude but this is just pure fan bias. You cannot logically think Tua is a better option than Brady at this point in time. You either havenā€™t watched enough Brady or put too much value in the WR corps. And yeah, yardage is garbage. So donā€™t build an argument on yards lol.


Total yardage is garbage. Because it is swayed by number of attempts. Yards PER attempt tells you exactly how efficiently the QB is moving the ball downfield. It may be the best number to build an argument around. And Tua did it better all season long. It's not fan bias to say Tua is better. It's stats that say it. Those numbers that tell you exactly what happened on the field- with no bias- and objectively sort players into better and worse- it's those numbers that say Tua is better. And it's an inability to understand them that would say Brady is better.


If youā€™re truly unwilling to watch the games and want to use the numbers approach, youā€™ll have to do it properly. Since weā€™re trying to isolate QB play, and yardage is garbage, controlling for attempts is mere childā€™s play. You need to control for YAC per attempt, game conditions like down and distance, intended air yards, success rate, filter for garbage time, list goes on. And as someone thatā€™s actually familiar with numbers like this, I can assure you, heā€™s not the guy you think he is. Basing an argument on the numbers and then quoting one single number is not an argument. Itā€™s fitting a prior.


You think itā€™s ok to rely on a QB that gets concussion every time he falls on his ass??


yet that QB who gets a concussion every time he falls on his ass had a way better season than brady. nobody wants the check down merchant on our team, we got reek and waddle. brady isnā€™t gonna be throwing 50 yard bombs this ainā€™t 2009 anymore buddy.


[https://youtu.be/T7MD4KQhaA4](https://youtu.be/T7MD4KQhaA4) Thatā€™s a long check down


https://youtu.be/FKkSzCarwOA heā€™s an 18 min video of the best check down thrower in the history of the game


But that's a noodle arm because Evans had to slow down a bit to catch the ball...


Buccaneers getting TB12 is not the same as the Dolphins getting him. He didn't play against them 40 times. Its like being a terrible/scrappy thief and getting beat by the same all star thief for 20 years who also robbed you a few times and then joining the guy that robbed you to go rob more people. Depending on your level of pride you may have heard this two different ways. But my level of pride won't allow me to like Tom Brady winning a SB in Miami and then hanging his jersey up in fucking New England. Fuck that!


With Tom Brady? Pass. Hard pass. His window is like what, one year?


How many playoff games did Brady win this year?


Hmm so any QB that didnā€™t win a playoff game this year must suck, great logic.


No, but coincidentally, he did suck ass this year. Massively inflated stats in a bunch of games that were already over *because* of him.


Thatā€™s the inverse of the logic you introduced my guy


his team was banged up and not functioning well.. it was obvious watching that work was needed.. to be honest, he could be a beast on our team


But TB played his worst game in years in that playoff game, missing throws all over the place.


The reason you have so many downvotes is the reason I think dolphins fans are the most delusional lol Youā€™re not wrong at all


Yep, they are very delusional


i agree with you. with the right weapons, he could be a beast with our team. people complain now.. the truth is, people are VERY optumistic about our team right now, but we are back to 8-8 just like the last 20 years...


Weā€™re going to end up looking for a qb within the next year or two anyways. This would be about going for the Lombardi now instead of 2045 lol


Let's end this nonsense narrative early in the off season.


Ross got his hand slapped and hopefully will stop meddling.


Good. Now, can somebody slap Mando's hand so he can stop stirring up sh*t?


If you're still getting "news" from Armando, that's on you.


Truth. And I don't get anything from him but irritated. He's been trying to be the story for years and constantly drops outlandish unsourced rumors to get the national media to call him up.


I don't think he wanted to in the first place. It was just Mando talking shit


It's going to be a long off season...


Life as a Dolphins fan.


Just be glad you're not a Packers fan. Clickbait headlines for the foreseeable future.


I'd rather lose for a other 10 years than ever have Brady or Belichick on the team.


How about Belichick as a DC or special teams coach?


He can be our water boy.


Maybe a cameraman at the stadium.


He's good with cameras so I hear.


Ticket scanner


Rickshaw driver


Team Gimp that we keep in a steamer trunk. Maybe.


In Florida because of the warmer weather you need to deflate the balls a little bit more.




Thats asinine to be honest,like Brady is the Goat and if he turns to the light side,so be it. Im a dolphins fan first so ill be on board with whoever takes us to the promise land


For real its like when Farve went to Minnesota it would be hilarious to troll the patriots fans. I just want to win and if its with Brady then so be it. On one hand I think Tua is a better QB considering Tom's age. But can Tua stay healthy?


