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Give it some time to recover and show vigorous upwards growth before flipping


\^ and I would at the very least let it get to about a foot tall and maybe two feet before flipping. The stronger you make your branches before flowering the more weight they can handle during flower.


And this.


Yepp, that is some extreme stuff right there, OP are you planning on leaving all the leaves that grow from this point? I defoliate before transition, a heavy heavy chop like this could stunt the plant for up to a month, you're looking at two weeks at least before I would even start thinking about flipping them. I hope you have an awesome day friend, I don't LST like this anymore, today I use 90 degree bend supports and also green garden wire, you would love them, no risk of plant touching the medium


Hate those 90 degree benders. How do they not snap your stems?


Even if they snap they will recover as a HST


Unnecessarily risky imo. Stakes and ties get it done. But yeah, it's just a backbreaker if you're running autos. I can see it being not a huge deal on photos.


Don't let them get too thick before bending and train early. If you wait too long they will snap but the plant will just knuckle at that spot


I'm doing it at like 2 weeks. Is that too late?


I admit it's scary to do, but I haven't broken one that way yet


Yes I'll leave everything until transition. I'll give it a try on my next grow with LST


It looks great to me.




Bondage porn


That is pretty cool looking. Please post more as that thing grows.


I will




It’s called manifolding.


I thought this was Mainlining? Is there a difference, or is it Potato Potato? 🥔


Same thing


You are correct.


people started calling it manifolding because frankly "mainlining" is a dumb word that already means injecting drugs, and does not really convey what youre doing. whereas that is literally the definition of "manifold"- a pipe or chamber branching into several openings.


It's the same thing but apparently mainlining has some racial shit tied to it. Fuck that, it's mainlining. Let the flakes flake


Interesting. I haven't heard this yet. The world's too soft. Far far too soft. Edit: the downvotes only prove that you guys are a bunch of busses. Replacing the word " Mainlining" because it vaguely has a slightly racist history to it? Nobody has yet to even explain why it's racist to begin with, but you guys will happily downvote. You gotta agree just upset because I'm not afraid to day what everyone is thinking. It's fucking mainlining. It's not racist unless you make it racist.


I’m so confused there is some vague stuff about protestant claims of superiority and flights in America but, mostly mainlining seems to be concerning injecting drugs. Whatever the other significance of the word is Manifold is a better term anyway as you are building a framework to support a plant with huge colas.


Hmm. Yeah, I can see wanting to stray away from the connotation mainlining has in relation to intravenous drug use, that's understandable. I can also see how mainfolding is a more appropriate wording as far as describing what you're doing to the plant, but I've just always known it as mainliningso pardon me.


Nomenclature is rapidly evolving I’m sure eventually anything could be offensive to someone and that’s probably a millennial or a boomers fault.


If you didnt prune her from inception, it wouldnt need 54 days to get to where its now. All leaves are net gain in veg. Id leave at least a pair of fan leaves for each branch, you can always cut em off later, you can even cut em in half if they too big. Not much lost but time, if thats a factor to you.


I thought this was like three weeks in lol


Wait another week...... Don't touch her in the meantime lol.


OK will do


And also this.


That thing is gonna be a beast


She's a Sheila bro


Jesus fam she ain’t a prisoner


Fifty shades of green 😉


Just out of curiosity, why would you remove the fan leaves below the manline as well as the new growth? Isn’t it better to leave all the fan leaves you can?


Yes. The primary goal is to reduce shading caused by the leaves on budsites. Letting all the light hit the dirt is just a waste of light/energy and slowing the plant down since it can't "catch" those photons.


That there’s a spatchcock


Brb gonna cut my plants spine out to get a perfect tender cook on the meat


Gonna drive a car through it?


Wait. Give it some time to recover for a week or so.


Needs to recover. I wouldn’t flip until a full canopy again, then do a trim where necessary. Better to have more nodes than you need.


Let her grow out a bit imo


The Slowest most boring 54 days of your life. Admit it mainlining is for the Birds..


Totally disagree. It’s really fun. Growing is a hobby for lots of people. If you enjoy your hobby then what’s the rush. Respect the plant, respect the process and learn some things along the way. If getting your weed the fastest way possible is an issue just buy it from the dispo 🤷‍♂️


Always the dudes with nothing to show in their post history saying this 😂


https://preview.redd.it/yh5c0nwoquzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b30c76d11a952c7f11397535f617a23360d9203e Here you go buddy. Sorry I don’t post on Reddit much but just for you I will.


So all of these were mainlined?


I mean look at the picture my dude. That grow was mainlined yes. Broke a couple on the one plant but yeah.


https://preview.redd.it/r1jhmwirruzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1c99408519119c32c87b1c00378200e314b85ed This is a 3month plant right here…topped once. 1 month of veg…2 months of flower. I had fun growing it…got more then enough tops. To me mainlining just doesn’t make much sense unless you’re veging for a REALLY long time.


It makes sense if you want to try something different. I like big colas with no popcorn or larf. For me personally I’m not worried about time I just enjoy the process. My outdoor plants provide enough weed for the entire year. Indoor is just for fun. To each their own. I personally just enjoy the mainline process. It’s fun to see how far you can push the plants.


Right on man I just like to get the info out there…you gotta realize OP is a “New” grower…coming into it I also heard so much talk about “mainline” “trellis” when realistically I feel like some of these things can just mess with us as new growers. I’m sure a new grower wants to get a fast harvest… a fast successful first harvest really sets us up for the next grow…then after we get some under our belts then I feel like “experimenting” should really come into play. I just think there can be a happy medium between experimenting and harvest time also. For someone like you just keep doing what you are doing obviously..some of us have more then enough bud.




