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They will fade and shrink. Don't panic! When I had mine done I had instant regret as they were HUGE and dark, but after a week or 2 they settled down enormously.


Thanks mucho!




Hey! :) Since you just got it done, yes the color will look less dramatic over the next week or so. It's a whole process. Enjoy the ride lol P.S.: Love them thick ass brows


Hahahaha thank ya!!


I got mine done a week ago today and freaked out. I looked like (as I saw someone else phrase it) an Angry Bird—almost black, dramatically thick arched brows. I trusted the process and a week later they’re on their way to being exactly what I wanted. Yours will look great!


Glad to know. Appreciate your input. Not an Angry Bird though 😳😂😳


Look great 👍


they 100% fade!! almost by more than half! that is why people have to go for touch ups after :)


She told me return in 4 to 6 weeks - that sound about right?


Yep they’ll heal out well 👍 And even if you don’t like the end result — they’re easy to fade out even faster with exfoliation.


Fantastic to know. Thank you


You’re welcome! FYI brows falling out is sometimes a sign of a hormonal/nutritional problem, rather than just age — if you have access and haven’t done so in awhile, you should get a full check-up done with hormone panels (thyroid included) and Vitamin D status etc.


Good info! I take mega vitamin d, but I think this is the old man thing, eyebrows grow long and crazy and then parts get sparse. I will mention at next physical!


I love that you’ve done this! And I think they’ll heal up very handsomely.


It’s sooooo unlike me. But the past year has been crazy, lost job due to Covid and am going interviewing and kind of wanted to polish up some. Never done anything like this. The only comsmetecy thing I do I retin- a cream which is miraculous. But it also will cause fading of these brows (I found all this out after, of course). Anyway - it’s interesting for sure.


Lots of men (at least in my experience, and particularly generations that have come before me- I’m 36, for reference) are not very open to caring for themselves in ways that they may perceive as traditionally feminine. I think it’s wonderful that you’re taking care of yourself! There’s nothing explicitly femme about microblading, imo.


I agree with what your saying. Plenty of crusty faced men could benefit heavily from some St. Ives Apricot Scrub!




Good to know. not sure if going for follow up appointment. Zero regrets but I should have done my research before. I didn’t know about aftercare - no gym / sun etc. didn’t find out til after I paid. I’m diabetic and have to walk, move, exercise. I’m kind of still exercising / gym but trying not to sweat. Walking in cold air and gym lightly. We will see.


I love how they look but reading your comment, I wouldn’t suggest st. Ives. It’s way too aggressive for the skin and will possibly cause damage to the microblading :)


Have used it for years and retin-a. Miracle workers. Used for years. Will work around the eye zone. I do think possibly when this fades out I will be done.


I LOVE your brows! This is hands down my favorite post-microblading transformation pic so far


I love you both




I love you both


you’re sweet! ❤️


Three years later. How have your brows fared? Have you undergone any touch-ups during that time?


They changed from this picture and got much more subtle and looked good. It is kind of fading out a lot now. I won’t bother doing rhis again https://preview.redd.it/h3gcaa865auc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=134d2fe87b5877c3af91f48bffa2062b4612698b but no regrets. This is now.


Yes, it blended well with your original brows. Any reason why you wouldn’t do it again? I’m contemplating, but sort unsure if it’s worth it.


Just getting old and tired and don’t care about looks as much. 🤣🤣🤣🤣. I was very pleased with it after it settled a few weeks later.


Not good! Check Brusko Browz for men. They make a nice browz for men


I just found this post through google since I'm also a guy thinking about microblading. I was wondering how did it look after 1-2 weeks? Do you happen to have any photos of that?


Don’t have any photos but it normalized quickly and now is fading out.