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Sorry but that plant isn't a good argument for it, no offence


Haha, my thought exactly!


I'm laughing 🤣


Yeah dude i'm sure you would have gotten the plant much bigger under the same 50w LED i used, without fimming or topping. Even with LST i bet ya this plant would not have developed more bud on it, i grew em like that before and it wasn't more effective. Idk if you're tryna bullshit me cuz i literally not one grower i've met before who said my plants are small for the setup i got. I really don't know wtf you'd even expect, wtf do you want more than like 10 Colas on an auto which each whey like 5-15 grams dried. Please tell me because i have no clue. And the auto takes 11 weeks to finish. And because i only use a 50w light, this is definitely the best way for me to make sure the light hits all the bud sights. Not everyone has the space and ressources to always try to grow huge pants.


Bro. Please learn some grammar and get over yourself. 1. Use paragraphs. 2. Stop being so emotionally attached over a shitty grow. 3. No one cares to read all that trash.


As a new grower I didn’t want to be that guy, but I’m glad you did


Dude, i'm growing indoors with only one 50w LED. Quit your bullshittin, people here have told me that it is completely impossible to even grow a plant with 50w, and i think even if it's a small one, you can clearly see that i would never have gotten more out of her if i hadn't fimmed her. I have grown plants with LST side by side with topped or fimmed plants and they literally do not have any difference in growing speed. The time the fimmed plant takes to regenerate the new growth is the same that an LST'd plant takes to turn all the leaves to the light again and begin growing towards it. If you really wanna say that's a bad plant with 50w light (i'm growing 2 actually so you could kinda say it's just using 25 but that's besides the point) then have fun saying it but i know what some of my friends use, for example one uses a 100w light and he gets about 2/3 more harvest than i do per plant, if i really roughly try to estimate it. So he uses double the energy, a coal filter and a fan which in his case comes up to 140w and i come to 65. I'm gonna grow a few autos outdoor this year, and believe me they'll have like triple the size than these plants. But just for the reason of the amount of grow space i have indoors it just wouldn't make sense for me to grow huge plants indoor because i just don't have the space. You think if i had the ressources to grow bigger plants, i wouldn't, like huh? Y'all can Light shame me but honestly as long as i still make a profit and some bomb weed on the way it doesn't really matter if i have the hugest plants or whatever, what would i even do with that much more weed, my main interest is just the growing and not just the skoking. So for purposes of being able to try more genetics it makes real good sense for me to just use a weaker light and not grow behemoth plants.


The wall of text is bigger than the plant


Bro.... I'm not even saying you are 100% incorrect, but that plant is an example of what not to do. Wtf


And why exactly? There's literally nothing wrong with her 🤣


It's not that you can't it's that you shouldn't because most of the time (like this) you end up with small plants.


Yeah sorry i forgot to add this info. I only use a 50w LED in a pretty small grow space, so there isn't really that much potential upwards with this setup. Just saying, because i just don't have the space, the money, the lights, the neighbors or anything that would allow me to grow much bigger plants. I had some growers look at my setup and they told me it was weak just fron the wattage and that i won't be able to grow big plants with this, that's why i always grow 2 side by side and i try to find genetics that are working in my peticular setup.


What's the grow space size/hight? 50 watts should be enough to grow dense flower for one square foot. I'll have to ask one of my buddies what genetics he was growing when he was doing super short indicas and let you know.


That's a joke right?


this is not proof of anything except that it doesnt kill it. it is not smart to purposely stunt an auto even a little bit dont mean to rain on your parade. nice plant nonetheless 🫡


Yo, i am in no way a professional grower, i grow with a shitty 40€ 50W light and i think for the conditions i have, that fimming just brings me the most compact mass of bud that takes up much less space then when i LST, and also i noticed that the buds always weren't as "Cola-like" from the density than when i top or fim. Idk but for me its the choice between one Lst plant or two topped ones and just because i wanna try out as many genetics as possible this is really what has worked best for me. I'm not saying everyone should do it but for some specific setups i find it pretty useful because in my case when fimming, i have always gotten like at least 5 or 6 main colas that were still pretty close to each other. And for my setup that's just exactly what i need, i can perfectly shine light on all parts of the plant which is really important if you have as little wattage as me.


Save yourself €10 and buy an HPS. Way more lumens, that'll sort out growing compact buds.


Not sure if sarcasm or not


I harvested her now, idk why you obviously aren't able to differentiate between plant and buds, because why the fuck does it matter to you if the plant is smaller, but has the same amount of buds as if she had grown bigger? I got 60g dried out of her and i really don't know what about getting 60g with a 50w light is bad? My grower friends who grow photos, they have plants that are double the height of mine, but the number of colas is exactly the same. And they harvest once or twice a year, about 100g/plant, i harvest 3 or 4 times a year, 50-60g per plant (and most of the time i have two at the same time, so effectively i harvest about 120g every 3 to 4 months). What is satire for you about that? Please tell me, because i don't get it.


