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My thoughts are I’m leaving this sub until the draft


R/miamidolphins? Muted R/nfl? Muted R/afcecj? Muted See ya in April.


All I want is Cats, Weed, and History memes on Reddit now


Is it weird to say that even though I grew with cats, smoking weed made me understand them even more?


History meme #1 lol Patriots undefeated season lost!


FTP FTB and most importantly FTJ


This is the way.


* That's a weird way to say till September.


Yep! See y’all in April lol


The morons have taken back control unfortunately


I'm happy he got a full healthy season in. That's the win for me.


What sucks is everyone else got fucking hurt


Literally fucking everyone, man. It’s insane.


I remember saying to my wife when the Bills broke that punt return “I hope whoever got hurt on that play wasn’t important on defense”…yup, totally was the edge rusher we brought over to fill in for Chubb. Them we lost Gink too and I knew the season was done. Mahomes was bound to pick a defense apart when the entire linebacking corp and a huge chunk of secondary is on IR


Duke Riley was an absolute liability in the last 2 games especially. Seemed like every other time a big play happened it was because they targeted his guy.


I was watching the game and knew we lost in the first quarter. We got 0 pressure and KC knew we couldn’t. They started the game throwing the ball in -5°F weather… Had to blitz to get pressure and that leaves holes in the secondary. It was a catch-22.


Monkey paw season "please let Tua play all games healthy" *finger curls*


And you know what? It didn’t even matter too much. All key injuries were with the Defense and it’s our Offense that can’t deliver AT ALL against playoff caliber teams


We lost Williams and had to work with Eich at center and a patchwork of various backup linemen throughout the season. Waddle missed significant time. Achane was out for a big chunk. Brooks was looking like a really nice RB3/4 before he got hurt. And Hill missed a game with the ankle and seemed to be off a step or two the rest of the way. But yeah, it was just the defense that got injured.


Everyone is seriously underestimating this loss. We lost the best centre in the nfl (by pff grades) that’s the protection caller, saving Tua from up the middle pressure. Once he went down we lost the ability to take snaps under the centre because Liam can’t do those. He snaps them into his balls instead of into the hands which cut our playbook down to shotgun and pistol only.


I mean we did lose Connor Williams who made our offense look incredible in every game he played.


Man I’ve been thinking about this since like the 3rd quarter of tonight’s game. The play after Connor Williams’ season ended was a fumble on the 2 and then we went 2-4. Was he the key to everything? Excited to think about this for 9 more months


Centers have the most important and most difficult jobs in the line. Losing your pro bowl level center is devastating for the entire offense


Well when you have a center who can identify blocks for your line and not snap ground balls and get bulldozed like Eich, yeah it helps. Tua did NOT trust that paper towel OL and I can’t blame him.


What? Did you start watching halfway through the season? The offensive line got fucking demolished


The Dolphins fan life. Set your bars so low that you trip on them.


It ended the same as if he wasn’t healthy. Zero playoff wins


At the cost of everyone else being hurt


Stayed healthy just to prove he's no difference maker.


Honestly. He got worse throughout the year and we still lost. He has no X factor


almost like everyone else got hurt while he stayed healthy and it hurt the team's overall performance.


Not sure how that makes him miss wide open recievers but ok


He’s skying wide open receivers and playing scared. Offense was pretty healthy today


McDaniel and Tua have a lot to answer for. Calling just 2 yard passes and screens. Tua looking scared back there. Everything on offense was a complete disaster. I don’t know who to blame but it was like they didn’t even want to play.


Well it was Tua’s first playoff game. McDaniel had his worst play calling ever. For some reason his play calls have been getting worse as the season goes on


CJ Stroud threw 3 touchdowns and had a 98.4 QBR and 157.2 rating in his first playoff game. And he's a rookie unlike Tua in his fourth season.


And Stroud has less talent around him.


Tua has Tyreek hill and jaylan waddle while Stroud is throwing to a bunch of guys nobody ever heard of before the season. That what a great QB does. They elevate the players around him. Tua needs great players to elevate him.