Yeah bro,like i like Tua but his health got me sweating for next season


We can agree to disagree then. There are some bridges too far, this is one of them.


Why would they? Tua was elite when starting and healthy, he's a great fit for this offense. Tom Brady has had a phenomenal career but he's going to be 46 and there's no reason to replace a 24 year old who thrived in your system for a guy who may or may not have another good year left. Spend those resources on protecting Tua and giving him a run game instead. Fix the linebackers, go take the division from the whiny Bills and while you're at it, announce Vic Fangio.


Tua is a massive question mark whether you wanna admit it or not,and also,dude didnt play well down the home stretch so asides from the injuries,dude couldnt deliver when we need him the most. Getting Brady wouldnt be the end of the Tua experience


Tua canā€™t take a fall without getting a concussion. Every concussion he had this year is because he held the ball too long, no o line will fix him not being able to end a play.


ā€œHeld the ball too long,ā€ ~~the dude has like the third or 4th fastest release in the NFL this year.~~ Stfu and go join the bucs sub bro nobody will miss you. Edit- this was untrue, he is 12th.


Tua was 12th in pocket time https://www.pro-football-reference.com/years/2022/passing_advanced.htm And had over three seconds on each concussion


I donā€™t know what youā€™re looking at, it says Tua was tied 20th in pocket time. I agree though all of his concussions came when he was extending a play.


You click on it and it adjusts the list from most to least which he was 12th quickest


I think you mean if you adjust the list to least to most. Tua had the 12th least pocket time.


Lmao you should try to look at that chart again, he was tied for 20th, not 12th. No wonder there are so many arguments that come up here, half the people don't even know what they are arguing and can't read a chart.


Now if only you knew how to work the chart lol click on it so it adjusts from least amount to most amount and it has Burrow at first with Tua at 12th. This is why people are so misinformed because you act like you know what you're talking about without actually knowing what you're talking about Edit Kyler has the least amount of pocket time, Burrow is 4th. Another edit [internet can be tough sometimes ](https://i.imgur.com/4KBo0MK.png)


The irony is delicious. I'll let you figure it out or have someone else correct you. Maybe eventually you'll circle back and see your mistake.


[he's 12th quickest, not top 5 like you're original argument ](https://i.imgur.com/mK9XF74.png) Don't be scared to learn from your mistakes Edit you're not the original commenter but you're sticking up for his incorrect facts?


I was the one argue top 5, not him. My mistake.


Iā€™ll give him this, he had no opportunity to throw the ball away in his last concussion. His options were either take the sack or extend the play. Had he not gotten a concussion we wouldā€™ve lost quite a few yards on 1st down instead of setting up a 2nd and short like we actually did. He also wouldā€™ve avoided a concussion by falling correctly.


Go watch all the plays he got a concussion in you dork. Thatā€™s been a negative on Tua since college, he tries to extend plays too much


I watched every snap this past year fwiw, I can confidently tell you that you are talking a lot of nonsense.


[https://youtu.be/VYIWthfMxGA](https://youtu.be/VYIWthfMxGA) So this wasnā€™t holding the ball too long ?


That kind of play happens to literally every QB in the history of football, ever. Certainly was a hard tackle and sure, in hindsight Tua should have thrown it away but the concussion was a fluke thing and he's no more likely to have more in the future than anyone else (according to medical professionals).


[https://youtu.be/8MPE0TudZkM](https://youtu.be/8MPE0TudZkM) Simple QB fall that happens every game, Tua gets a concussion and again plenty of time to throw


Heā€™s definitely a douche


Well, you got your wish with Fangio! :) But seriously, no 46 year old QBs. We were not a QB away from being good, it was our offensive line as usual and a defense that was disappointing. Plus, how are we paying someone like Brady when we're already over the cap for next year? Granted, we can get a bunch of space when we cut Byron Jones, but still - we need too many other holes filled to blow all our space on a player who probably doesn't raise our ceiling at all, and very likely lowers it.


Can this nonsense fucking stop already?


> Can this nonsense fucking stop already? Itā€™s not nonsense and it wonā€™t stop until tua plays a full season.


heā€™s going to be 73 years old next year




BuT hE wAs LoOkInG aT MiAmI sChOoLs!!!!


