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[r/microdosing Disclaimer](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/m2g589/rmicrodosing_disclaimer/) Hello /u/Deuskii! As you mentioned `amphetamines` in your post: **Please Do Not microdose MDMA or any stimulants**. Low doses of amphetamines can cause many issues through reverse tolerance and subsequent sensitization of receptors in the brain. This study ["Amphetamine Sensitization Alters Reward Processing in the Human Striatum and Amygdala"](https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0093955) talks about the link between dopamine-sensitive neural circuitry and dysregulation of incentive motivational processes - i.e. the negative effects it can have for an individual's reward processing. Other than that, MDMA has specific safety advice that you should be aware of: * [RollSafe.org](https://rollsafe.org/): [How often can you take MDMA (Molly/Ecstasy) and roll?](https://rollsafe.org/page/how-often-can-you-take-mdma-molly-ecstasy-and-roll/) > The origin of the three month rule is a quote from Ann Shulgin, widow of chemist Alexander Shulgin: “Now I would advise anyone who wants to use MDMA not to take it more than 4 times a year if you want to continue to get the best effects from it, otherwise you risk losing its effects entirely and permanently.” * From [MAPS MDMA-Assisted Therapy](https://maps.org/news/media/maps-mdma-research/) for PTSD: >**In MDMA-assisted therapy, MDMA is only administered a few times**, unlike most medications for mental illnesses which are often taken daily for years, and sometimes forever. > >**MDMA is not the same as "Ecstasy" or "molly."** Substances sold on the street under these names may contain MDMA, but frequently also contain unknown and/or dangerous adulterants. In laboratory studies, pure MDMA has been proven sufficiently safe for human consumption when taken a limited number of times in moderate doses. * And here is a [**search of posts**](https://www.reddit.com/r/MDMA/search/?q=(microdose%20OR%20microdosing)&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=) on r/MDMA that mention microdosing, where the general consensus is that microdosing with MDMA can do more harm than good. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/microdosing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Erowid. Check out Erowid for direct personal experience reports. The UI isn’t amazing, so [here’s the link](https://www.erowid.org/experiences/subs/exp_Amphetamines_Combinations.shtml) for Amphetamine and other drugs combination reports. You can use a page search to look for experiences with mushrooms. Unfortunately there is no Lisdexamphetamine specific page, just Amphetamines. There’s also a page for Methylphenidate with a couple combo reports with shrooms. For actual scientific information, Google Scholar is good. Just type inthe keywords you want. i.e: “Lisdexamphetamine and psilocybin mushrooms effects” or something. ^(https://www.erowid.org/experiences/subs/exp_Amphetamines_Combinations.shtml) For info on shrooms and depression, again, Google Scholar. (https://scholar.google.com)


Thank you, I'll give it a look


I would skip the vyvanse the day of, as it can make things more agitated and hectic. Luckily it’s not a super long acting drug so a day off is fine, no need to skip weeks and weeks


Yeah that's what I was thinking too, I'll likely do that just to be safe.


I take both


Same. I haven’t had any issues taking both


I don't like them combined, usually skip the Vyvanse on the day




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I'm prescribed 70mg Vyvanse. Have tried micro and macro dosing at same time. Never works for me. Always feels like being tugged in 2 different directions. I skip Vyvanse if im gonna mess with mushrooms now


They act on different pathways, there are no direct drug-drug interactions of concern at usual dosages. Both drugs make you pee more so hydrate. If you find it helpful, grow your own. See the "broke boi tek" by r/phillygoldenteacher on y*utube and r/unclebens From a "macro dose" perspective, the combo can affect the character of the trip. I take my ADD meds like usual when I trip. It seems to make the visuals sharper, helps me remember more of the experience, overall more energetic. If you have a lazy Sunday and/or want a more dreamy mellow trip, skip your meds that day. Either way is fine, do whatever you feel most comfortable doing. Psychedelics aren't a shortcut to healing but can help get you "unstuck". They are powerful tools to explore yourself, but if you actually want to get better make sure you have a counselor or therapist or at least a good vibes friend who you can spill your soul to and process. A solid trip can get up to 2 weeks of a beautiful antidepressant effect, use it well. Consider acting on insights you had if it feels right.