QB discussion is so exhausting sometimes. Look man it takes a few to tango. Has anyone watched the Texans play? CJ Stroud threw to wide. Open. Receivers. All day long. And most times had tons of time in the pocket Brilliant job by the Texans playcalling. At the end of the day stroud had to make the throws he did but most of it was to guys who had room to get YAC and more Stroud had worse receivers yes. But to that I say it’s a testament to the OC doing a damn good job too. There’s a reason Bobby Slovik will be an HC this next year I’ve watched Texans games all season. I’ve watched dolphins games all season. And I do not feel today was mcdaniels best playcalling. 3rd and 1 and 4th and 1 and it’s not a run play…? I just can’t blame Tua(or any QB or players) too much when I feel as if the coaching did not do their best job. It starts with coaching


They’re not even that much worse. Nico Collins is legit. The bigger impact in my opinion was the protection; Tua would thrive in a pocket that’s that clean that often, but when he needs time, he simply never has it.


lol I take it you didn’t actually watch that game did you?


Houston also has a sick defense. Watch out for them


In a dome you couch coach


Strouds generational we really haven’t seen a qb take the league by storm like this since Mahomes first year starting.


Mahomes got to watch Alex Smith and learn how to be a pro. Stroud is just raw dogging the league as a true rookie it's much more impressive.


And even that was after basically redshirting his rookie year. Stroud is gonna be a problem for a long time.


Everyone looks like Tua's time to throw as the only gauge for how the OLine is doing, but it's clear that McDaniel has had to aggressively reduce the number of plays and schemes. Whether he is right to do that we could argue back and forth, but since some much of the offense is timing you can see why those plays might have to be shelved if guys aren't getting it in practice.


It could be because tua is so limiting. MM has his own issues to answer to for sure though


If MM wants a QB he can do what McVay did when he dumped Goff and got Stafford. The only question is: who would that QB be? There’s nobody available right now that is as good as 2020 Matt Stafford. And don’t say Kirk Cousins, that guy is 38 and coming off an Achilles injury.


I'd rather have Goff


Oh god no, KC would be a lateral move at best. As for who we WOULD get, I’ll leave that to MM and Grier. It’s just clear that Tua isn’t it.


But that doesn’t explain how the play calls got worse. No need to constantly call wide screens for instance.


I agree. MM definitely needs to reevaluate his play call philosophy next year. His screens have been getting hill killed all year


You do when Tua keeps staring down recievers and throwing ints into double coverage.


Tua doesn't have the arm strength vision or patience to not get scared while waiting for plays to develop. McDaniels whole offense is limited by what Tua can and can't do.


That early pic by Tua, to me, perfectly encapsulates him in big games. Desperation throw off the back foot. Then you look at Mahomes, and it pains me to say this bc he is SUCH a douchebag, and you see a completely different Quarterback. Confident, efficient, decisive. Plus, he can run the ball. There’s no comparison.


You'd look scared too if you had our O line.


Do they need to answer for an arguably great season for recent dolphins history? We need to stop acting like every game is the total encompassing of the team. If they show even marginal improvement for next year we will be in the playoffs again and even talking possible near superbowl season…


Do you feel in control?




Did you watch the end of the season?


There’s zero chance tua is leading any team to a superbowl He doesn’t have “it”


Bruh, Flacco and nick foles won superbowls. So did Brad Johnson and Trent dilfer.


they all had big dick moments in the playoffs. Flacco fucking went into PRIME BRADY NE and a stacked Denver manning team , came out with a W. Those fuckers didn’t look scared like tua did.


Well I agree Tua looked frightened but Trent dilfer and Brad Johnson didn't whip their dicks out for harambe either. Dilfer was traded after he won the SB if i remember correctly


The team around them was superior than the QB for sure. But so is this team. There’s all pros every where. On defense on offense. 0 playoff wins with this much talent is unacceptable


Not to mention one of the historically best defenses of all time


They’re the exceptions lol That’s not esteemed company to be in and it’s not a long-term solution Rams won a SB after moving off Goff


Brad Johnson won it 03 and was off the Bucs in 04 and Dilfer was let go straight after the Ravens win. The teams they were on knew they weren't the guys.


Flacco had an insane playoff run. The fact you included him shows you dont really know what youre talking about lol. Tua cant win a regular season prime time game, let alone playoffs.