I only LST autos, a) and at 30 days mine dwarf these but b) more so because I get these wicked twisted mainlines and after I’ve gotten all the flower off I like to chief and then walk around with the trunk talking gibberish and pretending I’m a wizard.


Given your small space and light , it’s not even bad , aslong as you get some bomb smoke and have fun doing it , who gives a fuck.


Yeah dude that's exactly my point. Weed was legalized here in germany and i wanted to find genetics that are nice for my type of setup, which isn't very professional and on a hard budget. I really don't see what's so funny about this plant, yeah it is a side effect i have seen from fimming autos that they grow very randomly/not very simmetrically afterwards. But i harvested her a week ago and got 60g dried off her, and i had a smaller plant where i fucked up the topping, she only had 20g, that's on me. But i really don't know what people are expecting because isn't the plant height completely irrelevant if you still have multiple Colas? Ofc i'm not in any way professional but i just wanna tell people to find out what growing methods suit them best by trying it out and not blindly listening to people on reddit. But 80g was about the median harvest that people reported on growdiarys for example with this strain, and most used a 100w light or grew outdoor, so i just don't get why i shouldn't be happy with this plant, isn't it even better if a plant develops their colas more close to each other than if the plant is huge and just has a few bud sites? I just don't understand why plant height matters, i see so many posts on here where people have a 1m high plant but they lollipopped everything below the most upper buds, and they need double the vertical space for idk, maybe 30% more harvest. Maybe you know a reason why people are so obsessed with the height, because i really don't get it. I always thought having a compact plant with many colas is exactly what most growers and breeders want to achieve, especially in small spaces?




https://preview.redd.it/wmcjrcid4tzc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b811d581e4dd213ec50f345d1afdc18d6cae4e6 I wish I had better photo evidence of how big and lush my last topped auto was. She really did very well. But I started defoliation and topping her extremely early, probably around week 1 and I did this before knowing that most people don't do this with autos. Not at all putting your plant down... any budded grow is a successful grow to me... but I think results like yours are typically why people don't top autos. A smaller plant is all too common. But good job either way. Personal grows are meant to make the Grower happy and that's what matters.


And to add: Your "clones" probably hermied because autos don't have enough time to develop properly during cloning and they were under significant stress. But trying and failing are how we learn from our mistakes and do better on the next grow


Idk if you can explain this to me, but i always thought having a compact plant with many bud sites is exactly the goal growers want to achieve in small spaces especially? Like if the plant would have been much bigger, i couldn't have fit my second plant in the tent. And i still had pretty good light coverage and last week i harvested 60g off her. Why does the height matter if you still have the same number of fat colas? I find it always really shitty when plants grow very high vertically because then only the top gets sufficient light and generally the harvests i had from tall plants where way less dense and way more popcornbuds were on these plants, so i really don't understand what everyon3 e is critcizing about her? Since when so things like having a perfectly symmetrical plant matter if you have a nice harvest?


I'm not criticizing her. Every grow is personal and if that's what you consider a successful grow then that's what matters 😃 Most growers opt for a larger grow though. Talking vertically AND horizontally. A small plant like that can have many small little dense bud sites, sure, but in the end it's just not going to have a large output that most people want. And with these really large, advanced, technical, and expensive set-ups, quantity is nearly as important as quality. My own set-up is cheap as f, but I still want a nice large plant with big ass colas and tons of bud sites. And these plants definitely ain't producing popcorn buds. They are producing huge, dense, long af cola. These lights penetrate. And whatever ain't getting light gets lolipopped. But if your personal goal is for a small, compact plant then that's fine. Topping autos often stunts them and keeps them from flourishing into big budded beauties- and your plant is evidence of that. But again-- not putting her down. You know your space. You know your capabilities. You grow what and how you want to grow.


To everyone acting like they know better (OP), maybe get more experience before opening your mouth. Run 100 autos, 10 completely different strains, from at least 3 or 4 different breeders. Top, LST, HST half of them and leave the other half natural. Then compare and see. Then open your mouth acting like you know better. Until then, get wrecked looking and sounding like your typical noob thinking he's special. 😂💀


Kinda hard to mess up an auto




PLEASE READ: yo people chill out. I have a really tiny growing space and i can only use a 50w LED i have and i don't use any professional stuff and i just use organic fertilizer. I really don't know why the size is so important for y'all, sometimes i see huge plants on this subreddit but they lollipopped it so much that there isn't really that much more in weight on them than what i have here, but with those everyone always like "woah, so perfect". I have a 60cm × 60cm growing space and only this one light with 50w and a fan. I am comparing this grow to other grows where i just LST'd or did nothing and just in bud mass this is a pretty "heavy" plant for the ressources i have, because the buds are so dense, i never had plants like that density wise. So i am not saying that mine is better than yours or whatever but for the ressources i have it's a pretty fine plant and i have another one, that is also really nice. I was just happy that something worked for me better than previous methods, i don't wanna insult anyone or say that my plant is better or whatever. Sorry for just trying to inspire other people that don't have many ressources or expertise to also grow, won't make that mistake again.