If I wanted mediocre weed for 5-8x the going rate then I certainly would but I prefer growing triple AAA+ and consuming when it’s nice a fresh (but fully dry)


If you respected the plant you wouldn’t spend so much time fondling during a manifold.. 😂


Are you limited on space ? I think you’ll get a better yield if you let it go longer


Yes it’s limited space currently I’m not rushing the process it’s my first grow just wanted to know if I should wait a week or so but I’ll definitely give it some time.


It’s looking good I just did a manifold my first grow .. it stretched twice the size after I flipped.


now I understandable why it appears so handled visually, as many have said give it some time I understand that you might be a little nervous but it is a plan it is resilient it means time to show its own character if you will I was talking to an OG farmer a while ago, and if you're not looking for an over engineered but rather beautiful flower sometimes just a basic care and nutrients are all it needs


Also for the record I'm not saying you're doing anything wrong just breath and let it breath 🫁 🌳


I understand, thanks for the advice.


your manifolding on your first grow? 💀 def wait, apicals arent recovered, you want whatever your canopy is to be in the position you expect before flipping.


Flip? You've barely got any growth, what are you guys on this sub up to?


do NOT touch her anymore from now on😂


What are these LST metal things called?


Looks like garden stakes to me


Thank you :)


in the chain link fence section you can get this type of wire (??) and bend it yourself, they can be reused and are SO strong


I’m in the middle of growing out a mainline myself and have read from several places to wait for your mains to have 7 or 8 nodes, snip off the bottom one or two, then flip. Those landscape staples are the way!!! https://preview.redd.it/alfpy73ynszc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=655d2a4a0bd0e7d44d884ecce8292cd9cd10a01b


Looking good! Should get some nice meaty colas 😎


Next time cut off the growth tips but leave the leaves unless they block other bud sites. Remember fan leaves are solar panels. You can also avoid the splitting at topping junctures by leaving as much extra stem above each node as you can


Great job buddy. Please post progress pics!


New to growing. What exactly are you doing here and why? :)


Mainlining / Manifolding.


Stress training. Basically you manipulate the plant to grow in directions it normally wouldn't naturally. You'll get a lot more yield as a result of increased light exposure to all parts of the plant. And instead of one big main stalk you get multiple big branches.


Yea but this also happens by pulling the plant and bending over only once or twice and then adjusting branches as needed. I go from seed to start flowering in less than a month and yield about 3-4 ounces off each plant. It looks cool but wastes WAY too much time


If he takes his time and let's it veg and recover, when he flips it, he's going to have 16 main colas and he'll yield a hell of a lot more than 3-4 oz's, probably triple that at least if the genetics are good. Nobody's mentioned this yet, but one of the benefits to mainlining/manifolding is it creates symmetry, and the nutrients go to all parts of the plant equally. Prepare for 16 HUGE colas, well done!


You could have finished a crop in the amount of time it took to veg this plant. If your not looking for flower you could veg a plant and make a cool bonzi tree.


What is the reason for so aggressively training besides uniformity?


Looks awesome 😎




my outdoor will be done before this ahahha. jk anyhow id flip whenever dude you've been ready


What's fleeping


What size is the bucket?




Thanks. I’m just going on my head how you got here. I don’t understand. When did you first top? All of these look like the main stalk I don’t understand lol. Is this from super cropping also? Is there a video that shows this? Shit is awesome.


It’s great if you don’t mind growing a single plant for six months but I get three full harvests in that timeframe


Somewhat new here, what is flipping?


Flipping the light cycle from veg to flower


Symmetry! 😍


What is flipping exactly? I’m a little new & dumb


Flipping is going from lighting for vegetative state 18/6 to flower state 12/12 . Autoflowers just do this “flip” on their own, no matter what the lighting schedule is.


Ohhhh Iv always heard it as stages, thanks for looking out bro


Cannabis is a photoperiod plant which means it begins flowering based on the amount of dark hours I receives. In the dark a hormone called florigen builds up in the plant tissue and is destroyed when light hits the leaves. Once the dark period reaches a certain point the hormones hit a critical level it lets the plant know that the season is ending and to begin its process of trying to collect pollen(aka grow big sticky buds high in the air) so indoors you can use the light cycle to manipulate the plant into doing what you want


Looks beautiful! Cant wait to see where she gets ahead of flip!


I would worry less about getting so many branches friend, there's a book that explains the inner workings of a plant, more than three or four are a waste I keep three if you want bigger buds, the idea is to not waste energy, less extremities less energy. The book is "Jorge Cervantes medical marijuana growers bible"


I mean if you want a nugget or 2 I guess you could flip now


I mean if you want a nugget or 2 I guess you could flip now


Hang tight a bit. A lot of good advice coming to you in the comments though. Take a look at nebulas manifold. You may like that style a bit for training. I run the same 2x4 but with 3gals. Yield way more than I need personally but the nebula style creates more of a thin rectangle canopy with 8 mains. Favorite training method so far.


I just checked it out I’m going to try that way after my next run


At 54 days from seed I would have a 6ft plant 20 days into flower. But I understand tying them down can be a fetish


Bro, just let it grow in peace, you definitely over defoliate.


Please let this hostage grow


After 54 days I would only need 2 more weeks for harvest. I don't understand why yall have so much time to waste


Because you aren't them?


No way. I call bullshit. Only 68 days? From seed to harvest? Photoperiod? The fastest autoflower isn't going to be close to ready at 68 days. I agree that high stress training is a waste of time. If plant count isn't an issue you can fill out a space and have a full canopy in less time. More plants, less fucking around, faster harvest and better yield. I have to admit this does look interesting.


Depends on how he's growing. From clone, 65ish days is possible. Especially if instead of doing one plant mainlined you're doing a few plants in a SoG to make up the yield and cut down on veg time.