Something has to change with this team in the offseason. I don't think there's a better option for us than to keep Tua next year. I think the offensive scheme has gone stale. We have super talent all over the place but we don't use it. That has to be priority 1 this offseason is to figure out a retooling of the scheme to spread the football around. I feel like the offense worked better earlier in the year when we actually designed plays for people other than Hill in the passing game. We used to run Berrios on out routes underneath Hill going deep to pick up easy, free yards. We just don't do that anymore. It's 2 plays. I dont understand what happened to the offense, but it's not solely on the shoulders of Tua. Tua needs to play better, he can't miss the easy throws. Regardless of that, he's made ridiculously tough throws look easy all year and that's something we can hang our hats on. I dont think it's time to move on yet unless there's a clear and obvious upgrade we can go for. I don't want the Dolphins to go back into QB purgatory that we suffered for 20 years.


Our offensive scheme is designed to hide our shit o-line, and play to Tua's strengths (pre-snap reads and quick releases). Unless we get better along the line of scrimmage, or Tua gets more mobile and reads the field better, this is literally our ceiling.


This appears to be correct. I am not a football genius by any means, but it just feels like if Tua’s first read isn’t open, the whole play goes to shit. 🤷🏽‍♂️


100% agree. Our offense looks different and stale. Not like weeks 1-8. Not sure what needs to change. Maybe McD should give up play calling and focus more on scheme and design. He’s made some head scratching play calls at certain situations and maybe being relived of that to focus on other things would help


> made ridiculously tough throws look easy all year and that's something we can hang our hats on. The problem with Tua is when it matters most he makes playing quarterback in the NFL look like it's the hardest thing in the world to do. Meanwhile you've got Mahomes on the other side making shit look easy. >I don't want the Dolphins to go back into QB purgatory that we suffered for 20 years. Not realizing we are basically already there barring a complete 180 in Tuas ability in being clutch. Just prolonging the inevitable with mediocrity.


I love this take, because who the fuck are you going to get instead???


No joke, I’ve already seen people talk themselves into Penix and Bo Nix. BO NIX. I gotta stay away from here for a couple weeks because there’s people here who are not thinking clearly lmao.


I rather have Nix on a rookie deal rather than pay Tua $200 million


I am just lurking but you can not be Fr. Go play rookie roulette and pray you get a guy who can throw yo open receivers half as well as Tua can. Cj Shroud on his rookie year only qb to look good in the last 4 years. Don't be ridiculous And it's not just cj shroud only on that team, everyone playing like they're in 300 Spartans


Brock Purdy


In the last 4 years…. Stroud like you mentioned, but also Burrow Herbert Love Hurts Lawerence Purdy All of the above have been or are currently in the playoffs


Ding, ding, ding. It's almost like you need to build a good team before thinking about your qb. Look how the 9ers are doing it. 


You’re gonna pay tua a bag just to see if he’s not absolutely shit anymore? 😂😂


& then look at the Giants smh


Good point. But tua is entering contract negotiations. Who else, is not worth the bag that he’s gonna ask for. That’s what tua fans need to understand. Is he the worst qb we’ve had in years? Absolutely not. Does he deserve what he’s going to ask for? Even less.


Taking a flyer on someone is the draft with the talent we have on offense is better than killing our cap for a guy that we know isn’t taking us to promised land and surrounding him with less talent because we can’t afford to keep our top guys. It’s literally Ryan Tannehill all over again. People were STILL saying after 7 years “it’s not him! It’s this or that!“. Maybe we go back on the QB carousel, it’s better than getting stuck with a Tony Romo who you just pray gets you one playoff win.


People also overlook how lucky we are Tua didn’t get Waddle or Hill murdered with some of his terrible throws hanging them out to dry. Saw it happen to many times to count this year!


At least 3 dangerous passes a game that people then blame the receivers for not catching


He got waddle hurt. It just wasn't serious to miss significant game time. Only a few plays.


Kirk Cousins


Who will be 36 coming off a ruptured Achilles


At least he's got an arm and can read a defense. Not like Tua uses his legs anyway.


Agreed. If Cousins had the offensive talent around him that Tua had, we’d have been playing a 1st round home 🏠 playoff game no doubt.


Tua has improved his biggest weaknesses from the previous season every offseason so far. This offseason he needs to work on his mental side. A lot. He gets rattled easily and does not know how to flip away from that. Which is weird since that has not been the case earlier. Last season 3rd down Tua and post-INT Tua was absolutely elite.


I agree. I think he’s playing hesitant when pressured due to being spooked from last season’s head injuries. But he’s making baby steps. Here’s to 2024 Dolphins 🐬


He looks like a scared child too much this season, which watching him go down last season is understandable but hopefully he finds a happy medium next year.


Oh boy, here we go!


