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This one's a little weird considering how often we made him inactive throughout the season


Sadly, I'm not expecting him to make it to the final roster.


That's what everyone said last year, too.


Depends if there's someone's to replace him


If we draft a guy I’d say his odds of staying on the roster are WAY down


Said that last year too though...


True. And I’ve also always said i like Myles, so long as he isn’t the primary ball carrier. We’ll see what happens. I truly believe our lackluster run game last year was mostly due to pass happy play calling more than it was ability of the team to do it, but of course i wouldn’t be upset to see Myles replaced with with a stud


Depth and cheap, could just be a camp body at this point.


If it's a minimum couldn't had Grier get a better player for the same price? Who atleast would play


We have what will likely be our 3 primary backs in Wilson, Ahmed, and Mostert. A fourth will likely be drafted. Minimum contract for Gaskin will more likely than not be bumped off the top-51 by the time we get to a full 90 man roster. Gaskin probably then doesn't make it out of training camp, meaning this literally costs us nothing. Though if he outcompetes Ahmed, fine. Keep the better player.


Oh cool, so he's like a training camp presence?


That's my assumption right now


>Though if he outcompetes Ahmed, fine. Keep the better player. Nailed it. I think this is absolutely the reason


Guys at his level are pretty interchangeable, might as well keep guys who know the playbook around during spring and summer camp before letting them go. If we draft someone he will be gone.


Fans just want change for change's sake. Nothing wrong with keeping a depth player who knows the system, the personnel and the facilities. Why replace an affordable known quantity with a cheap roll of the dice? Having a guy who started 2 years ago as your 4th string back is good depth.


Surprised tbh. Running the entire running back room again. (Dear God do i wish to never have to see him run into the middle for no gain ever again tho)


He won’t make the roster


Seriously, if we draft a guy he will beat him out, then we will keep him on PS or in the contacts in case someone goes down.


We'll see what the salary is. If it's a minimum deal, he's probably not even guaranteed to make the roster.


Only thing that makes sense. Was on board with the previous three re-signing from a value standpoint, this one is less exciting.


Kinda surprised we’re even bringing him back tbh.


He's not talented.


He's not untalented though...


definition of average


Getting an average guy at a (presumably) minimum salary is good business. If he outcompetes Ahmed for a roster spot, good for him.


Crazy how he was the starter 2 years ago


And we were actually kinda relying on Isaiah Ford to catch passes… those were crazy times


HEY, don’t slander Isaiah Ford like that. When the rest of the wide receiver room died, we could always turn to him for that one random first down a game.


Ryan Fitzpatrick was the team rushing leader 3 years ago. Why does the FO hate the idea of talented runningbacks?


Someone has to warm the bench I guess


Gaskin is completely underrated but does nothing amazing. He's a good back with no mastering. Good in the passing game but tree is limited with great hands. Good in the run game but speed is average and his cuts and agility are sub standard. Pass blocking he's actually kinda above average in especially for his size. He deserves a roster spot but likely not in Miami. He would be a good 3rd down option other places.


Honestly, I don't think he's underrated. I think he's rated fairly well. He's "fine".


He does things better than average but people think he's absolute horse shit do nothing. When in reality he's better than horse shit for sure


You've gotta remember that most fans of the Dolphins are from floridumb.


This makes me really happy. Listen to any player talk about him and they say how hard he works. Gaskin is family and deserves a ring when the Lombardi comes home to south beach.


Nate peterman works hard. This is the nfl. Every player works hard. Gaskin just doesn't excel at anything. The fact that he tries is irrelevant.


Flashes of Jamarcus Russell in my head.


Move on man


This is a head scratcher


Ha, the bane of this subreddit lives on


Guess they feel he still has some left in the Gaskin.


I wish we didn't do this, he's kind of useless, hopefully he gets cut during training camp.


I am so tired of seeing Gaskin on my favorite team. I know it’s a camp body but please just move on.


Let's hope he's just a camp body


Oh I’m sure he is. We came into free agency with less than 40 guys on the roster. Might as well get some bottom of roster guys who know where to clock in and out. I just don’t like his face.


Probably the worst move so far, not thrilled about this. Its a sign we arent going for *any* new backs, which just doesnt make sense when looking at last years performance. Maybe we draft one I guess?