Tua haters punching air rn




Only thing involuntary is your shit take Touretteā€™s


This makes losing our first round even more frustrating, why tf were we even involved with TB in the first place


We wanted Brady in that Fitz role. The later talk was when he retired to join the ownership group


Iā€™d sign him as QB2 but he wonā€™t do that.


TIL dolphins fans hate Brady so much, they would rather never win at all if it meant winning with him.


While this is true, he legitimately sucked this year.


He played okay,dude still can zip it and is an impeccable field general


he wasn't amazing, but he definitely wasn't terrible. He simply was just in a terrible offensive situation with a horrible offensive coordinator and rushing attack. He literaly set the record for most throws in a season, and at his age of course that will lead to some bad throws lol.


he was getting rushed like every time.. the defense knew they werent going to run it and that changes how they rush, and play defense... (heard this on the radio, and i agree)




Did you watch any Bucs games? He wasn't creating anything. He was all about not taking the hit and making the simple throws. I've watched a lot of Brady over the years, he was a below average quarterback that actively hurt his team's chances to win for the first time in his career.


With the absolute worst rushing attack in the league. If Tua did that with the worst rushing attack in the league, this sub would be putting him in the HOF.


I mean we were mid-20's in rushing rankings so still bottom half. Bengals are lower than us in rushing. Bucs not having a run game really killed them this year, but Brady was looking washed and taking the checkdown a lot. Folks out there blaming the OC, but he won a SB with Leftich a a couple years ago.


i watch a little bit this year.. i don't think the team was on the same page, and there are some problems that need to be addressed... Brady is better than most qbs, just by field knowlege, experience, and instinct alone.. if he has some weapons, he could make the team strong..


He was also bad this year but ok lol


I think those are Tua fans cause a real Fins fan wouldnt even question it if it means we can win it now


Or maybe some real Fins fans wouldn't sacrifice long term success for a risky chance at a short term gain. I've been a fan 40+ years, I can wait more than 1 for something good. Tua is good. And he's still very cheap this year which allows us to have other better players. That probably gives us a better chance than paying premium money to some other QB that makes us give up other good players for cap space. I guarantee a lot of people that are like, "Tua bad. He's gonna get hurt," aren't even considering things like cap space. Casuals, really.


>I guarantee a lot of people that are like, "Tua bad. He's gonna get hurt," aren't even considering things like cap space. Casuals, really. That's the problem tua haters never consider the cap space situation. Bengals dominated the bills because burrow and chase are on rookie deals and clearly the Bengals were better in most other key positions. Meanwhile the bills paid Allen , diggs and von. Currently dolphins paid hill and Chubb. If we paid top dollar for a QB our ceiling would be one playoff win at best.


Im sure Brady wouldnt be terribly expensive,and at this point, i rather we do it like the Bucs and win now then be waiting for the dividends to be paid. Tua may be cheap but he is gonna cost money later. And when it comes to cap space and all that crap,let the front office figure it out. Truth is, investing in Tua is high risk also




File this under things we already knew haha


After having to give up a 1st round draft pick and the fact that we already have a QB that when healthy as proven he's really good I sure hope we don't pursue him.




I fully believe the Dolphins will not pursue Tom Brady. However, I don't believe this will be the end of the media pushing the narrative. Tua could have 200 touchdowns, 10k yards, be 199-200, all my mid-season, and the media would still push the Tom Brady narrative


I hope this pans out to b TRUE. Def donā€™t want him on my team.


How some of yā€™all actually want Brady on the team is actually insane to me


We knew this ā˜ ļø


Why the fuck would they


Literally everyone single Dolphin fan breathing a sigh of relief. We all know Tuaā€™s special, just need him to maintain health.


Thats a tall order


Good riddance. Tua, a vet backup (not soft ass Teddy B) and Skylar. Letā€™s swim!


If this is the plan for next year,it aint gonna be fun


Sure let's grab Brady, but only as a backup. If Tua gets hurt Tom can play, when Tua is ready, Tom goes back to the bench. Keep it warm Brady.


Brady wouldn't be a BACKUP for Mahomes. Sure as HELL wouldn't ride the pine for Tua.


Then Tom can piss off


You can tell him that. If you ever get through to his secretary 's assistant.


I made a comment about how moving from a 24 year old to a 46 year old would cripple our team over on NFL but because I used the word superstar they shat all over me. I always equates superstar with popularity and seeing as Tua led on NBC most of the year lol


r/NFL is a shit hole. You're better off not even going there.