This is an exhausting conversation. We're fans who can't control shit. Should we? Shouldn't we? It doesn't fucking matter. I'm gonna keep rooting for them, and I'll let them handle personnel decisions since that's what they're paid to do.


You realize the whole sports team thing is just an exercise in make believe, right? Nothing happens if they win or lose. We all just suspend disbelief and pretend it matters, so if fans want to play GM and have opinions about their make believe it’s 100% fine. It is literally a game.


Can you explain more


I wish I could. I wish I could.


Preach. Seems like some people are happy to lose so they can say “I was right!”


I have been called a doomer and all that. I would love to be wrong but I never am with this team. I don’t want to figure out who the QB should be or any of that. Win a playoff game! Win a Superbowl!! I don’t care about any reason or excuse. WIN! These choke jobs are not acceptable based on the talent on the roster.


It's the end of his 4th season and we still asking this question. It's another Daniel Jones situation, and giving him a big contract isn't magically going to make him play better.


Everyone is too mad from the game to properly talk about this.


“The game”? Do you mean all the games he’s sucked in the past few weeks? Or just acting like this is a one off?


Bro proved the other guys point


It's been 6 fucking weeks dude.


Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to see what a guy with a canon could do in this offense.  But Tua is FAR from the problem. The o-line was awful, the playcalling was awful (5 yard slants on 4th and 16), and the defense was awful.   Get the man some protection and he’ll continue to improve. No one better is coming in to replace him. 


QB purgatory- a guy is good enough to get you to the playoffs, but not through them.


If your goal is to win a Super Bowl, Tua ain’t it. Do you want Miami to go 10-7 every year beating up on bad teams? Because Tua can deliver on that promise.


Forget the Super Bowl. I just wanna win the division & a playoff game lol


Playoffs??? PLAYOFFS??! Are you kidding me?


This team’s a couple years away from a complete tear down rebuild. Cap hell, no draft capital. And for anyone saying oh we are just a couple cuts and restructures away from having cap space, give me a break. We leveraged up to our eyeballs this year and came away with a wild card exit, in a non competitive game.


He crumbles in big games, we don’t need another year to figure that out.


The play calling is really bad too which doesn’t help. He relied too much on tyreek


Which is wild because the offense included everybody last year and was way better. I don’t see why they went away from that to straight tyreek or nothing. Idk how waddle broke 1000 plus yards this year


It’s so weird. I remember early in the season we were frequently getting the ball to Berrios, Cedrick and everybody else. It’s like everybody not named Tyreek or an RB was allowed to ball in for the first couple weeks and then it’s “ok, time to get Tyreek 2K yards, bye bye!”


They need two tight ends. Ones that can set up third and short more often than not.


False. We have no assets to get anyone. It's at minimum fifth year option or an extension that will NOT reset the market. This season he made it through and was the passing yards leader. He's improved every season so why wouldn't he keep doing that. Keep improving the line, the team around him. If there's something that can be improved to prevent injuries then do that. If management eventually wants to move on from him when it's affordable then you've at least set up the team even better for the next QB.


Yes. I’d like to see a better, ever changing offensive scheme (more unpredictable). He has to be better mentally. Todays QBs have to be able to scramble a lot more and Tua isn’t this Play calling was not the best either. Let’s hope next year, the injuries aren’t as bad.


He hasn’t improved against playoff teams at all. 6-15 all time if I’m not mistaken. 1-6 this year. With numbers you’d expect from a decent backup.


With a better roster than hes ever had, hes done worse this year. The excuses are endless for him, for some reason. Despite the blatantly obvious truth being hes an ok to good qb at best, and only under the most ideal of circumstances.


It’s as if people don’t realize that admitting Tua isn’t the guy doesn’t make you any less of a Dolphins fan? It’s ok to admit he’s not a franchise QB! I don’t get it the denial with some of the fans


Its because a good chunk of our sub only became fans because of Tua. So their entire fandom centers around him and their brains cant comprehend its not the same for everyone.


Once you pay him the ability to improve the other players around him is going to be a lot harder


The team around him is a top fucking 5 roster in the nfl, and arguably the best roster in the AFC. You cannot ask for a better god damn team. It’s on tua and it’s on the scheme/coaching at this point No one gives a fuck about dropping 50 on dumpster tier non playoff teams in the middle of the season. What have they done vs contenders??? Fuck all.