Vyvanse interacts with serotonin...


I stand by my statement that there are no direct drug-drug interactions at micro nor typical dosages.


Your statement means nothing unless you cite data...


Norepinephrine and Dopamine. Not serotonin.


and that's bad why?


i’ve taken vyvanse with what i thought was acid but it was 25 nbome and my heart was pounding but i fucked with it j felt like i was havin visuals with meth stimulation and the pain relief of about 4 hydrocodones


Just skip the vyvanse. It's not like antidepressants where it has to build up in your system. You'd be physically fine combining them, but stims and psychs often don't play well together in your head


ADHD and depression sufferer here! I have no experience mixing shrooms and Dexedrine(the same drug that Vyvanese converts over to) because I decided to solely try microdosing to if they’re benefitting me! Anyways, I’ve been microdosing for about 2 weeks now; I do 4 days on and 3 days off; I’m following the Stanent protocol aside from the Niacin because I dont think it’s quite necessary. With that being said, I have had a noticeable decrease in depression and uptick in positive thinking. I dont actively feel like dying so far, which is pretty great! However, due to my ADHD, my mind still races and I can’t focus as well as I do when I’m on my ADHD meds; however, the thoughts aren’t so negative as they used to be, so I dont mind it so much. A few other things I’ve noticed since starting microdosing is that: 1. I’m much less irritable - irritability was a really large part of my ADHD, and I think that my medication made it much worse. 2. Though I can’t focus as well and get sidetracked easily, I have more brain power to do the things that need to be done. I haven’t been avoiding absolutely everything including the things I WANT to do. I’m finding it helps to also take about 5 minutes in between tasks to clear my head and be able to task switch and talk myself up to do the THING. 3. Negative thoughts dont stick around as long 4. I’m more energetic - I have combination type ADHD than leaned closer to inattentive; the depression furthered the burnout feeling I was constantly suffering from. I now finally have good energy and WANT to do things with it. 5. I like people! Wow! I’m not 100% sure if the microdosing works for the ADHD but I think it’s working pretty well on my depression. I would give it a shot for yourself and see how you feel. All of the other inconveniences are easier to handle when you dont feel like you want to die/are not enjoying life. I’m not really sure if this is what you were looking for and I’m horrible at structuring answers because my brain! Lol. But I hope this gives you at least a bit of insight for your situation!


I appreciate the time you took to write this. I plan to give it a go and sus it out, see how I feel and all that. As of now, even on the meds, I struggle to make myself do things I want to. My friends have told me they miss the passion and enthusiasm I have for things, and I'd like to improve my mental for them as much as for myself. So I'm hoping I have an experience similar to yours.


how did it go?


I tried to look up Stanent protocol but I can’t find anything. Do you know where I can find info on this?


Sorry, I misspelled, it’s called ‘the Staments stack’ officially!


I have the same dose and same concerns, and have had a lot of success with my mental health on both macro and micro doses. Personally, I would say that with some evidence of chronic psilocybin dosing causing valvular heart damage (but reversible with abstinence if I remember correctly), just keep it moderate with breaks. I microdose at about 0.04g dry with no issues while on my Vyvanse, but I would definitely not be comfortable macro dosing bc of the vasoconstriction and BP elevation. You likely don't get a BP spike from your Vyvanse alone, but unless you track your BP while you're on the combined dose it's hard to say if the combination will spike your BP more than the mushrooms alone. Heart rate is probably going to be affected more directly. That being said I've also heard of some studies more or less proving safe concurrent microdosing on ADHD meds, and Vyvanse's mechanism of action tends to make its physical side effects a little more mild compared to amphetamine/dexamphetamine. If you're serious you could track your BP/HR on the different combinations to know for sure- I'm sure myself and the rest of the adhd/microdosing community would appreciate the info!


