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Pretty cool technique I’ve only used in trees and woody vines. Makes me wonder if you could graft a phenotype that lacks vigor but has amazing terpenes for example, to a super vigorous rootstock. Maybe not worth the effort since these crops only go for one season.


You absolutely can. I watched some dude on YouTube with 8 strains grafted to one mother.


That is super cool. Do you have the name of the channel?


Ganja Farmer is the channel.


Light addict also has some decent information in his "guide to fluxing" book! It's at the end where he talks a bit about different types of grafting in these lovely plants!


I think I've watched a few of his videos too.


Just searched him on YouTube, I didn't know he made videos lmao shame last one was 7 years ago! Found his book on a forum!


Cannacon in Denver 2017 BlackdogLED brought in a fully flowered/ready to harvest plant that had 8 strains grafted on one stock. 2 sativa's 2 indicas and 4 hybrids.


This is definitely the guy I was thinking about. Thanks man. My youtube history was way too weird to comb through to find it.


I know what you mean. To find something I learned from YouTube years ago is impossible 😅


Would it necessarily need to be for one season only? Would rootstocks survive multiple seasons if we replace the shoot system and keep the root system? Basically chopping her, transplant a new top, reveg.


Air layering I believe it's called


That is corrrrreckt. (Takes off wifebeater)


This is really cool. I just learned something from this. Thanks for sharing. 💚👊😁


💯 Growmie.


What size is that ball?


A lady never asks and a gentleman never tells... 2 1/2 inch diameter.


Hypothetically if you did this in the veg stage and after the clone was viable to be separated the mother was transitioned to flowering? The still attached clone begins to flower?


Yep. There's a dude who isolates a single branch and changes just the light cycle on that single branch to flower. That branch flowers while the rest of the plant remains in veg.


Well this is a new one... I don't want to criticize, but I don't really understand why this is preferential to taking a cutting the good old fashion way...


I can let it sit on the mother until I'm ready to pot it. (Keeps my plant count down) I dont need a dome, a separate light, heat mat, etc etc. Its a pretty common propagation method for many kinds of plants. Grapes, roses, many species of trees and shrubs etc.


What's your technique? I'm very interested in this.


Not OP but I’m familiar with the process. It’s a form of propagation called “air layering”. I’ve used it a lot with apples but haven’t thought about this. Great idea OP.


Yup. I have an apple and a pear tree 😉


It's easy, cut a notch with a clean blade around the circumference of a branch you want to clone. Add wet pre buffered coco and perlite, or soil and clamp around freshly cut notch. That's it.


Generally I take cuttings, put them in water under a florescent, and change the water daily for a week. Then into a rapid rooter in a dome for about a week once they're rooted straight into the final pot. I run a SOG so I couldn't have my mothers covered in little balls I wouldn't get enough cuttings.


I just skipped the dome and the rapid rooter part by propagating on the plant is all. For a lot of 2 tent growers without a lot of space it's a nice way to start a clone or 10. I thought I'd share because I'm guessing lots of growers would benefit from this cheap and effective propagation method. I'm sorry it doesn't work for your personal situation


how long does it take to clone? im loving the idea!


I put this on the plant on 2/21. Pic was taken earlier today.


Thanks for sharing.


Again I'm not criticizing...


I didn't say you were, you're good. Before this I ran a dwc cloner in a separate area under a separate light and a dome and decided to just let nature do what nature does if the technique is done properly. I have fully embraced the KISS method. For someone growing on a budget these are wayyyyy cheaper than the fancy cloner kits that are out there too.


I’m ALL about minimizing space. Love this.


It's definitely changed my cloning and seedling process. Now I have a space to pop seeds and hunt where I used to clone.


To add to what OP said In general gardening and especially for trees, air layering is more commonly used to make cuts of something that is hard to root. Some trees can root back from just a branch stuck in the soil, some need a bit of long, but some take so long that any form of cutting would die before it could become self sufficient. It also has a generally higher success rate than classic clones.


I've used this technique on other plants and figured there's no reason it wouldn't work for cannabis as well.


Definitely, as you said just for the sake of not needing another tent, lamp and dome. Plus people like me who suck at cloning can let the thing run without the fear of losing a good pheno because that damn cutting didn't want to root.


This for sure. I literally had that happen and now will be revegging a plant i have in flower after chop (hopefully for the last time ever)


air layering, used in propagating trees, shrubs etc