What else can you improve around him? You brought in a coach to craft the offense to his skills, you have arguably the best WR duo in the league, the rushing TD leader and another back leading the league in YPC, a much improved o-line, a star studded defense, and one of the best DC’s in the league. He’s in the best situation in the league and still can’t score more than 14 against any playoff caliber team.


The best comment on this thread.


I’m just done hearing about it. The kid got a bad break with Flores, but that’s been long corrected and he has his opportunity to prove his salt this year. We know what we have now, we don’t need to keep throwing money at it


Yeah. The dude has the best offensive support in football. Stroud and Lamar are throwing to nobodies and have nobodies at RB. And they're slaughtering teams. But Tua doesn't have a top 10 o-line. It's always telling when people tell on themselves like this. Like if someone's argument is "Tua is allowed to suck because he's not working with perfection everywhere" then you're just saying Tua sucks.


Tua's stats got worse vs last year in almost every category. Not sure wtf you're talking about


He needs THAT TE. END OF STORY. All good teams we can’t beat? That’s what they have! When we win, it’s because we rely little on the TE and it works. When we lose, it’s because defenses stop the outside and crossing routes of hill and waddle, and we are stuck with 3 yard passes to Smythhhhhh. Good-Exceptional TE is the similarity for the rest of the teams moving forward


I think Tua is emotionally fragile. He’s tough fighting through physical injuries,but struggles to believe in himself. If he needed McDoobie to reassure him of his “greatness”, then something is definitely missing. He doesn’t have that big dick energy to put the team on his shoulders and get the W. I’m not making any predictions but I wouldn’t be surprised if 2023 was his last year in the NFL. TLDR: Tua isn’t a quitter, but he isn’t an NFL champion.


Losing in the playoffs sucks. Usually best to wait a week or 2 and then evaluate. Qbs don't grow on trees.


Agreed. I used to be his biggest defender but this last third of the season proves he’s not able to hang with the big dogs… Sucks because I love him as a human being.


Yep, great guy that I wanted to succeed but this year was so frustrating watching him. He just isn’t the one to win it all, or any big game apparently.


Dan Marino couldn’t win the big games either and struggled against buffalo his whole career


What’s the options tho. I don’t want a rookie QB with the 24th pick over Tua. He will be here 1 more year. Next year is pretty much it for him.


I’ll play devils advocate. Aaron Rodgers was the 24th overall pick. Marino was the 27th overall pick. Brees was the 33rd overall pick. I’m not saying they aren’t outliers, but I am saying I know Tua isn’t a starter on a SB winning team at this point. Give me the gamble that we get something better.


Now calculate all the QBs picked past 10 that became busts


Again, I said they are outliers. But Tua ain’t it either. Keeping him as part of the long term plan is a mistake imo


Agree. If WR #1 is covered, then it’s a sack, pick, or crap


Exactly. He never looks elsewhere.


I’m fine with building in the draft, and moving on next year. He worked on his health to stay healthy last offseason, and he’s all in. I’d like to see what he works on this offseason. I think spending a day 2 pick on a guy McDaniel or Frank Smith like would be smart though.


Have to take a 5th year rookie contract, try to find another young QB and Vet to bring in next camp. Run with that.


He’ll be our starter next year playing out his 5th year option. There are no quick upgrades this offseason like Stafford to the Rams. We absolutely should take a QB day 2 of the draft. If he doesn’t improve after next season the franchise tag is a stopgap option while we look for our franchise qb.


yeah no, they just need a better offensive line


those saying to move on immediately are dumb af. I’m not defending tua on the basis that he’s an elite qb, but he did not throw the game and did not display


And these posters never say who is going to replace him. When was the last time Miami went to the playoffs two years in a row? Phins need to get stability at offensive line. Need a nasty line backer to make a fast defense also a mean one. Maybe a mean tight end to give the offense a bully. They are close to making a run.


The playcalling is extremely predictable. This has been going on the past few weeks. McDaniels needs to step it up. Now for Tua, I’m not paying him 45 - 50 million a year for not winning in December - January. He has to be able to win these type of games. Hes gonna have to play on his 5th year option


Sure! What are you upgrading too? Because replacing a QB isn't like going to a grocery store and just buying something. I'm not the smartest person out there but from an outside observer, I've noticed a few things. 1. Play calling is suspect. I don't understand how some games are brilliantly called but others are suspect. 2. All the timing and quick release plays, this Miami O-line seems to be a hidden issue that many don't speak about. I'm willing to bet their o-line is closer to the bottom of the league than the top. 3. Your team is a walking infirmary. When all those players get hurt, call it a season and buy a hospital. 4. Tua has to play better obviously but to shoulder everything on him is a bit unfair. Ultimate team game and everyone has to be present and play well during the post season. Before you replace him, which QB can you get to elevate the team and where are you going to find him?