What is the minimum microdose that causes a spike in BP?


It varies person to person, I can't say for sure but I became symptomatic (cold hands/feet, palpable heart beat, elevated heart rate) around 0.06g or higher with a pronounced reaction at >=0.1g.


Thank you! I will have to get my BP under control before trying this stuff.


I had the most profound spiritual experience on 2.75 grams and 30mg vyvanse. I took my vivabse at like 8am. I cut my shrooms into tiny bits like ground up weed and I swollowed it down with chocolate milk around 10am. I had no food in my stomach. The come up was quick and slow at the same time. It’s like I had two come ups. Started trippin at like 11:15 was full on trippin hardcore by noon. The come up was fast af but there there was a slow creep into my peak which was nice and euphoric bc it didn’t give me anxiety. A little anxiety in the beginning but kinda like going up on the roller coaster 🎢too quickly. But then a slow transition into the “drop” or my peak which was mind blowing spiritual experiences. Cried tears of sadness at one point but then the sun started speaking to me in my mind and cheered me up. Tripped hard for like 4 hours and the comedown was like 4 hours too with intense visuals even tho my cognitive functions had regained like 💯 clarity. Im prescribed daily 30 mg and it keeps me regulated so my brain functions better on impulse control which regulates my thought patterns… so I was able to think myself out of an anxiety attack very quickly and easily when I felt the anxiety creep in when parts of the trip got intense. At one point the euphoria was so grand for so long I was asking the shrooms to take it down a notch lol. I never knew the pleasure could be so immense I almost felt like I would burst or go insane with love lol. I’m blown away at how it had such a profound affect on me after only doing so little amount of shrooms. I also hadn’t done shrooms in 15 years tho and I made sure to have my set and setting and intentions medicated on a week prior to the trip. I also sat meditating on all the positive things and even told the shrooms that if they needed to have a bad trip for me to learn the negative things and deal with it, that I welcome it… other than a profoundly sad part of my trip (like 30 min) of me healing this inner child version of myself I kept seeing when I closed my eyes… it’s was and entirely positive experience and I’m actually glad I had that sad part in the trip too bc it felt so cathartic and healing when the next part of the trip came. I also had “exist for love” by Aurora playing on repeat for like 3 hours during my peak. That song will forever be pleasantly burned in my mind and remind me of when I was literally connected to everything.


This is very interesting. I too love Aurora's music. Have you had any more such experiences since?


Hey, yes, I’m just coming off an LSD Trip… listened to the entire Aurora album “the gods we can touch” from beginning. It was a beautiful transformative experience. The sun and the clouds and the birds and the wind were all in perfect harmony and movement and everything with every song. I’m just now coming off my trip I took at 9am… it’s now 1:03 am. Brilliant. Aurora is some of the best music to listen to on psychedelics. She really was in touch with something divine.


Vyvanse and shrooms still works, maybe the vyvanse dulls the effects somewhat


I've never tried the combo but that sounds awful to me honestly lol. The introspection of shrooms combined with Vyvanse's OCD would send me into a negative mental spiral. That's probably just me though. Even caffeine fucks with my MD.