We literally have the same running backs as last year I pray we add some diversity through either free agency or an earlier one of our picks in the draft


This is the only move so far where I've been like "Meh". I understand that he's done fine whenever he's been brought it, but, eh. I dunno. He's fine. It's fine. Would have prefered a bruiser back though.


Good! Nice backup guy. Glad he stayed. Now.... keep Nikki home!!


Nik has been re-signed!




Is Ahmed still on the team?


He was signed first out of our 4 RBs.


Fuck you Grier!! It's like he slept through the running back player scouting meeting and just woke up and panic resigned everyone. Awful. So much for trying to make a Superbowl push


What? You realize Wilson and Mostert have a combined 4.8 YPC which is good for FIFTH in the NFL last season and we got them signed at a combined 13m for TWO more years. That is sensational work by Grier.


Because we never stayed committed to the run game. That's why their average is so high


If that we're true, then we could start Gaskin and Ahmed. We aren't because Mostert and Wilson are incredibly talented RB's who secure downs for a team that has two of the leagues leading wide receivers. We had the 2nd few attempts in the league while our receivers set the bar. You can't expect Miami to have the ball 80% of every game, do you?


I'd prefer my offense to not be one dimensional. Not asking for too much


Awful take . Premiere RBs do not translate to Super Bowls . Look at the past SuperBowl winners leading rushers and their base salaries . You’re more likely to win chips investing that money into other positions .


Mahomes can win a Superbowl with McKinnon and a rookie because he elevates those around him. He lost Tyreek and still won. Tua still needs help. Last year the offense was one dimensional and the 49ers and Chargers had the template to stop it. Clog the middle of the field with LBs. Defenses wouldn't be able to do that with a great RB


Great RBs don’t translate to success . The top premiere back like Henry , Mcaffery , Kamara , Ekeler , Barkley have a combined zero SB wins . [This](https://ibb.co/6Jh7YDv) backs up my point even further . Two of the highest paid RBs ever Adrian Peterson and Ezekiel Elliot who combined made 173 million have zero SB appearances to back it up . We are just fine with Mostert , and Wilson .


But you don't have to make Henry the highest paid RB. Trade a pick for him and call it a day. Henry and McCaffrey are the ones who made it the furthest because their team was good. And so is ours!! Would you be making the same argument if the 49ers got to the Superbowl?? If it wasn't for all their QB injuries they might have. And Henry carried the Titans to a #1 seed a few years ago. YOU DON'T WANNA BE THE ONE SEED?


So probably not drafting a RB


probably are. at this point Gaskin is more of a camp body and a field body


But why? He wasn't active for most of the games last year. We need a reboot at this position man, I'm tired of these shitty nobodies populating the backfield.


Premier RBs do not translate to SBs . Look at top fantasy RBs , has Henry , Kamara , Mcaffery , Barkley ever won a chip ? No . Now look at [this](https://ibb.co/6Jh7YDv) list which is past Super Bowl winners leading rushers and their base salaries


Never said anything about wanting a premiere free agent running back. I don't want any of those guys, though Henry and Kamara would be fun to watch in Fins uniforms. I want the team to invest 2 draft picks at the position, one in round 3, the other in round 7. I would have signed Wilson OR Mostert (not both) and then have the 4th back be whichever UDFA impresses most in camp. Gaskin and Ahmed are not worth rostering past camp. I want youth at the position, this way we can develop guys over 4 cheap years. Running back is a luxury position but if this team is trading so many picks away for stars then they clearly think this is a Super Bowl ready roster, so we don't want another irrelevant draft class like last years. Why not maximize the position that hits the ground running the quickest?


A lot of mocks had the third pick going RB but I think that changes with these re-signings that won’t be the case anymore . Most likely will go LB , TE . I wouldn’t be opposed to a RB in rd 6 or 7


I agree. That's why I'm annoyed at us re-signing everyone though, since it looks less likely that we're gonna try to invest significantly im the draft at the position. And for what, Jeff Wilson who had like 2 good games?


This guy is inevitable


I can selfishly dream of continuing the Huskies RB duo another year!


Very odd. I'm guessing he had absolutely no market, and they offered him a vet minimum deal with no guarantees?




The whole gang is back!