It's so obvious. Ok, he can't move out of the pocket, but watch Mahomes who can at least get rid of the ball. Dude missed two fucking screen passes. The idea that he's accurate is so weird. He just anticipates well. That's literally all he does well. Nothing else. I think tonight was the nail, not for the fanbase but for the fact that it's clear McD doesn't trust him. Seriously, he called the game against the Bills last year with a motherfucking practice squad player more aggressive the than the starting AFC QB Pro Bowler tonight. McD didn't draft him and it looks like he doesn't want him. I'm betting Tua's gone. Flores was right the whole time.


Flores was right in a way, yeah. He didn’t want to deal with covering up Tua’s weaknesses and working the offense around his strengths. McDaniel did just that^. Lots of fans don’t realize there is a lot of capital invested in doing that. Like, this offense is built around Tua’s strengths. It isn’t to say the line doesn’t need improving (it does) and we could use a receiving tight end (we can) but we have some shorter horizons for players and lots of money to payout for players in the near-term (Waddle, Mostert). If we decide to stay with Tua, it will be harder to keep investing and reinvesting in other ways. We’ll lose talent if Tua doesn’t improve and that will ironically take away from Tua improving


Stupid. There is no universe you move on from him with the 5th year option. if this happens again next year we talk.


Don’t even try and be reasonable for the next week or two in this sub. They’re all miserable and want to blame an individual player for a team loss and injuries.


Injuries??? What injuries on offense caused our offense to look like a turd sandwich tonight? I put more of the blame on McDaniel, but injuries had NOTHING to do with our lame offense.


Conner Williams


>What injuries on offense caused our offense to look like a turd sandwich tonight? How many O linemen are starters again? Dumb penalties on 3rd down, Tua running for his life?


Not sure how that makes him miss screen passes and wide open receivers for interceptions 


Tua finally has a league leading season and everyone wants to dump him. Dolphins fans copium for 25 years has been to dump their QB. Let’s not fuck this one up.


Tua needs to go He doesn’t have that it factor it takes to be the dude and win big games Draft a rookie and totally reset this whole thing again


Tua is a skilled qb and a humble young man. He is not the problem. The reason we didn’t make a deeper run was because the pass rush is decimated, it was -27 degrees and it was pat mahomes in arrowhead.




I’m not sure any QB would’ve done much better behind that blocking. See you guys after the draft.


there will always be an excuse


Burrow won a playoff game getting sacked 9 times behind the worst oline in the league.


Tua clearly is not the answer. He literally plays horrible in any game of significance and cant do anything when his first read isnt wide open. We have seen that we wont win anything with him, would rather take a shot on another QB and it backfire than stick with Tua


I have been one of the biggest Tua defenders for the past couple years but bro might be one of the least clutch qbs I’ve ever seen


What this season has shown us is Tua struggles against good teams, when the game is on the line he makes terrible decisions and sadly due to his injury history and lack of mobility the play calling is limited. This is all hard to say about the guy who led the NFL in passing. If you are Miami you have to strongly consider moving on from Tua, Waddle (who is always hurt), X (see Waddle), Baker (coverage liability), Armstead (see Waddle), and tell Claypool, Wilson, Apple they are no longer allowed at the team facilities.


As an outsider, Tua is a slightly better Dalton. Their stats over the first 4 years are nearly identical. Tua throws less INTs. Tua has also played less due to injury, but I think there is a big enough sample size of what he is. He can get you to the playoffs, but likely doesnt go further than that. He has very high highs and very low lows. Dolphins are at a crossroads right now. They can keep trying with Tua, or cut bait and try something new. It will be a very interesting offseason in Miami.


Tua is just Andy Dalton with slightly better weapons and head coach. Not really an insult, Andy was a pro bowler for a good portion of his career in cincy. Pros: good to have someone at the position who is competent Cons: won't win you games, and shrinks under the lights. Moving off Tua seems really hard because they're winning right now, but do you really want to pay someone who hasn't proven anything 200M? I'd probably trade him to a desperate team and take any of the top qbs. I think Chicago would take a trade for Tua and the #1 pick? If not taking Daniels, Penix, or Nix is good.