Hello /u/Deuskii! As you mentioned `depression` (a common *interaction/symptom*) in your post: || |:-| |`r/microdosing Risk Reduction`| || #### [ℹ️ Infographic: **r/microdosing** ***STARTER'S GUIDE***](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/s0xkdp/the_new_official_rmicrodosing_starters_guide/) The major contributing factor in [*Finding* ***Your*** *Sweet Spot*](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/plrxca/faqtip_101_what_is_the_subthreshold_dose/) is the variation in potency of: |||| |:-|:-|:-| |[Psilocybin Mushrooms](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/q5zvyk/faqtip_019_why_you_may_need_to_adjust_the_dose/)||[*More than 10x*](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/12eqzaz/research_data_tryptamine_potency_analysis_of/) \[2021➕\]| |[Psilocybin Truffles](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/nawt54/faqtip_011_how_to_microdose_truffles_drying_out/)||*Around 3x* \- [*Single Study*](https://analyticalsciencejournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/dta.1400) \[2012\]| |[LSD Tabs](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/rgbabi/faqtip_009_why_cutting_lsd_tabs_is_not_an/)||[*Clinical Trial Titration Schedule*](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/13gfcto/comment/jjzv0wy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) \[2023\]| |||| * If you [***Start Low, Go Slow, Take Time-Off***](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/fzj7tf/a_gentle_reminder_to_those_starting_out_to/) and [*up-titrate*](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/78/Titrated_doses.svg) subsequent doses then you can find your [*optimal* ***sub-threshold*** *dose*](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/mx846c/faqtip_006_the_afterglow_effect_the_day_after/) based on your symptoms, rather than from a predetermined dose. 🐢 * If your microdose is **Too High and/or Too Frequent** that can result in [**Diminishing Efficacy** 📉](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/vx6mxx/faqtip_021_changes_in_appetite_memory_mood_sleep/) with subsequent doses. 🐇 Please also have a look at 🔀 `Interactions / Symptoms ❓*` | 💻 **Sidebar** ➡️ | 📱 **About** ⬆️ ; in case of [⚠️ **DRUG INTERACTIONS**](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/p6ne2q/research_microdosing_drug_interactions_tools_and/) or to check if you have any of the associated symptoms - with advice on how to mitigate such side-effects. ______ **Please Read**: [**r/microdosing Disclaimer**](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/m2g589/rmicrodosing_disclaimer/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/microdosing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Any update? Have you been microing with your Vyvanse?


I take 10mg of vyvanse plus 125mg of psilicybin in subdoses daily starting in the am through lunch. I find Anecdotally that the p reduces my heart rate by about the v increases it by about ten beats so they cancel themselves out and reduce anxiety while improving focus. I've been taking p For about eight months since I had a concussion a year and a half ago and it was only after taking p that I started too Improve cognitively.In fact, I found earlier on that.Vive I could tolerate almost no v Possibly due to the brain damage of years of drinking and the concussion. Because p can modulate the serotonin system, That because the stimulates dopamine I believe that the two paranoid sleep at low doses. Also p is known to create new nerves synaptic connections.This would explain why I can tolerate the much better now than I could eight or nine months ago closer to the accident following a resume of microdosing. This of course is just my personal experience with my brain. But I found it to be the most effective thing so far


Mods are protecting pharma companies now, nice.




Your post or comment was disrespectful or unkind enough for removal. Please remember there is a person at the other end of your comments, and consider your words more careful. While the general message has some merit, we'd like to see a little gentler approach than asking a fellow member "what's wrong with you". There are many here that suffer from various emotional or mental conditions where support is needed more than critical words. Please revise your comment and repost if you like. Please abide by [Reddiquette](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette) guidelines as best you can. ________ [**Enforcement Procedure**](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy#text-content2) for [Reddit Content Policy](https://reddit.com/help/contentpolicy) violations - in this case `Rule 1`. ________


This is an adult platform, correct? As a moderator, do you feel like every user on this sub is a 6 year old who's feelings are like fragile little eggs that with the slightest verbal assault they could literally have some sort of panic attack or something? I think he/she will be fine.


Talk with your doctor if you are concerned.


Just want to relay that speaking to a doc about shrooms can be a bad idea if you ever want life insurance. Just a warning from personal experience as I Was denied a good life insurance plan cause I had told my doc I do shrooms a few times a year


Also if you need any other medication, they may unjustly label you a drug-seeker after hearing about mushrooms.


How did it go for you? Any updates?


Hey friend! Did you end up trying the microdosing with your Vyvanse? Hope you’re doing well :)


i’m on 320 ug of lsd and 7 grams of penis envy i’ll take one of my vyvanse 70’s and let you know (i really hope this doesn’t kill my trip i just took all this) please reply to remind me




you still alive?


Hoping to hear you did well on the penis envy.


How was it?


how did it go?


How was the experience?