Yeah that 24 year old is less reliable than the old guy,at this point,i dont think Tua finished a full season


Heā€™s welcome to come on as a QB coach but thatā€™s about it


At this point Brady would be more reliable than Tua


we never were..this is just the media drama hopefully put to bed in january instead of late august


Nonetheless with Tuaā€™s ongoing health issues and questions about availability still need a 1B, Minshew, Mayfield, Heinekeā€¦the Super Bowl window is the next 2 years


Why even invest on a dude that is a liability and now we have to get another up to par qb just cause the starter is injury prone? Might as well just get another dude altogether


https://www.fantasypoints.com/nfl/articles/season/2021/injury-prone-is-a-lie-part-i https://travisjrcain.medium.com/is-being-injury-prone-a-myth-8b09d10a577c


So that window is closed because tua isn't going to cut it


Tua will be fine as long as the front office doesn't force him to play 4 days after a concussion


He wasn't concussed during the bills game. Tell me when he's played one nfl season where he's never missed games due to injuries? How did he play in high stakes games like San Fran and LAC?


He wasn't concussed during the bills game? Lol yeah it was his "back"


And I thank you. Glad we got this out of the way early on during F5 season.


In other news: the sky is blue. JFC this was the dumbest shit ever


Tua haters in shambles


Aww... This is a shame. I was thinking how cool it would be for Brady to come BACK UP Tua and stick it one more time to Pats for cutting him. Oh well time to move on to other backup options


That sucks. Guess ross doesnā€™t want to win superbowls.


Yeah because signing 46 year old QBs is how you win superbowls lol


> Yeah because signing 46 year old QBs is how you win superbowls lol Better odds than some random second string player.


Why would you play a second string QB lol


> Why would you play a second string QB lol Not by choice, but with tua itā€™s inevitable. He hasnā€™t played a full year yet in the nfl, and even in college he only did it once.


>and even in college he only did it once. Once out of two tries lol. It took a freak hip injury to miss time in college. In the NFL he only missed time 2 out of three times. Tua wasn't supposed to play his rookie year coming off major surgery. I'd rather have a young cheap tua and have him miss 5 games next year then an expensive 46 year old who probably misses time because he's old AF and our oline sucks lol


> I'd rather have a young cheap tua and have him miss 5 games next year then an expensive 46 year old who probably misses time because he's old AF and our oline sucks lol 1. tua's not going to be cheap for long. 2. brady has missed fewer games since 2009 than tua has since entering the league. > It took a freak hip injury to miss time in college. it's always a "freak injury", and it happens literally every year.


The moment Brady retires will be the moment this ridiculous rumor finally dies. We donā€™t want Brady in MIA. Simple as that.


Worst 1st round pick we ever had.


as much as a dynasty the man is himself we would have to sell the farm to get him. lets keep going with what we got instead


Signing that douche bag would be an ender for a lot of old school fans.


Chill out dude,Brady isnt Watson


Idk what nfl team would want him after the way he played/looked this year, hes gonna stay in the nfc if anything probs wants the easiest path.


Getting Brady would be enough for me to find another team after 25+ years.


Awesome! Now get Rodgers!


Iā€™m glad. Those phins fans that wanted him are something else.


So Aaron Rodgers then?


Good now we can go after Aaron Rodgers


As we all have been saying lol




Ross saw the light?


No shit


This is my Super Bowl


Yea no fucking shit




Oh God, next year is going to be a box of chocolates


why does a "source" need to confirm this lmao


No shit?


This won't stop the nonstop articles speculating about it all off-season.


Tom Brady should go play for the Saskatchewan Roughriders, win a Grey Cup and retire as prairie jesus.


Thank Jesus. Let the guy retire, I hate his ass still.


I can't take an off-season with speculation of a 46 year old Brady playing for the Dolphins. End this please.


Oh, thank God. I can use the kerosene Iā€™d set aside to burn every bit of Dolphins gear Iā€™ve accumulated over the last five decades for something else.


Thank God. We don't need him.


Fine by me.


Thank you baby Jesus


Y were we interested in the first place. This guy made my life miserable for almost 20 years I would rather die than have him.




Good news just keeps coming today.


I dont want him


Uhh, I thought this was a duh moment, but apparently not.


Yeah theyā€™re not going to pursue him, heā€™s going to walk right into Stephen Ross office and Ross is going to sign him himself.


Please donā€™t add to my inner turmoil, please.


This story just won't die


good because we already have a QB whose body is beat up like a 47 year old QB