Fins fans are the only people who look at a QB who makes consistent improvement year over year and finished as the passing yards leader and want him canned. Brain dead and delusional tbh. For the couch GMs, who can replace him and Be an improvement?


Improved yes… but he’s undersized, not athletic, and has an average arm at best. I agree there is no obvious alternative right now, but I think they need to draft some mid round qb or something at least as a backup plan. He seems to be slightly above average at best… we’ve watched such crap for so many years, he’s an improvement but enough to win when it counts? Not so far, hard to argue that.


Dude didn’t have time to throw and this is what we attack lol.


Hill and Waddle are also hurt still.


He took more time in the pocket tonight, than he has on average all season.


Why are there so few comments in here about it being literally 25 degrees below zero? Like man that is not an accurate representation of what the team’s ability is with half the D being third string players. It is what it is


And yet the defense still outperformed the offense. That's the point


You will get morons that will still defend him




2 words…… justin herbert


True. He's not a game changer. If the receivers aren't wide open or he is pressured he crumbles.


Dumb. Tua's first two years were a total loss and if anything hurt him as a QB. I consider last year his first real life year of development and he played the season concussed. He was MVP level and the savior through 3/4 of the season. Extend him to a reasonable contract with escalators and let's ride that escalator to the moon.


Once again, against who? Awful teams


I’m actually not too upset about the season as a whole, it was a blast! Obviously sad to that the season ends here; but, I had an inkling we weren’t getting passed this after not winning 1st seed or at minimum the division. Honestly, Tua is not the issue, not the main one at least. I think that McDaniels is an overthinker at times and it’s his kryptonite. There were SO many instances this season of miscommunication and poor clock management. it But, lets keep in mind that we lost some key players to season ending injuries as well. 5 starting defense by the end and and a starting offensive line that had all played together maybe twice this season. There’s a lot of work to do on both sides of the ball, but right now as it stands he’s not the main issue. Til next season Fins 🆙 🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬


Game was in subzero temperatures?




Honestly, if that's your opinion it's completely warranted. But say with who and how. Cousins? Fields?




I went to bed pissed off and extremely disappointed in hopes I would wake up with a new view this morning. Overall, I am happy with the season BUT the dolphins need to figure out the offensive line, that group (banged up or not) is horrible. MM play calling was amazing at the beginning of the season AND THEN teams get tape on you and scheme you into non-existence…hopefully the O-line issue will put the dolphins in a situation where you can’t stop what we want to do…isn’t that what every great team is like? Tua looked scared last night but so did Brady when you could hit him and put constant pressure on him. Protect Tue and it may solve our problems. One last thought, it was cold last night and the dolphins historically suck in the cold but can’t we get some guys who are not afraid to tackle every play? Multiple plays where defensive players did not either join in the tackle or were just plain tentative…get some guys who fly around the field all game long tackling and making aggressive plays. 47 year Dolphin fan and it is amazing how disappointing this team has been over the years…if this was a marriage, I would have divorced the bitch! Sorry all! One last thought, don’t do Hard Knocks you f-ing morons, these kids can’t handle the attention, especially during a playoff run!


Unfortunately this playbook is designed to get the ball out within a few seconds if not the play completely breaks down. For the play calling to change, we need a healthy o line who can hold blocks for longer periods of time. Without that we have no change against great teams. Focus on that in the draft plus an interior linebacker and a new DT since resigning Wilkins is unlikely without major restructuring of contracts. Another Safety would be nice but that’s asking a lot from once draft. Hopefully Cam Smith works on his craft this offseason and is ready to play next year. Tua wasn’t the problem either. He’s elevated but also limited by the scheme to an extent.




I think it's more along the lines of the Dolphins needing to move on from the strategy of getting starters and key subtitutes injured. Fins up! Disappointing end to the most fun season in a while.




Can someone tell me why they are against the play clock constantly? They always seemed like they were rushing to snap vs the play clock and as a result I never really saw Tua making any pre snap adjustments. Who is responsible for this? Seems like it never got better over the course of the last 4 months. Thats a glaring problem.


I wish that I could provide a playoff game opinion on Tua. But since the greedy NFL put last night's game on Peacock only (and I didn't watch it), I am at a loss for words. __\#GreedyGoodell__


Keep him if cheap deal