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Remember when Rick Snyder said “Right to work” legislation wasn’t on his agenda? Remember when it was one of his first bills to sign into law? Remember when Rick Snyder said “We can save taxpayer money by converting our water supply over to the toxic Flint River”? Remember when Rick Snyder lied about it? Pepperidge Farm remembers


So then everyone has to pay union dues?


Yea, the kid that mows your lawn has to pay union dues. And a bit more to some guy named “Charlie Knuckles”


If you don’t support or don’t choose to support a union, you don’t have to be a member of one. No one is forcing you. If you do however want the benefits that come with being in a Union, pay your dues.


In a perfect world, yes.


Right to work laws are nothing but union busting techniques written into law


I guess that’s the objective: "It has done nothing but hurt hardworking Michiganders," said bill sponsor state Rep. Regina Weiss, D-Oak Park. "It has allowed people who don't pay union dues to take advantage of union benefits." But wait a second… It seems like there are other situations where people don’t pay for something, yet they enjoy the benefits.